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BSE 3103: Requirements

Engineering (4 CU)

Dr. Joseph Kibombo Balikuddembe

For comments and issues
Terms and Conditions
• NO PHONE CALLS only email queries will be answered.
• All lecture notes and additional material will be loaded on
• Attendance is a must as it carries 5 percent of the total mark.
• Two written tests will be given –using practical approach
• Tests will carry 40% of the total final mark while the final
exam will carry 60% of the total final mark.
• Lectures begin promptly on time.
• An attendance register will be made for each lecture.
• Pay attention to examples in class as they may come back as
exam questions.
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Introduction to Requirements
• Definition
– Requirements Engineering (RE) is a set of activities
concerned with identifying and communicating
the purpose of a software intensive system and
contexts in which it will be used.
– Hence, RE acts as the bridge between the real
world needs of users, customers and other
constituencies affected by a software system and
the capabilities and opportunities afforded by
software intensive technologies

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Zooming IN
• As a set of activities: It is not a phase or stage
• Identifying and communicating: Communication is as
important as analysis
• Purpose: Quality means fitness for purpose. Cannot say
anything on quality unless you understand the purpose.
• Contexts: Designers need to know how and where the
system will be used.
• Real world needs: Requirements are partly about what is
• Constituencies: Need to identify all the stakeholders – not
just the customer and the user.
• Capabilities and opportunities: and partly about what is
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Cost of getting it wrong
• Cost of fixing errors
– Typical development process:
• requirements analysis ⇒ software design ⇒ programming ⇒
development testing ⇒ acceptance testing ⇒ operation
– Errors cost more to fix the longer they are undetected
• E.g. A requirements error found in testing costs 100 times
more than a programming error found in testing
• Causes of project failure
– These are very many, check with the Standish group

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There are different types of
• Very general requirements – these set out in
broad terms what the system should do.
• Functional requirements – define part of the
systems’ functions.
• Implementation requirements – state how the
system must be implemented
• Performance requirements – specify a minimum
acceptable performance for the system
• Usability requirements - specify the maximum
acceptable time to demonstrate the use of the
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• Requirements set constraints and goals in the
design and objective space
– When designing systems we always have tradeoffs
between performance, cost, schedule and risk
– “Shall” … Requirements help set constraints and
define the boundaries of the design space and
objective space
– “Should” … requirements set goals once “shall”
requirements are satisfied

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Two main spaces
• Design Space – the things we decide as engineers
• Objective Space – the things our
systems/products achieve and what our
customers care about
– 1. “The house shall sleep between 4 and 6 people”
– 2. “The total build cost should be less than $550K” 3.
“The house shall have at least 3 bedrooms”
– 4. “The house should have a fireplace”

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Concept Question
• Is there any difference in meaning between
the words “Requirements” and
– No, they are essentially the same.
– Yes, requirements are the input to the design
process, while specifications are the output.
– Yes, specifications include the requirements, but
also contain other things such as blueprints etc
– am not sure.
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Common requirements problem
• Requirements don’t reflect the real needs of the
customer for the system
• Requirements are inconsistent or/and are
• Expensive to make changes to requirements once
they have been agreed
• Misunderstanding between customers, those
developing the system requirements and
software engineers developing or maintaining the
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FQAS about requirements
• What are requirements?
– A statement of system service
– A constraint on the system operation
– Description of how the system should behave
– Application domain information
– Specification of the system properties or
• How much does RE cost
– A: About 15% of the system development costs

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Requirements vs. Specifications
• Requirements specify • Specifications describe
what the product or how the system is built
system shall/should do: and works
– Functions it shall – The Form it is made of
perform – Materials used in the
– How well it should system
perform these – Overall dimensions
– Degree of automation of – Schematics, Blueprints
the system (what etc…
operators must do) – User Interface
– Compatibility with other
devices etc
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FQAS about requirements – Cont.
• What is requirements engineering process
– The structured set of activities involved in developing
system requirement
• What happens when requirements are wrong?
– Systems are late, unreliable, and don’t meet customer
• Is there an ideal requirements engineering
– NO. Processes must be tailored to individual
organization needs

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FQAS about requirements – Cont.
• What is a requirement document?
– The formal statement of the system requirements
• Who are system stakeholders?
– Anyone affected by the system in some way.
• What is the relationship between requirements and
– Requirements and design are interwoven. In principle,
they should be separate processes but in practice this is
• What is requirement management?
– The process of involved in managing changes to

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Purpose of Technical Requirements
• The Technical Requirements Definition Process
– Is used to transform the baselined stakeholder
expectations (input) into unique, quantitative, and
measurable technical requirements (output)
• Requirements
– Come in many flavors
– Should be expressed as well-written “shall”
statements that can be used for defining a design
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Purpose of Technical Requirements
• Establishes the basis for agreement between the
stakeholders and the developers on what the product is to
• Reduces the development effort because less rework is
required to address poorly written, missing, and
misunderstood requirements.
– Forces the relevant stakeholders to consider rigorously all of the
requirements before design begins
– Careful review can reveal omissions, misunderstandings, and
inconsistencies early in the development cycle
• Provides a basis for estimating costs and schedules
– The description of the product to be developed as given in the
requirements is a realistic basis for estimating project costs and
can be used to evaluate bids or price estimates
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Purpose of Technical Requirements
• Provides a baseline for verification
– Organizations can develop their validation and
verification plans much more productively from a
good requirements document.
– The requirements document provides a baseline
against which compliance can be measured.
– The requirements are also used to provide the
stakeholders with a basis for acceptance of the
• Facilitates transfer of the product to new users.
• Serve as a basis for later enhancement or
alteration of the finished product.
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Interrelationships Among the System
Design Processes

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Attributes of Acceptable Requirements
• A complete sentence with a single “shall” per numbered statement
• Characteristics for each Requirement Statement:
– Clear and consistent – readily understandable
– Correct – does not contain error of fact
– Feasible – can be satisfied within natural physical laws, state of the art
technologies, and other project constraints
– Flexibility – Not stated as to how it is to be satisfied
– Without ambiguity – only one interpretation makes sense
– Singular – One actor-verb-object requirement
– Verify – can be proved at the level of the architecture applicable
• Characteristics for pairs and sets of Requirement Statements:
– Absence of redundancy – each requirement specified only once
– Consistency – terms used are consistent
– Completeness – usable to form a set of “design-to” requirements
– Absence of conflicts – not in conflict with other requirements or itself

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Requirements Decomposition, Allocation and

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Technical Requirements Definition Best Practice Process
Flow Diagram

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Some observations about RE
• RE is not necessarily a sequential process:
– !Don’t have to write the problem statement before the
solution statement"
• (Re-)writing a problem statement can be useful at any stage
of development
– RE is a set of activities that continue throughout the
development process!
• The problem statement will be imperfect
– !RE models are approximations of the world"
• will contain inaccuracies and inconsistencies"
• will omit some information.
• detailed analysis can reduce the risk that these will cause
serious problems
• but that risk can never be reduced to zero

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Some observations about RE
• Perfecting a specification may not be cost-
– Requirements analysis has a cost
– For different projects, the cost-benefit balance will be
• Problem statement should never be treated as
– Change is inevitable, and therefore must be planned
– There should be a way of incorporating changes
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Importance of RE
• Problems
– Increased reliance on software
• E.g. cars, dishwashers, cell phones, web services,
– Software now the biggest cost element for mission
critical systems
• E.g. Boeing 777
– Wastage on failed projects
• E.g. 1997 GAO report: $145 billion over 6 years on software
that was never delivered
– High consequences of failure
• E.g. Ariane 5: $500 million payload
• E.g. Intel Pentium bug: $475 million

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Importance of RE
• Key factors:
– Certification costs
• E.g. Boeing 777: >40% of software budget spent on
– Re-work from defect removal
• E.g. Motorola: 60-80% of software budget (was)
spent on re-work
– Changing Requirements
• E.g. California DMV system

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What do requirements Engineers do?
• Starting point
– Some notion that there is a problem” that needs
• e.g. dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs
• e.g. a new business opportunity
• e.g. a potential saving of cost, time, resource usage, etc.
– A Requirements Engineer is an agent of change

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What do requirements Engineers do?
• The requirements engineer must:
– Identify the problem /opportunity
• Which problem needs to be solved? (identify problem
• Where is the problem? (understand the Context /Problem
• Whose problem is it? (identify Stakeholders)
• Why does it need solving? (identify the stakeholders Goals)
• How might a software system help? (collect some Scenarios)
• When does it need solving? (identify Development Constraints)
• What might prevent us solving it? (identify Feasibility and Risk)
– and become an expert in the problem domain
• although ignorance is important too -- “the intelligent ignoramus”

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Process, methods and techniques
• A notation is a representation scheme (or language) for expressing
things; e.g., Z, first order logic, dataflow diagrams, UML.
• A technique prescribes how to perform a particular (technical)
activity - and, if necessary, how to describe a product of that
activity in a particular notation; e.g, use case diagramming,
• A method provides a technical prescription for how to perform a
collection of activities, focusing on integration of techniques and
guidance about their use; e.g., SADT, OMT, JSD, KAOS, RUP(?).
• A Process model is an abstract description of how to conduct a
collection of activities, focusing on resource usage and
dependencies between activities.
• A Process is an enactment of a process model, describing the
behaviour of one or more agents and their management of
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Where do RE methods fit into RE
• each method is appropriate for some
particular types of problem domain
– often not well-defined where they fit
• methods vary in their coverage (of RE
activities) and focus; e.g.,
• Coverage: elicitation, modelling, analysis, etc."
• Focus: goals, behaviour, viewpoints, etc

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System engineering
• There is a close relationship between software
requirements and more general system
• Computer-based system fall into two broad
– User-configured systems where a purchaser puts
together a system from the existing software products
– Custom systems where the customer produces a set
of requirements for hardware/software system and a
contractor develops and delivers that system

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Classes of custom systems
• Information systems
– Primarily concerned with processing information
which is held in some database
• Embedded systems
– Systems where software is used as a controller in
some broader hardware system
• Command and control system
– Essential, a combination of information systems and
embedded system where special purpose computers
provide information which is collected and stored and
used to make decisions.

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Emergent properties
• Emergent properties are properties of the system
as a whole and only emerge once after all of its
individual subsystems have been integrated
• Example of emergent properties
– Reliability
– Maintainability
– Performance
– Usability
– Security
– Safety
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Requirement document
• The requirements document is a formal
document used to communicate the
requirements to customers, engineers and
• It describes
– Services and functions which the system should
– Constraints under which the system must operate
– Overall properties of the system, i.e, constraints on
the system emergent properties

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Requirement document
• It describes
– Definition of other systems with which the system must
– Information about the application domain of the system
• E.g how to carry out particular types of computations
– Constraints on the processes used to develop the system
– Description of the hardware on which the system is to run
• The document should always include an introductory
chapter which provides an overview of the system,
business needs supported by the system and the
glossary which explains the terminology used.

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Users of requirements document
• System customers : specify the requirements and
read them to check they meet their needs
• Project managers: use the requirements
document to plan a bid for system and to plan
the system development process.
• System engineers: to understand the system
being developed
• System testers : to develop validation tests for the
• Maintenance engineers: to understand the
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Writing requirements
• Requirements are usually written as
paragraphs of natural language text
supplemented by diagrams and equations
– Business requirement example
• The System will provide a report detailing expenditures
of each department for a given month

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Problems with requirements
• The meaning of requirements is not always
obvious because
• Use of complex conditional clauses which are
• Sloppy and inconsistent terminology
• Writers tend to assume that readers have
domain knowledge

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Common Problems with Requirements
• Writing implementations (“How”) instead of
requirements (“What”)
• Forces the design Implies the requirement is
• Using incorrect terms
• Avoid “support” , “but not limited to” , “etc” ,
• Using incorrect sentence structure or bad
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Common Problems with Requirements
• Writing unverifiable requirements
– E.g., minimize, maximize, rapid, user-friendly,
easy, sufficient, adequate, quick
• Missing requirements
• Requirements only written for “first use”
• Over-specifying

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Writing essentials
• Requirements are read more often than they are written, so
invest time to write readable and understandable requirements
• Do not assume that all readers of requirements have the same
background and use the same terminology common to the
business domain.
• Allow for time to review, revision and redrafting of the
requirements document
• Define standard templates for describing requirements
• Use language simply, consistently and concisely.
• Use diagrams appropriately
• Supplement natural language with other descriptions of
• Specify requirement quantitatively
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Key points
• Requirements define what the system should provide and
define system constraints
• Requirements problems lead to late delivery and change
requests after the system is in use
• Requirements engineering is concerned with eliciting,
analyzing and documenting the system requirements.
• Systems engineering is concerned with the system as a
whole including hardware, software and operational
• The requirements document is the definitive specification
of requirements for customers, engineers and managers
• The requirements document should include a system
overview, glossary of terms, statement of the functional
requirements and the operations constraints.
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Types of document that make this
process comprehensive
• Blueprint document (for the business)
• Glossary of terms
• Business use case document
• User interface specification document
• Non functional requirement document
• Traceability matrix
• Use-case realization document
• Domain model description (design)
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