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Project Design – Group 4

Occupancy Management

Industry Project – Semester 3

Date : 2022 – 11 – 02
Table of contents
1. Introduction.........................................................................2
1.1. Context............................................................................2
2. Project Design......................................................................3
2.1. Project Goals...................................................................3
2.2. Project Scope...............................................................4
3. Research Questions.............................................................4
4. Communication...................................................................5
5. End products and deliverables............................................5

1. Introduction
Our company is going to design a decentralized system for keeping track of the
people inside the office. In addition, the system will not allow people to enter
the building when the number of people inside will be more than the customer
wants. To make our system smart and efficient we are going to introduce our
program on 3 gates, 2 entrances, and 1 exit. People in the queues in front of
the building are going to be notified how long it takes to enter the building, and
if one of the queues will be longer than the other, people will be notified to
move to a different gate, so that they can reach the interior faster. If the limit
of people inside is reached, the gates will not allow anyone to enter, unless
someone leaves the office.
1.1. Context
Sioux Technologies is a high technology company in The Netherlands that was
founded as a private owned company in 1996. This company has a strong
culture of people-oriented and driven by values. And they are responsible with
the project results and funding it for a good business with their customers.
And in this project, Group 4 is working for the Sioux Technologies to create a
system which simulates the use of a decentralized communication protocol.
And knowing that this kind of protocol is very needed around these days, and
mostly for public facilities, this group decided to simulates the protocol by
doing an occupancy management project.
The occupancy management is used to monitor the number of entities that are
currently occupying a certain area so the space within that area are still in
control and not become overloaded.
The way that Group 4 will handle this occupancy management project is by
creating a gate system that can calculate the number of every entities that
going in or out an area.

2. Project Design
Below, the design and structure of the project will be described:

2.1. Project Goals

The occupation management of a building that runs the risk of contracting
diseases or just becoming overcrowded is the primary issue that our initiative
will be working to solve.
Human contact is becoming increasingly restricted over the world nowadays.
since the Governments all across the world are limiting people by enacting new
laws about social distance and the maximum number of people permitted in
indoor spaces in response to the appearance of COViD19. Because of this, we
also require a system for managing occupations that can assure users that
some limitations will be adhered to (the ones that the system can control aka.
Max. Occupants).
By using sensors to identify incoming people and keep track of how many
people are currently within the building, the system will manage occupancy of
the facility within the suggested parameters. The gates will only be allowed to
open for exiting the facility and not for entering once the total number of
persons inside the building exceeds its maximum permitted occupation.

2.2. Project Scope

1. Gates Connection
- Must have wireless connection (Wi-Fi)
2. Door Sensors
- Must: counting people on the entrance
- Must: counting people on the exit
- Must: count the approximately queue waiting time
- Should have safety feature
- Won’t have security check
3. Gate display
- Must display the current building occupancy
- Must display the approximately queue waiting time
- Could display current time
- Could display door’s distance (walking time)

3. Research Questions

1. Main Research Question:

How to create a decentralized system that can operate one problem solving by using multiple devices
that are supposed to communicate with each other?

 Information that are received by answering this question might guide the team to create a
program that could communicate several system that recognized one main algorithm to
solve which can be changed anytime by each devices that communicate within the system.

2. Auxiliary Research Questions:

What are needed to build a protocol where the system host can be a client to another host or even
to its own client within a communication in the system?

 In order to create a system protocol where each devices can hold control on their own with
each other during the communication and resolving the algorithm even one or more devices
are disconnected, some information of the system requirements should be known on the
first place.

How to make the communication within the decentralized system reliable?

 In order to make sure that the system still working properly when a device is disconnected or
when an extra device is being added, also to make sure that the device can detect the
number of occupancy accurately even when a disruption happen, reliability should be keep in

How to make sure the flexibility of the system, so it can be used to act as more than one type of
occupancy system?

 Some research should be done to make this system flexible, so the product can be useful in
around the same scope over several different use-cases.

4. Communication
Every week on Monday our company is going to have the meeting at Fontys
R10 building. In case some members will not be able to join it, the meeting will
be made online on the Microsoft teams platform. In addition on Friday, there
will be a second meeting held, on the Microsoft teams platform. During the
meetings, we will discuss the milestones, and review the code of the company.
In addition, group members are present during classes at Fontys R10 on
Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday and we can communicate with each other
on that days.
In case of an emergency, all of the group members have contact with each
other, so that in case of problems we can discuss it via chat or emergency call.

5. End products and deliverables

Here are the main deliverables of this project:

          Occupancy management control system

o   Different sensors for knowing the length of the queue in front of every door,
such as pressure plates, also ultrasonic sensors for knowing if someone passed
through a door, and the communication between the different doors
           Occupancy management control code
o   Arduino
           Project plan document
o   The final version of the planification of the project
            User stories
o   Different situations of the users interacting and using our system
            System design document
o   System description, system design, system structure, sequence diagrams
and state machines

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