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USF Elementary Education Management Routine Plan (Fall 2020)

Name: Brooke Pruim

Grade Level: 3rd grade Date of Routine:10/26/2022

Plan Content
What FEAPs and/or Standards 2a. Organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space and attention
relate to this lesson? Which FEAPs 2b. Manages individual and class behavior through a well-planned management system
are you planning to demonstrate 2c. Convey high expectations to all students
during the enactment of this routine 2e. Model clear, acceptable oral and written communication skills.
and explain how you plan to
demonstrate them.
Objectives-Management Routine Student will push in their chair, stand up behind their chair, walk over to the front door in line order at a
What is your expected outcome for level 0.
this routine? The student will be in a straight line.

Assessment-How will you know if I will see all my students in a straight line at level 0. They will be attentive to my voice and listen to me
students have met your objectives? when I say to leave the classroom.
What will you see? What will you
What background knowledge is Students know that they will not get extra time if they are late to lunch.
necessary for a student to
successfully complete this task? Listening and being at level zero, is a class rule that my CT says every day.
You might include these
questions during your CT Repeating the steps of lining up for example: Knowing that they stand up at one, push in their chairs at 2,
interview about the routine. and 3 they walk to the front of the room and line up in line order.
 What classroom
rules/expectations are aligned Students know to be in a straight line at level 0.
with this task?
 What procedures are in place to
help students in meeting the
 What rules/expectations or
procedures might you go over
with students before engaging
in this task?
USF Elementary Education Management Routine Plan (Fall 2020)
Name: Brooke Pruim

Grade Level: 3rd grade Date of Routine:10/26/2022

Task Implementation
Step-by-Step Plan: This is the Time Who is I am going to stand up and walk to the middle of the room
longest section of your 2-5 responsible “It’s time to line up for specials “
lesson/action plan (What exactly minute (Teacher or
do you plan to do and say? Be s Students)? “Please put all your things in your desk”
thorough. You might refer to field
notes you have collected while Teacher is in “Get ready to transition”
observing your CT enacting this charge of
routine to help you plan for your getting “I am going to start the counting down”
enactment of the routine. instructions
and students “Ok remember on the count of one you are going to stand up, count of 2 you are
Be sure to address all of the are going to push in your chairs, and the count of 3 you will line up at a level zero in
following: responsible line order”-This is an example of FEAP 2e.
 How will you review and/or for following “Let’s impress Mrs. Arnold”- this is an example of FEAP 2c.
model the classroom them.
rules/expectations? “Ready, 1,2,3…”
 What will you as the teacher do
and say during the routine?
“Great job”
 What teacher talk will you use?
What will the students do and
If at any time during this line up routine, there is excess talking I will tell
say? What will it look like and
everyone to go back to their seats and start over. -FEAPS 2a and 2b are
sound like if students are
addressed in this.
meeting your expectations?
 How will you respond to
students who do not meet your ‘“Remember stay at a level 0” -This is an example of FEAPS 2f
I will be walking around the room while they are being counted down. After they
are lined up. I will rotate standing at the front, middle, and end of the line.

Once I see that everyone is ready to leave, I will turn the lights off and tell the line
leader to start walking.

Students will stop after every corner and that is when I will remind the students
USF Elementary Education Management Routine Plan (Fall 2020)
Name: Brooke Pruim

Grade Level: 3rd grade Date of Routine:10/26/2022

to keep their voices at a 0.

Positive reinforcement will be used though out this routine. For example, “Great
job at listen to my instruction [blank]”.

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