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VOL. 49, NO. 1, 113–126

Research Report
Effectiveness of intensive, group therapy for teenagers who stutter
Jane Fry, Sharon Millard and Willie Botterill
The Michael Palin Centre for Stammering, London, UK
(Received March 2013; accepted July 2013)

Background: Treatment of adolescents who stutter is an under-researched area that would benefit from greater
Aims: To investigate whether an intensive treatment programme for older teenagers who stutter, aged over 16 years
of age, is effective in reducing overt and covert aspects of stuttering.
Methods & Procedures: A repeated-measures, single-subject experimental design was replicated across participants.
The study consisted of a 5-week baseline phase, 2-week intensive treatment phase, 5-week consolidation phase and
10-month follow-up phase. Participants were asked to make ten video recordings at home during each phase, while
completing a reading and a conversation task. Recordings were analysed in terms of the percentage of stuttered
syllables using a simplified time-series analysis. Participants completed self-report questionnaires at predetermined
times throughout the study. Data are presented for three males aged 17;7, 17;11 and 18;10.
Outcomes & Results: One participant completed all required recordings. Difficulties were encountered collecting
follow-up data with the other two participants and data are available up to 5 months after the intensive therapy
phase. A significant trend of reduced frequency of stuttering was found for all three participants during the intensive
therapy phase. This trend continued throughout the consolidation phase and remained significant when available
longer-term data were included in the analysis. Participants also reported increased self-efficacy about speaking
and reduced overt and covert aspects of stammering.
Conclusions & Implications: Findings show that this therapy programme for teenagers had a significant treatment
effect for the participants studied in the short- and medium-term, however longer-term data were not available for
all participants. Issues in conducting research with this client group are discussed.

Keywords: stuttering, treatment, single case study.

What this paper adds?

This paper outlines an integrated programme of therapy incorporating speech restructuring, cognitive behaviour
therapy and communication skills training which has been implemented at the Michael Palin Centre. It adds to the
current discussion about the use of CBT in the treatment of stuttering. It highlights some of the challenges involved
in collecting long term data with adolescent research participants, however adds to the discussion of effectiveness of
therapy with teenagers who stutter and underlines the importance of therapy resources being available for adolescents
who stutter.

vocational and economic opportunities (Blumgart et al.
The treatment of teenagers who stutter is an under- 2010, Yaruss 1998) and vulnerability to social anxiety
researched area (Bothe et al. 2006) but there are several (Kraaimaat et al. 2002, Mahr and Torosian 1999)
reasons why therapy for this age group, and research into which may persist across the lifespan (Bricker-Katz et al.
the effectiveness of therapy is important. Stuttering is 2009). There is evidence that adolescents who stutter are
increasingly viewed as a chronic disorder as adolescence already vulnerable to these risks. They have been found
progresses with the associated long-term risks of chronic to score more highly than adolescents who do not stutter
stuttering including reduced psychological, social, on measures of communication apprehension (Blood

Address correspondence to: Jane Fry, The Michael Palin Centre for Stammering, 13–15 Pine Street, London EC1R OJG, UK; e-mail:
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders
ISSN 1368-2822 print/ISSN 1460-6984 online  C 2013 Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists

DOI: 10.1111/1460-6984.12051
114 Jane Fry et al.
et al. 2001) and social anxiety (Mulcahy et al. 2008), countered and flexibility may be required in terms of
and to view themselves as being less able communicators the timing, context and scope of therapy. In their quali-
than their fluent peers (Blood et al. 2001). Craig and tative study of teenagers’ perspectives on stuttering and
Tran (2006) concluded that adolescents who stutter are therapy, Hearne et al. (2008b) found that adolescents
more likely to become more shy, socially avoidant and reported becoming more concerned about their stutter-
fearful of communication than their fluent peers, and to ing at different ages, although there was a trend for this
develop pervasive negative attitudes and beliefs about to occur in later adolescence as they approached a transi-
themselves as communicators. The teenage years are tion to the workforce or further education. They found
therefore a potentially critical period for minimizing that teenagers valued being able to engage in therapy
the severity and impact of chronic stuttering. at a time of their own choosing and the camaraderie
There are also developmental reasons why therapy of group therapy. Considerations such as age, maturity
may be particularly important at this time. Adolescence and readiness for therapy may therefore influence out-
is a phase of rapid physical, social, cognitive and emo- comes and, while it may not be the preferred option for
tional change (Dahl and Gunnar 2009). Of particular all teenagers, group work has particular developmental
interest from a clinical point of view are developments in relevance and may add to the appeal of therapy for this
executive function and construction of the sense of self. client group.
Executive function refers to the ability to direct thoughts
and actions according to internal goals. Its develop-
ment is particularly marked during adolescence and is
demonstrated by increases in mental flexibility, ability
to self-monitor accurately, appraise personal skills and Fry et al. (2009) investigated the efficacy of a group
performance, ability to plan tasks, work independently therapy programme, based on the work of Rustin
and problem-solve (Crone 2009). The way that the sense et al. (1995) and also described by Fry and Cook
of self is constructed also alters during adolescence, with (2004), which consists of a 2-week, weekday only, inten-
a shift towards this being based on how the individual sive course for teenagers aged 16–19 years, integrating
believes that he or she is seen by others (Sebastian et al. speech management skills, CBT and communication
2008). The development of what is referred to as the skills training. These authors used a repeated-measures,
‘looking-glass self’ has a greater role during adolescence single-subject design, which is a methodology that has
(Sebastian et al. 2008) and is associated with height- been used to investigate the efficacy of therapy for chil-
ened self-consciousness, increased self-evaluation, and a dren who stutter (Matthews et al. 1997, Millard et al.
greater awareness of, sensitivity to and concern about 2008) and has advantages when research is conducted
others’ opinions (Parker et al. 2006). in real-world clinical settings. It allows for variations in
The normal maturation of adolescence may there- therapy, which can be expected in response to the indi-
fore result both in greater awareness of stuttering and vidual needs and preferences of clients, and the extensive
increased self-consciousness about it, which can make it baseline data means that the subject acts as their own
more complex to treat. However, adolescents also bring control and a control condition is not required (Kazdin
a set of cognitive skills that may help them to engage 1982, Pring 2005). Fry et al. (2009) found that the sever-
more successfully than when younger, in a process which ity of overt and covert features of stuttering decreased for
requires self-monitoring, reflection and self-direction. the subject studied, and reported self-efficacy related to
Finally, there is evidence that therapy with adoles- speaking increased in response to therapy. Changes were
cents can be beneficial. Several studies have reported shown to be durable, being maintained up to 10 months
improvements after therapy based on speech restruc- after therapy. However, while single-subject studies have
turing using either smooth speech (Craig et al. 1996), high internal validity, results cannot be generalized, al-
prolonged speech (Hearne et al. 2008a) or gradual in- though this limitation can be addressed, and validity
crease in length and complexity of utterance (GILCU) strengthened, by replication (Kully and Langevin 2005,
(Ryan and van Kirk Ryan 1995). Speech restructuring Pring 2005).
has also been shown to be effective when integrated with The aim of this study was to replicate the work of Fry
social skills training (Rustin and Purser 1983), avoid- et al. (2009) and further investigate the efficacy of this
ance reduction therapy (Boberg and Kully 1994), elec- therapy programme. Specific hypotheses tested were that
tromyography treatment (Craig et al. 1996), cognitive– teenagers attending this intensive therapy programme
behaviour therapy (CBT) (Blood 1995), and CBT plus would demonstrate reduced severity of stammering and
communication skills training (Fry et al. 2009). report reduced features of stammering as experienced
However difficulties engaging and retaining teenage in day-to-day life, reduced social anxiety and increased
clients in therapy, and in research projects, are often en- confidence about speaking.
Intensive group therapy for teenagers who stutter 115
Method participants from the first year and one participant from
the second. These participants were males aged 17;7,
The setting
17;11 and 18;10, monolingual, English speakers, in full-
The study was conducted at a specialist, tertiary cen- time education and living at home. All gave informed
tre for stuttering that receives referrals for children and consent to take part.
young people from speech and language therapists in
the UK. Ethical approval for the study was granted by r Participant 1 (P1) was aged 17;11 at the start of
the Camden and Islington Community Research Ethics the study. His parents reported that he started
Committee. to stutter at 10 years of age and that there was no
family history of stuttering. He had no additional,
diagnosed, speech and language difficulties, al-
though was described, informally, as having ‘some
All adolescents aged 16 years and older complete a stan- features’ that were consistent with Asperger’s syn-
dard initial assessment consisting of a structured inter- drome. These included a tendency to interpret
view and a within-clinic analysis of stuttering severity information literally, a precise style of communi-
using the SSI-3 (Riley 1994). Parents may request a cation and a strong interest in a particular subject.
parent session, but it is not required, and they may al- Prior to the course he had received ‘intermittent’
ternatively supply background information through a speech and language therapy locally with no ther-
parent questionnaire. The aim of the assessment is to as- apy in the 12 months before the course. On initial
sess overt and covert aspects of stuttering, to understand assessment P1 obtained an SSI-3 score of 27 and
the client’s goals and preferences in terms of therapy, his stammer was described as moderate using the
and to agree a course of action with the client. criteria of the SSI-3.
r Participant 2 (P2) was aged 17;7 at the start of the
study. His father reported that he started to stutter
at approximately 2 years of age. There was a family
All clients attending either one of two groups, each of history of both recovered and chronic stuttering
ten young people, which took place within the 2-year paternally. P2 had no other speech and language
time-frame of the study, were given information about diagnoses. Prior to the course he had received ‘in-
the study and invited to take part. All those electing to termittent’ individual therapy locally between the
take part were included. ages of 8 and 10 years and had also attended three
The criteria for selection were that participants were intensive, group therapy courses since the age of
aged between 16;0 and 19;0 years as this correlates with 10 years. He had received no substantial or regular
the age range of clients attending the course. The three therapy in the 10 months before this study. On
participants reported on in this study could all be de- initial assessment he obtained an SSI-3 score of
scribed as being in ‘late adolescence’, which is typically 46 and his stammer was described as very severe
considered as being up to 19 years of age. All three were using the criteria of the SSI-3.
living at home, in full-time education and economically r Participant 3 (P3) was aged 18;10 at the start of
dependent, and from a lifespan perspective still prepar- the study. He started to stutter at approximately 5
ing for emergent adult roles as is typical of adolescence. years of age and reported a family history of stut-
While falling in the older range of the clinical group as tering. P3 had no other speech and language dif-
a whole, the convention of participants electing to take ficulties and had received no speech and language
part in research, or not, may inevitably limit the degree therapy, although he had tried hypnotherapy for
to which specific ages can be targeted. stuttering several years before attending the cen-
Selection criteria also included participants having tre. On initial assessment he obtained an SSI-3
been diagnosed as stuttering by a specialist speech and score of 9 and his stammer was described as very
language therapist, having obtained a severity of stut- mild using the criteria of the SSI-3.
tering rating on the Stuttering Severity Instrument—3
(SSI-3) (Riley 1994) of ‘mild stutter’ or higher and hav-
Description of the programme
ing been recommended for the intensive group based
on clinical recommendations made independently of The programme has three components: speech manage-
the study. ment skills, CBT and communication skills training.
Five participants were ultimately recruited, three The speech management component integrates speech
from the first year’s intensive course and two from the modification and fluency shaping skills. Speech mod-
second. Two withdrew during the baseline phase while ification focuses on identification, desensitization and
continuing with the therapy programme, leaving two learning how to modify the moment of stuttering.
116 Jane Fry et al.
Therapy tasks include group discussions and reflection result in other aspects of communication being under-
on personal stuttering behaviours, practice in identifying valued. A holistic awareness of communication is en-
and describing moments of stuttering using visual feed- couraged through discussion of specific skills, includ-
back, practice in modifying stuttered moments through ing observation and eye contact, listening, turn-taking,
controlled reduction of tension, exploring the use of vol- praise and self-reinforcement, problem-solving and ne-
untary stuttering, and increasing openness about stutter- gotiation. Video feedback is used to help clients iden-
ing. Fluency shaping skills include rate reduction, use of tify their communication strengths as well as potential
light articulatory contacts and flowing words together. changes that they view as desirable. These are then re-
A structured programme is used to help clients gradu- inforced through individual and group activities. The
ally increase their confidence in using the skills that they work is integrated with CBT, enabling participants to
personally find most effective and appealing. understand the links between anticipated stuttering and
The CBT component of the programme is based any associated fears, their behavioural reactions or cop-
on the work of Beck (1976) and contemporary the- ing strategies, and the often unintended impact these
ory and treatment of social anxiety (Clark and Wells can have on interpersonal effectiveness.
1995). CBT is increasingly referred to in the treat- The therapeutic style throughout the programme is
ment of stuttering and has been found to reduce so- collaborative, with the aim of encouraging clients to de-
cial anxiety, although not overt stuttering, with adults fine their own goals and develop a repertoire of self-help
who stutter (Menzies et al. 2008). Participants are in- skills that best fit with their personal goals, decisions and
troduced to a cognitive model that explains the links values. The group setting allows clients to share experi-
between thoughts, feelings, physiological responses and ence and support each other, as well as benefit from each
behaviours. They are helped to personalize the model others’ perspectives and observations. Participants are
by identifying key mechanisms that explain their own helped to reflect on the course and construct a personal
experience, and in particular to identify patterns of action plan that summarizes key speech, communica-
unhelpful pre- and post-event thinking and use of tion and CBT skills, the rationale for their use, a sched-
safety-seeking behaviours (Clark and Wells 1995). They ule of practice activities and reflection, and guidelines
are helped to develop cognitive restructuring skills, for managing setbacks. This helps clients to continue
namely identifying and challenging negative automatic generalizing their skills during the consolidation period
thoughts, to explore dropping their usual safety be- that follows the intensive component of the programme.
haviours and increase their problem-solving skills in re- There are 4 follow-up days throughout the ensuing year.
lation to real-life speaking situations. These are client-led, however they typically involve a re-
The CBT component is integrated with all aspects of fresher of all components of the course with an emphasis
therapy. For example, participants are invited to check on practical work and problem-solving. Additional in-
for negative automatic thoughts before any tasks that dividual therapy sessions are arranged during the year if
might trigger heightened anxiety, such as observing these are requested.
themselves on video-recorded tasks, giving a presenta- This programme is recommended for adolescents
tion to the group or completing fluency practice. The who have sufficient language and cognitive skills to en-
emphasis is on real-world application of the principles able them to access the course content, who are able
of CBT, using the group perspective whenever relevant to make the necessary commitment in terms of atten-
to provide balanced feedback or alternative perspectives. dance, completing homework assignments and attend-
Rustin and Purser (1983) found that communi- ing follow-up meetings, and who find the prospect of
cation skills training augmented treatment gains and working in a group appealing.
changes to communication style can be understood in
terms of CBT theory. When stuttering is anticipated,
people who stutter tend to use coping strategies, such Design
as avoiding situations or speaking less, which have an This was a single-subject experimental study that was
unintended negative effect on their overall communi- replicated across participants. It had four phases:
cation (Bloodstein 1995). For example, reducing eye
contact, saying less, taking longer turns when ‘on a
roll’ with fluency or scanning utterances for possible r Phase A consisted of a 5-week baseline during
stuttering may result in the individual being less ob- which participants did not receive therapy.
servant of his or her conversational partner, reading r Phase B was a 2-week, intensive treatment phase
turn-taking cues less well, listening less effectively or with therapy taking place daily excluding week-
appearing disengaged, which may in turn result in un- ends.
desired listener responses. In addition, a focus on flu- r Phase C was a 5-week consolidation phase during
ency as the communication ‘be all and end all’ may which treatment was self-managed.
Intensive group therapy for teenagers who stutter 117
r Phase D was a 10-month maintenance phase. Four there are two observers of a phenomena. The index is
1-day, group follow-up sessions were held at in- calculated by dividing the smaller of the two values of the
tervals during phase D. occurrence of the target behaviour by the larger value,
resulting in an index ranging from 0.00 to 1.00.

Self-report questionnaires
Percentage syllables stuttered
Participants completed four self-report measures. These
Participants video-recorded themselves at home speak- were completed at the beginning of the baseline phase,
ing in conversation with another person for 5 min and on the first and last day of the intensive phase, at the
reading aloud for 2–3 min. Recordings were made twice end of the consolidation phase, and then at 3, 6 and 10
a week in phase A, each day in phase B, twice a week in months post-treatment:
phase C and once a month in phase D, yielding a possible
40 recordings. The frequency of stuttering was measured r The Self-Efficacy Efficacy Scale for Adoles-
by calculating the percentage of stuttered syllables (%SS) cents (SEA-Scale) (Manning 1994) measures self-
for each speaking task. Recordings were coded and ran- efficacy for verbal fluency, or confidence in be-
domized so that first and second raters were blind to the ing able to speak fluently, in a range of everyday
time of recording. Recordings for P1 were analysed by situations. Both adolescents and adults who stut-
a postgraduate, student speech and language therapist ter have both been found to have decreased self-
who had been trained in identifying and counting stut- efficacy for verbal fluency in comparison to their
tered syllables. Recordings for P2 and P3 were analysed fluent peers (Manning 1994, Ornstein and Man-
by a specialist therapist at the centre who is experienced ning 1985). It consists of 100 everyday speaking
in assessing stuttering, and who was independent of the situations which are scored on a scale of 1 to 10
treatment programme. Stuttering was defined as repeti- for the degree to which self-efficacy for verbal flu-
tion of part-word or single-syllable whole words, prolon- ency is anticipated, where 1 is low and 10 is high.
gations of sounds, and speech blocks. Phrase repetitions Manning (2001) reported that the SEA-Scale dif-
and tension-free pauses were not counted as stuttered ferentiated adolescents who stutter and those who
events. do not, reporting a mean score of 7.21 (SD =
Statistical analysis of %SS was carried out using a 1.8) for adolescents who stutter and a mean score
simplified time-series analysis (Blumberg 1984, Tryon of 8.64 (SD = 1.2) for fluent adolescents.
1982), in which Young’s C-statistic is used to deter- r The Fear of Negative Evaluation (FNE) Scale
mine whether or not a time-series contains any trends, (Watson and Friend 1969) measures fear of neg-
or systematic departures from random variation. It al- ative evaluation by others. It is widely used as a
lows comparison of the baseline with subsequent phases, measure of this aspect of social anxiety and has
and enables comments to be made about the impact of been shown to perform well as a specific mea-
treatment. The first step is to evaluate baseline data and sure of social evaluative concern (Stopa and Clark
determine whether or not the baseline contains a statisti- 2001). It consists of 30 true or false statements,
cally significant trend. If this is ruled out, the C-statistic with a higher score out of 30 indicating greater
is then used to determine whether or not a trend exists FNE. It was originally standardized on a popula-
across subsequent phases when these are aggregated. A tion of American college students, however Stopa
significant result at this point is interpreted as evidence and Clark (2001) have established norms based on
that the treatment series departs from the baseline series a population of British university students. They
or, in other words, that a treatment effect is present. propose a cut-off point for low FNE at 7–8 and
In this study, the baseline phase was analysed and then below, and a cut-off point for high FNE at 20–22
phases A–C were aggregated. Phase D was subsequently and above. It has been shown to have satisfac-
included in the analysis to determine the durability of tory test–retest reliability and is routinely used in
any identified trends. therapy and research (Musa et al. 2004).
A total of 30% of each participant’s recordings was r The Wright and Ayre Stuttering Self-Rating Pro-
randomly selected for blind analysis by a second rater file (WASSP) (Wright and Ayre 2000) measures
who was a specialist speech and language therapist. five aspects of stuttering: stuttering behaviours,
Intra-judge reliability was also examined on 25% of thoughts about stuttering, feelings about stutter-
P1’s recordings, on 33% of P2’s recordings and on 30% ing, avoidance due to stuttering and disadvantage
of P3’s recordings. Intra-judge reliability was calculated due to stuttering. It is standardized on individu-
using the Smaller/Larger index or marginal agreement als who stutter aged 18 and over, although is also
index (Frick and Semmel 1978), which can be used when widely used for older adolescents who are not yet
118 Jane Fry et al.
18, and has been shown to have good internal tion of the data, which are shown in figure 1, shows
consistency and high reliability. Norms are not a marked reduction in frequency of stuttering early on
established, however, and interpretation of scores in phase B, with this remaining stable during phase C.
is based on visual analysis. The authors report There is increased stuttering during phase D, at record-
‘extremely good’ test–retest reliability when the ings 31–33 and 39, which corresponds to 2–4 and 9
WASSP was repeated at 1 week, followed by a months after the intensive course, respectively; however,
2-week interval, with Pearson’s Product Moment overall the frequency of stuttering appears to be less than
Correlation above 0.8 (p < 0.005) for all sub- prior to treatment.
tests, indicating that this measure can be used This is supported by statistical analysis. There was
at frequent intervals and change interpreted as no significant trend in phase A for either reading (z =
therapeutic. 0.96, p = n.s.) or conversation (z = 0.46, p = n.s.),
r The Locus of Control of Behaviour Scale (LCB) meaning that any subsequent trend can be associated
(Craig et al. 1984) measures the extent to which with the effect of therapy. A significant downward trend
adults perceive themselves as active agents in in- was found when phases A–C were aggregated in both
fluencing their life experience and by implication reading (z = 4.00, p < 0.01) and conversation (z =
their stutter. Greater internality indicates that the 4.64, p < 0.01). A significant trend was also found
individual sees themselves as being an active agent when data from phase D were included for reading
in influencing their speech. Andrews and Craig (z = 3.80, p < 0.01) and conversation (z = 5.00,
(1998) found that a shift towards greater inter- p < 0.01). Analysis therefore indicated that the fre-
nality, together with increased knowledge about quency of stuttering reduced in response to treatment
fluency management skills and having a more and that this was maintained.
positive attitude about speaking, was associated
with long-term maintenance of therapy gains with
Participant 2
adults who stutter. However, the evidence for this
is equivocal and DeNil and Kroll (1995) did not P2 submitted eight recordings for phase A, ten in phase
find an association between LOC and long-term B, of which one conversation sample could not be anal-
therapy outcomes in adults. The LCB scale con- ysed due to poor quality, eight for phase C, and four
sists of 17 items arranged on a six-point Likert- in phase D. Inter-rater reliability was 0.957 for reading
type scale; lower scores represent greater internal- and 0.990 for conversation. Visual interpretation of the
ity and a downward direction in scores is desirable. data, as shown in figure 2, and is less straightforward
than with P1. A downward trend is suggested when
phases A–C are examined, although clearly P2 has oc-
casions of more marked stammering in conversational
Participation speech, notably at recordings 15, 18 and 33.
Statistical analysis established that there was no sig-
All three participants attended the full 10 days of the in-
nificant trend during the baseline for either reading (z =
tensive course. P1 attended the second and third follow-
1.20, p = n.s.) or conversation (z = 1.32, p = n.s.). A
up meetings, with attendance at the first and last meet-
significant downward trend was found for both reading
ings prohibited by disruptions to air travel. He attended
(z = 2.32, p = < 0.01) and conversation (z = 1.80, p =
a refresher day held for any teenagers who had attended a
< 0.05) when phases A–C were aggregated, indicating
therapy group at the centre in the previous 3 years, which
that the frequency of stuttering reduced in response to
took place between the third and fourth follow-up for
therapy during this time frame. P2 made four record-
his group. He did not ask for any additional individual
ings in phase D which are included in figure 2 but were
sessions. P2 attended the first and third follow-up days
insufficient to allow an analysis of trend for this phase.
and also attended a series of individual sessions with
his local speech and language therapist between these.
P3 attended all follow-up days and did not ask for any Participant 3
additional individual sessions at the centre.
P3 completed 18 recordings throughout phases A–C,
and two recordings in phase D. These are included in
Analysis of percentage syllables stuttered figure 3 but were insufficient to allow analysis of trend
in this phase. P3 was atypical in that he did not stutter
Participant 1
when reading, with both raters recording 0% stuttered
P1 made all requested video-recordings, although num- syllables in each speech reading sample. Analysis of trend
ber 38 in phase D could not be analysed because of was therefore conducted on data from the conversation
poor recording quality. Inter-rater reliability was 0.980 task alone. Inter-rater reliability was 0.978 and intra-
for reading and 0.971 for conversation. Visual inspec- rater reliability was 0.939. Visual inspection of the data,
Intensive group therapy for teenagers who stutter 119

Figure 1. P1 percentage stuttered syllables during reading and conversation.

as shown in figure 3, suggests that while P3’s stuttering above the cut-off point for high FNE range prior to
continued to vary, the range reduced, and with one ex- the intensive course, however they fell to either below
ception at recording 27, the%SS remained below 2.5% or near the cut-off point for low FNE during the next
once he entered the therapy programme. 10 months. There was a slight increase in FNE at 3
Statistical analysis established that there was no trend and 10 months although this was relatively slight. P1
in the baseline phase (z = 0.01, p = n.s.). A significant completed all questionnaires for the WASSP. As can be
downward trend (z = 2.77, p = < 0.01) was found seen in figure 5 his scores reduced sharply during the
when phases A–C were aggregated, indicating a response intensive course itself and continued to do so during the
to treatment. consolidation phase, remaining stable until 6 months
after the course. There was an increase in scores at 6 and
10 months, however overall his WASSP scores remained
Self-report questionnaires lower following therapy than before. P1’s LOC scores
Participant 1 reduced during the intensive therapy phase, however,
increased after this and showed no overall shift towards
P1 scored below the mean for teenagers who stutter on greater internality.
the SEA-Scale before treatment. As can be seen in figure
4, his scores increased during the intensive course, con-
Participant 2
tinued to increase steadily and passed the mean for fluent
adolescents 3 months after the course. P1 completed the P2 completed the SEA-Scale on the first four occasions
FNE on six assessment occasions and submitted one in- only. He scored below the mean for teenagers who stut-
complete form. As can be seen in table 1 his scores were ter before treatment in phase A and showed increased
120 Jane Fry et al.

Figure 2. P2 percentage stuttered syllables during reading and conversation.

self-efficacy during the course itself, with his score at by the end of the study. P3 completed the FNE on
the end of the course approaching the mean for fluent each assessment occasion. His scores before treatment
adolescents. However P2’s SEA-Scale score had reduced placed him at, or above, the cut-off point for high FNE,
at the 5-week follow up and no further questionnaires and while his scores did not reach the cut-off point for
were completed. P2 completed the FNE on three oc- low FNE there was a steady decrease throughout the
casions, and one form was incomplete. His FNE scores period of the study. P3 completed all questionnaires for
were all in the mid-range and while there was a reduc- the WASSP. These scores also reduced sharply during
tion during the course this was also not sustained. As the intensive period and while there was an increase
before P2 completed the WASSP on the first four occa- between the end of the course and the three month
sions only. His scores reduced sharply during the period follow up, overall there appears to be a stable downward
of the course itself but this reduction was not sustained. trend from 3 months post-course onward. P3’s LOC
P2’s LOC scores dropped prior to starting the intensive scores increased prior to the intensive group, readjusted
course and increased during the course itself. during the group and overall showed no apparent shift
towards greater internality.
Participant 3
Conclusions and implications
P3 completed all questionnaires. His SEA-scale score
was initially below the mean for adolescents who stutter, The aim of this study was to investigate whether this
but increased during the course itself. While his scores therapy programme was effective in reducing overt and
decreased after the group this was a short-term trend and covert aspects of stuttering for the participants involved.
his score approached the mean for fluent adolescents Two participants withdrew from the study during the
Intensive group therapy for teenagers who stutter 121

Figure 3. P3 percentage stuttered syllables during conversation.

baseline phase, and while not required to give a reason, short-term variations in his fluency. Recording 39 also
one volunteered that making the recordings increased showed a higher frequency of stuttering, however as it
his self-consciousness about stuttering. It is assumed was the final recording this cannot be placed in context.
that the other reconsidered the commitment involved Fluency is expected to fluctuate with chronic stuttering
in the research methodology. Both withdrawees contin- and may be influenced by environmental factors, and
ued with therapy and there was no evidence that their it is notable that this period coincides with the begin-
decision was linked to their engagement with the ther- ning of the spring academic year when pressures with
apy process. Analysis on the recordings received for the coursework and mock examinations are often described
participants who continued with the study was deemed as high by clients within secondary education. As found
to have good inter- and intra-rater reliability. by DeNil and Kroll (1995) there is not an apparent
P1 provided the most complete data of the three par- correlation between P1’s LOC scores and maintenance
ticipants and his data showed the most unequivocal, sta- of fluency gains, which invites consideration of the use-
ble and durable reduction in overt stuttering behaviours fulness of this assessment. Overall, given P1’s fluency
and the most evidence of change in self-reported ex- gains, increased sense of self-efficacy, reduced FNE and
perience of stuttering. Both visual analysis and mean his reduced WASSP scores overall it can be concluded
percentage stuttered syllables showed some occasions of that this 1-year therapy and follow-up programme was
increased stuttering during phase D, however this was effective for him. Of the three participants, P1 engaged
not statistically significant in terms of overall trend. It with the routine of completing homework tasks and
interesting to note that the higher frequency of stutter- recordings the most consistently. His commitment to
ing found at recordings 31–33 was accompanied by only this process may have been a reflection of his overall
a slight increase in FNE, while SEA-Scale and WASSP commitment to therapy, which could be expected to be
scores were unaffected. While P1’s speech may have been a contributing factor to the outcome of therapy.
somewhat less fluent at these points in time, it is possi- It was particularly important that a stable baseline
ble that he gained broader skills from the therapy pro- trend was established for P2 as he, in common with
gramme than speech management skills alone, and as a many young people who stutter, entered the study with
result was more psychologically resilient in dealing with extensive experience of therapy. He withdrew from the
122 Jane Fry et al.

Figure 4. SEA-Scale scores for P1, P2 and P3.

Table 1. Fear of Negative Evaluation (FNE) Scale scores for P1, P2 and P3

5 weeks First day Last day 5 weeks 3 months 6 months 10 months

Task pre-course of course of course post-course post-course post-course post-course
P1 25 8 8 12 7 10
a b b b
P2 13 11 17
P3 22 24 18 14 15 13 16
Notes: a Questionnaire incomplete.
Data not obtained.

study half-way through phase D and disengaged from as seen in figure 2 at recordings 15, 32 and 33. This
therapy, so progress beyond phase C is unknown and coupled with data from the other participants suggests
the interpretation of his results needs to reflect that. His that fluency gains are particularly vulnerable approxi-
stutter reduced significantly in frequency in the short- mately 6 months after intensive therapy, which could
term and appeared to stabilize well during phase C, be an artefact of the length of time after therapy or re-
suggesting that an accumulation of skills and practise lated to the environmental demands experienced at that
was helpful for him in the short-term. However, data time in the academic year. P2 completed questionnaires
obtained in phase D point to some destabilization of on the first four occasions only. In all four domains
skills at the time that he withdrew from therapy. P2 ex- measured his scores showed a positive shift during the
perienced increased frequency of stuttering on occasion, intensive course itself, however this was not sustained
Intensive group therapy for teenagers who stutter 123

Figure 5. WASSP scores for P1, P2 and P3.

once the group had finished. Overall, his results indi- The nature of P3’s stutter differed in that he was
cate that intensive group therapy in itself was beneficial fluent when reading and stuttered mildly in conversa-
in the short-term, but that he had difficulty maintaining tional speech. He had not had therapy before and his
improvements beyond the context of the group, invit- SSI-3 score might preclude him from some clinical pro-
ing a consideration of why this might be, and whether grammes. However, while having an overtly mild stutter
this might be related to internal or external factors. Of it is notable that his SEA-Scale score prior to treatment
the three, P2 had the most severe stutter in terms of was the lowest of all three participants, while his FNE
stuttering behaviours, and he had also received the most scores were high, suggesting that stuttering had a more
therapy in the past, however his FNE and SEA-Scale substantial impact for him than could be ascertained
scores suggested that his stutter had less impact on his by examining speech measures alone. This underlines
view of himself and his confidence in speaking than it the importance of basing clinical decisions, and of mea-
did for P1 and P3. It may be that his stutter, while se- suring change, in terms of client self-report as well as
vere, had less impact on his social interaction and was a measures of stuttered syllables, and of having sufficient
less central concern for him than might be anticipated, flexibility within a treatment programme to respond to
and that this in turn impacted on the degree to which he individual needs. Given the reduction in overt stuttering
engaged in therapy in the long-term. It is also possible behaviours, reduced FNE and increased self-efficacy and
that he needed more in terms of on-going follow up and the overall direction of WASSP scores it seems reason-
support after the course, although this is available on able to conclude that the year’s treatment programme
request and he did not request further support. was effective for P3. P3 commented that he had learnt to
124 Jane Fry et al.

Figure 6. Locus of control of behaviour (LCB) scores for P1, P2 and P3.

slow down his rate of speech. While he had been aware more recently been addressed as new measures specific
of this technique before he had not internalized it as a to stuttering in adolescence have been developed. While
concept. It may be that he was more ready for therapy, as initially developed with an adult population, the FNE
he approached transition to university, or that the group is theoretically relevant and has apparent clinical value
context with its emphasis on personal responsibility for in charting change. Two out of the three participants
change helped him to explore this idea in a way that he reached the cut-off point for high FNE before therapy,
had not done previously. which is consistent with studies finding high scores on
Both P1 and P3 both showed increases in stutter- measures of social anxiety amongst adults who stutter
ing approximately 6 months after the intensive com- (Kraaimaat et al. 2002, Stein et al. 1996). Both partic-
ponent of the course and this is where P2 discontin- ipants then either reached, or approached, the cut-off
ued therapy. This corresponds to a time of increased point for low FNE after therapy, supporting the use of
coursework and examination demands within the UK CBT and social anxiety measures in stuttering therapy.
academic year and for this reason additional follow-up There was no clear association between locus of control
days could be experienced as an unwanted pressure. It is and therapy outcomes in this study and the usefulness
possible that distance sessions using tele-health would be of the LCB could be questioned. Finally, the importance
seen as a more positive option at this time as this would of measuring covert as well as overt features of stutter-
minimize disruption to college schedules while provid- ing is highlighted by P3, who had very mild outward
ing additional support if required. stuttering but high anxiety about it.
One of the challenges in studying this age group has The use of beyond-clinic measures demon-
been a lack of robust self-report measures although this strated that a medium-term treatment effect occurred
Intensive group therapy for teenagers who stutter 125
independently of the treatment setting for the partici- or submission of this paper. Declaration of interest: The authors
pants studied. Limitations of this study include the need report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for
for more substantive long-term follow-up although the the content and writing of the paper.
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