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Applied Geochemistry, Vol. 13, No. 8, pp.

941±952, 1998
# 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd
All rights reserved. Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0883-2927(98)00029-8 0883-2927/98 $ - see front matter

Chemistry of rainwater in the Massif Central (France): a strontium

isotope and major element study

Philippe NeÂgrel*
BRGM Service GeÂologique National, Avenue C. Guillemin, BP 6009, 45060 OrleÂans Cedex 2, France


SteÂphane Roy{
Laboratoire de GeÂochimie et Cosmochimie, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, U.F.R. des
Sciences de la Terre, Universite de Paris VII. Tour 14±24, 3 eÂt., 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris, France

(Received 11 June 1996; accepted in revised form 10 February 1998)

AbstractÐAtmospheric aerosols (sea salt, crustal dust, and biogenic aerosols) are the primary source of
dissolved species in rainwater as well as one of the sources of dissolved species in river water. Chemical
weathering studies require quanti®cation of this atmospheric input. The crustal component of atmos-
pheric input can have various origins, both distant and local. The proportions of the various inputs
(marine, distant or local) are determined in this study.
Strontium isotope ratios and Ca, Na, K, Mg, Al, Cl, SO4, NO3 and Sr concentrations were measured
in rainwater samples collected in the Massif Central (France) over a period of one year. Each sample,
collected automatically, represents a monthly series of rain events. Chemical composition of the rain-
water samples varied considerably and the 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranged between 0.709198 and 0.713143.
Using Na as an indicator of marine origin, and Al for the crustal input in rain samples, the pro-
portion of marine and crustal elements was estimated from elemental ratios. A marine origin of 4 to
100% of Cl, of 0.6 to 20% of the SO4, of <1 to 10% of Ca, <1 to 40% of K, 4 to 100% of Mg and
1 to 44% of Sr was determined.
Strontium isotopes were used to characterize the crustal sources. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the crustal
sources varied considerably from 0.7092 to 0.71625 and indicate the occurrence of multiple sources for
the crustal component in the analysed rainwaters. # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

INTRODUCTION Terrestrial aerosols may originate from soil ero-

sion near the collector (local source), from distant
Aerosols are the main source of chemical elements areas within the continent (external source) or even
carried by rainwater (Junge, 1963). They are from other continents (exogenic source). Likewise,
removed from the atmosphere by rainout (conden- aerosols derived from anthropogenic sources may
sation processes within clouds), or by washout originate in the vicinity of the collector (local
(impaction with falling raindrops below clouds). source) or far from it (distant source). It is dicult
The atmosphere, by means of either dry (aerosols) to unravel the di€erent sources, unless isotopes are
or wet (rainwater) deposition, has been recognised used in the atmosphere (Anderson et al., 1990). In
as a major source of dissolved species in rivers this work the use of 87Sr/86Sr ratios are proposed to
(Gibbs, 1970; Likens et al., 1977; Stallard and
®nd the sources of the terrestrial aerosols.
Edmond, 1981; Meybeck, 1983, Sarin et al., 1989;
The radiogenic isotope 87Sr is produced by the
NeÂgrel et al., 1993). The dissolved components in
radioactive decay of the 87Rb isotope. The abun-
rainwater can be divided into 3 groups: (a) those
derived from sea salt aerosols; (b) those derived dance of 87Sr (expressed as the 87Sr/86Sr ratio) in a
from terrestrial aerosols (soil dust, biological emis- given geological material is a function of its age
sions); and (c) those derived from anthropogenic and Rb/Sr ratio. The Sr released by aerosols of
sources (industry, agriculture, burning of vegetation di€erent origins results in di€erent 87Sr/86Sr ratios
and fossil fuels and fertilizers). in rainwater, which may reveal the various types of
aerosols that are dissolved. Given the short time
scale of the processes studied, Sr isotope variations
*Corresponding author.
{Now at BRGM, Service minier National, Avenue C. are due mainly to the mixture of di€erent sources
Guillemin, BP 6009, 45060 OrleÂans Cedex 2, France. with di€erent Sr isotope compositions.
942 P. Negrel and S. Roy

Strontium isotope ratios in precipitation have below the funnel inside the box. From the base of the fun-
been reported by several authors. Graustein and nel, water ¯ows through a 165 mm nylon mesh ®lter to
prevent fallout of large particulate matter (leaves, insects)
Armstrong (1983) and Gosz and Moore (1989) and contamination of the sample. Samples were normally
reported 87Sr/86Sr values between 0.7088 and 0.7200 removed once a month, and more often during periods of
for rain in New Mexico. Aberg et al. (1989) found heavy rainfall.
large variations in dry plus wet deposition (0.711± The sampling site is in an open area (altitude 340 m),
far from dirt roads or other sources of contamination, in
0.717) in central Sweden. Anderson et al. (1990) the Massif Central (Fig. 1) between the towns Issoire and
reported values ranging between 0.7098 and 0.7194 Clermont-Ferrand, near Sainte Marguerite and was
in snow from central Scandinavia. NeÂgrel (1992) selected to minimise local sources of contamination. There
measured values between 0.70968 and 0.71277 in are no trees or rock outcrops in the vicinity of the collec-
rainwater over the Congo Basin. Dupre et al. tor. Site accessibility was a major consideration for easy
maintenance during the winter months. The
(1994) have shown that in a rain event collected in Mediterranean is 300 km to the S and the Atlantic Ocean
the Congo Basin, the isotope composition of Sr var- is 380 km to the W. The nearest towns, Clermont-Ferrand
ies considerably (0.71035±0.71326). Herut et al. and Issoire, are located 15 km to the NW, and 14 km to
(1993) have reported a small range in Sr isotopes the S, respectively.
(0.70792±0.70923) in rainwater of Israel. Seimbille
et al. (1989) have reported a small range in Sr iso-
topes (0.70829±0.70895) in rainwater of the Parisian Analytical methods
Basin. These variations are explained by mixing
between several sources in the atmosphere and by Conductivity, temperature and pH were determined on
site on a 50 ml aliquot of monthly collections. Electrical
atmospheric circulations. conductivity and water temperature were determined with
Data are for major (Cl, SO4, NO3, Al, Ca, Na, a microprocessor conductivity meter WTW LF96 standar-
Mg and K) and trace (Sr) element concentrations dized to 208C for the measurement of electrical conduc-
and 87Sr/86Sr ratios in rainwaters (hereafter refered tivity. pH was measured with an Ingold electrode and an
Orion 250 pH-meter calibrated with standard bu€ers (pH
to PSM which stands for the name of the sampling
4.01 and 6.87).
site Sainte Marguerite) collected in the Massif All samples were ®ltered through a pre-washed 0.2 mm
Central (France). The aim of this study was to use Millipore PVDF ®lter with a pre-cleaned Nalgene holder
Sr isotope ratios correlatively with major and trace before analysis. One 250 ml aliquot of the ®ltered rain
elements in order to determine the di€erent sources sample was placed in a Nalgene polypropylene bottle.
Polypropylene storage bottles were cleaned with pH 2
(sea salt and crustal sources) of chemical elements ultra-pure water (Milli-Q water system plus redistilled con-
in rainwaters.


Collection procedure, sampling site

An automatic precipitation sampler was designed and

constructed at BRGM for collecting rain for chemical and
isotope (87Sr/86Sr) analyses. The basic requirements for the
collector were automatic detection and collection of rain-
fall, elimination of dry fallout, collection of frozen precipi-
tation, and avoidance of sample contamination for the
elements studied (especially trace elements). Several fea-
tures of previously reported collectors (Likens et al., 1977;
Lacaux and Warburton, 1980; Galloway et al., 1982;
Church et al., 1984; Colin et al., 1987; NeÂgrel, 1992;
Dupre et al., 1994) have been incorporated into the design
of this sampler. The body of the sampler is a box made of
1 cm-thick PVC plates. A polypropylene funnel 45 cm in Fig. 1. Location map of rainwater collector in the Massif
diameter is used to collect the rainfall. A removable PVC Central (France). The shaded area corresponds to the
lid covers the funnel when no rain is falling. The cover Massif Central. The dotted lines represent the limits of the
exposes the funnel when electrical contact is made in the air mass trajectories and arrows indicate the main direc-
rain detector. Movements are controlled by a reversible tions of the air mass movements. The ®rst is W and
motor mounted inside the box. The movement of the mainly of marine origin (Atlantic Ocean) but this air mass
cover is guided by two nylon wires which prevent metal crosses over a part of the Aquitanian deposits and the sili-
contamination. The funnel ori®ce is about 1.5 m high. The cate W part of the Massif Central. The second one is NE-
funnel support has extended vertical sides (15 cm) which NW and is both marin (North Atlantic and North Sea)
counter aerodynamic e€ects on sampling eciency and continental (Great Britain) and crosses over a more
(Sculdark and Church, 1988). or less polluted area. The third one is E and totally conti-
The precipitation detector is made of two grids of 12 nental over polluted areas (Germany and more Eastward).
parallel bars placed 5 mm apart. Rain drops close the elec- Lastly, the fourth one is SE-SW and of marine origin plus
trical circuit between the grid which triggers the opening a possible origin of natural aerosols from Africa and pol-
of the sampler. A 12 L polypropylene bottle is mounted lution from Spain
Chemistry of rainwater in the French Massif Central 943

centrated HNO3) and conditioned with ultra-pure water average in some places. Most of the rain fell in 3 to
for several weeks. Samples were acidi®ed to pH 2 with
5 days. In July and August, rainfall was below aver-
redistilled concentrated HNO3 and analysed for 87Sr/86Sr,
and for major and trace elements. A 100 ml aliquot of age despite several storms. In September, rainfall
each ®ltered rain sample was placed in polyethylene bot- was 2 to 3 times higher than average. In October,
tles for anion and HCO3 determinations. rainfall was above average, especially during the
Major element concentrations were measured in the lab-
last 10 days. In November, 60 to 80% of the aver-
oratory using atomic absorption spectrometry (Ca, Na,
K), ion chromatography (Cl, SO4), and ICP-MS (Al, Mg, age monthly rainfall fell during the ®rst 10 days,
Sr). Accuracy was better than 210% (Ca, Na, K, Cl, SO4) and rainfall during the rest of the month was below
and 5% (Al, Mg, Sr). Bicarbonate was analysed by HCl ti- average. In December, the rainfall was far below
tration and Gran's method. Low values close to 0 were
average. In January and February 1995, rainfall
obtained as observed earlier by Wedraogo-Dumazet (1983)
on rain collected in southeastern France. was 1.2 to 2 times greater than the monthly aver-
Chemical separation and mass spectrometry procedures age. The highest total monthly rainfall was
for Sr followed the standard method used at BRGM. measured in February. In March, rainfall was
Strontium was separated by using a cation exchange col-
below average (by a factor of 1.1 to 1.5).
umn (DOWEX AG50X8) with 2N HCl as eluant. Total
blanks for Sr are less than 0.5 ng and were negligible with Average air mass trajectories in Corsica (Loye-
regard to the total Sr analysed in rain waters. After chemi- Pilot and Morelli, 1988; Losno et al., 1991), in
cal separation, 1/5 of each sample was placed on a single Paris (Ja€rezo, 1987) and in the Vosges mountains
W ®lament and analysed using a Finnigan MAT 262 mul-
(Colin, 1988), and weather patterns (MeÂteÂorologie
tiple collector mass spectrometer. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios were
normalized to 86Sr/88Sr = 0.1194. An average internal pre- Nationale, Centre DeÂpartemental du Puy de DoÃme)
cision of 210  10ÿ6 (2s) was obtained during this study. enabled sectorizing air mass origins. Four sectors
The reproducibility of the 87Sr/86Sr ratios measurement can be identi®ed as shown in Fig. 1. The ®rst is
was tested through duplicate analyses of the NBS 987
westerly and mainly of marine origin (Atlantic
standard and the mean value appears to be close to
0.710228220 10ÿ6 (2s; n = 110). Ocean) but the air mass passes over the Aquitanian
Basin with sedimentary deposits and the western
part of the Massif Central. The second is NE±NW
RESULTS and is of both marine (North Atlantic and North
Sea) and continental (Great Britain) origin and
Meteorological data passes over a more or less industrialized area. The
third is easterly and completely continental, passing
Meteorological data were obtained from the local over polluted areas (Germany and eastern Europe).
oce of the National Meteorological Service The fourth is SE±SW and is of marine origin, poss-
located 4 km from the collector for the period from ibly carrying natural aerosols from Africa and pol-
April 1994 to March 1995. In April 1994, total rain- lution from Spain. Ja€rezo (1987) and Colin (1988),
fall was 1.5 to 3 times higher than the average studied rain events and weather patterns over
monthly value for April. There were 23 rainy days. France and showed that the W sector is predomi-
In May, precipitation was above average in most of nant (52% of rain events) and the E sector never
the area, although in some places it was below aver- exceeds 5%. The NE±NW and SE±SW sectors rep-
age. The irregularity of the rainfall is due to the resented 16 and 27% of the rain events, respect-
stormy nature of the period. In June, rainfall was ively. It is assumed that there was similar
for the most part normal, with values slightly below sectorisation during the sampling period, but due to

Table 1. Field data of rainwater samples collected during the one year survey in the Massif Central. Q represents the
amount of collected water expressed in liters. RFA represents the rainfall amount in mm for each collection period.
Temperature T (in 8C), pH, electrical conductivity (in mS/cm standardized to 208C) of rainwater samples were measured
in ®eld
reference PSM Sampling period Q RFA T Cond pH
1 31-3-94/22-4-94 12 120 26 40.9 4.29
2 22-4-94/3-5-94 4 40 14.9 9.26 5.1
3 3-5-94/25-5-94 11 110 12.2 9.15 5.55
4 25-5-94/17-6-94 3.7 37 12.3 14.6 6.2
5 17-6-94/28-7-94 9.5 95 24.3 51.6 6.05
6 28-7-94/18-8-94 11 110 19.6 17.5 4.53
7 19-9-94/5-10-94 12 120 8.6 7.06 6.04
8 5-10-94/27-10-94 11 110 9.7 5.36 4.95
9 27-10-94/17-11-94 11 110 11 4.95 5.22
10 17-11-94/16-12-94 0.5 5 0.8 25.4 4.54
11 16-12-94/17-1-95 2.8 28 5.5 24.6 4.56
12 17-1-95/30-1-95 2 20 16.5 5.05 5.05
13 30-1-95/6-3-95 6.5 65 7.1 7.85 5.76
944 P. Negrel and S. Roy

Table 2. Major (Ca, Na, Mg, K, Al, HCO3, Cl, SO4, NO3) and trace (Sr) concentrations expressed in mmole/l, 87Sr/86Sr
ratios in dissolved load of rainwater samples collected during the one year survey in the Massif Central. d.l refers to the
detection limits and n.d refers to non analysed samples
PSM Sr/86Sr 2s HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 Ca Na Mg K Al Sr
1 0.710025 1.00E-05 nd 49 51 75.8 12.2 39.1 4.4 4.1 d.l 0.033
2 0.711182 1.10E-05 nd 7.1 23.4 16.9 10.7 6.1 2.1 4.1 d.l 0.030
3 0.709481 1.20E-05 26 7.1 16.1 34.7 8 3.9 1.7 2.6 d.l 0.017
4 0.710418 8.00E-06 24 16.9 19.8 d.l 14.7 9.1 2.1 7.2 d.l 0.034
5 0.70927 1.00E-05 160 31 47.9 41 78.8 20 4.2 23.8 1.56 0.121
6 0.709435 1.70E-05 nd 16.9 33.3 30.6 16 4.8 0.8 3.3 0.19 0.021
7 0.709198 9.00E-06 29 8.5 9.4 12.9 16.7 4.3 1.9 2.3 d.l 0.027
8 0.713143 8.00E-06 nd 10.2 7.3 d.l 2 8.7 1.2 2.6 d.l 0.004
9 0.712257 1.40E-05 nd 13.5 4.2 d.l 1 0.4 1.2 13.6 0.04 0.008
10 0.711326 9.00E-06 nd 13 36.6 54.7 9.5 6.5 6.5 3.8 1.52 0.030
11 0.709513 9.00E-06 nd 44.3 21.6 39.4 12 32.2 8.2 1.8 0.44 0.019
12 0.710773 9.00E-06 nd 14.1 6.1 d.l 3.2 8.7 5.8 3.1 0.04 0.019
13 0.709245 1.10E-05 17 22.6 13.2 19.4 5.7 43.1 4.1 2.3 1.00 0.020

the sampling procedure (sampling periods of up to l. Magnesium content varied 45-fold (0.18 mmole/l
one month), air mass trajectories for individual rain in PSM4 to 8.2 mmole/l in PSM11). No anions were
events are not available. strongly dominant. The mean weighted contents of
Cl (19 mmoles/l), SO4 (23 mmoles/l) and NO3 (26
mmoles/l) were similar. Chloride content varied 6-
Chemical and isotopic data fold (7 mmole/l in PSM2 to 44.3 mmole/l in
PSM11). Nitrate content was below detection limit
Thirteen samples, representing a total of 97 l of in four samples (PSM4, 8, 9 and 12). Sulphate con-
water and 970 mm of rainfall, were collected tent varied 12-fold (4 mmole/l in PSM9 to 51
between March 31, 1994 and March 6, 1995. The mmole/l in PSM1). Strontium ranged between 0.004
®eld data are given in Table 1, and the water chem- mmole/l (PSM8) and 0.034 mmole/l (PSM4).
istry and Sr isotope values are given in Table 2.
The ion imbalance between cations and anions in
During the PSM5 period (17/6/94±28/7/94), con-
rainwaters collected in France is well-documented
ductivity increased to 52 mS/cm, then decreased to 5
mS/cm during the periods PSM8 (5/10/94±27/10/94), (Losno et al., 1991; Galloway et al., 1982;
PSM9 (27/10/94±17/11/94 and PSM12 (17/1/95±30/ Wedraogo-Dumazet, 1983, Ja€rezo, 1987; Colin,
1/95). There was no correlation between conduc- 1988). This imbalance can be large and might have
tivity and the amount of rainwater collected. two possible causes. The ®rst is the lack of NH4
The pH of rain samples ranged between 4.29 measurements, which can cause a signi®cant cation
(PSM1) and 6.2 (PSM4). The mean value was de®cit. Ja€rezo (1987) and Colin (1988) have shown
5.22 2 0.65. Pristine rainwater is moderately acidic for marine and inland rains collected in France that
with a theoretical value of 5.7 (Berner-Kay and this species can make up 40% of the total cations.
Berner, 1987). The higher values reported here The second is that lack of measurements of both
could be the result of dissolution of windblown H3PO4 and organic species (acetate, formate, humic
dust with a high CaCO3 content, but the high pH acid . . .) may induce an anion de®cit. The observed
value does not correspond with the high HCO3 con- imbalance for anions or cations is, therefore, not a
centration. Rainwater can also have a pH below 5.7 re¯ection on the quality of the data set but, de
due to the presence of natural H2SO4, weak organic facto, the charge balance cannot be calculated.
acids, or anthropogenic emission of H2SO4 and/or The 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranged between 0.709198
HNO3. In this study, 9 values were lower and 4
(PSM7) and 0.713143 (PSM 8). The ratio increased
greater than 5.7.
and decreased several times between PSM1 (end of
Concentrations of several elements varied greatly
winter) and PSM5 (summer) from 0.7112 to 0.7093.
during the sampling period. Five ions were clearly
predominant. Ca and Na were the most abundant The isotope ratio was then relatively constant
cations with a mean weighted concentration of 17.7 during the summer (PSM5, 6 and 7: 0.7094, 0.7093,
and 13.99 mmoles/l, respectively. Ca content varied 0.7092). The greatest increase was observed between
80-fold (1 mmole/l in PSM9 to 78.8 mmole/l in PSM7 and PSM8 (beginning of autumn) from
PSM5). Sodium content varied 100-fold (0.43 0.7092 to 0.7131. 87Sr/86Sr ratios then decreased
mmole/l in PSM9 to 43 mmole/l in PSM13). between PSM8 and PSM11 (winter) from 0.7131 to
Magnesium was the least abundant of the major 0.7095, increased in PSM12 (0.71077) and ®nally
cations with a mean weighted content of 2.8 mmole/ decreased in PSM 13 (winter, 0.70925)
Chemistry of rainwater in the French Massif Central 945


Quanti®cation of marine and terrestrial contri-

butions using concentration data
To calculate sea salt (ss) and terrestrial (t) contri-
butions in rainwaters (rw) a Na reference was used
(Hofmann et al., 1974; Rahn, 1976; Bonsang et al.,
1980; Galloway and Gaudry, 1980; Keene et al.,
1986; Suzuki and Tsunogai, 1988), hereafter
referred to as Yref. The following equation is used
to calculate the contribution of the sea salt com-
ponent (ss) with seawater (sw) characteristics:
Xss ˆ Yref  …X=Y †sw …1†

The contribution of the terrestrial component (t)

is the di€erence between the total composition of
rainwater (rw) and the sea salt (ss) contribution:
Xt ˆ Xrw ÿ Xss …2†

To calculate the contribution for a given element

X, the main problem to resolve is the choice of the
reference species (marine or terrestrial). In order to Fig. 2. Plot of Cl versus Na (Figure 2a) and of Mg versus
be able to use an element as a marine or terrestrial Na contents (Figure 2b), expressed in mmole/l, in rain-
reference, there must be no fractionation during waters collected during the one year survey in the Massif
aerosol formation, transport, or deposition by rain Central. SW represents the seawater line and most samples
plot above this line
impaction. Furthermore, the element must be of
exclusively marine or terrestrial origin. di€erent dust types), Na or Mg might be the best
Sodium has normally been used as a reference el- tracers of sea salt input (Keene et al., 1986). Figure
ement for the sea salt component. Magnesium is 2b illustrates the relationship between Na and Mg.
used mainly in coastal or marine rains (Berner-Kay Only 4 samples lie on the seawater line (SW). The
and Berner, 1987). Chlorine has rarely been used, in rest of the rain samples lie above this line, re¯ecting
spite of its dominant marine origin, because inter- the terrestrial in¯uence on the Mg content reported
action with gas phases can cause non conservative by various authors (e.g., Berner-Kay and Berner,
behavior. It could be used as a reference, however,
if the Cl/Na ratios of rainwater do not di€er from
Sodium was used, therefore, as a marine tracer in
those of seawater (1.16 mols/mols, Berner-Kay and
rainwater. However, the choice of this element as a
Berner, 1987).
reference must be validated, particularly with regard
In the Na vs Cl plot (Fig. 2a), only 2 samples
to possible terrestrial in¯uence. Indeed, 6 rain
(PSM2 and PSM8) lie near the seawater line (sw)
samples have Al contents above the 0.5 ppb detec-
indicating that both Na and Cl in these samples
tion limit which indicates the presence of material
came from sea salt. Furthermore, the fact that all
of land origin, since Al comes almost exclusively
of the other rain samples, except PSM13, lie to the
from terrestrial material (Colin et al., 1987;
left of the seawater line indicates either a signi®cant
Sculdark and Church, 1988; Losno et al., 1988,
anthropogenic Cl source (automobiles, coal com-
1991). In these samples, therefore, the presence of
bustion, incinerators, etc., Berner-Kay and Berner,
terrestrial Na is assumed. Colin (1988) and Losno
1987) or a fractionation process between Cl and Na
during rainfall. Galloway et al. (1982) and Stallard et al. (1991) used the Al content in rainwater to
and Edmond (1981) have shown, however, that determine Na from terrestrial input (t), according
fractionation does not occur in many moving mar- to the following equation:
ine aerosol cycles. Chlorine cannot be used as a Nat ˆ Alrw …Na=Al †t …3†
marine reference if anthropogenic sources exist, as
illustrated in Fig. 2a. Several studies have shown This calculation assumes that fractionation
that both Na and Mg contents in rainwater can between Al and Na during the transportation of
also be in¯uenced by non marine inputs (Ichikuni, aerosols or rainfall is absent, which appears to be
1978; Keene et al., 1986; Suzuki and Tsunogai, the case (Rahn, 1976; Galloway et al., 1982; Losno
1988). Depending on the site location and atmos- et al., 1991; Ja€rezo, 1987; Colin et al., 1987). The
pheric characteristics at the time (convective or stra- Na contribution of terrestrial dust has been based
tiform situation, changes in the proportions of on the elemental Na/Al abundance ratios in shales
946 P. Negrel and S. Roy

(Hofmann et al., 1977; Church et al., 1984) or in commonly observed. PSM 13 has a low Cl/Na
the upper continental crust (Losno et al., 1991). ratio, which translates to a marine Cl value of
The Na/Al ratio of the upper continental crust is around 220%. The non marine input of Cl could
approximately 0.42 (Taylor and McLennan, 1985; come from various sources of pollution including
Condie, 1993), and the ratio for shales is 0.11 automobiles, coal combustion, incinerators and fer-
(Condie, 1993). The di€erence between these values tilizers.
is the result of continental weathering. As soils are Sulphate from sea salt (Table 3) ranges from less
the main source of terrestrial material in aerosols, than 1% (PSM6 and 9) to 19.4% (PSM13). Excess
the crustal source must be representative of soils. SO4 in rain over unpolluted land in Amazonia has
Hofmann et al. (1977) and Church et al. (1984) been estimated at around 5 mmol/l (Stallard and
have shown that shales are more representative of Edmond, 1981). Excess SO4 over land commonly
average soils than the rocks of the upper continen- ranges from 10 to more than 100 mmol/l and high
tal crust. Therefore, the correction of crustal Na values can be related to pollution (mainly due to
with Al has been applied using shales as a terrestrial burning of fossil fuel, Berner-Kay and Berner,
dust reference. Sodium in rainwater samples can be 1987). In the rain collected in the Massif Central,
considered to originate from sea salt when Al < 0.5 4.1 mmol/l to 49 mmol/l of excess sulfate was
ppb. If Yt=0 in equation (1), the sea salt and ter- measured. Two samples have SO4 values similar to
restrial contributions can be obtained using those measured over unpolluted areas (PSM 9 and
equation (2). When Al is di€erent from 0, part of 12). PSM1 (31/3/94±22/4/94) had the highest SO4
the Na is derived from a terrestrial source and ter- content (48.7 mmol/l) and PSM5 (16/6/94±28/7/94)
restrial Na is calculated with equation (3), using a also had a high value (46.8 mmol/l). In the spring,
Na/Al ratio of 0.11. excess SO4 was between 15 and 25 mmol/l. SO4
The correction of terrestrial Na with Al shows increased during the early summer and generally
that less than 1% of Na was of terrestrial origin, decreased after October.
except for PSM10 where terrestrial Na is close to Nitrate in rain comes from both human activities
2.6%. If the upper continental crust is used as the (like fuel combustion) and chemical reactions in the
terrestrial dust reference, there is an input of from atmosphere (Berner-Kay and Berner, 1987), the lar-
0.2% to 3% (except for PSM10 where terrestrial gest source of NO3 in rain being the production of
Na is close to 9.8%). This shows the small contri- N oxides during fossil fuel combustion. In rainwater
bution of the terrestrial component in the Na con- collected in the Massif Central, the positive trend
tent. The proportions of sea salt and terrestrial end between excess SO4 and total NO3 re¯ects the input
members were therefore calculated using equation of pollutants from fossil fuel combustion over the
(1) and equation (2) with Na as marine reference. studied period (Fig. 3). Chlorine input from the pol-
The X/Na ratios for X = Cl, SO4, Ca, Mg, K, Sr lutant sources cannot be linked to that of SO4 and
were determined according to the composition of NO3 as indicated by the lack of correlation between
sea water given by Berner-Kay and Berner (1987). SO4 and NO3, and Cl (not shown).
Results are given in Table 3 in percentage of the Marine Ca values were low (<1.4%) for almost
marine source. the whole data set (PSM2-7, 9, 10, 12; Table 3),
The proportion of Cl coming from sea salt ran- similar to results reported by Berner-Kay and
ged from 3.6% in PSM 9 to 100% in PSM 2 and Berner (1987). In PSM 11 and 13, 4±6% of Ca was
PSM 8 (Table 3). Values between 33 and 60% are of marine origin, and 7 and 9.5% of Ca was of

Table 3. Results expressed in % of Cl, SO4, Ca, Na, Mg, K and Sr of the marine contribution in rain samples. Samples
with an asterisk have Na corrected using Al for crustal inputs
PSM Sr/86Sr t Cl m SO4 m Km Na m Ca m Mg m Sr m
1 0.71027 93.2% 4.6% 21.0% 100% 7.0% 100.0% 22.5%
2 0.71126 100.0% 1.6% 3.3% 100% 1.2% 33.5% 3.9%
3 0.70950 64.3% 1.5% 3.4% 100% 1.1% 26.2% 4.3%
4 0.71048 62.9% 2.8% 2.8% 100% 1.4% 50.2% 5.1%
5* 0.70927 72.7% 2.4% 1.8% 97% 0.5% 51.6% 3.0%
6* 0.70945 32.4% 0.8% 3.1% 98% 0.6% 64.7% 4.4%
7 0.70920 59.9% 2.8% 4.2% 100% 0.6% 26.6% 3.0%
8 0.71625 99.9% 7.2% 7.5% 100% 9.5% 79.7% 43.9%
9* 0.71229 3.6% 0.6% 0.1% 96% 0.1% 3.8% 1.0%
10* 0.71141 52.9% 1.0% 3.4% 90% 0.8% 10.2% 3.8%
11* 0.70967 84.3% 8.9% 39.3% 99% 4.2% 44.0% 31.3%
12* 0.71092 71.8% 8.5% 62% 100% 1.2% 17.0% 8.5%
13 0.70930 220.4% 19.3% 41.2% 99% 5.7% 100.0% 40.5%
Chemistry of rainwater in the French Massif Central 947

measured in Central Africa (NeÂgrel, 1992) but with

a smaller range than those measured by Herut et al.
(1993) in Israeli rains.
Based on the study of elemental composition,
some elements (e.g., Cl, SO4 and NO3) are de®nitely
linked to anthropogenic sources. Calcium comes
predominantly from a natural terrestrial source,
and a marine source may or may not be signi®cant
for Mg, K and Sr. However, major element chem-
istry cannot precisely characterize the various ter-
restrial end members. Therefore, Sr isotope
compositions were used to obtain additional infor-
Fig. 3. Plot of the excess SO4 versus total NO3 in rain- mation concerning the di€erent possible terrestrial
waters (all expressed in mm/l) sources and their respective proportions.

marine origin in PSM 1 and 8, respectively. The Ca

in rainwater from the Massif Central is mainly of
terrestrial origin, coming from the dissolution of Strontium isotope systematics
CaCO3 dust (Duce et al., 1980; Prospero et al.,
1981; Maenhaut et al., 1983; Uematsu et al., 1983; When considering an ideal mixing model between
Ichikuni, 1978; Wagner and Steele, 1987; Hofmann sea salt and terrestrial dust, Sr isotope systematics
et al., 1977). Calcium can also be produced by pol- enable us to calculate the terrestrial isotope ratio
lution (burning coal, cement factories), but the lack (87Sr/86Sr)t in each rain water sample. The method
of correlation (not shown) between crustal Ca and was developed by Herut et al. (1993) for Israeli rain
excess SO4 indicates that Ca comes mainly from water. The binary mixing equation for these two
soil dust while excess SO4 comes from a pollutant end members is (Faure, 1986):
source (Pearson and Fisher, 1971). …87 Sr=86 Sr†rw ˆ a…87 Sr=86 Sr†sw ‡ …1 ÿ a†…87 Sr=86 Sr†t
Four to 100% of Mg in the samples was of mar- …4†
ine origin (Table 3). The values are highly variable.
While 100% of Mg was derived from sea salt in where (87Sr/86Sr)rw is the measured isotope ratio in
PSM 1 and PSM 13, other values are very low, rainwater, (87Sr/86Sr)sw is the isotope ratio of sea-
3.8% in PSM 9, 11% in PSM10, etc. These low water (0.70917 2 0.00001, Hoddel et al., 1990)
values for marine Mg show that, like Ca, Mg can which is the same in all oceans because of the high
come from soil dust (Berner-Kay and Berner, 1987). Sr residence time in seawater, and (87Sr/86Sr)t is the
Marine K (Table 3) ranged from less than 1% crustal isotope ratio. d is Srmarine =Srterrestrial ‡
(PSM9) to 41.2% (PSM13). Values of less than 7% Srmarine (determined in equations 1±3).
were commonly observed in the data set. There are We thus obtain:
various non-marine origins of K in continental rain, …87 Sr=86 Sr†t ˆ f…87 Sr=86 Sr†rw ÿ a…87 Sr=86 Sr†sw g=…1 ÿ a†
including soil dust from silicate and calcareous soils
(Berner-Kay and Berner, 1987). This dust can orig-
inate far from the collector (Saharan soil dust for The terrestrial ratios in the rain samples vary sig-
example, Losno et al., 1991; Ja€rezo, 1987; Colin, ni®cantly (Table 3), ranging from 0.70920 (PSM7)
1988). Another source is agricultural soil dust with to 0.71625 (PSM8), with most values falling
fertilizer (Berner-Kay and Berner, 1987). A third between 0.709 and 0.711. This ratio is an indication
source are biogenic aerosols, even in temperate cli- of terrestrial aerosol heterogeneities because isoto-
mates (Graustein, 1981). Plant exudates on leaf sur- pic variations in the crustal source mean that di€er-
faces contain soluble salt (K2SO4) that can ent terrestrial components with di€erent isotope
contribute K and SO4 to rain. However, the lack of ratios are represented in the mixture.
correlation (not shown) between K and excess SO4 Limestone has a high Sr content (600±1000 ppm)
indicates that this is not the primary source and K and low 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.706±0.709) (Faure, 1986).
from anthropogenic sources does not have the same The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of CaCO3 carbonate are similar
origin as SO4. to those of the water where deposition took place
The marine end member accounted for between because of its very low Rb/Sr ratio (Faure, 1986).
1% (PSM9) and 43.9% (PSM8) of the Sr content On the other hand, silicate rocks (granite and gneiss
(Table 3). However, values close to 3 to 8% were bedrock) have lower Sr contents than limestone and
commonly observed for the sea salt contribution higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios (Wadleigh and Veizer, 1985;
(PSM2-7, 10) and the terrestrial source was always Faure, 1986; Palmer and Edmond, 1989; NeÂgrel et
dominant in these rains. Values of 25 to 45% were al., 1993). Basalt has low isotope ratios (0.703±
measured in PSM 1, 8 and 11, similar to values 0.706) but its Sr content is in the same range as sili-
948 P. Negrel and S. Roy

cate rocks (Faure, 1986). Thus, the 87Sr/86Sr ratio congruent dissolution of carbonate rocks, the
of silicate dust depends on the age and Rb/Sr ratio Sr/86Sr ratio of river water is the same as that of
of the parent rocks. the rocks. Leaching experiments with double dis-
The isotopic composition of Sr in dusts can be tilled water of soils from silicate watersheds have
estimated by studying 87Sr/86Sr ratios of river shown that soluble Sr in soils and Sr in the dis-
water. On a carbonate watershed, because of the solved load in rivers, also have similar isotope

Fig. 4. Schematic geological map of France and location map of the di€erent crustal components con-
sidered in this work (1-6)
Chemistry of rainwater in the French Massif Central 949

ratios (NeÂgrel, 1992). Strontium can be given o€ by study of rivers draining only one carbonate facies:
vegetation in a manner similar to that described by Lower Jurassic (LJ), Upper Jurassic (UJ), Lower
Crozat (1979), Clairac et al. (1988) and Artaxo and Cretaceous (LC), Upper Cretaceous (UC), Tertiary
Maenhaut (1990) for K. Vegetation extracts cations (T) in the Paris Basin (Table 4, and numbers 2, 3, 4
from soil waters, and Graustein and Armstrong in Fig. 4) provided 87Sr/86Sr ratios indicating the
(1983) and Graustein (1981) have shown that water possible sources of dusts (NeÂgrel et al., 1989). Two
in soils and plants have identical 87Sr/86Sr ratios, ®elds were identi®ed. The ®rst included the Lower
which are higher than that of Sr in the dissolved Jurassic, the Lower Cretaceous, and the Tertiary
load in rivers. Strontium can also be linked with with 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranging between 0.7086 and
anthropogenic emissions and fertilizers (more than 0.7094. The second included the Upper Jurassic and
1500 ppm Sr). the Upper Cretaceous with 87Sr/86Sr ratios of
0.7081 to 0.7084.
The second end member was related to dust emis-
The terrestrial end member: nature and origin of the sions from silicate terrains (clay minerals, mica,
possible terrestrial sources in rainwater, Sr isotopes feldspar) from the Massif Central called the local
constraints silicate source (LSS, Table 4, and sampling site 5 in
Fig. 4) and from other granitic areas, here called
The sea-salt corrected chemical composition of remote silicate source (RSS, Table 4, and number 6
rainwater in the Massif Central indicates various in the Fig. 4) bordering the Massif Central
terrestrial components, but no single origin can be (Margeride, Morvan, Lozere). The Sr isotope ratios
considered. Numerous sources, both local and of this silicate end member can be approached
remote, natural and anthropogenic, must be con- through the dissolved load of rivers draining silicate
sidered. One of the terrestrial components can be basement (granite, gneiss and basalt bedrock) in the
related to calcic particles from soil or limestone Massif Central and in remote granitic watersheds.
dusts. This input of carbonate particles to the at- For granite and gneiss basements, the 87Sr/86Sr
mosphere could originate from Tertiary deposits ratios range between 0.7135 and 0.717 (NeÂgrel et
(Miocene and Oligocene marls and limestones) near al., 1988, 1989; Seimbille et al., 1991; NeÂgrel and
the sampling site and is called the local carbonate Deschamps, 1996; Table 4) and for basaltic base-
source (LCS) (Fig. 4). The 87Sr/86Sr ratio of springs ment the 87Sr/86Sr ratios range between 0.703 and
draining these rocks and soils is 0.71102 (Table 4, 0.705 (NeÂgrel and Deschamps, 1996).
and ®rst sampling site in Fig. 4). The last end member is made up of anthropo-
The Massif Central is bordered to the N, SW and genic input (Berner-Kay and Berner, 1987), such as
SE by marine deposits of the Paris Basin (Jurassic fertilizers with an 87Sr/86Sr ratio ranging between
to Oligocene), the Aquitaine Basin, and the Rhone 0.7079 and 0.7087 (NeÂgrel and Deschamps, 1996).
River valley (BRGM, 1980), respectively. These No data exist on Sr concentrations or isotope com-
deposits might represent a remote source of carbon- positions of other possible pollutants (automobile
ate particles in the rain samples, here called remote exhaust, coal combustion, incinerators).
carbonate source (RCS), the two principal sources Figure 5 shows the distribution of the terrestrial
being the Paris and Aquitaine basins (Fig. 4). The Sr/86Sr ratios in the 13 rain samples in the classic

Table 4. 87Sr/86Sr ratios for the possible terrestrial components in rainwaters collected in the Massif Central encompass-
ing the local carbonate source LCS, the remote carbonate source RCS with carbonate facies from Lower Jurassic (LJ),
Upper Jurassic (UJ), Lower Cretaceous (LC), Upper Cretaceous (UC), Tertiary (T) estimated through the dissolved load
of rivers draining this type of basement. The local silicate source (LSS, granitic, gneissic and basaltic bedrocks) and the
remote silicate source RSS bordering the Massif Central (Margeride, Morvan, Lozere) estimated through river draining
silicate basements and lastly by anthropogenic inputs (F) by fertilizers and carbonate amendments.
Identi®cation Type Key code Sr/86Sr
Sedimentary bedrocks LCS
Tertiary 0.71120
Sedimentary bedrocks RCS
Tertiary T 0.70895
Upper Cretaceous U.C 0.70810
Lower Cretaceous L.C 0.70940
Upper Jurassic U.J 0.70845
Lower Jurassic L.J 0.70860
Silicated Basements LSS/RSS
Basalts 0.703±0.705
Granites/gneiss 0.7135±0.717
Anthropogenic Inputs
Fertilizers (n = 3) F 0.7079±0.70832
Carbonate amendments F 0.7087
950 P. Negrel and S. Roy

Summary of the nature and origin of the di€erent

sources in rainwaters

The concentrations of the analysed elements in

the rain samples varied greatly during the sampling
period. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio also ¯uctuated signi®-
cantly. These variations are for the most part re-
lated to variations in the sources. The coupled use
of a major element (mainly Na as marine reference)
and Sr isotope systematics, enabled the calculation
of the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the crustal end member.
These results show that the crustal source is a mix-
Fig. 5. Plot of the Sr isotopic ratios for the terrestrial end- ture of several components. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios
members in rainwaters in the diagram 87Sr/86Sr vs. the
inverse of Sr content. Numbers refer to PSM samples. show that carbonate sources predominate in many
RCS1 represents the ®rst remote carbonate sources includ- samples, indicating the origin of the aerosols, given
ing the Lower Jurassic (LJ), the Lower Cretaceous (LC) the observed isotopic characteristics in the rain-
and the Tertiary (T) deposits, RCS2 represents the second water from the Massif Central. However, because
carbonate sources including the Upper Jurassic (UJ) and
the Upper Cretaceous (UC) deposits, the fertilizers (F) are
this carbonate component is present in the N, SE
also represented. RSS represents the remote silicate and SW of the Massif Central, the origin of the air
sources, LSS represents the local silicate source, LCS rep- masses cannot be determined using Sr isotopes
resents the local carbonate source alone.

diagram 87Sr/86Sr vs. the inverse of Sr content

(Faure, 1986). The following possible end members AcknowledgementsÐThis work was ®nancially supported
by the BRGM (Bureau de Recherche GeÂologiques et
representing: the local carbonate source (LCS); the MinieÁres) research Program S20 (on isotopes in hydrosys-
local silicate source (LSS) and the remote granitic tems). Thanks are due to Michel Brach for technical as-
areas (RSS); the part of the RCS represented by the sistance in physico-chemical analyses and sample
collection, Dominique Breeze provided chemical analyses,
RCS1 (Lower Jurassic, the Lower Cretaceous and
FreÂdeÂric Daudu developed the automatic rain collector.
Tertiary deposits); the rest of the RCS represented We thank the TIMS team managed by C. Guerrot which
by the RCS2 with the Upper Jurassic and Upper provided rapid Sr isotopes analyses. Professor Annie
Cretaceous deposits are also represented. All the Michard, C. A. J. Appelo and G. Faure are acknowledged
for their helpful comments on the original manuscript.
data are scattered between 3 extreme apexes, one
corresponds to the silicate source (LSS-RSS), one Editorial handling:ÐA. Appelo
to the local carbonate source (LCS) and the last
one encompasses the remote carbonate source
(RCS1 and 2) and the fertilizer source (F).
PSM3, 6, 7, 11 and 13 lie between the two
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