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‫ الخاصة‬2020 ‫دورة العام‬ ‫امتحانات الشهادة الثانوية العامة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬

2020 ‫ أيلول‬26 ‫السبت‬ ‫فرع علوم الحياة‬ ‫المديرية العامة للتربية‬

‫دائرة االمتحانات الرسمية‬
:‫االسم‬ ‫مسابقة في مادة علوم الحياة‬
:‫الرقم‬ ‫ ثالث ساعات‬:‫المدة‬

Exercise 1 (5 points) Bruton Disease

Bruton disease is a genetic disease that affects one newborn in 200,000 birth. It is manifested by recurrent
bacterial infections of the respiratory tract, starting from the age of six years. The disease predisposes
patients to the risk of having chronic infections with viruses that attack particularly the digestive tract and
the nervous system.

Document 1 represents the pedigree of a family,

whose certain members are affected with Bruton

1- Indicate whether the allele responsible for

Bruton disease is dominant or recessive.
Justify the answer.
2- Show that the gene responsible for the
disease is localized on the non-homologous
segment of chromosome X. Normal man Affected man
3- Indicate the genotypes of individuals III1, Normal woman Affected woman
III2 and IV1.
4- Determine the risk for the fetus IV2 to be
affected with this disease. Document 1

To find out if the fetus IV2 will be affected with

Bruton disease, the doctor requests establishing
the karyotype of the fetus. The obtained result
is shown in document 2.

5- Determine, referring to documents 1 and 2,

if the fetus IV2 will be affected by Bruton

The doctor completes the diagnosis by

performing DNA analysis using the Southern
Blot technique. The used probe makes it Document 2
possible to distinguish between the mutant
allele and the normal allele of the gene III1 III2 IV1
involved in Bruton disease. The obtained
results are shown in document 3. A ‫ـــــــــــــــــ‬ ‫ـــــــــــــــــ‬ ‫ـــــــــــــــــ‬

6- Specify the band that corresponds to the B ‫ـــــــــــــــــ‬ ‫ـــــــــــــــــ‬ ‫ـــــــــــــــــ‬

mutant allele.
7- Draw out the genotype as well as the
phenotype of the fetus IV2. Document 3

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Exercise 2 (5 points) Action of Antibodies and the Complement
In order to study certain aspects of the action of
antibodies, researchers performed experiments on three SRBC (1st contact)
rabbits A, B and C. The experimental conditions and
the obtained results are represented in document 1. 15 days Presence of
Removal of serum A anti-SRBC
1- Show, by referring to document 1, that:
1.1- The production of antibodies necessitates a
prior contact with the concerned antigen.
1.2- The production of antibodies necessitates a 15 days
Absence of
definite duration.
Removal of serum B anti-SRBC
2- Explain the necessity of the 15 days, time delay to
1 day Absence of
SRBC (1st contact)
obtain the agglutination of SRBC by the serum of anti-SRBC
dayserum C antibodies
rabbits immunized against SRBC.

The serum taken from rabbit A, 15 days after being

injected with SRBC, is placed in the presence of SRBC: Sheep red blood cell
different substances. The conditions and the obtained
results are shown in document 2. Document 1
3- Specify, referring to document 2, a characteristic
of the humoral-mediated immune response.
4- Schematize the mechanism of agglutination of
+ - -
SRBC. Serum A
Serum A Serum A
+ + +
The complement is a set of plasma proteins. SRBC Mouse RBC human RBC
Researchers aim to show the role of the complement
in the humoral immune response. + :agglutination -: no agglutination
Document 2
Anti-SRBC antibodies
SRBC Rabbit A
Rabbit A Anti-SRBC
complement antibodies

Agglutination followed Neither Agglutination of SRBC

by lysis of the SRBC agglutination nor without lysis
lysis of SRBC
Document 3
5.1- Analyze the obtained results.
5.2- What can you conclude?

The experiment in tube 1 is repeated; the complement of rabbit A is replaced by the complement taken from a
mouse. Agglutination of SRBC followed by their lysis is obtained.

6- Draw out a characteristic concerning the action of the complement.

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Exercise 3 (5 points) Coding of the Olfactory Stimulus

Through olfaction (sense of smell), an

organism is able to detect the presence of odor Application of odor Cilia of the
molecules in the air, estimate their molecules olfactory
concentration, and distinguish among neuron
different odors.

Odor molecules in the air bind to Cell body of the

chemoreceptors found on the cilia of olfactory olfactory neuron
neurons. This results in a nerve message that
propagates toward the brain (document 1). Axon of the
electrode olfactory
1- Pick out from the text, the localization of neuron
the olfactory chemoreceptors. Toward the brain
Document 1
Researchers expose cilia of olfactory neuron to
increasing concentrations an odor molecule. The Frequency of A P
frequency of the obtained AP is measured by a
receptor micro-electrode placed on the axon of the
olfactory neuron. Document 2 represents the obtained
2- Represent, in a table, the results shown in
document 2.
3.1- Analyze the obtained results.
3.2- What can you draw out concerning the coding
of an olfactory stimulus?

Researchers aim to study the action of three

different odor molecules A, B and C on an olfactory
Concentration of the molecule (a.u)
neuron (document 3).
In the absence of any stimulus, the olfactory
Document 2
neurons show spontaneous activity that corresponds
to a frequency of action potential of 100 a.u.

4- Specify the molecule(s) which stimulate the Frequency of action potential

olfactory neuron. 180 140
Document 4 represents the response of 4 different
olfactory neurons in response to two odor
molecules A and B. Odor
5- Show that the activity of the olfactory neuron Document 3
depends on the nature of odor molecules.
Olfactory neurons 1 2 3 4
200 100 150 100
Frequency molecule A
of A.P Odor
100 150 100 180
molecule B
Document 4

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Exercise 4 ( 5 points) Hormonal Regulation
In order to study the relations existing between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries, researchers
performed the following experiments on adult female mammals.

Experiments Conditions Results

Electric stimulation on a specific Hyperactivity of the anterior pituitary with hyper-
zone of the hypothalamus secretion of pituitary hormones, FSH and LH
Hypophysectomy (ablation of the Atrophy of the ovaries and the uterus with
anterior pituitary) disappearance of the sexual cycles
Document 1
1- Draw out the role of:
1.1- the hypothalamus.
1.2- the anterior pituitary.

Experiment 3: researchers inject the ovarian hormones to ovariactomized adult female mammals and then
they measure the variations of the levels of LH and FSH. The conditions and the results are shown in
document 2.

Experiment Conditions Results

Case A:
Injection of a moderate dose
of estrogen.
Case A Case B Case C
the injection
Case B:
Injection of a high dose of FSH
3 12 3 18 3
estrogen. (ng/mL)
Case C: 40 10 65 10
Injection of high dose of
estrogen and progesterone.

Document 2

2- Draw a histogram that represents the data of experiment 3.

3- Indicate the types of the feedback revealed in experiment 3. Justify the answer.
4- Name the structures that secrete estrogen during a sexual cycle.
5- Establish, by referring to the preceded experiments, a functional diagram showing the relations between
the ovaries, the anterior pituitary and the hypothalamus.

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‫ الخاصة‬2020 ‫دورة العام‬ ‫امتحانات الشهادة الثانوية العامة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬
2020 ‫ أيلول‬26 ‫السبت‬ ‫فرع علوم الحياة‬ ‫المديرية العامة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االمتحانات الرسمية‬
:‫االسم‬ ‫علوم الحياة‬
:‫الرقم‬ ‫أسس التصحيح‬

Part of ex Exercise 1 (5 points) Bruton Disease Grade

The allele responsible for the disease is recessive, since individuals 3, 6 and 8 are
1 affected from healthy parents. This means that the mutant allele is present in the 0.5
parents but masked by the normal allele (N).

There is discrimination of sex, only males are affected, so the allele of the disease
is sex-linked. If the studied gene were localized on the non-homologous segment
2 of chromosome Y, any affected boy should have an affected father, which is not 1
the case (normal father I2 has affected boys). So the studied gene is localized on
the non-homologous segment of chromosome X.
N: normal allele dominant
m : affected allele recessive
3 III1: XNY 0.75
IV1 :XmY
The fetus IV2 has a heterozygous mother (III2) of genotype XNXm. If the fetus
were a boy, the risk of this fetus, in this case, to receive the chromosome Xm from
his mother will be ½. He obligatory will receive chromosome Y from his father.
4 0.75
If the fetus were a girl, the risk will be null since she will receive obligatory XN
from her healthy father of genotype XNY. Therefore, the fetus will be necessarily
healthy regardless of the gamete received from her father, N is dominant.
The karyotype (document 2) shows that the fetus is a girl with two chromosomes
X. Referring to the pedigree (document 1), the fetus has a healthy father of
5 genotype XNY. Thus, he must have obligatory received XN from his father and 1
then the fetus will be a healthy girl since allele N is dominant, then the female is
Band B corresponds to the mutated allele, because document 3 shows that male
6 0.5
IV1 of genotype XmY possesses a single band B.
Fetus: genotype XNXm
7 0.5
Phenotype : Healthy [N]

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Part of ex Exercise 2 (5points) Mode of Action of Antibodies and the Complement Grade
Anti-SRBC antibodies are only found in the serum taken from rabbit A which is
injecting with SRBC 15 days after the injection. However, no anti-SRBC
antibodies are found in the serum taken from rabbit B, being not injected with
1.1 0.5
This shows that, the production of antibodies necessitates a prior contact with the
concerned antigen.

Anti-SRBC antibodies are only found in serum of rabbit A 15 days being injected
1.2 with SRBC but not after 1 day from the injection (rabbit B). Therefore, the 0.5
production of antibodies necessitates a definite duration.

15 days is the time delay necessary for the induction of a humoral immune
response during which :
 activation of B lymphocytes by IL4 secreted by activated T4 lymphocytes
2 1
 following their multiplication and differentiation to plasmocytes that secrete
anti-SRBC antibodies.
The humoral immune response is specific, because agglutination occurs only
when adding the serum of an immunized rabbit against the SRBC with the same
3 0.5
antigen, SRBC.
(no aggutination occurs neither with RBC of a mouse nor with RBC of a human).


SRBC Anti-SRBC antibodies Immune complex ( Agglutination)

There is agglutination with no lysis, when the SRBCs are mixed with only anti-
SRBC antibodies (having no complement). However; there is neither
agglutination nor lysis, when the SRBCs are mixed with complement in the
5.1 1
absence of antibodies.
On the other hand, there is agglutination followed by lysis when anti- SRBC
antibodies are mixed with SRBC and the complement rabbit A.
Antibodies are responsible for the agglutination of the antigen but the complement 0.5
is responsible for the lysis of only antigens previously agglutinated by antibodies.

6 The action of complement protein is not specific. 0.5

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Part of ex Exercise 3 (5 points) Coding of the Olfactory Stimulus Grade
1 The cilia of the olfactory neuron. 0.5

Concentration of the molecules (a.u.) 10 50 100 1000

Frequency of AP (a.u.) 0 3 3.5 4
2 1
Variation of the frequency of AP (a.u.) as a function of the concentration of the
molecules (a.u.)

The frequency of AP increases sharply from 0 to 3 a.u. with the increase in

concentration of the odor molecules from 0 to 50 a.u. Then, such variation shows
3.1 1
slight increase from 3 to 4 a.u. when the concentration of the molecules increases
from 50 to 1000 a.u.
3.2 The intensity of the stimulation is modulated by frequency of AP. 0.5
The frequency of AP for the odor molecule A (approximately 180 a.u.) is greater
than that obtained by the odor molecule B (approximately 140 a.u). However; the
4 frequency of action potentials for odor molecule C is low (100 a.u) which 1
corresponds to the spontaneous activity of the olfactory neuron.
Thus, odor molecules A and B stimulate this olfactory neuron.
Neurons 1 and 3 are excited by the odor molecule A with 200 AP and 150 AP
respectively, but not excited by the odor molecule B, they show an activity (100
AP) similar to the spontaneous activity in the absence of any stimulation.
5 However, neurons 2 and 4 are excited by the odor molecule B with 150 and 180 1
AP respectively; they are not excited by the odor molecule A with 100 AP.
Thus, the activity of the olfactory neurons depends on the nature of the odor

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Part of ex Exercise 4 (5points) Hormonal Regulation Grade

1.1 The hypothalamus stimulates the secretion of the pituitary hormones FSH and LH. 0.5
The anterior pituitary is responsible for the development of the ovaries and uterus,
and for their cyclic activities.
The variation of FSH and LH as a function of the injected hormones.

Level (in ng/mL)

65 – FSH
LH 20 ng/mL

40 –

2 1
18 –
12 --
10 –

3 -- Conditions
Before Case A Case B Case C

Negative feedback: moderate dose of estrogen alone (case A) or the presence of

high dose of estrogen coupled with progesterone (case C) decreases respectively
3 the secretion of FSH and LH from 12 to 3 and from 40 to 10 mg/mL 1
Positive feedback: High dose of estrogen (case B) increases respectively the
secretion of FSH and LH from 12 to 18 and from 40 to 65 mg/mL,.
Estrogen is secreted by:
4 Follicular cells and those of the internal thecca during the follicular phase. 0.5
Luteal cells during the luteal phase.
Functional diagram showing the relations between the ovaries, the anterior
pituitary and the hypothalamus.
High level (-)

Hypothalamus Hypophysis FSH Progesterone

LH Estrogen
5 1.5
Action (-) Moderate level
Feedback (+) High level

(-): Negative feedback

(+):Positive feedback

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