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Teks yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan suatu opini terhadap suatu fenomena. Penulis berusaha
meyakinkan pembaca bahwa opinimya benar. Karena itu, teks ini ditujukan untuk membujuk pembaca
supaya menyetujui pendapat penulis. Untuk meyakinkan pembaca, penulis menyertakan beberapa
gagasan pendukung (supporting ideas)

a. Thesis (introduction)
Penulis mengenalkan masalah yang menjadi perhatiannya. Di bagian ini pula penulis mulai
menyampaikan opini yang jelas terhadap permasalahan tersebut
b. Arguments (body)
Penulis menyampaikan gagasan-gagasan pendukung terhadap opini ynag dia samapikan. Penulis
menyampaikan fakta dam data
c. Reiteration (conclusion)
Sebagai penutup, penulis menyampaikan kembali pendapatnya secara singkat

5 Drinks to Help You Lose Weight

People say that we can lose weight if we control what we eat and do some exercises. However,
losing weight can be simply done by controlling what we drink. There are five kinds of water that we
have to consume if we want to lose weight.

Drinking at least 8 litres of water a day will be the best choice. Water contains a lot of minerals
that are useful for our bodies. However, sometimes we get bored if we drink water all the times. If you are
bored drinking water, you can try adding fresh lemon slices, lime, cucumber, and even a slice of tomato
to add flavour, without adding many calories.

The second drink is vegetable juice. Whether in a can, bottled, or homemade, vegetable juice is
an excellent way to get the fibre and nutrients your body needs to fuel your weight loss. Vegetable juice
will keep you fuller longer. It will be better if you can find a low-sodium variety.

The third is unsweetened tea like green tea, black tea, and oolong tea. Green tea has been proven
to help boost metabolism and speed up weight loss. Black and oolong teas are filled with antioxidants,
which can help rid your body of toxins.

The fourth is black coffee. It can help spur your weight loss by providing a boost of caffeine that
suppresses hunger when you drink it in the morning and afternoon. It has also been shown to stimulate
thermogenesis, which heats up the body and boost metabolism.

The last drink is skimmed milk. Milk is an excellent source of lean protein, vitamin D, and
calcium that can help build your muscles and keep your bones strong.

From the facts above, you can maintain your weight and your health by choosing the right drinks.
1. What is the text above?
a. Black coffee helps to suppress your hunger
b. Milk is not a good drink to lose weight
c. We can use five drinking strategies to lose weight
d. You have to drink unsweetened tea for your diet program
e. Popular soft drink, fruit juices, and energy drinks can be loaded with added sugar and

2. According to the text above, what can you do if you are bored drinking water?
a. You can replace it with soft drinks
b. You can add sugar and green tea
c. You can add syrup to the water
d. You can add fresh lemon slices, lime, and cucumber to add flavour
e. You can add sugar and fresh lemon slices, lime, cucumber, and a tomato

Nowadays, many people can connect with other people by using social media, such as Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, etc. so, online etiquette is definitely needed to prevent any misunderstanding, dispute,
harassment and crime.

Firstly, you do not have to add friends on social media if you don’t know them well or speak to
them only occasionally. We must keep in mind that a stranger might harm you. Secondly, you do not have
to post photos when you get drunk, drinking or doing other nonsense. Your entire life doesn’t need to be
uploaded to a public website that other people can see. But, you can still take and keep your pictures
privately. Thirdly, you have to be careful when you want to post something on your friend’s walls. You
do not need to write inappropriate things. It maybe looks funny to you, but it can just look bad to others.

You know that social media is a good place for discussions. You can share the good things.

3. What is the text about?

a. The best social media
b. Bad impact of social media
c. The function of social media
d. Some arguments about social media
e. Online etiquette when using social media

4. What can we infer from the text?

a. Social media users don’t know the etiquette of using social media
b. Online etiquette is needed to prevent any dispute
c. Everybody can post all things in social media
d. Social media is a powerful way to spread news
e. Social media is very beneficial
5. “...misunderstanding, dispute, harassment and crime.” (paragraph 1)
What does the underlined word mean?
a. Disobedience
b. Intimidation
c. Accident
d. Criminal
e. Anger

6. What attitude is true according to the text?

a. You can share the bad things in social media, such as arguments or negativity
b. You can write inappropriate things on your friend’s walls
c. Other people will think and feel as we do
d. Add friends that you really know well
e. Upload photos of all your personal life

The use of formalin and other dangerous preservatives in foods has been a serious problem for
three reasons.

Firstly, formalin is not for human beings, but is is for biological specimen and experiments.
Formalin in Biology is a 10% solution of formaldehyde in water which is usually used as a disinfectant or
to preserve biological specimens. Thus it is not food preservative. Of course when it is used for food
preservative, it will be very dangerous to human’s body.

The second reason is that there is no tight control for the government. This condition makes the
people’s health is really in a threat. Fish or food traders still sell their products which contain formalin
and dangerous preservatives. Can you imagine that our digestive system absorbs the substance that should
be for the human and animal corpses?

The third is that the difficult economy seems not to end. This can make the situation worse. We
all know that today’s economy is very difficult. People buy daily products and fulfil their need with high
costs. Things are getting more and more expensive. Consequently, the food production cost increases. For
example, the preservation process for fish will be much cheaper if the producers use formalin. They know
the danger of formalin but they don’t care about the others’ health. What is in their mind is only how to
get profit.

Considering the reasons, we can make conclusion that the use of formalin and other preservatives
is really a serious problem if it is not resolved immediately.

7. What does the text tell us about?

a. The use of formalin for biological specimen and experiments
b. The reason why people use formalin and other preservatives
c. The danger of using formalin and other preservatives in foods
d. The use of formalin nad dangerous preservatives to get profit
e. The benefit of formalin and other preservative in our health
8. What is the function of formalin actually?
a. To produce fresh and nutritious food
b. To help food producers get more profit
c. To provide people with cheap daily need
d. To preserve human and animal corpses
e. To keep our digestive system healthy

9. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?

a. Formalin is used as a disinfectant or to preserve biological specimen
b. Traders use formalin to increase production cost and get more profit
c. The economy condition now make people use dangerous preservative
d. Formalin and dangerous preservatives can disturb our digestive system
e. The government needs to control the use of formalin and preservatives
10. “...the substance that should be for the human and animal corpses?
The underlined word means...
a. Small bodies
b. Huge bodies
c. Dead bodies
d. Strong bodies
e. Young bodies


Smoking has become a very big business. Millions of people in the world are grouped as active
smokers. Research says that people start smoking because of peer pressure, psychological problems, and
weight problems. However, they only get away from their problems for a short time. Instead, it will cause
them other serious problems.

Smoking may cause serious respiratory problem such as bronchitis, mouth cancer or lung cancer.
A cigarette is enough to make your breath smell bad and make your teeth yellow. Psychologically,
smoking might cause lack of concentration that can affect your social life. Moreover, nicotine in a
cigarette is the most addictive substance. It is reported that cigarettes kill more people than car accident or
criminal actions.

From the reasons above, we can conclude that smoking is a bad habit that does not give us any
advantages. Smoking is one bad habit that we must avoid.

11. According to the text above, why do young people decide to start smoking?
a. Because they think that it is the only way to get through their problems
b. Because they want to lose their concentration
c. Because they want to try it, even, just once
d. Because they become addicted to smoke
e. Because they just want to do it
12. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
a. Smokers can lose balance and concentration
b. Smoking can relieve stress and depression
c. Smoking can cause several disadvantages
d. Smoking makes people become addicted
e. Smoking causes many diseases

13. “...Smoking is one bad habit that we must avoid.”

What is the synonym of the underlined word?
a. Face
b. Admit
c. Prevent
d. Promote
e. Encourage

There are three reasons why solar energy generation has not developed more rapidly. First the
cost per watt of solar cell generation is more expensive that that steam power or nuclear power
generation. Therefore, researchers are still looking for ways to make solar cells cheaper. Second, nature
plays a large in solar cells generation. For example, some days are cloudy and rainy; because there is not
always fine weather, solar energy cannot be generated every day. No solar energy is generated at night.
Consequently, solar cells must have the capacity to store energy for the use during this time, and these
storage cells are very expensive. As a result, only in low latitude areas can enough solar energy can be
generated effectively at these times. Finally, building plants for solar cell generation is extremely
expensive. A very large space is needed for maintenance is constant. To illustrated, the surface of the
solar cell plant has to be cleaned daily.

For all these reasons, it is very difficult to develop solar cell plants and make solar cell energy
available to the general public for a competitive price. Despite all these problems, I believe that the day
will come when we use solar energy cells because they are a form of clean energy with no pollution.

14. What makes the solar energy generation not develop rapidly?
a. The cost per watt of solar cell generation is more expensive than the steam power
b. The researcher has found ways to make solar cells cheaper
c. Solar energy can be generated at night
d. There is always fine weather every day
e. There is no need a very large space

15. How can the solar energy be generated effectively?

a. Where there is only in low latitude areas
b. When the scientist can find a new way
c. There was nuclear power generation
d. When there is a very large place
e. When there is a fine weather

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