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role model modelo de conducta youth juventud

I’d rather preferiría advice aconsejar
heroe héroe brave valiente
leader líder courageous valiente
lead dirigir, conducir perseverant perseverante
admire admirar famous famoso
show mostrar creative creativo
follow seguir hardworking trabajador
independent independiente outgoing extrovertido
thoughtful Considerado/pensativo believe creer
plan planear discover descubrir
decide decidir remember recordar
forget olvidar memory memoria
achieve lograr make decisions tomar decisiones
shape personality moldear la personalidad influential influyente
influence influenciar contribution contribución
quotation cita worldwide a nivel mundial
hometown ciudad natal heroine heroína
Let’s exercise

I.- Match the words with the corresponding definition. (una las palabras con las definiciones)

1. Hometown ………………a man or boy admired (by many people) for his brave deeds

2. Worldwide ……………..having the power to change people or things

3. Heroe ……………..a person who someone admires and whose behavior they try to copy

4. Leader …………… succeed in doing something difficult

5. Achieve …………… all parts of the world

6. Role model ………………a person in control of a group, country, or situation

7. Influential ……………..the town or city that a person is from, especially the one in which they

were born and lived while they were young

II.- Match the adjectives with their corresponding synonyms. (una los adjetivos con sus

1. Famous ……………kind
2. Outgoing …………..persistent
3. Thoughtful ……………active
4. Brave ……………sociable
5. Perseverant ……………inventive
6. Creative ……………fearless
7. Hardworking ……………well known
III.- Complete the sentences with the corresponding verb. (complete las oraciones con el verbo que

Showed - lead - follow - admired - achieve - remember - advices

1.- The man……………………………all his braveness in the accident.

2.- Many teens……………………………negative leaders during their youth.
3.- The woman will……………………………………all her goals due to her perseverance.
4.- The past tense of this verb is LED. This verb is…………………………………….
5.- I have…………………………………… parents because of their hardworking lives.
6.- My older sister usually…………………………….me not to make bad decisions.
7.- I don’t want to……………………………………………the bad experiences I lived in the earthquake.

IV.- Translate the sentences into spanish. (traduzca las oraciones al español)

1. I’d rather be in face-to-face classes now.

2. The heroine followed her instincts and made a courageous plan to save the people.
3. Sports stars are role models for thousands of youngsters.
4. Thousands of heroes and heroines have made great contributions worldwide.
5. The leader discovered that many politicians wanted to support his ideas.
6. The boss had been very thoughtful and influential before the pandemic.

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