NSTP - Week 3

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The Philippines has been hit by the COVID-19 pandemic during the first quarter of

2020. For a long time, people have been mandated to stay at home in order to reduce the
contraction and spread of the virus. Schools have been closed, businesses and offices too.
Amusement and other activities have been restricted as well. A number of milestones have not
been celebrated too. Most have been working from home and unfortunately, many have lost
their jobs as well. It was a rough time for everyone, though we were all in the same body of
water, we were not all in the same boat. Some were in a yacht while others were in a canoe.
Last February 28, 2021, almost a year from now, the Philippines has received its first
batch of coronavirus vaccines from Sinovac. Finally, the country can start inoculating its
people. However, the daily number of cases reported by the Department of Health continued
to go upward as the days progressed. This resulted to a lot more confusing community
restrictions; ECQ, GCQ, MGCQ, and the creation of “bubbles”. We were all like stepping back
and forth, and going on circles. The imposition of strict protocols was like a trial and error.
By the last quarter of the year 2021, strict protocols were gradually lifted in order for
the country to recover and breathe again. Many batches of vaccines, both donated and procured
were arriving. Until such time that we have been abundant with vaccines, the Philippines
conducted a three-day National COVID-19 Vaccination program. This national initiative
aimed to vaccinate more Filipinos so that we can all have a safe and healthy Christmas. Indeed,
it has become easier to be with friends and family that time. Furthermore, it was the best time
for gatherings and reunions, something that we all miss doing.
By the beginning of January 2022, daily COVID-19 cases have massively increased
once again due to the threat of the new variant, Omicron, and because of the December get-
togethers. On a positive note, most cases were mild. To quickly resolve the increasing cases,
the IATF pushed for an Alert Level 3 classification effective January 3 to 15. Even our LGU
had to push for the same alert level due to the threat of the virus. Well, I could not agree more
and praise this decision of the task force because we obviously have no choice but to contain
the virus the earliest time possible. Because if not, then it will take time again before we can
get through this crisis.
Fortunately, this February, the number of daily COVID-10 cases are slowly dropping,
we are once again opening the economy, millions of Filipinos are vaccinated, and face-to-face
classes in some regions have resumed. Slowly and cautiously, the Philippines is going back to
normal. Hopefully by the end of the year, we will have surpassed this crisis and come back

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