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Test 8

Time 50 minutes

Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.
Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.
Answer all the questions. Write your answers on the question paper.


There are five parts to the test.
Part 1 is a listening part.
All questions carry one mark.
There are 40 questions.

© UCLES 2016
Part 1
Questions 1 – 8

You will hear eight short recordings. For each one, choose the best answer. You will hear each
recording twice.

1 You hear a woman talking to a man about a bicycle she wants to buy.

How does the woman feel?

A surprised that she can afford to buy such a good bicycle

B relieved that she’s found a bicycle she wants
C confident that she’s getting a good deal

2 You hear a woman trying to sell a treatment for insomnia to a student.

What does she offer the student?

A a discount if he pays for the treatment in cash

B half-price treatment for himself and a friend
C the opportunity to try the treatment for a week for free

3 You hear a man trying to sell a phone to a woman.

How does the man feel?

A He accepts he won’t get as much money as he’d like.

B He’s annoyed he’s had to include the cover.
C He wishes he could afford to keep the phone.

4 You hear a woman called Jane Watson trying to organise a group day out at a health club for
her friend’s birthday.

What does Jane do in the end?

A arranges a massage for each member of the group

B agrees to the receptionist’s offer
C gives up the idea of the group day out and just buys a present

5 You hear a man and his daughter talking about a TV programme on weight loss and good

How does the man feel about the programme?

A He’s going to watch it next week.

B He’s already following the programme’s advice.
C He’s unwilling to give the programme’s ideas a try.

6 You hear a shop owner phoning a company that produces and supplies anti-ageing treatments.

What does the woman decide to do?

A not buy any of the treatments

B order a limited number
C accept the man’s first offer

7 You hear a woman called Preet Agarwal being interviewed for a job with a Science Research

What does she find out during the interview?

A Her working conditions might change after an initial period.

B The work isn’t suitable for her.
C She’s offered the job.

8 You hear a journalist phoning a TV producer with an offer.

What’s the outcome of the conversation?

A The producer accepts that she’ll have to increase her budget.

B The producer agrees to investigate the offer.
C The producer refuses the offer.

3 Turn over ►
Part 2
Questions 9 – 16

Read the sentences about the body and health.

Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each space.

9 Now she’s had a cup of coffee, she’s ............ awake!

A wide B broad C open D strong

10 I read in bed but I often ............ and wake up with the book on my face!

A wander off B stroll off C drift off D separate off

11 If you’re tired, why don’t you have a ............ for about twenty minutes.

A log B nap C drop D drift

12 Do you find that in hot weather you just ............ in bed and can’t get to sleep?

A come and go B stop and start C rise and fall D toss and turn

13 He looked very young for years, but now he’s beginning to ............ his age.

A see B show C expose D know

14 David’s hair is ............ at the front and on top of his head; he’ll be bald soon.

A thinning B narrowing C reducing D dipping

15 Veronica’s husband has just discovered that he’s got heart ............ and may need an

A illness B trouble C suffering D disadvantage

16 She was born with fair hair and lots of ............ on her face, which get darker in the sunshine.

A freckles B stains C points D scratches

Part 3
Questions 17 – 24

Read the sentences about the body and health. What are the missing words?
Some letters are already there. There is one space for each other letter in the word.

For questions 17 – 24, write the words.

17 She’s such a l _ _ _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ that the slightest noise wakes her up.

18 People who regularly don’t get enough sleep are said to suffer from i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

19 I felt so stressed I didn’t sleep a w _ _ _ last night!

20 My son is really r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in bed; he moves around so much, his sheets keep falling
on the floor!

21 He was so unhappy with the shape of his nose that, in the end, he had p _ _ _ _ _ _

22 Some people use face cream to try to prevent w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

23 My grandmother hasn’t had her i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ against flu yet this winter.

24 You should be doing regular c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ exercise like cycling and running to

keep your heart healthy.

5 Turn over ►
Part 4
Questions 25 – 32

Read the article about Robert Ettinger, a man who was fascinated by cryonics, the process of
freezing people after death in order to bring them back to life again in the future.
Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each space.

Frozen in time
Medical science is constantly improving and can offer patients better treatments every year.
Suppose a friend of yours (25) ………… to see a doctor – but 200 years in the future! Can you
imagine what that (26) ………… like? In 1948, a scientist called Robert Ettinger wrote a short story
for a magazine about a man brought back to life after centuries of (27) ………… . Then in the early
1960s, Ettinger wrote a book, The Prospect of Immortality, about (28) ………… people in the hope
that science will advance enough in the future to bring them back to life, a process known as
‘cryonics’. The book also described how ageing could (29) ………… . In 1967, a retired
psychology professor became the first cryonics volunteer. He mightn’t have done so if he
(30) ………… Ettinger’s book.

In 1976 Ettinger founded the Cryonics Institute. When he died, aged 92, he became the 106th
person (31) ………… there. Cryonics enthusiasts believe cold storage gives them hope of a
wonderful afterlife: the future. (32) ………… they be right, they will be part of a remarkable

25 A would go B going C went D would have gone

26 A were B would be C has been D should be

27 A being frozen B freeze C be frozen D to be freezing

28 A to freeze B being frozen C to be D freezing


29 A being B be reversed C reversing D to be reversed


30 A hasn’t read B hadn’t read C didn’t read D doesn’t read

31 A having been B be frozen C being frozen D to be frozen


32 A Would B Should C Could D Had

7 Turn over ►
Part 5
Questions 33 – 40

Here are some sentences about the body and health.

For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence,
using the word given.
Do not change the word given.
You must use between three and six words, including the word given.
Write only the missing words.

33 You can tell John to eat a varied and balanced diet but it won’t help – he just refuses!


There’s absolutely ………………….…………………………….. John to eat a varied and

balanced diet – he just refuses!

34 When Jane’s dentist gave her a free tube of whitening toothpaste for her yellowing teeth, she
was rather surprised.


Jane was rather surprised ……………………….……………………….. a free tube of

whitening toothpaste for her yellowing teeth by her dentist.

35 Sleeping for eight hours a day is not something you actually need to do, according to some


It’s not actually ………………….…………………………….. for eight hours a day,

according to some scientists.

36 I didn’t take regular cardiovascular exercise when I was younger, and I really wish I had!


I very much regret …………………….………………………….. regular cardiovascular

exercise when I was younger!

37 I’ll try that moisturising cream on condition that you never tell me what’s in it!


I’ll try that moisturising cream ………………….…………………………….. you never tell

me what’s in it!

38 For younger-looking skin, would you like to try snail slime cream or emu oil?


For younger-looking skin, ……………………………….……………….. snail slime cream

or emu oil?

39 Hopefully, with enough money in the bank, I’ll have some plastic surgery next year.


Hopefully, if ………………….…………………………….. it, I’ll have some plastic surgery

next year.

40 The only reason she lost all that weight was because she went on a calorie-controlled diet.


She wouldn’t have lost all that weight ……………….……………………………….. on a

calorie-controlled diet.



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