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Academic Year

2021 - 2022
Report Period
Year 9 December 2021

Martina La Rocca Márquez


20 Dec 2021

Form Tutor: Mr C M Garcia

Attendance: 100.0%
English or Target Willingness to
Attitudes to Organisation Independent
Language for speak English or Attainment Progress
Learning for Learning Learning
Learning target Language
Performing Arts
Miss Guilar-Megahey +

Mrs Bengtsson +

Miss Hemsworth +

Mrs Green +

Art & Design

Miss Williams +

Mr Garcia ++

Mr McIntyre ++

Dr Browne ++

Mr Garden ++

Physical Education
Miss Gardiner =

Lengua Castellana
Sra Balsalobre ++

Cultura Española
Sr Oñate Riquelme ++
General Overview
This term, in the performing arts lessons of Music and Drama, we have been working towards our end of term Performing
Arts Showcase of “The Circus”. This has involved singing, drama and dance but has also developed skills of teamwork,
responsibility and building an awareness and understanding of the skills needed when performing in front of an audience.
By the time you read this report, hopefully, you will have seen the final result of the work of the term!

Teacher Comment
Martina has made good progress in both Music and Drama. She has learned a variety of songs and stepped outside of her
comfort zone when participating in the Secondary school show. She has worked well with other members of her class
when collaborating and shown an increased level of confidence. In the new term, I would like to see Martina take on a
speaking role with a focus on continuing to improve her independence as a performer.
Miss Guilar-Megahey

General Overview
This term we have been focusing on narrative writing, looking at ways writers build tension and keep the readers engaged.
We have read a variety of stories, covering a range of genres and with different types of endings. The pupils then used
these as inspiration to write their own stories.
In Literature we have read the novel The Outsiders, based on the story of two teenage boys in Oklahoma. This has led on
to vocabulary extension activities, empathetic writing in the form of diary entries, analytical writing using PEE paragraphs
and the writing of eulogies.

Teacher Comment
Martina is a hard working, conscientious pupil who is making good progress in English. She scored a 9 in the cycle
assessment, showing she has a clear knowledge of literary devices and is able to write effective PEE paragraphs. Martina's
end of term story was imaginative, and she managed to build tension. One area for her to work on would be to try to learn
the occasional word she misspells. I recommend she continues to read and take the accelerated reader quizzes, as this will
further improve her spelling and vocabulary.
Mrs Bengtsson

General Overview
Over the course of this term we have covered the following topics: 2D and 3D geometry, linear equations, quadratic
algebraic manipulation and indices. In teaching maths we always aim to give the students the opportunities to develop the
right attitude for problem solving and tackling all problems in a systematic manner. Students are encouraged to think their
way through problems so as to be able to approach abstract questions more easily.

Teacher Comment
Martina has had a good start to year 9. She is an able and conscientious pupil. She listens carefully in class and always
produces work of a high standard. She has coped well with the basic algebra techniques that we learnt in the first half of
term, but did struggle with some of the work on quadratics. We will review this again later in the year. I have been
impressed by Martina’s attitude and approach to Maths. She works well both independently and collaboratively with her
peers. Maritna is able to think through problems logically and apply her knowledge to solving new ones. Martina should be
pleased with the progress that she has made this term. It has been a pleasure teaching Martina this term.
Miss Hemsworth
General Overview
This term in Biology we have studied Cells.Students must be able to compare and contrast the animal, plant and bacterial
cells in terms of both structure and function. They should be able to identify, label and explain how specialised cells are
adapted to their functions. The students reviewed how to use a microscope and prepare a slide, which is one of the GCSE
core practicals.
In our second topic we studied Chemistry. We covered States of matter and Separating Mixtures. The students performed
a range of practical techniques used to separate a variety of mixtures and can identify whether a substance is pure or a
mixture using its melting point. There has been a real focus on students using scientific terminology in their written

Teacher Comment
Martina has made very good progress this term in Science. She has grown in confidence over the course of the term and
now often makes great oral contributions to lessons. Martina should now try to ask more questions in class, and continue
to extend her written answers by using topic specific terminology in the correct context. Her second cycle test result
showed a real improvement, and it was cleasr that she has acted on advice given. I particularly enjoyed the girls
demonstration on Particle Theory, which they delivered to the class. The demonstration was well researched and
delivered. Well done!
Mrs Green


General Overview
This term we have been focussing on observational drawing, with a focus on shape and form and using the grid method for
improved accuracy. We have recently started a sculpture project with students experimenting with wire forms.

Teacher Comment
Martina has made really good progress this term, her observational drawing using the grid method was really good and
showed a good level of ability in all areas, particularly in communicating texture. Recent work in wire manipulation showed
good resilience and she has shown a good level of understanding of how to problem solve and improve on this next term.
Miss Williams

General Overview
Year 9 have covered File Management, Cyber-bullying, Fake News and E-Safety delivering group presentations on these
topics. They are now moving onto Logic and Programming.

Teacher Comment
Martina has made excellent progress in Computer Science and collaborated very effectively on the E-safety group
presentation. In order to make further progress Martina should combine selection and iteration to solve programming
Mr Garcia
General Overview
This term the pupils have been studying language to be able to talk about their daily routines inside and outside of school:
- describing their timetable (subjects they have to study as well as optional subjects and activities)
- what they think of different subjects and why
- what their routine is otherwise at school
- what they do on different days in the morning and evening and at what time
- how they would describe themselves as a pupil, in terms of what their best and worst traits are
- what a school day looks like in other parts of the world

Teacher Comment
Martina has made excellent progress this term. She has continued with the same admirable work ethic that I also saw in
Year 7, when I was her teacher as well. She has worked through exercises efficiently, independently, but also using pair and
group work well. Her book work and whiteboard work have shown good fcous and participation and she has managed to
build a confident knowledge of the unit, which was evident in the final tasks we did this term. It was also very pleasing to
see her achieve a grade 9 on her cycle test, which is a good reflection of her ability and approach to her studies. Well done.
Mr McIntyre

General Overview
In Year 9, we have been focusing on natural volcanic hazards, with a particular emphasis on the La Palma volcano. Students
have worked collaboratively to research the characteristics and impacts of the La Palma volcano, and then we have
compared these to volcanoes around the world. In addition to the knowledge gained, students have been learning
important GCSE skills such as essay structure and evaluation techniques.

Teacher Comment
Martina has had a very good term and has made excellent progress in terms of her understanding and being able to link
ideas. In her cycle test, Martina attained a high grade 9, which is fantastic for Year 9. Her cycle test essay was one of the
best in the class, and included evaluation of the different impacts; this is a high level skill. In the last few weeks, Martina
has really contributed more to class discussions, illustrating increasing confidence. Her work on the La Palma investigation
was great and showed real creativity and problem solving skills. It really has been a joy to have Martina in the class and I
know she will continue to progress and do well, as she has this year! Well done!
Dr Browne

General Overview
This term we have been studying a depth unit on the French Revolution. We have paid particular attention towards
historical empathy trying to look at some of the vales of the period compared with today. The key historical concepts we
have looked at are significance, causation and consequence. We are currently looking at a breadth unit on the British
Empire. With the key historical concepts of similarity and difference, continuity and change.

Teacher Comment
Martina is doing exceptionally well in history this year and I am so impressed by the levels of effort that she has put into
her work. Her written History is developing nicely and in many respects far better than I would normally expect to read
from someone in year 9. She is beginning to articulate some complex ideas of causation and consequences all within a
historical argument. I have no doubt that should Martina decide to choose History as an option in year 10, then she would
come out with the very highest grades.
Mr Garden
General Overview
This term we have covered handball, football and athletics. During these sports we have learnt a variety of skills to put into
competitive situations. Students are encouraged to participate but it is not compulsory in Inter-House competitions. The
inter-house competitions have been fantastically close this term, well done everyone who participated!

Teacher Comment
Martina's energy and enthusiasm is brilliant in PE. Martina continues to try her hardest in every sport, particularly being
successful in handball and athletics this term. Martina always demonstrates great sportsmanship and acts as an example
for her peers. Well done Martina!
Miss Gardiner

General Overview
A lo largo de este primer trimestre, en Lengua hemos estudiado la comunicación y sus elementos, junto con los diferentes
códigos y contextos comunicativos, de manera que los alumnos han podido reflexionar sobre la importancia de la
comunicación en la evolución del ser humano y la manera en la que es algo vivo que va evolucionando de la mano a la
necesidad humana de encontrar nuevas formas de comunicación. Junto a este contenido, también hemos profundizado en
las diferentes maneras que usamos para crear palabras y cómo podemos agruparlas en familias léxicas, separado las raíces
o lexemas de los morfemas y analizando los tipos de éstos que están involucrados en esa creación de palabras.
En la parte de Gramática, hemos comenzado a estudiar las relaciones sintácticas, los tipos de sujeto y las oraciones
impersonales, y los sintagmas o grupos que se conforman en torno a un núcleo y les son asignados funciones sintácticas en
la oración simple. En la parte de Literatura, hemos visto los géneros literarios y las tipologías textuales, centrándonos en la

Teacher Comment
Es una alumna muy especial. Es entusiasta, creativa, exigente consigo misma y generosa en clase con sus compañeros. Es
un placer poder contar con una alumna como Martina ya que es profundamente motivadora. Espero que siga
manteniendo esta actitud y vitalidad muchos años ya que es todo un ejemplo de conducta.

Sra Balsalobre

General Overview
Durante este largo trimestre hemos estudiado la caída del Imperio Romano de Occidente y como afectó a la Península
Ibérica, con la creación de la monarquía visigoda y la invasión musulmana. Los alumnos han aprendido las características
de la Edad Media y las distintas fases políticas de Al Ándalus, así como la sociedad característica de la época

Teacher Comment
Martina es un alumna excelente y demuestra una gran asimilación de todos los conceptos de la asignatura. Es un placer
tenerla en clase puesto que es de las más participativas y siempre lleva su trabajo al día. Su comportamiento, teniendo en
cuenta que la clase es algo especial en ese sentido, es modélico. Enhorabuena.
Sr Oñate Riquelme

Form Tutor Report

Martina enjoys a small circle of close friends in the form and is generally punctual and well-organised in the mornings.
Martina always gets involved with form activities which is important for social development. Overall, I'd say Martina is
thriving at school.

Mr C M Garcia
Key Level Nivel
Always Siempre
Nearly always Casi siempre
Mostly Generalmente
Occasionally A veces
Rarely Rara vez
Hardly ever Casi nunca
Not Applicable No aplicable

Your child is regularly producing work that is significantly higher than the expected level for their
Working Significantly Above
year group.
Trabaja considerablemente por encima de la
Su hijo/a trabaja consistentemente y el nivel de su trabajo es mucho más alto de lo que se espera
para su curso.

Working Above Your child is regularly producing work that is higher than the expected level for their year group.
Trabaja por encima de la media Su hijo/a trabaja por encima del nivel que se espera para su curso.

Working At Your child is regularly meeting the expected level for their year group.
Trabaja en la media Su hijo/a trabaja de acuerdo al nivel esperado para su curso.

Your child is not regularly meeting the expected level for their year group, but they are close to
doing so. With continued reinforcement and hard work, they are likely to meet the expected level
more regularly.
Se aproxima a la media
Su hijo/a no alcanza el nivel esperado para su curso pero se aproxima. Con refuerzo constante y
esfuerzo, se espera que consiga el nivel.
Your child is not yet meeting the expected level. With support, they are able to access the
curriculum for their year group. Your child may be offered additional support within the classroom
Working Below to access the curriculum more independently.
Trabaja por debajo de la media Su hijo/a aún no ha alcanzado el nivel esperado. Con apoyo, podrá acceder al currículo de su curso. Le
podemos ofrecerle apoyo extra en el aula para que pueda acceder al currículo de forma más
Your child finds it difficult to access the curriculum for their year group and they need regular
Not Yet Accessing the Year Group Curriculum additional support. Your child may be offered additional learning support to help them catch up.
Aún no accede al currículo de su curso A su hijo/a le cuesta acceder al currículo de su curso y necesita apoyo extra de forma regular. Le
podemos ofrecer apoyo en el aprendizaje para ayudarle a ponerse al día.

Excellent - Excellente

Good - Bien

Less Than Expected - Por debajo de las expectativas

The explanations Below give more detail on what the 0-5 grading is describing.
En el apartado explicación, se detalla la descripción de las calificaciones de 0 a 5.

English for Learning

A high level of English for Learning is crucial for a child to make excellent progress towards their personal goals.
English for Learning is a measure of a child’s ability to understand and use the English language in academic contexts
relevant to their stage in education.
Un alto nivel de inglés durante el aprendizaje es crucial para que el alumno progrese de manera excelente hacia sus
metas personales. English for Learning se mide a través de la capacidad del alumno para entender y usar el inglés en los
contextos académicos relevantes durante su etapa educativa.

Willingness to Speak English

A child’s willingness to use and develop spoken English language has a direct impact on academic outcomes and social
integration. This measures a child’s confidence and engagement in developing their English skills in order to access the
La disposición del alumno para usar y desarrollar el inglés de forma hablada tiene un impacto directo en los resultados
académicos y en la integración social. Se mide por la confianza y la participación del alumno en el desarrollo de sus
habilidades en inglés para poder acceder al currículum.

Attitudes to Learning
An excellent attitude to learning is the foundation of academic progress and success.
Attitudes to learning are measured by their willingness to focus, persevere and engage with all learning
Una actitud excelente hacia el aprendizaje es la base del progreso académico y el éxito.
La actitud hacia el aprendizaje se mide por la disposición del alumno a concentrarse, perseverar
y participar con todas las oportunidades de aprendizaje.

Organisation for Learning

Pupils who are well organised give themselves the best chance of academic success. Organisation for Learning measures
punctuality, willingness to settle quickly with the correct equipment to learn.
Los alumnos que se organizan bien tiene una mayor oportunidad de lograr todos sus objetivos
académicos. La organización del estudio se mide a través de la puntualidad y la disposición a adaptarse
rápidamente con el material adecuado para aprender.

Independent Learning
Independence is crucial to success in school, at university and later in the world of work. Pupils must learn to take
responsibility for their own learning and progress. This is measured by a pupil’s willingness to find olutions when they
get stuck, is self-motivated to complete work and effectively evaluate their own progress.
El hecho de ser un alumno independiente es crucial durante la etapa educativa, en la universidad y más
adelante en la vida laboral. Los alumnos deben aprender a tomar responsabilidad de su propio aprendizaje y progreso.
Se mide por la actitud que presenta el alumno ante la búsqueda de soluciones cuando se ve atascado y se
motiva a sí mismo para terminar el trabajo y evaluar su progreso de forma efectiva. cidad de comprensión del
trabajo de cada alumno.

This represents how well a pupil is doing in the subject. It is a measure of their understanding based on where
we would expect a pupil to be at this stage in the school year.
El logro académico representa el rendimiento del alumno en la asignatura. Con esta nota medimos su comprensión
basándonos en el nivel del curso académico que el alumno debería haber superado en ese momento.

This reflects the extent to which a pupils understanding or skills have developed since the start of the year.
This could be affected by a pupil’s attendance or their ability to understand the work.
Esta casilla refleja el desarrollo de la comprensión y destrezas del alumno desde principio de curso. Este apartado
puede verse afectado por la asistencia a clase o la capacidad de comprensión del trabajo de cada alumno.

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