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1. Direct structural and functional unit between the load bearing dental implant surface
and the bone under electron microscope is known as:
a. Mechanical Osseointegration.

b. Boiological Osseointegration.

c. Chemical Osseointegration,

d. Osseointegration.

2. The very thin cortical plate of bone and very wide loose spongiosa is classified as:
a. D1 Bone.

b. D2 Bone.

C. D3 Bone.

d. D4 Bone.

3. The bone healing from the implant surface towards the bone surface is achieved by
modification in:
a.The implant dimensions.

b. The implant macrostructure.

C. The implant microstructure.

d. The type of bone.

4. Selection of dental implants design depends on the type of bone

a. True.

b. False.

5. One of the most important advantages of the dental implants from the patient point of
view is improving the stability and retention of removable prosthesis
a. True.

b. False.

6. The present clinical photograph represents the following type of dental implant:
a. Root form implants.

b. Subperiosteal implants.

C. Transmandibular implants.

d. Blad vent implants.

7. The mark on the image represents
a. The threads.

b. The pitch.

C. The third depth.

d. The thread width.

8. The emergence profile is very important during the planning of any implant case as it
affects mainly the:
a. Form of the restoration.

b. Function of the restoration.

c. Esthetics of the restoration.

d. Patient compliance.

9. The present clinical photograph represents blade vent smooth type

endosteal dental implants
a. True,

b. False.

10. The safety zone between the implant and the neighboring tooth must be not less than
1.5 mm
a. True.

b. False.

11. The present clinical photograph represents a type of dental implant

that is best used in
a. Di bone

b. D2 bone.

C. D3 bone.

d. D4 bone

12. The healing from the bone side towards the implant surface is known as
a. Contact healing-

b. Bidirectional healing.

C Gap healing.

d. Jumping healing.
13. The contact healing depends mainly on the manufacturers' modifications on the
microstructure of the dental implant
a. True,

b. False.

14. The present diagram represents ... between the

implant and bone surface
a. Contact healing.

b. Bidirectional healing.

c. Gap healing.

d. Jumping healing.

15. The safety zone between two implants should be

a. <2 mm.

b. >2 mm but <3 mm.

C. > = 3 mm.

d. >15 mm.

16. The osseoeintegration is a clinical process that could be assessed for each case to
insure implant success.
a True.

b. False.

17. Direct structural and functional unit between the load bearing dental implant surface
and the bone under light microscope is known as:
a. Mechanical Osseointegration.

b. Boiological Osseointegration.

C. Chemical Osseointegration.

d. Osseointegration.

18. Absence of any clinical sign and symptom is one of the most important criteria of
success in the modern dental implantology.
a. True,

b. False.

19. The concept of transmandibular dental implants is an obsolete one that is not used in
modern dental implantology anymore.
a. True. b. False.
20. The part of dental implant that is inserted in the bone to replace the root of the
natural tooth is known as
a. Abutment.

b. Screw.

C. Fixture.

d. Lag screw.

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