Definitions of Essential Oil Properties-2

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Definitions of Essential Oil Properties

Analgesic​​ - relieves pain.

Anti-allergic ​- something that prevents or reduces allergic reactions.

Anticatarrhal​​ - removes excess mucus

Antidepressant​​ - helps the symptoms of depression and sadness

Anti-inflammatory​​ - reduces inflammation and swelling.

Antimicrobial ​- a general term that describes an oil that possesses

antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. An antimicrobial kills
microorganisms or inhibits their growth.

Antipruritic​​ - relieves and/or prevent itching

Antiseptic​​ - prevents infection by killing or slowing down the growth of


Antispasmodic​​ - reduces/prevents spasms

Antiviral​​ - helps to destroy a viral infection and/or suppresses it’s ability to

Aphrodisiac​​ - heightens sexual desire.

Astringent ​- causes the shrinkage or contraction of body tissues (typically

the skin)

Antitussive​​ - a cough suppressant; relieves coughing.

Bactericidal​​ - kills bacteria and/or prevents bacteria from growing.

Balancing ​- creates emotional balance

Calming​​ - has a calming, relaxing effect on the body and mind

Carminative​​ -prevent and/or relieves flatulence

Cholagogue ​- helps with the discharge of bile from the gallbladder

Cicatrisant ​- heals wounds by the formation of scar tissue.

Cooling​​ - cools the body and mind

Cytophylactic​​ - ​stimulates the generation of new cells, aids in preserving
the health of the skin

Deodorant​​ - removes/covers up body odor or smells.

Depurative ​- cleanses/removes impurities from the blood

Diaphoretic​​ - induces perspiration

Diuretic​​ - increases the production of urine in the kidneys

Emmenagogue​​ - promotes menstruation when periods are irregular or


Emollient​​ - softens and/or soothes the skin.

Expectorant ​- removes mucus from the lungs and respiratory tract

Febrifuge​​ - reduces fever.

Fungicidal​​ - kills and/or prevents fungal infections

Galactagogue​​ - promotes lactation and the secretion of breast milk in
nursing mothers

Hemostatic​​ - stops bleeding.

Hepatic ​- affects the liver

Hypertensive​​ - works to increase blood pressure

Hypotensive​​ - works to decrease blood pressure.

Immuno-stimulant​​ - stimulates/strengthens the immune system.

Laxative​​ - stimulates/facilitates the evacuation of the bowels

Mucolytic​​ - ​dissolves thick mucus to make it easier to cough up

Nervine​​ - calms the nerves and the nervous system.

Relaxing​​ - relaxes the body and mind.

Refreshing​​ - to reinvigorate the body and mind

Rubefacient​​ - produces redness/warms the skin.

Sedative​​ - calms the central nervous system to induce a calming effect on
the body and mind

Soporific​​ - induces drowsiness/sleep.

Stimulant​​ - has a stimulating effect to energize the body and mind

Sudorific​​ - increases perspiration.

Tonic​​ - refreshes and energizes the body and mind

Uplifting​​ - lifts one’s mood and stimulates them in a positive manner

Vasoconstrictive​​ - constricts/narrows the blood vessels

Vasodilatory​​ - widens the blood vessels

Vermifuge ​- expels worms from the intestines.

Warming​​ - gives a feeling of warmth in the body.

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