NTE ELEM AchievementTest2 Audioscript

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Achievement Test 2 Audio script

M1 = Man 1 W1 = Woman 1 etc.

M1: I really don’t like going shopping, but I’ve got a new job so I needed
to buy some smart new clothes. My wife suggested going to the big
department store in town as there’s more choice there, so we went
into town on Saturday afternoon. It was crazy! There were so many
people. Eventually we found a shop assistant to help us and I tried
on several suits and shirts. Finally, I chose a dark grey suit and a
pale pink shirt and I must say I looked pretty good!

W1: I arrived in London last week. I flew from Hamburg and decided to
take a train to Cornwall because I’ve heard so much about it and I
have some friends there who are studying English at a language
school in Penzance. A return ticket was cheaper than two singles,
so I’m going to go down there tomorrow and I’m coming back in five
days. I’m really looking forward to it.

W2: Honestly, it was one of the worst hotels I’ve ever stayed in. I
wanted to stay in a small traditional hotel in the town centre so we
could walk everywhere. I don’t really like those international hotels
or bed and breakfast places, so this hotel seemed ideal except that
when we got there we discovered that it was on a very busy street.
When we wanted to change our rooms, the receptionist was very
rude and unhelpful and so we didn’t sleep for three nights!

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2011
Achievement Test 2 Audio script

M = Maria D =Dan G = Gudrun

M: I can’t believe it’s almost the end of the summer term. I’ve still got
so many things to organise for my trip.
D: Oh yeah? Where are you going?
M: Didn’t I tell you? I’m off to Vancouver.
G: Why Vancouver? Have you got friends there?
M: No actually, I’m going to join my parents and we’re going to go on a
whale-watching cruise.
D: Wow, how fantastic. Lucky you! I’ve always wanted to do
something like that but I’ve never had the money.
M: So, Dan, what about you?
D: I’m not sure yet, but I love hiking and I’m going to see if it would be
possible to do a charity fundraising trek to Everest Base Camp.
G: Ooh that’ll be really cold … I hate the cold weather.
D: What?! But you come from Switzerland … it’s always cold Gudrun!
G: Don’t be silly. Of course we have lots of snow in winter, but we
have great summers too, though nothing like yours in Australia.
D: Yeah, last year it was over forty degrees in Sydney when I was at
home. You just can’t do anything in that kind of heat. Anyway, yes,
I hope I can go to the Himalayas. I want to do something to raise
money for children in Africa. And what about you Gudrun?
G: Well, actually I’m going to start another course.
M: You’re kidding! After all the studying we’ve done this year I don’t
want to see another book. So, what are you going to do?
G: I’ve signed up to do another English course because I want to be a
tour guide when I get back to Switzerland.
D: Good for you. I think that’s a great idea.
M: Hmm, I’m not so sure. I don’t want to think about working!

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2011

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