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TEST DATE: 13/10/2022

I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Write your answer (A, B,
C or D) in the numbered box.
1. Ann’s encouraging words gave me ____ to undertake the demanding task once again.
A. a point B. an incentive C. a resolution D. a target
2. We are going to build a fence around the field with ____ to breeding sheep and cattle
A. a goal B. an outlook C. a reason D. a view
3. He sat in a soft armchair and watched the world _____.
A. go by B. pass on C. walk along D. fly past
4. The doctor _____ all night with the patients in the hospital.
A. sat out B. sat up C. sat in D. sat on
5. You'd better not place a bet on Stallion. In my opinion, the horse doesn't _____ a chance of winning
the race.
A. win B. stand C. rise D. play
6. - “How do you like your beefsteak done?” - “_____.”
A. Very much B. Not any C. Very little D. Rare
7. If it hadn’t been for the hint that the professor ___, nobody would have found out the correct answer.
A. dropped B. cast C. threw D. flung
8. The international conference of the Craniological Association has been ____ in Cairo to discuss the
revolutionary discovery of Doctor Gonzales from Mexico.
A. deployed B. collected C. mobilized D. summoned
9. His parents have always wanted Philip to set a good ____ to his younger brothers both at school
and at home.
A.. form B. model C. pattern D. guidance
10. We have to __the hard times hoping that things will charge for the better in the future.
A.. maintain B. endure C. persist D. outlive
11. Alex was ____ enough on becoming a professional sportsman and he didn’t want to listen to anyone
else’s advice.
A.. intent B. eager C. definite D. certain
12. What is the verdict of the report? Has the cause of the catastrophe been _____ yet?
A. specified B. informed C. accounted D. judged
13. Anything he does is in _with the law and that’s why I have suggested him for the post
A. compliance B. obedience C. commitment D. responsibility
14. Beyond all ____, it was Alice who gave away our secret.
A. fail B. conclusion C. dispute D. contradiction
15. Patrick is too ____ a gambler to resist placing a bet on the final game.
A. instant B. spontaneous C. compulsive D. continuous
16. What you are saying is quite ____, so give us, please, more details on the situation
A. famous B. accustomed C. obvious D. familiar
17. It’s not easy to make Stanley furious, the boy is very gentle by ____
A. himself B. personality C. reaction D. nature
18. Ever since we quarreled in the office, Janice and I have been _____ enemies.
A. assured B. confirmed C. defined D. guaranteed
19. He seemed very quiet, but it would be a mistake to ______ his intelligence.
A. devalue B. depreciate C. underrate D. minimize
20. The jury _____ her compliments on her excellent knowledge of the subject.
A. paid B. gave C. made D. said
II. There are ten mistakes in the following passage. Find and correct them. Write your
answers in the space provided below. -> facing of
One of the main problems faces the environmental movement is that it may become a victim on its
own success. It is now generally accepted that issues such as global warming needs to be dealt with taken
seriously, and that the Scandinavian forests are being destroyed thank to the effects of acid rain. Views -> due
->likeas these have now become an accepted part of the politic scene, and consumers are constant bombarded ->
like with green or environmental friendly products. But, this does not mean that environmentally groups constantl
in->on can now afford to relax. In the contrary, a green movement must consider how the momentum will be y
sustained when the current enthusiastic has passed. The environment must not be allowed to fade from
-> people's minds
people minds, because the process of ecological collapse has already been set in train, and so far very
->little few has been done to reverse it
III. Complete each sentence with a suitable particle or preposition. Write your answers in
the numbered spaces provided.
1. He never told us he was Italian and that his real name was Franco. We all knew him ____ by the name
of Eddie. away
2. When the police discovered his history of drunk driving, they took ___his driver's license.
3. We are in ____
for a lot of trouble unless George manages to repair the radio station.
4. Before you go and check your abilities ____ in practice, you must learn to follow the traffic regulations.
5. There are plenty of exceptions _____ to this view in this country.
6. Richard the Third wasn’t the only king who died ______
from battle.
7. The Greenpeace movement is going to launch another campaign _____ on whaling.
8. You should have asked Tom to install the pipe in your bathroom. He is very clever ____ at every kind
of mutual work.
9. The police arrived immediately after the call and caught the burglar ____ on the spot.
10. The Browns and their neighbors were examined at the police station in connection ____ to the
burglaries in the district.
IV. Write the correct form of the words given in the brackets. Write your answers in the
spaces provided below.
1. Mary has no practical experience in treating sick animals. She only has (BOOK) _______________
knowledge of the subject.
2. Will the Eurosport channel provide any (COVER) _______________for
coverage the approaching Tour de
3. I think Arnold is (USE) _______________hid great musical talent by signing in a country band. He
should have become an opera soloist.
4. The residential districts (HABIT) _______________by the Pakistani families are subsidized by the
5. Write a paragraph about Tet Holiday (PERSON) _______________that
impersonal is, as though you are not
involved in the Holiday.
6. Patricia’s skill in playing the piano is quite (COMPARE) _______________.
incomparable No other child in this
group can play the difficult pieces with similar mastery.
7. Politeness is one thing. Real kindness is another. You must learn to (DIFFERENT)
differentiate the two.
8. Jane’s been granted a one-year (SCHOOL) _______________at
scholarship one of the most renowned
universities in Europe.
9. His disappearance is very strange, in fact, quite (EXPLAIN) _______________.
10. The witness claimed she was capable of discovering the man’s evil intentions from the (MURDER)
_______________look in his eyes.
V. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE appropriate word. Write your answers in the
spaces provided below.
In many Western countries, girls are more (1) __________
keen to smoke than boys. It's the girls who want
to look "tough and grown-up." The result is that (2) __________lung
although cancer in American men has fallen
for the first time in 50 years, the disease is (3) __________
increasingin women. The decrease in the disease among
men is attributed to a decrease in smoking among men since the government's first warning of a (4)
relationship cigarettes and disease in 1964. On the other hand, lung cancer is now expected to
overtake breast cancer
(5) __________the
once principal fatal cancer among women. (6) __________your son or daughter is a non-
smoker, there is another good reason for rejecting a smoker as a life-long mate. Smokers don't just ruin
their own health by (7) __________up. They are a menace to (8) __________Second-hand smoke is
lethal. As the 18th report on smoking by the United States Surgeon General: "Involuntary smoking is a
cause of disease, including lung cancer, in healthy non-smokers." (9) __________to
Acoording the report, at home,
the children of parents who smoke (10) __________the
suffer effects in their respiratory systems. Smokers make
their own kids sick.
I. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. Write
your answer (A, B, C or D) in the numbered box.
If you ask anyone who invented television, they will tell you that it was John Logie Baird. While Baird was,
of course, extremely important in the history of television, it would be more (1) _____ to see his role as part
of a (2) _____ of events which finally led to television as we know it today.
The history of television really begins in 1817 with the discovery by Berzelius, a Swedish chemist, of
the chemical selenium. It was found that the amount of electric current that selenium could carry (3) ____
on how much light struck it.
This discovery directly led to G. R. Carey, an American inventor, (4) _____ up with the first real
television system in 1875. His system used selenium to transmit a picture along wires to a row of light
bulbs. This picture was not very clear, however.
Over the next few years, a number of scientists and inventors simplified and improved on Carey's
system. It was not (5) _____ 1923 that Baird made the first practical transmission. Once again, the picture
was (6) _____ through wires, but it was much clearer than Carey's had been almost fifty years (7) _____.
The Second World War (8) _____the development of television. After the war, television (9) _____ began
to flood the market, with the first mass TV audience watching the baseball World Series in the USA in 1947.
Within a few years, television had captured the (10) _____ of the whole world.
1. A. particular B. accurate C. specific D. real
2. A. connection B. cycle C. link D. chain
3. A. resulted B. affected C. depended D. relied
4. A. going B. making C. coming D. doing
5. A. until B. after C. up to D. then
6. A. pushed B. sent C. transferred D. transported
7. A. ago B. before C. after D. later
8. A. abandoned B. cancelled C. delayed D. waited
9. A. sets B. boxes C. machines D. models
10. A. observation B. awareness C. notice D. attention
II. Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question. Write your
answer (A, B, C or D) in the numbered box.
Reading to oneself is a modern activity which was almost unknown to the scholars of the classical and
medieval words, while during the fifteenth century the term “reading” undoubtedly meant reading aloud.
Only during the nineteenth century did silent reading become commonplace.
One should be wary, however, of assuming that silent reading, came about simply because reading
aloud was a distraction to others. Examinations of factors related to the historical development of silent
reading have revealed that it became the usual mode of reading for most adults mainly because the tasks
themselves changed in character.
The last century saw a steady gradual increase in literacy and thus in the number of readers. As the
number of readers increases, the number of potential listeners decline and thus there was some reduction
in the need to read aloud. As reading for the benefit of listeners grew less common, so came the flourishing
of reading as a private activity in such public places as libraries, railway carriages and offices, where
reading aloud would cause distraction to other readers.
Towards the end of the century, there was still considerable argument over whether books should be
used for information or treated respectfully and over whether the reading of materials such as newspapers
was in some mentally weakening. Indeed, this argument remains with us still in education. However,
whatever its virtues, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the printed mass media
on the one hand and by books and periodicals for a specialized readership on the other.
By the end of the twentieth century, students were being recommended to adopt attitudes to books
and to use reading skills which were inappropriate, if not impossible, for the oral reader.
The social, cultural and technological changes in the century had greatly altered what the term
“reading” implied.
1. Reading aloud was more common in the medieval world because______
A. people relied on reading for entertainment.
B. silent reading had not been discovered
C. there were few places available for private reading
D. few people could read to themselves.
2. The word “commonplace” in the first paragraph mostly means “______.”
A. for everybody’s use B. most preferable. C. attracting attention D. widely used
3. The development of silent reading during the last century indicated______
A. an increase in the average age of readers. B. an increase in the number of books.
C. a change in the nature of reading D. a change in the status of literate people.
4. Silent reading, especially in public places, flourished mainly because of______
A. the decreasing need to read aloud B. the development of libraries
C. the increase in literacy D. the decreasing number of listeners
5. It can be inferred that the emergence of the mass media and specialized reading materials was an
indication of_____
A. a decline of standards of literacy B. a change in the reader’s interest
C. an alteration in educationalists’ attitudes D. an improvement of printing techniques
6. The phrase “a specialized readership” in paragraph 4 mostly means “______ ”
A. a requirement for readers in a particular area of knowledge
B. a limited number of readers in a particular area of knowledge
C. a reading volume for particular professionals.
D. a status for reader specialized in mass media.
7. The phrase “oral reader” in the last paragraph mostly means “a person who______ ”
A. is good at public speaking B. practices reading to an audience
C. takes part in an audition D. is interested in spoken language
8. All of the following might be the factors that effected the continuation of the old shard literacy culture
A. the inappropriate reading skills B. the specialized readership
C. the diversity of reading materials. D. the print mass media
9. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Reading aloud was more common in the past than it is today
B. Not all printed mass media was appropriate for reading aloud
C. The decline of reading aloud was wholly due to its distracting effect
D. The change in reading habits was partly due to the social, cultural and technological changes.
10. The writer of this passage is attempting to______
A. explain how reading habits have developed B. change people’s attitudes to reading
C. show how reading methods have improved D. encourage the growth of reading
III. Choose the most appropriate heading from the list A- G for each part (1-5) of the
article. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. The first has been done as
an example.
Lists of Heading
A. Stay calm
B. Be organized
C. Vary the way you revise
D. Remembering the difficult bits
E. Write down the main points
F. Reward yourself
G. Set yourself targets
0 _______G_____
It’s always good to know what you’re aiming for, so that you know if and when you get there. By having
an aim for each week, or even each day, it will help you check your progress and show you if you need
to change your plans.
1. ___________
Rather than have to work through masses of notes very time you revise something, try nothing down
things you want to remember on a piece of paper. It doesn’t seem as much to learn that way, but it makes
sure you don’t miss out anything important. Once you’ve learnt the main points, rewrite them on another
piece of paper without looking at your notes.
2. _____________
There is nothing worse than being disorganized. If you have a plan and stick to it, you won’t end up
cramming all your revision into the last few hours!. Make a list of your exams and what you need to learn
beforehand, and then drew up a timetable covering all the topics. You can then work out what you need
to do on a weekly basis and when you are going to do it.
3. ______________
By now you’ll probably have discovered the method of revision which suits you best. But every now
and then it might be helpful to try a different method. You could try working with a group of friends, or
using a different book which covers things from a new angle. Whatever it is, just try something different
4. ______________
Some things are almost impossible to remember, so you may need to do something unusual to help
you remember. Try writing them down in large letters and bright colors and sticking them on the fridge,
on a mirror or on the bathroom door. Try recording them onto a cassette and keep playing it back to
yourself- on a personal stereo if you have got one!.
5. ______________
Not too many people like exams and most of us get nervous. But if you’ve followed your plan and put
the effort into revising, then there is not need to worry or panic. Hopefully these tips will have helped you.
Give it your best shot- that’s all that anyone can expect of you.
IV. Read the following text and then choose from A-F the best phrase to fill each of the
blank. One of the suggested answers does not fit at all.
Hay fever is the most common allergy there is. It is widespread among children and teenagers, you are
also prone to hay fever if you have another allergy and, like other allergies, it seems to run in families.
What’s more it’s on the increase- studies throughout Europe show a steady growth in the number of
sufferers in the past 20 years.
Hay fever has little to do with hay. It’s actually caused by pollen from trees, grasses and weeds (1)
F When sufferers come into contact with pollen-laden air, their immune system starts working overtime
which is dispersed into the air during spring and summer which trigger all the classic hay fever symptoms-
a stuffy, runny nose, sneezing, an itchy or sore throat and watery eyes. Although the hay fever season
peaks in June and July, some people are allergic to trees pollens releases in February and March (2) A ___.
Weather is all-important. It determines when hay fever season starts (3) ___.The
C cooler and drier the
spring, the later the season. Pollen counts are lower on dull, damp days- (4) ___-B and higher on hot, dry
days. Wind dilutes pollen, so sufferers should make for the coast where sea breezes blow the pollen away.
Mountain regions are another haven (5) ___. D Cities also have lower pollen counts than country areas. In
low-lying grassland regions the counts can be five times higher than in cities, although there’s now
evidence that city pollutants can bring on hay fever symptoms.
A. and others react to weed pollens that are around from spring to autumn
B. when less pollens is lifted off the plants
C. and how much pollen is in the air each day
D. as their climate and altitude keep counts low
E. although they often grow out of it
F. which can make the problem worse
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it.
1. My brother works better when he is pressed for time.
time my brother has, the better he works
The less __________________________________________________________________________
2. The team is the same as it was for last Sunday’s match.
been no difference in the team's performance and last Sunday's match
There have _______________________________________________________________________
3. There aren’t any other books that explain this problem so well.
books are this problem explained so well
In few __________________________________________________________________________
4. Math was my worst subject at school.
no worse subject than math for me at school
There was ________________________________________________________________________
5. It wasn’t my fault that she lost the money.
no fault of mine she lost the money
Through _________________________________________________________________________
II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given.
1.More rubbish is being recycled as a result of people's greater environmental awareness. become
become more aware of environment, people are recycling
As they ______________________________________________________________ more rubbish.
2.They plan to demolish this building in the near future. down
is going to be pulled down
This building _________________________________________________________________ soon.
3.It's very difficult to hear the difference between their voices on the phone. apart
tell their voices apart
It’s very difficult _______________________________________________________ on the phone.
4.Global travel is on the increase. numbers
increasing numbers of travellers
There are _________________________________________________________ around the world.
5.Books are just as popular nowadays as they used to be. change
There _____________________________________________________________________
is no change in the popularity of books.


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