Week 9 Discipline and Ideas in The Applied Social Sciences

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Week 9 Discipline and Ideas and fellow members of the community

may be in the forms of oral, written, or

in the Applied Social Sciences electronic communication.
Communication also provides means for
Lesson Summary individuals to keep track of their daily
You are now a successful broadcaster activities, such as writing in diaries or
and was invited by your former school to journals.
deliver a speech on career day. A week before
the scheduled event, you contacted the GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS
teacher-in-charge to confirm the time and The family, which is the matrix or
venue. You also asked about what kind of the “womb” that gives birth to power
information is expected to provide for the relations in society, is the basic unit that is
speech. You then prepared your speech and helped by communication.
was ready to give the speech in two days. The Communications provides families with
day has come and you entered the school tools that they need to maintain their
grounds shocked because the audience were strength.
all high school students who are mostly Schools are another group unit aided
women who take up media-related electives. by communication. Communication
Whilst the emcee is giving the audience your provides schools with various means to
back ground information you realized you facilitate learning and accomplish other
have prepared an unfitting speech. What objectives.
should you have done in order to commit such Communication among groups also
mistake? helps people develop their other skills and
For you not to commit such mistake talents, explore their interests, and
again, it is essential to know and understand contribute to social change. When
the audience that will be receiving your members of advocacy and interest groups
speech in order for you to communicate convene, their members are able to express
effectively. In this lesson, we are going to talk their opinions about social issues, as well
about the clientele and audience of as broaden their perspectives.
communication and the needs individuals, Communication aids members of groups
groups, organizations, and communities. Let’s in sharing ideas and information with one
start! another and with other groups.


In communication, audience is an Communities are made up of
umbrella term that pertains to the receiver of individuals as well as groups.
the message in an individual, group, Communicators bring news about current
organization, and public setting. They are also events, public service programs, and
the readers, listeners, viewers, users, and projects from the government to
consumers of different forms of media, such communities. Communicators aim to make
as newspaper, television, radio and new people informed and active members of
media. Audience is a group of individuals their respective communities.
consuming a particular form of
Communication provides Community members must feel that
individuals with ways to send and receive they are the primary stakeholders of their
messages, a need that must be satisfied for communities and that continued support is
survival. Interaction with families, provided to them through constant
schoolmates and teachers, co – workers, coordination and communication.
Development can be achieve when better relate with those in the lower ranks
communication among national planners and of the organization.
policy – makers is effective. Effective Communication networks become
communication in this sense can roughly more effective when organizations put in
mean as being more open and responsive to place a communication systems that every
the concerns and needs of these communities. member understands and can adhere to.
Communication can also foster and
Individual organizational culture that will motivate
Individuals utilize communication the achievement of common goals, and not
for various reasons. People communicate alienate or marginalize organization
to express their needs or desires, to share members.
ideas and information to others, to
socialize and interact for the sake of Communities
belongingness, to inquire and clarify, to Developing necessary
share opinions and experiences, or to communication skills is part and parcel of
mobilize each other toward actions that building a community. Communities must
may be favourable on an individual or on a gain access to communication
collective level. infrastructure and technologies to keep
them abreast with the rest of the country
Groups and the world. Communication also
Groups tend to cooperate and arrive enables communities to transmit to future
at collective actions if they are able to generations their collective sense and
attain common interests, needs, or goals. values of the world they live in.
Usually, groups aim to: Communities need communication
1. Exchange or share ideas and to connect with other communities. As
information on a particular subject so that what has been stated in Article XVI
members gain ore knowledge and (General Provisions), Section 10 of the
understanding of each other as in the case 1987 Philippine Constitution, “The state
of study groups, club meetings, or groups shall provide the policy environment for
of enthusiasts of a field. the full development of Filipino capability
2. Arrive at a decisions or course of and the emergence of communication
action on a problem or difficulty as structures suitable to the needs and
displayed by action or task – oriented aspirations of the nation and the balanced
groups. Group dynamics is necessary so as flow of information, out of and across the
to achieve a definite and agreeable plan of country, in accordance with a policy that
procedure, openness on opinions through respects the freedom and of the press”.
reasonable compromises and constructive
criticism, and monitoring and evaluation At the end of the lesson you may take note.
of accomplishments through constant Communication is utilized by several
updates. clienteles, who may range from individuals to
groups/organizations or communities.
Organizations Individuals may find communication
Communications is crucial among necessary for their personal and professional
organizations because they deal with advancement. Groups and organizations,
informing, persuading, and promoting meanwhile, may deem communication useful
goodwill both internally (among members in accomplishing group tasks, which normally
and sectors of the organizations) and require a level of trust and cooperation among
externally (among different organizations). members. Lastly, communities may consider
Organizational communication is utilized communication as a form of empowerment,
by leaders and managers so they could such that all stakeholders and decision-
makers are able to make sound and well –
thought decisions.

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