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Leo is fifth in the line-up of the zodiac and is a fixed fire sign of positive polarity. Leo’s
symbol, aptly enough, is the lion and its motto is “I WILL”. Being a fixed sign, Leos are not
easy to change. The fire aspect points to their passion and dedication to an ideal. Leos are
ruled by the Sun- the centre of our solar system, and as such, Leos believe they are the centre
of the zodiac world. The stereotypical Leo loves being in the limelight, making an impression
and holding court. However, there are many non-stereotypical Leos who may feel alienated
by this widely circulated description of their sign. So, even though many Leos parade about
with the stereotypical gregariousness and conviviality, other Leos are quiet or even shy,
allowing their self-awareness to breed self-consciousness. What unites Leos in their Leo-ness
is, like the Sun, the desire to shine and be recognized as important. Every Leo needs to be in
touch with their passions, with that creative generator, that inner Sun in the heart, that
radiance. Leos want something to be proud of and they crave the feeling that comes with
being praised, respected, and admired. Without it, a Leo’s confidence implodes, and he
withers on the vine.

The Lion is the king of beasts. Leos like lions, are strong, fearless, have great stamina and
fierce loyalty. They enjoy being treated as royalty and rule their kingdoms with a sense of
fairness, companionability and a fun-loving spirit. They couldn’t be happier than holding
court from an opulent throne, rich in colours of purples and gold, and surrounding themselves
with an entourage of stimulating, idealistic people. The Leo king rewards his subjects richly
and can be very generous, warm-hearted and even wonderfully romantic. There are many
essential oils that would support a sense of regal presence and allow for openness in a stately
manor. Some of these oils are the higher vibrationals such as rose, neroli, jasmine,
frankincense, myrrh, Buddha wood, vetiver, carnation, sandalwood and true melissa.

The sign Leo has an affinity for children, and Leo adults have a unique ability (and vital
need) to reclaim childhood and play. Like a pride of lions, the family structure is very
important to the Leo; children are fiercely protected, rambunctiously played with and
abundantly loved. There is a generosity of spirit that prevails, making Leos sought after by
friends, colleagues and lovers. The Leo’s sense of honour is keen and their devotion to fair
play and righteous behaviour is paramount. They are not deceptive or under-handed in any
way; rather these lions are up-front, cantered and courageous in owning their beliefs and
actions. A Leo’s charms extend to all and to bask in a Leo’s sunny glow is rich. Essential oils
that encourage the Leo’s benevolence of character and boost the generosity of spirit are
cypress, lavender, geranium, chamomile, cinnamon, frankincense, benzoin, and elemi.

In the body, Leo rules the heart, back and spine, so Leos have to take good care of their hearts
and be careful not to overexert themselves. A weak or challenged back can also plague the
poor lion. Oils that can help alleviate a sore back are eucalyptus, cajuput, tea tree,
camphor, lavender, ginger, juniper, lemon, pepper, peppermint and rosemary. Heart
tonics are garlic, hyssop, marjoram, cumin, melissa, rose, anise, and angelica.

If you have ever watched a kitty at play, then you know what Leo on the prowl is like.
Intensely passionate when interested, in relationship Leo wants to love and be loved.
Romantic and adoring, Leo will charm and amuse, and wow you with gifts and praise. Be
sure to return the compliment, as sincere praise from the heart brings out their best and can
easily reanimate a sulky Leo. Do Leos make good long-term partners? That depends in part
on the individual. Are you with a lion or a cub? Lions are warm and generous, honest and
honourable, loyal and willing to fight for you. Leo cubs are drama queens (even the males).
They cast you as the co-star in their movie and hate it when you don’t follow the script, or
even worse, upstage them. They stir up problems just to get that romantic “charge.” The cub
enjoys the thrill of the hunt but may move on to fresher prey as soon as it becomes available.
Oils that can keep the lion’s fires burning are black pepper, clary sage, jasmine, neroli,
patchouli, rose, sandalwood, ylang ylang and cinnamon.

In business, Leos are born leaders. They are an ambitious lot, with a marked determination to
succeed. Their passion and self-assured confidence can appear to be bossy and vain to others,
so they need to remember to listen to their workmates and sometimes share the limelight.
Many Leos are in top management as department heads, CEOs and presidents of their
companies. They likewise can be found in creative positions, public relations, and working as
spokespersons. They are not afraid of risk, and therefore play the stock market, the slot
machine or play with other people’s money in investments. They also like to play in the
spotlight; so many a Leo will gravitate to the theatre. Teaching is also a profession where a
lion can shine over her pride. Leos like things larger than life and can be creative and
imaginative writers, often with a wicked sense of humour. Essential oils that enhance a Leo’s
career capabilities are coriander, ginger, helichrysum, jasmine, melissa, black pepper,
narcissus and frankincense.

So, if you are looking for a leader to pave the way, an organizer to sort you out, a loyal friend
to confide in or a natural performer to make you laugh, a Leo will gladly accommodate you
with an open heart and a sunny smile. Don’t be too afraid of the roar, sometimes it is only the
roar of the crowd approving the Leo in his glory.

Thanks, as always, to Molly Cliborne and her wonderful website

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