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Shankara Institute of



Devendra Bahadur Shahi Shristi Mam
B. Tech, ECE, First Semester

In preparation of my assignment, I had to take the help and guidance of my subject

teacher Shristi Bos, who deserve my deepest gratitude. As the completion of this
assignment gave me much pleasure, I would like to show my gratitude to my institution
Shankara Institution of Technology for giving me opportunity to prepare this
I am Devendra Bahadur Shahi, I belong to Thankot, Kathmandu, Nepal.I am pursuing my under
graduation in Computer Science from Shankara Institute of Technology. I did my Intermediate from
National Examination Board with 81.75% & High school from Nepal Government Controller Of
Examination with 82.5%.
I like computer, Because I am keenly interested in technologies, loves to spend my hours in computers
and I am introvert person too, I have achieved some achievement related to computer education. As
the present world is running with the new technology, scope of this field is wide, private or government
offices everyone hires computer science technicians and operators.
My Hobbies is playing football, basketball, A Passion for music, I loves to sing and play guitar, I too had
a band [‘AGRUDZ’- Thrilling Music Since 2015 ] who’s meaning is our elders. Songs and composition for
our done by me and my band mates helps me with their tunes. Reading and writing are also my
passion. I love reading novels, poems, and blogs. Subin Bhattrai is my best author nationally. I have
read his all creations, ‘Kathaki Patra’, ‘Summer Love’, ‘Saya’, ‘Monsoon’, ‘Priya Sufi’. Among his all
creation I love monsoon because literature used in this book is highly touching and relatable. Buddhi
Sagar, Madhav Parsad Ghimire, Parijaat, Narayan Wagle are mine best national authors.
Internationally Paulo Coelho, Ravindra Singh, Rupi Kaur, Rumi are mine best author. I too writes my
stories, my thoughts. I usually tries to write it using literature as I love literature writing skills.
My Strength is takes Initiative to work independently, Good leadership skill, Adaptable to any kind of
situation in estranged group & Helping tendency. My Weakness is I am not comfortable, until I finish
my work in the given time & over friendly in nature.
Talking about the goal, my aim is to be an entrepreneur. My Short term goal is to get the bachelor
degree with a well grades so that I can continue my Master’s Degree in Canada. My Long term goal is to
become more responsible and knowledgeable personality and establish my own company and tourism
promotion of my birth land with its beauty.
There is nothing which is absolutely right or wrong. There is nothing like a universally right or a wrong
thing. It is always relative to a person. Any action is right or wrong only in the mind of the people who
are judging the action to be right or wrong. Different people perceive the same action differently, it
depends upon the vision of the doer and who suffers. Same action which was considered 'right' at some
point of time might be considered 'wrong' at a later point of time. Same action can be considered 'right'
or 'wrong' depending upon the connection or the culture you are in.
Since deciding right or wrong is neither isotropic nor time invariant, the only consistent theory is to
accept that there is nothing like a universally right or wrong thing, and these are concepts present on
mind of people who are judging.
As I have been interested in sports from mine childhood, I have achieved many awards. Mine first Inter-
school award was when I was in class 5 in Ankur 6-A side under 3 feet football Competition where we
stood in 1st position and I was awarded with best player. In class 7 I stood first in Inter-school poem
writing Competition organized by Red Cross Society. I have been awarded with drawing competition
award and free writing award. In my intermediate schooling we took part in Inter College Science
Exhibition conducted by DAV College where we stood 3rd position.
P.S- 2
Depletion of natural resources occurs when resources are consumed at a faster rate than that of
replacement. Natural resources are those resources that are in existence without human’s actions and
they can either be renewable or non-renewable. And when it gets down to the discussion of natural
resource depletion, it a terminology used in reference to water usage, farming, and fossil fuel
consumption, fishing, and mining. And above all, natural resource depletion is defined on the premise
that the value of a resource is measured in terms of its availability in nature.

A resource that is rare on earth due to depletion has a higher value than a natural resource which is in
abundance. Due to the increasing global population, the levels of natural resource degradation is also
increasing. Consequently, the world’s eco-footprint is estimated to be one and a half times the ability
of the earth to sustainably provide each individual with enough resources that meet their consumption
levels. The root cause for environment pollution, global warming, ozone depletion, deforestation, soil
erosion are:

1. Overpopulation

The total global population is more than seven billion people. Still, there is a consistent increase in the
overall earth populace and this has been a critical factor in accelerating the depletion of natural
resources. An increase in populace expands the need for resources and conditions necessary to sustain
it. In addition, it contributes to increased ecological contamination. Research further indicates that
developing countries are using more and more resources to industrialize and support their ever-
increasing population. Hence, the depletion of natural resources will continue as long as the world
population increases.

2. Poor Farming Practices

Humans are causing a lot of stress to land resources due to the over-reliance on food production for
daily nutritional requirements. Poor irrigation practices, for example, is a key contributing factor to
salinization and alkalization of the soil that sustains plants growth. Poor soil management practices
and the use of heavy machinery and farming equipment also destroy the soil structure making it
unsuitable for plant growth. Some farming practices such as excessive use of pesticides, fungicides,
and herbicides equally kill important soil micro-organisms that are essential in replenishing nutrients in
the soil.

3. Logging

The World Bank reported that the net loss of global forest between 1990 and 2016 was 1.3 million
square kilometers. On the same note, tropical deforestation is estimated to occur at a rate of one
percent annually, especially in Latin America regions. People are clearing forests primarily for
agricultural reasons due to the increase in the population pressure. Humans are also cutting down trees
to make space for residential complexes and multiplexes. Through deforestation, the planet not only
loses tress but also thousands of animals and great plant biodiversity due to the destruction of their
natural habitats. Moreover, increased logging activities lead to soil erosion that degrades natural soil

4. Over consumption of Natural Resources

The 1760 industrial revolution saw large-scale mineral and oil exploration and the practice has been
gradually growing, leading to more and more natural oil and mineral depletion. And together with the
advancements in technology, development and research in the contemporary era; exploitation of
minerals has become easier and humans are digging deeper to access different ore. The increased
exploitation of different minerals has led to some of them entering into a production decline.

For example, minerals such as Gasoline, Copper, and Zinc production are estimated to decline in the
next 20 years. Plus, oil mining continue to rise due to the upsurge in the number of engines that use
petroleum thereby magnifying its depletion. The peak oil theory supports this fact by putting forward
that it will come a time when the globe will experience uncertainties on alternative means of fuels
owing to the over-harvesting of petroleum.

5. Pollution

An increase in population and modern anthropogenic activities is a major contributor to the disposal of

pollutants into the natural environment and as such, the value of natural environments are gradually
exposed to degradation. The soil, air, lakes, and seas are being contaminated with sewage, radioactive,
materials, and toxic chemicals among other pollutants.

Uncontrolled release of carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, sulfur oxide, and carbon dioxide, for example,
have resulted in the degradation of the ozone layer and global warming – environmental changes with
their resultant depletive impacts on different natural habitats. Millions of different animal and plant
species have thus lost their natural habitats and are on the verge of extinction.

6. Industrial and Technological Development

The present-day world is incessantly becoming industrialized as more and more countries make major
technological breakthroughs. But as technological advancements continue, there is similarly a
considerable growth in industries that release toxins and chemical by-products which are eventually
deposited in lakes, soils, and lands. As a result, the by-products and toxic materials alter natural habits
such as aquatic systems and wildlife.

Examples of the impacts include acidic lakes, dead zones, and the death of wildlife as well as aquatic
life. Industrial and technological advancements have also driven the demand for virgin materials for
research, development, and production. More resources are hence being used to satisfy the industrial
demands, increasing the rate of natural resource depletion.
The way out for this problems are:

1. Controlling Deforestation

Programs aimed at checking against deforestation such as REDD (Reducing Emissions from
Deforestation and Forest Degradation) created by the World Bank, the New York Declaration on
Forests, and the United Nations are initiatives that could help reduce the depletion of natural

The initiatives may also act as incentives for encouraging the general public to conserve forests as
these are the habitat and protectors of some of the world’s unique plant/animal species and water
sources respectively. Sustainability programs that aim to educate people about the importance of
conserving natural resources should also be enacted as a way of focusing on the long-term risks
associated with environmental degradation.

2. Reducing oil, mineral, and material consumption

Oil-rich countries together with the World Bank, states, and consumables’ regulatory bodies should
join hands towards a common international objective of discussing how oil and mineral consumption as
well as exploitation can be reduced. Manufactures can, for instance, be trained on lean manufacturing
(recycling, re-use, and reducing wastage) while consumers sensitized on how to adopt re-use, reducing
wastage, and recycling techniques.

3. More exploration and use of renewable sources of energy

Renewables such as solar and wind power can be explored more and utilized to reduce the dependency
on fossil fuel, which is a major cause of environmental pollution, climate change, global warming, and
destruction of natural habitats.

4. Protecting wetlands and coastal ecosystems

Wetlands are regions saturated with groundwater that serve a significant role in sustaining vegetation
cover. The coastal and wetland ecosystems are thus vital in sustaining the food chain as they replenish
water sources and avail minerals and nutrients for primary producers (green and flowering plants),
essential for maintaining plant and animal biodiversity. Also when coastal ecosystems are protected,
they aid in controlling marine overfishing and protect coral reefs.

5. Sensitization and awareness creation

People need to be educated on how their daily practices put a strain on the scarce natural resources
and their individual contributions to the depletion of natural resources. The main purpose of creating
awareness would be to encourage people to preserve and restore the natural environment by getting
involved in conservation efforts.

Natural acceptance implies unconditional and total acceptance of the self, people and environment. It
also refers to the absence of any exception from others. Once we fully and truly commit our self on the
basis of natural acceptance, we feel a holistic sense of inner harmony, tranquility and fulfillment.
Actually natural acceptance is way to accept the good things naturally. Learn everything that is good
from others, but bring it in, and in our own way absorb it; do not become others.

Respect means individuality. The sense of individuality is prime object. This is the first basic step
towards respect (sammana). Once we realized that we are individual then only we can see ourself
different from others. In other words, respect means right evaluation, to be evaluated as I am.
Not just to me, but in any relationship, respect is a natural and acceptable value. Mutual respect. Why
should anyone accept disrespect? Putting up with disrespect is a sign of an imbalanced relationship as
well as the individual’s cue to rebuild violated boundaries. At the same time, an individual who
assumes that it is OK to disrespect another person just because his/her ideas, thoughts, perceptions
are challenged or not accepted, needs help. Hence it is not alright to be disrespectful in a relationship.


Natural acceptance theory states that when we experience no struggle, no contradiction or conflict
within, we enjoy such a state of being and we want to be in that state continuously. Living in harmony
with all or living in opposition with all; trust or mistrust in any relationship; accumulating more and
more wealth while feeling deprived or having requisite wealth and feeling prosperous (means feeling
of prosperity or feeling of deprivation). Upon serious thinking, following Natural Acceptance theory, it
would come out that the most basic aspiration of all human beings on the earth is to live happily. And
that can only be ensured through harmonious connectivity with other human beings and rest of
nature. This conclusion can be reached upon only through self-introspection on the basis of our
natural acceptance. On further exploration, we will conclude that happiness is decided by how uplifted
or high we feel, means it is a feeling-based mental state decided by the quality of our thoughts that
crisscross our mind at any point of time.  If we have invested in building healthy relationship with all
entities in the space; humans, animals and even materials like air, water, plants, it will help us in
ensuring happiness at all levels for the simple reasons our thoughts will be pure and clear of any
negativity. Moreover this investment will be reflected back through positive reciprocation also leading
to mutual happiness (with other human beings) and mutual prosperity (with rest of nature). So for me
to nurture other with love, affection, care is the naturally acceptable.
a) As I am a student I want to take example of my laptop as a physical facility which follows the
following sequence with time:
Necessary and tasteful – unnecessary but still tasteful – unnecessary and tasteless – intolerable.
As I firstly use it for playing games, I feel refreshed and good. After sometimes it doesn’t gives the
good feelings as I firstly used it, slowly I feel its time pass and I am not utilizing my time it is
unnecessary and tasteless and when my eyes pains a lot I feel its intolerable.
b) Yes love ismobile
naturally acceptable feelings to me. Love is a Natural Emotion.
phones vegetablesWhen it is allowed to be
expressed, and towelsreceived, normally and naturally, without limitation trees or condition, inhibition or
cars breakfast
embarrassment, laptop
it does not require anything more. For the joy of love expressed and received in this
way is sufficient
books unto itself. Yet love which has been conditioned, limited, warped by rules and
regulations, rituals and restrictions, controlled, manipulated, and withheld, becomes unnatural. Love
that is continually repressed becomes possessiveness, a very unnatural emotion. People have killed
because of possessiveness. physical
Wars have plant
started, nations have fallen.
Among other things, it says that love is a decision, not a reaction. That may be one of the most
order order
important things anyone could ever say on the subject. True love is never the result of how another
person looks, behaves, or interacts with us. It is a choice to be loving no matter  how that other looks,
behaves or interacts with us. This does not mean that true love requires us to stay in a relationship that
is abusive. Do not confuse the words "love" and "relationship." We are not proving that we love
someone by staying in a relationship. Indeed, there are instances when we may be proving we love
human animal
them by leaving. So it is not true that love demands that we accept abuse from the one that we love. If

Of course, it isfamily
order order
a person is abusive to us, it is abusive to that person to allow their abuse to continue.
friends meat
true that no one can ever really "get out" of a relationship.clothes
We are always in relationship
with each other, and the only thing that changes is the form the relationship takes. You cannot end a
relationship, you can only change it. So do not think in terms of ending your relationship, think in
terms of changing it. You may wish to change its form, or you may wish to hold onto the form, but
change its characteristics within that form. Choosing to love someone truly love them is a very high
act. It is the mark of a Master. Loving someone as a "reaction" is a somewhat less elevated experience.
It is the mark of a student. The danger of loving someone as a reaction is that the one we love may
change. In fact, it is a certainty that they will. They may gain weight, or lose it. They may alter their
personality. They may change their ideas about something important to us. And if we are in love with
what others bring to us in relationship, we could be headed for enormous disappointment.

So we come to the second big truth about all this: love is not about what the other brings to you, it is
about what you bring to the other. Indeed, the purpose of all love relationships is to provide us with an
opportunity to decide and to declare, to be and to express, to become and to fulfill, Who We Really
Are. This is perhaps another way of restating the first truth, because Who We Really Are is a choice,
not a response. It is a decision, not a reaction - although it is true that most people think it is the other
way around. So I want to love and to be loved continuously.
My important activities are:
2. Sleeping 4. Playing
3. Eating 5. Studying

My activities includes both self and body.  The human being is the co-existence of ‘I’ and the body, and
there is exchange of information between the two. We can make this distinction between the self and
the body in three ways in terms of the needs, activities and the types of these two entities. The
activities of ‘I’ are activities like, desire, thinking, selection, while the activities of body are activities
like eating, breathing etc.

The mode of interaction of ‘I’ includes knowing, assuming, recognizing and fulfilment. The fulfilment
depends on recognition depends on assumptions and assumptions depends on knowing or not
knowing (beliefs). If assuming is based on knowledge, then recognition will be correct and fulfilment
will be correct. If assuming is not based on knowledge, then things may go wrong. The mode of
interaction of body is only recognizing and fulfilling. Self is a conscious entity and the body is a
material entity, or physicochemical in nature.

To conclude we can say that the human being can be understood in terms of a co-existence of two
entirely distinct entities, namely sentient ‘I’ and material body. Their needs and activities are quite
different and have to be understood accordingly. But these two constituents of human being are to act
in close synergy with each other. Knowing, assuming, recognizing and fulfilling are the activities
involving both the self and the body.

1. Activities of recognizing and fulfilling in the body: Apart from the activities of Breathing,
Heartbeat, Digestion etc., the activities of the body can also be understood as recognition and
fulfilment. In fact, the mutual interaction between any two material entities can be understood as
recognition and fulfilment of their relationship. For example when we are thirsty and drink water, the
body absorbs the water to the extent needed and uses for the nourishment of the various organs.
Here, body recognizes its relation with water and fulfils it.

2. Activities of knowing, assuming, recognizing and fulfilling in the self (‘I’): When it comes to self
(‘I’), which is a conscious entity; in addition to ‘recognizing and fulfilling’, there is also the activity of
assuming and that of knowing. In fact, recognizing and fulfilling in case of human beings will depend
upon knowing and/or assuming.

a. I assume – We all make assumptions and our response (recognition and fulfilment) is dependent on
the assumption. For ex.: If I see a snake and assumed it to be a rope, I shall respond differently to it,
than if I take it to be a snake itself. We call this activity ‘assuming’.

b. I recognize – We all recognize things today, we recognize a variety of things. Like, we recognize
water, our parents, friends, etc. We call this activity ‘recognizing’. The recognizing in ‘I’ depends on

c. I fulfil –The response that follows recognition is called the activity of ‘fulfilling’. The fulfilment
depends on the recognition. For ex.: Once we recognize water, we take it.
PS- 5
A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20.00 bill. In the room of 200, he asked,
"Who would like this $20 bill?"
Hands started going up.
He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this.
He proceeded to crumple up the $20 dollar bill.
He then asked, "Who still wants it?"
Still the hands were up in the air.
Well, he replied, "What if I do this?"
And he dropped it on the ground. And started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up,
now crumpled and dirty.
"Now, who still wants it?"
Still the hands went into the air.
My friends, we have all learned a very valuable lesson.
No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still
worth $20.
Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make
and the circumstances that come our way.
We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will
never lose your value.
Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to those who DO LOVE you. The worth
of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, But by WHO WE ARE.
"You are special - Don't EVER forget it."
P.S – 6

Classifying this things:

mobile phones vegetables

towels trees
cars breakfast

physical plant
order order

human animal
order order meat

There are four orders in nature material order, plant/bio (order, animal order and human
order. There is interconnectedness among all the orders. The first three orders are mutually
fulfilling to the rest three orders, only human order is not able to be fulfilling to the other
orders. There is recyclability and self-regulation in nature. We can understand the four
orders in terms of the things, under the group, their activities, the innateness, the natural
characteristic, the basic activity and the conformance. The table provided in the chapter
gives a comprehensive look at each of these aspects. A critical appraisal of where we stand
today shows that human is largely living like animals. The way out is consciousness
development of mankind.
Political instability

Political instability is defined as the process whereby the political life or atmosphere of a country or
nation suddenly changes or fails. When the political situation of a state or region is not certain because
it has a high possibility of changing or getting disturbed, then we say there is political instability in that
state or region.

It is common knowledge that political instability retards the development and progress of a country. In
order for a country to develop and move forward there should be a stable political atmosphere.

Root Causes

 If the rights and freedoms of the people are not respected or are trampled upon, then it is
very easy for instability to emerge.
 Corruption and mismanagement of the wealth of a country by the leaders. Corruption has
over the years been shown to be one of the biggest factors responsible for political
instability in many countries all over the world. The more corrupt a country is, the higher the
likelihood of that country becoming unstable.
 Political instability occurs when elections are not free and fair. Many countries have suffered
from political instability as a result of unfair elections characterized by rigging of votes and
intimidations during elections. An election that is not free and fair is one of the major causes
of political instability in many countries across the globe.
 Mass unemployment and poverty can easily trigger political instability in any country. When
majority of the people in a country are impoverished and cannot find jobs to do, then they
vent their anger on the government and that leads to instability in the country. Many
countries have suffered from instability as a result of this.
 Suppression of opposition parties by the ruling government. When members of the
opposition parties are deliberately targeted and prosecuted for no apparent reason, then
this can easily give rise to instability in the country.
 Another cause of political instability in a country is when the government decides not to be
open and transparent.
 When the citizens constantly live-in fear because of a government that prevents them from
freely expressing their views or opinions.
 Intolerance for the views and opinions of others can also lead to political instability.
 High level of prejudice in a country also leads to instability. Prejudice is the unreasonable
hatred of people who are different from you. In many countries in Africa, ethnic prejudices
have over the years led to some of the worst forms of instabilities in a country.

Religious violence
Religious violence may be directed against people, religious institutions, cultural symbols, leaders of
the faith or authority figures. It may be caused by overzealous individuals who are entirely motivated
by their own psychological problems or collectively by groups of people as part of their social, cultural,
national or communal expression and dominance. In a diverse society where people from different
backgrounds practice multiple faiths, differences about social, economic and racial issues, which are
inevitable may also lead to religious violence.
It is also true that violence is inherent to human nature, and human beings are easily swayed by
emotions and irrational behavior. Many factors incite them into violent behavior, and religious
attachment or loyalty happens to be one. Political and ideological differences may also lead to
religious conflicts. Therefore, the problem of religious violence is a complex issue and should not be
oversimplified with generalizations.

causes of religious violence

Religions are meant to promote peace and harmony. They are supposed to elevate human character
and consciousness to the level of God and bring out the best of the humanity. Yet, many times they
end up doing the opposite. Instead of alleviating the suffering of people and providing them with
solace, they often cause violence and bloodshed.
Many religious wars were fought in the past. Even today, religions are major sources of disturbance
and conflicts in various parts of the world. We have to then wonder why religions are so destructive
and why they divide people, and cause them such harm. The following factors seem to be directly or
indirectly responsible for religious violence.
1. Scriptures: Religious scriptures may incite violence or violent behavior if they seem to condone
certain forms of aggression and behavior as virtuous or if they contain explicit or implicit information,
which encourages such behavior with the promise of heavenly rewards or an eternal life. Because of
them, some people may feel motivated to be part of God’s war against evil.
2. Beliefs: Certain rational and irrational beliefs which are reinforced or justified by the scriptures,
tradition or precedence, may strengthen or promote aggressive behavior. For example, the belief that
a person who dies in the battlefield or for a religious cause goes straight to heaven encourages many
to participate in religious wars or extreme forms of religious violence. Because of such beliefs some
people feel encouraged to indulge in violence against nonbelievers, or those who lead unconventional
lifestyles such as homosexuals.
3. Politics: In democratic societies and secular nations the politics of divide and rule often incite
communal passions and lead to violent clashes. In theocracies religious violence is used by rulers to
enforce obedience, loyalty and discipline. One of the worst examples was the partition of India in 1947
in which millions of people died both in India and Pakistan due to communal clashes. Certain political
ideologies also tend to discriminate religious people for their beliefs and values and create resentment
and hostility.
4. Economic interests: Wide disparities in incomes or standards of living among religious groups or
the discriminatory policies of governments which seem to favor certain religious groups against
others, may lead to violence and civil unrest. Religious propagation was the main driving force behind
the colonial and imperial policies of the European nations until the Second World War. They openly
encouraged discriminatory policies and religious propagation to subdue native populations.
5. Community interests: Religious violence may result if the interests of one community are
threatened or undermined by another community, an inimical ideology or political leadership,
especially when the community seem to be disproportionately enjoying higher status, power or
privileges. When community interests are threatened, aggressive elements within in the community
may rise in protest to protect them. In turn, it may create a counter reaction in other communities and
provoke the extreme elements within them to register their feelings and concerns.
6. Exploitation: Religions and their emotional appeal have often been used by vested interests to
exploit others by appealing to their sentiments and religiosity. For example, in almost every country
weaker sections of society have been traditionally exploited by privileged classes in the name of
religions, God, virtue, fate and service. When such exploitation becomes intolerable, people may rise
in unison against the established authority to express their anger as it happened in France in the 18th
Century or in the USSR in the 20th century.
7. Ideology: Secular ideologies, which seem to oppose or undermine religious groups or conventional
beliefs, traditions and practices, may create deep divisions within society and lead to social and
political or civil unrest. Ideological conflicts, coupled with propaganda and misinformation by secular
institutions against conventional beliefs and practices, are a major source of conflict and unrest in
many democratic and socialist countries.


 Your religion is as good as your knowledge, character and personality. Religions become evil in the
hands of evil people.
 The primary purpose of any religion is to see life from a wider perspective and understand its
significance in the evolution and elevation of human consciousness.
 Religion may have its source in God and his revelations, but its major corpus comes from human
intellect and ego. Therefore, you need discerning intelligence (buddhi) to distinguish truth from
falsehood and make right decisions.
 In your spiritual progress, religious identity is a barrier rather than a facilitator. At some point you
have to choose between your faith and God.
 You cannot practice any faith without knowing the value of restraint, purity, balance, and
 Your faith can pave the way for your spiritual destruction and downfall, if you use it to promote
passions or incite violence.
 Human Values book- N.K publication

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