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Unit Plan Schedule

Unit: Persuasive Writing

English LA 8
Topic Lesson Outline

Day 1: Activity #1: APK difference between opinions and reasoning

Writers notebook activity – Section #1 – Writing prompt (10 minutes)
Instruction: Provide examples in literature of persuasive writing
Activity #2: Anchor chart construction – Persuasive terminology
Lesson #1: APK and
Persuasive Writing Day 2: Lecture: what is persuasive writing, definitions, anchor harts
Activity #1: (answer garden) where do we see persuasive writing in real life situations
Instruction: Oreo method introduction
Exit card: write a basic Oreo outline without solid facts

Day 1: instruction: How to research and cite properly (letter, short story, paper)
Lesson #2: Persuasive Activity: Get students to work in groups and find persuasive elements in the text (different
texts for each small group)
Mechanics and Proper
Citations and Day 2: Instruction: Continuation of proper research and citations
Resources Have students begin thinking of topics for their unit project: 3 persuasive topics of interest
Homework: find a piece of propaganda on the internet for next lesson (Writers notebook)

Intro: show peers what piece of propaganda you brought with you today, pair up with
someone whose text is interesting to you, sit beside them.
Instruction: how is propaganda persuasive? Is there bias in propaganda
Lesson #3: Propaganda Activity#1: (formative assessment) – write how your partner's propaganda is persuasive;
once you are finished, bring your findings to me
Activity #2: with your partner design your own propaganda, use internet or draw
Homework: give a writing prompt (writers notebook) independently for 10 minutes.

Activity#1: Whole class, shout topics that are controversial/opinions

Lesson #4: Persuasive Activity #2: Research for summative assessment (letter, speech, research paper, propaganda
Writing Brainstorm (including a report with resources on your information), etc.)
and Research Complete a brainstorm sheet for formative assessment of your unit project
Exit Activity: Review persuasive writing techniques with jeopardy

Day 1: Activity: Murder mystery lesson - provide students with a handout, the persons alibis,
who they think did it, and get them to formulate WHO actually killed the person, persuade
your other classmates until you are all ALMOST in agreement, then persuade me
Activity #2: Have students draft their Unit Project
Lesson #5: Unit Project
Day 2: Activity #1: Students will share their draft with a classmate, each student will evaluate
their peers' project. Students will evaluate grammar, spelling, citations, etc.
Activity #2: Have students work to make the corrections on their unit project. Remind
students to use their time wisely, as their finished product will be due the following class.

Activity: Presentation day for oral and visual unit projects. Answer outstanding persuasive
Lesson #6: Unit Wrap-
writing questions/concerns
Up/Workday Finish with a work period for students to read or catch up on other work for other classes 

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