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One day in a village there was a boy who lived only with his grandfather and he really liked the
beauty of nature and he also liked to adventure alone, but around the village he had visited it was
time for him to explore nature further.

Once upon a time there was one of Alex's friends who suggested to go to an island far from the
village and the island was remote, Alex's adventurous spirit appeared without thinking for a long
time he thanked his friend and immediately went home to think about what to prepare. When on
the road not a few people talked about the island that Alex's friend talked about earlier, there Alex's
desire for adventure increased and strengthened his will to go to that remote island.

Arriving at home he looked for his grandfather to ask permission and said goodbye but it turned
out that his grandfather was in the garden, while waiting for his grandfather he prepared in his bag
what he would bring later. Not long after his grandfather came, Alex gave him a cup of tea to brew
with Grandpa while talking about the adventures that Alex would undertake. After talking for a long
time, grandfather agreed and Alex was suddenly happy and hugged his grandfather.

The next day he immediately went to the island which seemed to be far from his village, but that
did not reduce his determination. He had to cross the sea in a boat with an ax and matches. He
roamed the sea happily with a clear sky. Until when the bright clouds became dark and cloudy and
Alex thought this would be a sign that there would be a storm in the middle of the sea, Alex
immediately saw the contents of the bag he had prepared at home, and it turned out that he only
brought an ax and matches, he was very sorry because In a hurry with an adventurous heart he
forgot to bring other equipment. But thankfully he was spared from the storm, 2 hours passed the
storm subsided and it seemed he had arrived at the island he was going to.

Alex's ship pulled up on a deserted island. He brought his ax and matches into the island, cut
down the bushes to make his resting place and built a tent on the coast of the island, not forgetting
to light a bonfire to warm himself. After the tent is ready, sit and stare at the sky looking at the
island enjoying the beautiful sunset.

Night came, Alex felt hungry, then he began to take his ax and sailed the sea to look for fish for his
dinner, he started walking, finally Alex arrived what he thought was a good place to catch fish and
there seemed to be a lot of fish there. He stretched out his net and waited for the fish to enter his
net. After a while he pulled his net and it was true that there were a lot of fish. "Wow, that's a lot of
fish, it wasn't in vain, I waited a long time," said Alex happily. Then when he wanted to return to the
island it sounded like someone was swimming near his ship "what is it? Like people swimming but
when there are people swimming in the middle of the sea at night" thought Alex. When he turned
around he was surprised by the presence of a mermaid that seemed scary swimming near his ship.
He remembered the mythical story from residents in his village that mermaids prey on humans. "Is
he going to eat me?" Alex thought fearfully. Alex felt panic and fear so that Alex's ship was tossed
about so fast, he could only pray that the ship capsized and he fell in the sea and he tried to get on
the ship and he kept praying and finally he fell again. After that he suddenly woke up from his sleep
feeling panicked, restless about his dream.

Then he looked for his grandfather. Instantly his grandfather who saw his grandson was scared
and asked "what's going on, son, what happened" said grandfather, Alex replied "I'm afraid of my
dream, it's a bad dream" said Alex. Then Alex told everything to Grandpa, and Grandpa gave advice
to read a prayer while sleeping and Alex gradually calmed down. Then he will sleep reading a prayer.

Written by: Talitha winur s.

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