Training Plan

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Training Plan:

How to work the technology equipment in the Tridelta Mansion

Training by

Emma Thomas
Tridelta Technology Chairman and Assistant House Manager

Training video link:
Training Purpose

The purpose of this training plan is to assist the trainees learning and developing the skill sets

needed to perform well in their new position, so they can work efficiently without supervision.


This training plan is intended for use by Tridelta’s Technology Chairman, House Manager,

President, and House mom.

Training Objectives

The objectives of this Training Plan are to:

 Ensure that the new technology chairman and other related people receive relevant

training on how to work the technology equipment in Tridelta.

 Ensure that trainees have the skills required to perform their required roles in Tridelta.


Successful training is dependent on the availability of:

 Access to the Tridelta Technology Closet

 Access to equipment needed to perform the training (i.e., computer, wires, projector,

ladder, etc.)

 Availability of training facilities (making sure no one else is currently using the

technology equipment)

The following risks apply to the training:

 The sorority could get new technology equipment, thus rendering this training video


 Trainees could want more hands-on training about how to work the technology


 I, the trainer, was never fully trained on how to work the technology equipment. My

learning process was mostly trial and error, so the way that I train may not be the best and

most effective.

Training Facilities

Tridelta technology closet, projector, computer, audio equipment, microphones, printer, and

other technology items in the tech closet.

Training Materials

Computer, Projector, Audio System, Cords and wires, Microphones, Printer, and all other

technology related items.

Training Curriculum

Topics taught in the training are how to:

 Use the touch screen tablet

 Use event mode and channel control buttons

 Use the paging system

 Use the audio equipment and microphones

 Use the projector and other visual equipment

 Use the printer (maintenance and how to copy and scan to email)

Training Evaluation

To evaluate the effectiveness of the training video I will:

 Get feedback from the trainees on how confident they are that they would be able to

apply what they learned from the video into their new position.
Assessment of Training Project

My assessment of the training project is that I really enjoyed making my own training

video and am proud of the how everything turned out. What made my training project work is

that I have been the technology chairman for my sorority since my freshman year and have been

working with this equipment almost every day. Another thing that made it work is that I film the

video in the middle of the night, when no one was at my sorority house and I was able to avoid

distractions and minimize background noise (it still took many hours to film and I had to film

hundreds of takes, but no interuptions). Some issues that I faced in developing the project were

that certain materials where not attainable for the video. For example, certain areas of the house

we could not film in, and certain equipment could not be accessed to be shown in the video.

Another issue that I ran into is that everything I know about the technology equipment in Tridelta

is from what I have taught myself; there are no directions anywhere of how to work the

equipment and no one showed me how to work the technology. Everything that I know about the

audio and visual equipment in my sorority house is all by trial and error. If I were to do this

training project again some things that I would do differently would be to have my video be a

little bit more professional looking. Another thing that I would do differently,

I did enjoy the topic, teaching someone how to work the technology equipment in my

sorority house, that I selected because I really like technology and all technology associated

things. Technology is one of the many things that I have a passion for, so picking a topic that I

have a passion for just made doing this project so much more enjoyable. During this project, I

learned that my training style is more visual and kinesthetic. This is because I am not the best

public speaker, so my training style is not auditory; The training and learning style that works

best for me is a hands-on style.

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