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Build Weekend #2 @Yash Farms

Welcome everyone to the second edition of Build Weekend. We are hyped & excited as

it is something we started a month back and glad to see it having so much
The objective of this note is to share quick pointers on how to make the most of the two

What is happening?

As you already know, we are going to a farm called Yash Farms on Friday afternoon at 3
pm and checking out at 11:00 am on Sunday.

In the two nights, we are here below is what we want to ensure happens:

● We kick things off by helping you all understand what kind of ideas to come up
with. This will be done on Friday post checking in i.e we start at around 4:30 pm.

You will be in teams and need to come up with ideas based on what we outline.
There will be conversations over drinks, dinner & more

● On the second day i.e Saturday. Everyone has to finish ideation till 9:00 am and
pitch their ideas at 11:00 am (with a deck )

● The whole of the afternoon, evening and night on Saturday is for building out a
proper product through collaborations with the Builders at the Villa

● Goes without saying that there will be lots & lots of conversations over food &
drinks(We may be making some in-house cocktails too ). We will have time to
Jam over music(bring your Guitar, Google Home or any other musical instrument
you PLAY PLEASE) , hopefully a Barbeque & much more

● We won’t do masterclasses etc, we are going to give directions and since you will
understand how to get to work we are going to get straight into building and
having fun

What is the schedule going to be like?

Please find the tentative schedule below:

Friday, 3:00 pm-4:00 pm Check-in & settle down(Freshen up,
change and have a room) Grab a beer 🙌🏼
Friday, 4:00 pm-4:30 pm Quick welcome note & Ideation Session

Friday, 4:30 pm-6:00 pm Hangout & conversations over snacks.

Snacks will be provided by the farm

Friday, 6:00 pm-11:00 pm Ideation Night. Obv dinner & drinks in


Ideation for everyone in groups to come

up with a solid side-project idea

Friday 11:00 pm- whenever you sleep Cocktail party 💃

Saturday 8:00 am- 11:00 am Conversations & Idea finalization over

Saturday, 11:00 am- 12:30 pm Pitch Afternoon- Pitch the finalized idea
that can make money

Saturday, 12:00 pm-10:00 pm Build the MVP of your finalized idea w/

help + input & support from the core team
and in groups

Lunch, dinner & drinks in between as well

as Farm Tour

Saturday, 11:00 pm- 12:30 am MVP Demo Night over a party

Saturday, 12:30 am- whenever you sleep Conversations & more jamming

Sunday 8:00 am- 10:30 am Conversations over breakfast, launch your

MVP & checkout

What are the things you should bring?

We should not be needing to say this but to ensure there is no confusion, here we are

● Pack clothes you would need to spend ~3 days and 2 nights. You know
Bangalore is quite cold at the night, please ensure you have warm clothes(normal
warm clothes)

● Apart from clothes everything you usually need to have of your own(toothbrush,
hair oil, bla, bla—-- you get the drift)

● Bring any musical instrument that you play. It will be good to Jam over them 🙌🏼
● Most importantly bring your happy self with no baggage of anything that might

be happening in your personal or professional life. We are going to BUILD &

We can’t wait to get started and look forward to working with an amazing group of
builders for an experience that we will remember for a long-long time


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