Linguistic Phonetics Introduction - Ocred

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7 The Hadboor of Ling ist ese

Aronoer and Rees- Milley

Linguistic Phonetics 151

7 Linguistic Phonetics 2 Linguistic Phonetics and General

Phonetic Theory
JOHN LAVER The objective of linguistic phonetics, which most
phoneticians would regard
ic correlates
the phonet
as the center of their professional domain, is to describe
units of spoken langua ge and their interac tions. Another way
of phonological
linguistic phonetics is to give
of putting this is to say that the ultimate task of
s and their pronunciations in all
a comprehensive account of speech pattern
world. To achiev e this task, linguistic phonetics
languages and dialects of the
foundation for the phonetician’s
draws on general phonetic theory, which is the
transm itted, and perceived, against
understanding of how speech is produced,
language. The aim of
a background of a general phonological theory of spoken content of a model of
to give a compact account of the shape and
this chapter is
of a general phonetic theory. Within
linguistic phonetics within this framework
(chapt er 8) presen ts a summary view of the shape
the current volume, Cohn
reader is referred to her chapter
and content of phonological theory, and the
for definitions of basic phonological concep ts used here, such as “phoneme,”
l feature ,” and “phono logical syllable.”
“allophone,” “phonologica
phonetics than is possible here are
_ More extensive presentations of linguistic
(1977, 1988, 1994), Clark and Yallop
: Fac C fic study y OF of th the
, use, a iet
nature available in Abercrombie (1967), Catfor d
Maddieson (1996), and Laver
ie onneat init onan ie of phonetics is the scientific seady of tie (1995), Ladefoged (1993, 1997), Ladefoged and
te a compr ehensive account of the
“Pehpeee and one, pects of speech. These are broad definitions (1994a). Hardcastle and Laver (1997) offer
Stee. Bot tic furs hee . and phoneticia of both linguis tic and nonlin guistic aspects. A branch
ns would accept such a breadth phonetic sciences, including both
fut eeabary the ; “ : ave developed so widely in the of particu lar releva nce to both linguis tic phonetics and phono-
secon d half of phonetics with
of the public ations in acoustic phonetics
Sircculy oF bol ane road view probably better represents the mod ; logy is acoustic phonetics. Recommended and Read (1992),
commu nicat ion are Kent
jects. What is less controversial is that for readers interested in linguistic
linguistics and (1994b) surveys nonlinguistic
Phonetics share a common if P artial doma 1 in 1n phonolog Ladefoged (1971, 1993), and Stevens (1998). Laver ts in communication of
y, , the study of com-
phonetics, including paralinguistic interes

mention of a technical ters, n la nguage. (In the text below, the first significant interests in
h tone of voice, and extralinguistic
The int "term is printed in italics.) attitudinal and emotional information throug
zation. Coulmas (1993) provides
eon ee of linguistics and phonetics in the stud y of spoken langua interests in matters such as speaker-characteri different socio-
tic variation in
€ perspectives that each borrow s from the other oe phonological a comprehensive account of phonetic and linguis
purposes.s. Ling
Ling uistics contribut es
to ph linguistic speech communities.Goldsmith (1995) gives a wide-ranging review
i cs its phonological understanding &
of the distinctive patterns
of many different approaches to phonological
that inal np he coded, conventional aspects
speech which differentiate individu of
al words and other units of spoken lan-
guage. Phonetics contributes to
linguistics its phonetic understanding of the
The Scope of Linguistic Phonetics
production and perception of
those significant Phonological
the detailed artefacts of speech that embody
i pattern s. E
ibution i
the other. To study formal patterns immer cormple
re siented By phonetics might entail addressing at
facta ;to
losing i ‘ sks becomi
eas physical realities of spoken begins henna A comprehensive approach to linguistic
oe least four complementary objectives:
ee for their identity as conventionally coded
signals risks losing sichtofte co ing all contrastive (phonemic)
icati . 1 describing the phonetic basis for differentiat
name usually given to the study of rote iL wenobegntepeken language.
ive, following the nguage froma phonetic
8 the example of Ladefoged (1971, 1997), is linguistic
pe The - and contextual (allophonic) patterns in speech which signal the identines o*
rene linguistic units in any given language;

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Linguistic Phonetics 153
152 John Laver
perception are to be
— —_—ceTste, ‘ om

describing the phonetic regularities which distinguish the s in speech production and
h ; : 7 Sind challenging phenomena
a given sociolinguistic community from those of others within ae of ive give
Lanaengne Y given phonetics ng r will
in thisthechacont a
isticic pho
tatii on of a model of ling
lescri the idiosyncratic but characteristic phonetic
phoneti events which onetic basis for differenti
i dis- 4 istic units
tinguish the speech of one member of any ibing tne which signal the identities of lingu
given sociolinguistic communi Re priority to descr in passing on the other
but will touch
from that of other members; AG Pere moe 7 se diferent languages of the world, used in transcription, enclosed in
describing all recurrent aspects of speech that make one lan sound oe ives as well. The phon etic symb ols
l Phonetic Alphabet (1993)
different from others. Aa ear [ ], will be those of the Internationa
are brackets
(IPA), set out in what is usually
: of the International Phonetic Association
an appendix to this chapter, for
{All four objectives cou be thought relevant to capturing the full extent of * "called the IPA Chart. The chart is attached as
the behavioral substance of spoken linguistic communication. Most linguistic ~ consultation about transcri ptio nal symb ols and their classificatory phonetic
phonetic accounts of languages, however, have almost entirely restricted them- identification.
selves to the first objective. Research by a number of other specialisms has
used this first objective as a foundation for pursuing one or more of the other
objectives. Sociolinguists interested in the way that speech acts as an index of
membership of different communities have investi gated the second objective 3. 4 The Coverage of a Linguistic Phonetic Theory
usually in an urban context. Speech pathologists, and those interested in speaker
characterization for other reasons, such as a focus on forensic phonetics, have When the full range of the vocal sound-making capabilities of the human
addressed the third objective. Speech technology has successfully developed \ species is considered, it becomes apparent that only a restricted subset of the
automatic systems for speech production, speaker recognition, and language ~. range is used as the basis for contrastive and contextual patterns in spoken
identification (Laver 1994c); but the methods used mostly exploit automated
language. To offer a few examples, no language makes distinctive use of the
machine learning about hidden statistical patterns in the acoustic waveforms ive noise of the teeth colliding as the jaw is snapped shut. Nor is the
of speech, which doesn’t involve explicit “description” in the same sense. No
“A noise of air being squeezed between the cheek wall and the outer surface of
language investigated so far has been comprehensively and explicitly described
“the teeth and gums used in language by normal speakers (though it is some-
against al four objectives (though general phoneti in princi times used as a substitute for the voice by speakers who have had their larynx
be applied to cock of these tasks), ° Phonetic theory could in principe removed by surgery). The ability to simulate a snoring sound is not used con-
Within the first objective, linguistic phonetic accounts also often limit them-
selves to specifying only the phonetic basis for distinguishing the patterns trastively, nor is a falsetto voice used deliberately to contrast one sound against
that another, in any known language.
contrastively identify one phonological unit from another, for example the
consonant or vowel
There is a further degree of constraint. Not only is the range of sounds that
phonemes that discriminate minimally different words
in English such as call and tall, or seal and sill. The contextual is used in language limited to a relatively small subset of those physiologically
associated with the incidence of contrastive linguistic units
atterns possible, but within that subset there is a core of frequently used sounds that
structures and in different environments are less often described
in sis t turn up repeatedly in widely different language-families, within a broader
in detail, rich
in phonetic regularity though they are. These aspects of sound-patterni as range of less frequent sounds. As part of that core, most languages use [t], [n]
ignored by linguistic phonetic accounts include the wide range
n often +.» and [s] as consonants, as in the pronunciations of English tea, knee, and sea.
realizations of phonemes in different syllable structures and
of alloch i Relatively few, on the other hand, use consonants such as the initial sounds [f]
in diff Sicen- ae, in English fin, [6] in thin or [3] in then. A very large number use the vowels [i],
textual environments within syllables. : Spent cone
The limiting of linguistic phonetic accounts 0 at fal, and [ul], as in English peel, pal, and pool. But very few use the vowels [yl
ipti me [0] or [ce], as in French June (“moon”), yeux (“eyes”), or peur (“fear”) respect-
chiefly of distinctive phonological contrasts is as i ey
it :is seen a8 ively. Only about one-third of all known languages use diphthongs, such as
: means ‘° ‘ rues end. An account of phonological contrasts is all
that is [au], [er] and [o1], in the word-final syllables of the English verbs allow, allay,
rmally felt by linguists to be needed for further discussion
behavior) at higher levels thar
of linguisti and alloy (Lindau et al. 1990).

re ptr hae er dees ere Hert nce tae cons

an p phonology, |in mo rphology, lexis,
oe :syntax,oA
and There seem to be five interactive principles that may explain this human
tendency to use a somewhat restricted number of sound-types for purposes of
hav ' Jed, it is In the phonetic detail of the contex-
tual allophonic interaction of linguistic units that some a i communication (Lindblom 1983, 1986, Ohala 1989, Stevens 1972).
of the most interesting ese are:

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184 John Laver Linguistic Phonetics 155

perceptual stability;
anatomical structure or morphology,

ae ctors are those which are “to do with
perceptual contrast;
ture imposes on the potential for
and with the constraints which that struc
ease and economy of articul
1997: 256). Phonetic factors are those
ecological cotuining physiological action” (Mackenzie Beck its
ee t of use of the vocal apparatus, with
ease of modifiability to the needs of which arise from any learnable aspec The inter play betw een
the communicative situation r 1994a: 28).
" acoustic and perceptual correlates (Lave acoustic
h is one of the major sources of
Perceptual stability is achieved by languages organic and phonetic factors in speec invariant prop-
small articulatory adjustments make : : tending g t to use sounds f : rent speakers. The recovery of relatively
variation between diffe
little auditory difference. einige ers, to aid the decoding of linguistic
adequate perceptual contrast en avoiding erties in speech data from different speak
sound-differences close to th be achieved by resolving the relat-
limits of human messages (Perkell and Klatt 1986), can only
come of choosing discri
soundminatié - Ease
: and economy of articulation are the o : ive contributions of organic and phonetic
speech production syst i which do not unduly tax the capabilitiesso of he e pract ical cons eque nces arise from the fact that any two
Many theoretical and
to resist the perce y <p cological robustness reflects the ability of capable of producing phonetic-
akers of normal anatomy must be treated as
maskisng effects of other sounds likelely to be hearda in very substantial organic differences
th e envir Ptual ially
i onment (espec . ally identical utterances, despite the often
from other speakers). Finally, given that s of different speakers can be of
the relative
anc e speed, loudness, Speech * between them. The fact that the vocal organ
nd articulato Ty precisio isi n of the speech two individuals can be acoustic-
i very different sizes means that speech from
Pe an te nt In resp . Comparability of pronunciation
paisa — onse to vari atio ns in the social and ; hysic al ally very different, in absolute physical terms
| it is helpful if parameters of esas ar absolute values of acoustic para-
Different lange ne pi say modified therefore arises from considering not the
without damaging intelligibility speaker’s own acoustic poten-
i / a 'Siven given langu meters, but their values relative to the individual
a ge at diffe
i rent times i , large adult male speaker’s voice
Solutions to the trading relationships between these ifferi tial. So the intonational value of the pitch of a
five principles That me e child by considering in each case
solutions are not alwa ys optimal
i isi one can be compared to that of a small femal
potenti i ed as high (or mid, or low), in relation to the
of languages changing over time. potential basis for the sound patterns whether the pitch should be count
terms, the voice pitch ranges
speaket’s own pitch range (Ladd 1996). In absolute
show any physical overlap
of these two speakers would be very unlikely to
ht into comparability, and
5 The Shape of a General Phonetic Theory at all. In relative terms, however, they can be broug
be regarded as phonetically
when heard as the same in these terms they can
Th : equivalent.
tic quality of differ-
The same situation applies to comparisons of the phone
an teyaten hed ee to the five principles described above has tically characterized
. array ape of a general phonetic th . tae ent speech sounds. Vowel-sounds, for example, are acous
theory is one whose posited features sitcpande ee (Ladefoged 1993). The
ee by patterns of resonant frequencies of the vocal tract
ex onal units overall length and
absolute values of the resonant frequencies depend on the
alia 7 maximum range of data with the simplest deserlotiow
organ s of the vocal tract
pa oe
in general tend most frequently to favor a mnt, ‘ shape of the tract. These frequencies change as the
n organ ic limits set by indi-
stable, adequately contrastive, relatively manipulate it into different configurations, withi ht to be
to articulate oie vocal tracts can be thoug
then the basic co gically robust, and intelligible in variable circu See vidual anatomy. The configurations of two ency to
subs wlkeee soln aadbodee oo in general phonetic theory should be the ratios of the lowes t reson ant frequ
phonetically equivalent when the
onships give the simpl s in each of the two cases are closel y simila r. In
prest byandadding Sconomical
account of of such sounds. The theory is‘ then completed
higher resonant frequencie
i such organ ic-
set of more elaborate constructs, to um absolute terms, given that the resonant-frequency ranges for two
would once again
ally different speakers as the large man and the small girl
cover the less frequent and usually more two speakers
complex sounds. show virtually no overlap, it would not be feasible to say that these
In relati ve terms , howev er, they can both
were producing comparable sounds.
the same vowel [u:] in their pronu nciat ions of the
be perceived as producing
6 Organic and Phonetic Aspects of English word “boot ” [bu:t] , for insta nce, when the reson ant frequ encie s of
each of them show appropriately similar ratios.
tic sim-
Phonetic equivalence is one end-point of a more general scale of phone
ilarity, which is a metric for comparin g the phone tic chara cteri stics of any two
$ in speech. Organic tic simil arity is hence a neces sary basis for the
sounds. The concept of phone

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Linguistic Phonetics
156 Jolin Laver 137 x

of speech organization.
whole of general phonetic theory. In addition, the view that organically, differ. could serve as the boundaries of natural, serial units
two circum stances in the linear
ent speakers can produce and perceive phonetically equivalent sounds has Obvious natural breaks do occur, however, in
speaker . One is at the beginn ing and end ofa
profound implications for describing normal use by native speakers. Equall ‘ production o f speech by a single at the begin-
The other is
profound are the implications for understanding the articulatory and percep. spenking-turn by one participant in a conversation. by silence, within the indi-
tual processes of spoken language acquisition by infants, foreign-language ning and end of an individual utterance, bounded
the rest of the stream of speech
learning by non-native speakers, and pathological use in speech disorders. vidual speaking turn. Exhaustively dividing
ce involves appealing toa
The dimension of phonetic similarity is relevant, finally, not only to com- into a sequence of units smaller than the utteran
onal assumption Is that the
paring speech sounds from all different speakers of normal anatomy, but also number of convenient assumptions. A key traditi
analytic purposes, as if
‘to two further situations. The first is as the basis, within a single speaker, for continuum of speech can be appropriately handled for,
ous. On this basis, it becomes
grouping phonetically similar allophonic variants into a single phoneme, as a descriptive categories were discrete, not continu
family of phonetically related sounds fulfilling the same contrastive phonolog- c constru cts such as the feature and
reasonable to set up smaller-scale phoneti
ical role. The second applies to decisions about the range of phonetic segment- the segment.
types that can be represented by a given character in alphabetically based
writing systems for whole language communities. The decision, for instance
about what speech sounds in different languages are eligible to be written 8.1 The relationship between phonetic segments and
with the letter “r” depends in part on the comparability of the phonetic and
perceptual qualities of the candidate sounds concerned.
phonetic features as units of speech production
Phonetic features are collectively the ingredients of phonetic segments. In the
minimum case, two segments may differ from each other by the presence or
7 Articulatory, Acoustic, and Perceptual Levels absence of just one phonetic feature. A feature exploited in every human lan-
of Description of Speech guage in this way is the phonetic feature of “voicing.” Voicing is caused by
oS vibration of the vocal folds in the larynx. Whether the vocal folds vibrate or
not will be determined by the interaction of airflow from the lungs and the
Emerging from the discussion in the section above is a second general distinc- tension-states of relevant laryngeal muscles. The word-initial consonant-sounds
tion, between three different aspects of the phonetic description of speech. in the two English words zeal /zil/ = [zi:l] and seal /sil/ > [si:l] differ
These are related to the three links in the chain of speech, from the speaker's in their voicing state, in that the vocal folds are being made to vibrate in the
generation of an utterance, to its transmission through the air, to its reception first case (making [z] a “voiced” segment) and not in the second (making [s] a
by the listener. The first is the articulatory level of description, which accounts “voiceless” segment). The transcriptional conventions in the example above
for the changing configurations and other actions of the speaker’s vocal appar- are that slant brackets // show the phonemic status of the symbols; “>”
atus. The second is the acoustic level, which consists of statements about the means “is phonetically pronounced as”; square brackets [ ] show the phonetic
Physical consequences of articulatory actions in terms of vibratory patterns of status of the pronunciation of the words concerned; and [:] after a segment
air molecules within the vocal apparatus and in the air between the speaker means that the sound is produced “with relatively longer duration.”
and the listener. Finally, the third level of description concerns the perceptual While segments can be thought of as linear units following one another
impressions of the listener receiving the acoustic information. sequentially in the chain of speech without interval, features are non-linear.
The rest of this chapter will focus on phonetic aspects of speech, and will be They can overlap each other in time, and have start-points and end-points
concemed chiefly byt not only with the articulatory level of description. which do not necessarily align with those of the chain of segments. Phonetic
segments, representing phonological vowels or consonants, are temporally
anchored in the chain of speech by the cooccurrence and mutual timing of
their constituent features.
8 Linear and Non-linear Units of Speech
8.2. Phonetic and phonological features
hows Phonetic events that make up the time-course of speech tend to be con- The constructs of a general phonetic theory should include a supposed univer
uous, with only relatively few steady states or sharply defined breaks that al'set of phonetic fi s; whose comprehensive coverage of spoken language

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158 John Laver
Linguistic Phonetics 159
remains provisionally true until shown by furthe
The general phonetic theory summarized here is i :
tng’ tharr 1994a) . te-Ha
lciee It tries
based on the a
na to include a set ofof phone
c f features capable
le ofctde ene
descri b.
the phone ic basis of all phonological contrasts, and
of all the contextual . The syllable is not identified here as a unit of phonetic description. Many
patterns of their interaction, so far discovered
in the
world. The set of phonetic features proposed ina gener spoken languages of the phoneticians have tried to develop a robust definition of the properties of a
al phonetic theory would phonetic syllable, but no objective correlate that would link phonetic perform-
nevertheless, in the ideal, always be larger than the set
proposed to cover the ance on a one-to-one basis to the phonological syllable has yet emerged (Laver
languages of the world. This is because of the need to exten -1994a: 113-15).
d its coverage to
the differentiation of sociolinguistic communities and the characteri The term “syllable” is perhaps best reserved for use at the phonological
zation of
individual speakers. level, where it is useful (though not itself unproblematic) for two purposes: for
It is important to appreciate the difference of technical status between de- the location of word-identifying patterns of stress; and as an organizing con-
scriptive phonetic features and distinctive Phonological features. An example cept for the mutual distribution of vowels and consonants. This organization
was quoted earlier of the phonetic feature of voicing providing the Phonetic is reflected in the traditional phonological view that vowels are nuclear in the
basis for a minimal contrast between two consonantal sounds in English, /z/ syllable, with all syllables containing one and only one vowel.
and /s/. Opportunities for conceptual confusion are rife at this point, in that Consonants are marginal in syllables, being either syllable-initial or syllable-
the presence or absence of “voicing” can be seen in two quite different per- final. Using “C” to mean “a consonant,” and “V” to mean “a vowel,” the
spectives. Phonetically, the difference between [z] and [s] as physical speech structure of an English monosyllabic word like “strikes” /straiks/ would be
sounds is described in terms of the presence or absence of vibration of the formulaically represented as CCCVCC. Languages differ in the syllable struc-
vocal folds, as mentioned briefly above and describein d more detail in sec- tures they allow. English allows both open and closed syllables (that is, syllables
tion 10.2 below. To expand on the phonetic example mentioned briefly earlier, . without and with, respectively, one or more final consonants), as in /ai/ “I” V,
/z/ and /s/ as consonants in English are phonologically differentiated by the ~ /sai/.“sigh” CV, /said/ “sighed” CVC, and /saizd/ “sized” CVCC. Hawaiian
distinctive presence or absence of a single distinctive feature, often represented "allows only open syllables, as in the di-syllabic word /ola/ “life” V + CV.
as +VOICE versus —-VOICE. (Capitalization of the name of the feature, with
“+" and “—” indicating presence versus absence, is a useful way of distinguish-
ing the status of phonological features from that of phonetic features, which 9 The Componential Organization of
often — potentially confusingly, as in this case - have the same or similar
names.) . Speech Production
Viewed as a phonetic feature, “voicing” is part of the descriptive, objective
vocabulary of phonetics. Viewed as a distinctive feature, VOICE is part of the The success of phonetics in developing an objective, replicable, internationally
formal vocabulary of phonology. The purpose of phonetic features is to de- standard method of describing all speech sounds in all spoken languages lies
scribe the articulatory, acoustic, or auditory characteristics of speech sounds as in part in a componential approach to phonetic description. Each discrimin-
events in the real, physical world, independently of the language concerned. able sound is regarded as the composite product of the action of a number of
The purpose of distinctive features is to focus on the role of the features as part sub-processes of the speech production system. These are described in more
of a conventional, semiotic code for identifying phonological units particular detail in section 10 below. A schematic view.abthe opcal aguas which make up
to a given language. The term “distinctive feature” is thus reserved for use as the sub-processes, including the Jungs, the larynx, the organs of the mouth and
a contrastive phonological concept. the pharynx in the vocal tract, and the soft palate (technically called the velu),
Part of a phonological interest in distinctive features is the exploration of the is shown in figure 7.1.
degree to which different phonological features fall into putatively natural This componential analysis underlies the conventions of phonetic trans-
classes, where the members of the class share some phonetic and / or distribu- cription of the International Phonetic Association. As an illustration of this
tional property that distinguishes that class from other classes. This often entails approach, and to inform the explanation offered below of descriptive phonetic
grouping classes into more abstract, superordinate classes, such as the phonolog- categories, a typical (abbreviated) label for the sound represented in the pho-
ical class of “sonorant.” This superordinate class is normally taken to include the netic transcription of the IPA’s International Phonetic Alphabet (1993) as [b]
subordinate classes of English vowels, liquids (such as /r, 1/), glides (/j, w/ ) would be “a voiced, labial, oral stop.” The four elements of this label constitute
and nasal stops (/m, n, n/). For further discussion of distinctive features and individual phonetic features and identify independently controllable compon-
natural classes, see the chapter on phonology in this volume by Cohn (8). ents of the production of the sound:

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160 John Laver
Linguistic Phonetics
Lc, —

x acomponential labeling system in effect offers a set of instructions to informed

#=. ~ readers about what to do phonetically with their own vocal apparatus to gener-
fu’ ~ ate a phonetically equivalent or near-equivalent sound.

’s" 40 Speech Production Processes

a There are only two basic ways in which a speaker can perceptibly differentiate
ah one segmental speech-sound from another — by changing the phonetic quatity of
the sound, or its duration. Variation of pitch and loudness play their part at a
: suprasegmental level when speech is continuous, and may result in differ-
eis ences of meaning, but matters of the prosodic and metrical control of speech
ws gt production will not be addressed in this chapter. For interested readers, these
topics are discussed in Laver (1994a: 450-546), together with issues to do with
3% continuity and rate of speech.
- ii The control of phonetic quality and duration depends on the interaction of
te five major sub-processes in the production of speech:
a. Upper lip: h. Uvula ' -—-@. Rootofthetongue © = 2 aa '.. 1 initiation and direction of airflow;
b. Lower lip _ i. Pharynx _ p. Lower jaw #3 2 phonation type; —
c. Upper teeth j. Body ofthe tongue — q. Epiglottis Sy 3. articulation; —
d. Lower teeth k. Tip of the tongue r. Cartilages of the larynx na ee 4 inter-segmental co-ordination; ...
. es ridge Ll. Blade of the tongue —_s. Trachea (windpipe) oo 5 temporal organization.
. Hard palate ' m. Frontofthetongue —t. Oral cavity z, . : :
a ,
The remainder of this chapter is devoted to an explanation of the way that the
& Velum (soft palate) n. Back of thetongue —_u. Nasal cavity | Bt activities of these different sub-processes in the onan of speech can generate
Figure 7.1 Schematic diagram of a cross-section of the vocal organs = different sounds.
Source: After Laver 1994a: 120 2 ig The traditional phonetic approach to the segmental classification of speech-
as . a ae sounds is said to be a classification by “place and manner of articulation.”
° voice : the vocal folds in the larynx are vibrating (superimposing aerody- oe “Place” will be seen to be straightforward, but “manner” will turn out to be
namic pulses on the moving column of air flowing out of the lungs); Bey) a complex of a range of different types of activity. Segmental classification by
¢ “labial”: the lips are involved as articulators; 2 place and manner draws on all the factors in the list above, with their inter-
¢ “oral”: the velum is in a raised position, sealing off the exit at the back aa action producing segments
of different phonetic quality and duration.
of the mouth to the nasal cavity, causing any airflow to pass through the Se Description in the sections below will concentrate on the typology of phon-
mouth alone; . 78" "” etie features, rather than on exemplifying every cell of the resultant matrix of
* “stop”: the closure of the lips momentarily seals off the escape of the air in a categories. For a comprehensive account of both segmental and suprasegmental
the mouth and pharynx to the outside atmosphere, causing a short-term rise : categories of speech sounds, the reader is referred to Laver (1994a: 95-546).
in air-pressure in the vocal tract. As the lips open again, the compressed air __* For the interpretation of specific phonetic symbols, the IPA Chart in the appen-
is then released through them with a small, audible explosion. Sy dix to this chapter should be consulted.
An assumption in such abbreviated labeling is that the flow of air is gener- ne
ated by the action of the lungs, with the flow being out of the body. (In a fuller + we 10.1 Initiation and direction of airflow
label, this would add an explicit element “with pulmonic egressive airflow” - ae ,
see section 10.1.) By identifying the activities of different sub-processes in this “i egories of initiatio of airflow used for speech, oar
way, and with an underlying understanding of the activities thus represented, rinte f The means of setting a column of air moving can be classified

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162 John Laver
Linguistic Phonetics 163
in terms of the initiating mechanism used. By far the m
of airflow in speech is the pulmonic wachonists, setting “ale initi
Sowine tiator 10.2 Phonation type
egressive direction to the external atmosphere.
This pulmonic conendien iflon
is then modified in turn by the actions of the larynx,
the vocal tract aci d and
aeth ’ The biological function of the larynx is chiefly to act as a protective and regu-
velum. Speech made on a pulmonic ingressive mecha
nism, on an inflowi; : lative valve for the airway to and from the lungs. The valving mechanism that
breath, seems to be used only paralinguistically, for
example in Scandinavia has evolved is a delicate and complex muscular structure within a supporting
cultures to express sympathy or commiseration.
" framework of cartilages (Dickson and Maue-Dickson 1982, Laver 1980). The
i sed in speech is the larynx, in the glottal;
airstream. mechanism. As the name niadli er glottis (the space so-called vocal folds are two shelves of muscular tissue which run horizontally
between the from front to back of the larynx, capable of separation at the back to leave a
vocal folds) is involved. With the glottis acting as a valve, and closin
g off flat, triangular space with its apex at the front. This space was identified earlier
the flow of air from the lungs, the larynx can be abruptly raised or
lowered as the glottis, and there are six modes of phonation used in spoken language to
in the throat by muscular action, like a piston in a cylinder. The effect
is to distinguish different segments, involving different adjustments of the glottis.
compress or rarefy the volume of air in the vocal tract, causing a sharp explo-
When pulmonic egressive air flows upwards from the lungs, F iia
sion (on release of a compressed glottalic egressive. airstream) or an
abrupt sound is produced if the triangular space of the glottis is left wide open, as
implosion (on the release of a rarefied glottalic ingressive airstream). Sounds
if for breathing out. Examples ot voice consonant-sounds widely used in
made on a glottalic egressive airstream are called ejectives, and those on a
languages are the word-initial sou English see [siz], tea [tiz], and she
glottalic ingressive mechanism implosives. In Zulu, the word [k’atk’a] “sur-
[fiz]. If the vocal folds are brought close enough together to make the con-
round” involves two ejectives, symbolized by the apostrophe [’] after the stop
tinuous airflow through them turbulent, either through a gap left at the back
symbols. or through a narrowed glottis, the result is called whisper.
If voicing is added to an implosive, by pulmonic egressive airflow mak-
Voicelessness can be heard in the pronunciation of some vowels in a number
ing the vocal folds vibrate as the larynx descends during a glottalic ingressive . of languages. As an allophonic process before pauses, (described below as an
initiation, a voiced implosive segment is the result. The contrastive difference
outcome of the coordinatory process called “devoicing”), French vowels often
between the two Hausa words [6a6e] “estrangement’ and [babe] “grasshop-
lose their voicing. An example would be [wi:] out (“yes”) at the end of an
per” relies on the two stop segments in the first word being voiced labial utterance, where [,] below the symbol indicates voicelessness. Alternatively,
implosive stops (hence involving two airstream mechanisms, glottalic ingress- this devoicing is often substituted by whisper, rather than strict voicelessness.
ive and pulmonic egressive), and in the second on the two stop segments English also exploits allophonic voicelessness, in optional pronunciations of
being voiced labial pulmonic egressive stops (involving only one airstream). unstressed vowels between two voiceless consonants, as in the first syllable
The third initiator of airflow used in speech is the tongue, in the velaric of potato/patettau/ => [pzteitou] in Received Pronunciation of British English.
airstream mechanism. Because the tongue is involved, it is therefore also some-
Further examples of voicelessness or whisper on vowels in Amerindian,
times called the “lingual” mechanism. Velaric sounds are made by the body of Sudanic, Sino-Tibetan and Australian languages are given in Ladefoged and
the tongue trapping a volume of air between two closures in the mouth, one
Maddieson (1996: 315) and Laver (1994a: 295-7).
at the velum, and one further forward. The tongue then retracts the velar
In the third tvpe of phonation, vibration of the vocal folds is the basis for
closure by sliding backward along the soft palate while maintaining the closed
sa Galzieay as mentioned briefly in sections 8.1 and 9 above. Examples of
stricture, thus rarefying the air pressure enclosed in the expanded, sealed cav- 2a voiced sounds widely used in languages are the word-medial consonant-
ity. When the front closure is then released, the air implodes into the relative
sounds [z, d, g, m] in English easy |i:z1|, aiding [etdtn], again [age], and
vacuum. Sounds made on this velaric ingressive airstream are called clicks. Since seeming [si:min], as well as the vowel-sounds in these words [i:, 1, et, a]. In
the velaric mechanism is confined to actions within the mouth, the rest of the
voiced sounds, the vocal folds are brought lightly together by muscular action,
vocal apparatus is free to add voicing and / or nasality to click sounds.
blocking off the outflow of pulmonic air, and air pressure below the closed
The languages that use click sounds contrastively are confined to southern
folds building until it is sufficient to blow the folds apart against the muscu-
and eastern Africa. Ladefoged and Maddieson (1996: 246-80) offer a compre- lar tension holding them closed. Once airflow is reestablished through the
hensive account of these sounds, with many examples from languages such as
glottis, an aerodynamic effect is produced within the glottis, with the egressive
Nama, Zulu, and Xhosa. In English, clicks are used only paralinguist
ically, to pulmonic flow creating very local suction as it passes at high speed through
indicate annoyance (usually written “tsk, tsk” in the English writing system
), the relatively small gap between the vocal folds. This local force sucks the vocal!
or to encourage horses to accelerate, or onomatopoeically to simulate
the folds towards each other, and combines with the muscular tension to restore
clopping-sound of their hooves.
the closed position of the vocal folds. The abrupt restoration of closure sends a

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small shockwave traveling on the outflowing breath through the vocal tract, on articulation begins with a clarification of this relationship, and then dis-
and acoustically excites it into resonance. cusses principles of classification by place of articulation, degree of stricture,
The cycle from closure of the vocal folds to separation and renewed closure - multiple degrees of stricture and aspect of articulation. The technical vocabu-
typically happens very fast (in a range from 60 to 240 times per second in - Jary introduced in this section is then used in the discussion of intersegmental
adult male voices in normal conversational English). The frequency of the coordination.
vibration corresponds to the auditory pitch of the voice. The contour of pitch in
the successive, intermittent voiced sounds of a whole utterance is in effect
heard as a melody, and functions as the intonation of the utterance. 10.3.1 Featural phases of the structure of segments
_ The fourth type of phonation used in spoken language is creak ot creaky voice The complex relationship between segments and features can be clarified by
( creak” is also sometimes called vocal fry or glottal fry in American publications). appeal to the concept of three internal phases of a segment - the onset phase,
In this mode of phonation, the front part of the glottis vibrates, at a considerably the medial phase and the offset phase (Laver 1994a: 112-13). The configura-
lower frequency than in normal voicing, while the back part is pressed more tion of the vocal tract during speech changes dynamically from moment to
tightly together. Pairs of Danish words can be distinguished by the presence of moment between variably greater and lesser degrees of local constriction of the
syllable-final creak (sometimes also called laryngealization) versus its absence airflow. These constrictions are created by a mobile, active articulator (such as
for instance in [du] “tablecloth” versus [du] “you” (Laver 1994a: 330-3). the tongue, or lower lip) moving towards a fixed or less mobile, passive articulator
The fifth type of phonation is whispery voice (also sometimes called breathy (such as the hard palate, soft palate, or upper. lip). The time occupied in main-
voice or murmur). As in whisper, the vocal folds do not completely: seal off the taining the maximum degree of articulatory constriction (or degree of stricture)
trans-glottal escape of the pulmonic airflow while vibrating, but leave a gap - reached by the vocal tract during the production of an individual segment
either at the back of the glottal triangle, or along the length of the approxim-’ delimits the medial phase of the segment’s performance.
ated but vibrating vocal folds. The result of the continuous leakage of air is During the onset phase of a segment the active articulator is approaching the
to superimpose audible whisperiness on the pulsed. voicing, throughout the _ maximum stricture, and in the offset phase is moving away from this towards
phonation. Whispery voice in English is used phonetically in English as an the configuration for the medial phase of the next segment. One segment’s
optional allophonic feature to:replace the normal voicing of {h] when that offset phase overlaps with the onset phase of the next segment, in an over-
consonant occurs in inter-vocalic position in some accents of British English, lapping phase.
as a whispery voiced resonant [fi]. Examples are aliead /ahed/ = [afied] and The concept of the phasal structure of segments is important for two reasons
perhaps /pahaps/ = [pahaps], with phonetic voicing running right through to do with the temporal distribution of phonetic features. The first is that a
these words, becoming momentarily whispery during the “h”. Whispery voice given feature may start or finish within a particular segmental phase. For
of this sort is also used in English paralinguistically throughout an utterance example, in English syllables anticipatory nasality begins relatively early within
to signal secrecy or confidentiality. the medial phase of a vowel-segment before a nasal consonant-segment, as in
In a range of other languages, whispery voice is used contrastively to distin- caln /kam/ = [k*a:m]. (In the IPA transcription here, superscript ["] means
guish one consonant phoneme from another. An example is [bala] “a snake” “aspiration,” or “voice onset delay,” [-] means “is nasalized,” with the soft
palate open to allow airflow into the nasal cavity.) /
versus [bfiala] “good” in Sindhi, using [fi] in association with the [b] symbol medial phase of
to indicate a whispery-voiced beginning to the syllable in the second word. A given feature may alternatively be co-terminous with the
thin /81n/ =
Section 10.4 below classifies this as an inter-segmental coordinatory instance of the segment, as in the case of audible friction in [8] in English
run through the medial phases of two or more
“voiced aspiration” (Laver 1994a: 354). [@in]. Or the feature may lip-
> [s"uzn], where
Finally, closure of the vocal folds may itself constitute the medial phase of a adjacent segments, as in the English word soon, /sun/
relaxing to a neutral position
stop segment, in which case it is called a glottal stop [?]. Glottal stops are used rounding runs through the first two segments,
t [ul] is inherently lip-rounded,
towards the end of the word. (The vowel-segmen
only allophonically in English, for example as a phonetic realization of the is phonetically symbol-
final /t/ consonants in London Cockney eat that pizza /i:t dat pittsa/ => and in the case of consonant-segments lip-rounding
section 10.3.4 below on
{ai? da? p*ai?sal. ized by the attachment of the diacritic ["] - see also segments
through adjacent
multiple degrees of stricture.) A feature running
1994a: 115, 391-427), and an analysis of features
can be called a setting (Laver
phonetics, but also for paral i nguistic
into settings is useful not only for linguistic
10.3 Articulation n through tone of voice, and
analysis of affective or emotional communicatio Nolan 1983, Pittam
(Laver 1980,
extralinguistic analysis of speaker-characteristics
A key part of appreciating how descriptive phonetic classification works is 1994),
understanding the relationship between segments and features. This section

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10.3.2 “Placelop apHiculation? Dk

i cation by place of articulation r Labial
identifies the | ocation of the articul L Dental
zone in which the active articulator is closest to the
“ee + Alveolar
+ Palatal
Neutral articulation ——+ Velar
’ ration, the vocal tract is as nearly as anatomy
Cross-section along its full length from lips allows in equal + Uvular
to pharynx. (If a vowel-sound were - Pharyngeal
to be produced in such a configuration, it woul
d have the quality of the “neut- r Epiglottal
ral” vowel [a] in the pronunciation of the first Place of articulation
(unstressed) syllable of the Eng- “ Glottal
lish word canoe [kanu]; and acoustically the reson
ant frequencies would be r Linguolabial
such that the ratio of the higher frequencies were
odd multiples of the lowest.) Labiodental
In the neutral configuration, the potential active
articulators (the lower lip Displaced articulation —> Interdental
and the tip, blade, front, back and root of the tongu
e) lie in their natural ana- + Laminodental
tomical position opposite their passive counterparts along
the longitudinal ~ Apicoalveolar
axis of the vocal tract. A segment whose place of articulati
on is neutral is made
by an active articulator moving towards its neutral, passive count Figure.7.3_ Labels for neutral and displaced articulations
erpart. The
neutral configuration of the vocal tract, and some labels for neutra
l places of
articulation, are given in figure 7.2. Neutral places of articulation are thus involved when the bottom lip moves
up against the top lip to create a labial articulatory narrowing or closure; when

the tip of the tongue touches the inner surfaces of the central upper incisors
gee _ to make a dental closure; when the blade of the tongue articulates against the
RS alveolar ridge behind the teeth to make an alveolar closure; or when the back of
the body of the tongue contacts the soft palate to create a velar closure.

a ee
When the bottom lip is retracted from its neutral place, however, to articulate
instead against the central upper incisors, or the tip of the tongue is retracted
to articulate against the alveolar ridge behind the teeth, the resulting labiodental
and apicoalveolar strictures are classified as displaced articulations. Similarly, if
the blade of the tongue is protruded between the lips, and makes a [i nguolabial
closure against the upper lip, that too is a displaced articulation. The labels for
neutral and displaced articulations are shown together in figure 7.3.
i fels (except those
in Some accents where the tongue-tip is curled upwards in anticipation of a
following /r/), and the word-initial consonant-sounds in pea [pi:] and bee [bit]
(both labial); theme [@i:m] and thee [Diz] (both dental); teal (tizl] and deal (di:l]
(both alveolar); cash [kaf] and gash [gaf] (both velar); and he [hi:] (glottal).
Instances of displaced articulations in English are the word-initial consonant-
’ sounds in feel [fizl] and veal [vi:l] (both labiodental).
1. Labial 5. Velar Setting up the classificatory distinction between neutral and displaced
2. Dental 6. Uvular
articulations amounts to a claim about the relative frequency of incidence of
different sounds in the languages of the world. The simpler, less elaborate con-
3. Alveolar 7. Pharyngeal
4. Palatal 8. Glottal cept of neutral articulations underpins a broadly sustainable assumption that
neutral labial, dental, alveolar, palatal, velar, and glottal sounds are more fre-
Figure 7.2. Schematic diagram of some of the neutral places of articulati
on quently encountered, for instance, than the displaced linguolabial, labiodental,
Source: After Laver 1994a: 135
and apicoalveolar sounds. However, this claim becomes less successful when

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168 John Laver

; with the tongue in a regularly curved shape

one considers the relative infrequency in the languages of the world of neutral of the er wil be Pe and laterally), with the velum closed, and with a
uvular and pharyngeal sounds, for whose relative rarity more specific reasons the medial
(convex » nintaived nore OF less as a steady state throughout
would have to be advanced. Samaea a single, neutral place of articulation. This set-up will be treated asa
groups of aspects ofarticule
10.3.3 Degree of stricture Fvutral reference against which three non-neu tral and trans-
tion can be described. These are the conformational, topographical,
Classification by degree of stricture answers the question: “In the medial phase itional aspects (Laver 1994a: 140-7).
airflow channel. There
of the segment, to what degree is the gap between the active and passive arti- - The conformational aspects deal with the routing of the
oral airflow versus nasal
culators narrowed?” Languages exploit three types of segments defined by the are three distinctions to be drawn. The first is between
airflow. The third is between
criterion of degree of stricture - stops, fricatives, and resonants. In the medial airflow. The second is between central versus lateral
phase of stops, the degree of stricture is one of complete articulatory closure, single versus multiple strictures.
Examples from English are the word-initial consonant-segments [p, b, t, d, k, As instances of differences between oral and nasal sounds, neutral voiced
gl in post, boast, toast, dosed, coast, and ghost respectively. oral stops include [b, d, g], as in English bib [bib] (oral labial stops), did [did]
In fricatives, the articulatory stricture in the medial phase is one of close alveolar stops) and gig [gtgl (oral velar stops) respectively. Their non-neutral
approximation, with the airflow made turbulent by passing through a very nasal stop counterparts are [m, n, yl, as in English mum {mam] (labial), none
narrow gap between the active and passive articulators, generating an audible [nan] (alveolar) and sung [san] (velar). An allophonic difference between an
hissing noise (“friction”). Examples of fricatives are the word-initial consonant- oral and a nasal fricative at the same place of articulation is in Igbo “to wedge
segments [f, v, 8, 3, s, z] of English fan, van, thigh, thy, sink, zinc, or the word- in” [1fa] versus “to shriek” [ifa] (Williamson 1969: 87), from Nigeria. Here both
medial consonant-segments [J, 3] in English mesher and measure. are non-neutral in a different respect, in that they share a displaced labiodental
In the medial phase of resonants (which can involve sounds representing place of articulation. A phonemic difference between an oral and a rasal
both consonants and vowels), the stricture is one of open approximation. This is resonant can be found in Sioux “sun” [wi] versus “woman (abbreviated form)”
a Stricture which is sufficiently open to allow the airflow to pass smoothly {wi] (J. Harris, personal communication).
_ without turbulence. Open approximation is optimal for allowing the pulses of Stop articulations can show complex aspectual patterns of oral and nasal
voiced vibration from the larynx to set the vocal tract into resonance as an sequences within the medial phase of a stop. The place of articulation of the
acoustic tube. oral and nasal elements are homorganic — the oral stricture is at the same place
Examples in an accent of British English of resonants which act as con- . of articulation. When the nasal element is minor compared with the duration
sonants are the word-initial segments representing /j, w, 1, 1/ in yield [ji:ld], of fully oral closure, and occurs at the beginning of the medial phase, the stop
wield [wizld], raw [19] and law [I>]. Examples of resonants acting as vowels is said to be pre-nasal; when it is final with respect to the oral closure, it is
from the same accent are the word-final segments in bee [bi:], Shah [fas], called a post-nasal stop. The duration of such nasal elements is shorter than
paw [po:] and two [tu:]. The IPA chart subclassifies the open-approximation in full segmental sequence of nasal + oral stops, as in English cardor, for
degree of stricture of such resonants in terms of three further articulatory instance. When the nasal element dominates the duration of the oral closure
dimensions. The first two are divisions vertically and horizontally of the in the medial phase, it is said to be a pre-occluded or post-occluded nasal stop,
vowel-space in the mouth within which the highest point of the regularly curved depending on the initial or final location of oral closure. Examples of conplex
tongue is located for the resonant in question. The vertical division is sub- oral / nasal stops are found in a range of languages, including some in Afmica,
divided into close, close-mid, open-mid, and open resonants. The horizontal India, and South and Central America. An instance of pre-nasal stops comes
division is subdivided into front, central, and back resonants. The third classi- from Kalam, a Papuan language of New Guinea, in “down valley” ["bim] and
ficatory dimension for resonants acting as vowels describes the lip-position of “sinew” [ki"dil] (Pawley 1966). A fuller discussion of such complex oral / nasal
the segment, divided into rounded and unrounded. The resonant in bee [bi:] is stops is offered in Laver (1994a: 227-35).
close, front, unrounded; in Shah [fa:] is open, back, unrounded; in paw [po:] is For the sake of economy, sounds will from now on be assumed to be oral
open-mid, back, rounded; and in two [tu:] is close, back, rounded. unless specific mention is made of their nasal status.
In the case of differences between central and lateral sounds, a neutral
10.3.4 Aspect of articulation example would be the voiceless alveolar central fricative [s], as in English sea
[siz]. A non-neutral instance would be a voiceless alveolar lateral fricative [4], as
The concept of aspect of articulation extends the concepts of “neutral.” It is in North Welsh “her ship” [it>n], which is in phonemic contrast with a vorced
Suggested that the majority of stops, fricatives, and resonants in the languages alveolar lateral resonant “his ship” [ilo] (Albrow 1966: 2). In both lateral cases,

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170 John Laver
ee re | Linguistic Phonetics 171
‘ ; Sant .
€ gis Labial alveolar
RA Double articulation Labial palatal
ERE leol U cabal velar
te hs Multiple places -
‘te of articulation Labialized
3: Palatalized
nae wate Two examples from the West African langu
age Yoruba are : Secondary articulation —- Velarized
; ords [ pel to call” and (gbe] to carry” (Bamgbose 1969: 164). Th ae Bie t Pharyngealized
on — in these double stops [kp] and [gb] are made
nd velar places of articulati
a = Laryngealized

oa cp inte ten ng conend gk

and voiced) labia! velar stops. 2 an nT PON ae Perens ced frvtcalens “Figure 7.4 Labels for double and secondary articulations

t ; ; ch the lips are in a rounded Posi- ; longitudinal processes such as extending or withdrawing the tip of the tongue,
tion, and the back of the tongue is raised to a position
close to the soft palate and advancing or retracting the root of the tongue. But the most frequently
. but in neither case close enough to create local friction. The found topographical aspect involving the long axis of the tongue is retroflexton,
result is a labial
velar resonant. in which the tongue tip is curled up and backwards, sometimes to the extent
When one stricture is of greater degree than the other during the shared of presenting the underside of the tip to the roof of the mouth. Margany, a
medial phase, the narrower stricture is said to be the primary articulation and
, language of South Queensland, shows a phonemic contrast between a ( neutral)
the more open stricture is called the secondary articulation. The auditory effect voiced alveolar stop and a voiced postalveolar retroflex stop, in “to cry” [badi]
of secondary articulations is usually to add a modifying “coloring” to the per- and “maybe” [badi] respectively (Breen 1981).
ceptual quality of the primary articulation. Examples include labialization, which * The major transverse aspect distinguishes a flat blade of the tongue from
adds lip-rounding to a segment; palatalization, in which the front of the tongue one in which the blade is grooved. In English, [s] is produced by most speakers
is raised towards the hard palate; velarization, in which the back of the tongue with the air flowing through a very narrow channel in the tongue along the
is raised towards the soft palate; pharyngealization, in which the root of the surface of the blade just opposite the alveolar ridge. Flat alveolar fricatives occur
tongue is retracted towards the back wall of the pharynx; and nasalization, in in Icelandic. In this case it is not clear which category should be treated as neut-
‘which the soft palate is lowered, allowing air to flow through the nasal cavity ral, in that grooved alveolar fricatives are far more common than flat alveolar
and add nasal resonance to the oral resonance of the rest of the vocal tract. fricatives. It is possible that the higher “pitch” of the fricative noise made
The auditory effect of a neutral, single stricture without secondary arti- through a narrow groove is more audible, and hence ecologically more robust,
culation is sometimes referred to as “plain.” The quality associated with pala- than the lower pitch of a fricative made through a broader, flat gap. But
lly more
talization is sometimes said impressionistically to be “clear,” and that with articulatory adjustment for creating a central groove is physiologica
velarization and pharyngealization “dark.” In most accents of English, there is complex than for a flat gap, and it may be that the concept of a neutral articula-
a structural allophonic difference between the pronunciations of /1/ in syllable- tion as the more natural and more widespread sound breaks down at this
initial position and in syllable final position, in that both show secondary arti- The transitional aspects handle the question of whether the active
culations, with the /1/ of leaf [l'i:f], for instance, being a (“clear”) palatalized _ js static during the medial phase of the articulation, or in dynamic
a neutral stop articulation such as the voiced alveolar stop Id,
voiced alveolar lateral resonant and that of feel [fiz] a (“dark”) velarized voiced ‘In performing
the alveolar ridge =
alveolar lateral resonant. Another English example of secondary articulation is ’ the blade of the tongue rises at moderate pace up towards
the labialized palatoalveolar fricative initial in she [J*i:], where the primary the passive articulator, makes contact for an appreciable duration, then descends.
but moves
articulation is the fricative stricture mid-way between the alveolar and palatal A(non-neutral) voiced alveolar tapped stop is like the neutral version,
alveolar ridge,
places of articulation (hence “palatoalveolar,” symbolized by [f]), and the much faster into contact, makes a very brief closure with the
secondary articulation is one of rounding of the lips, symbolized by the super- and moves away fast. An example is found in many American English
ina word like city [stet].
script diacritic ["]). The use of secondary articulation is discussed further in as the pronunciation for “t” between two vowels,
the section on inter-segmental co-ordination below. Figure 7.4 summarizes the A tapped stop is sometimes likened to one tap of atrilled stop, —
such as the
labels for double and secondary articulation. Neutral example. A trilled stop is one where the active articulator,
ve articulator and the airflow
The topographical aspects deal with the shape of the tongue as the active tip of the tongue, is positioned close to the passi c situation In voiced
articulator both longitudinally and transversely. Laver (1994a: 141-2) discusses ..’ through the narrow gap (analogous to th e aerodynami

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172. John Laver
for that
the effect of delaying the beginning of voicing
vibration of the vocal folds) brings it repeatedly into full contact. The,symbo| from silence may have
ee voicin g for an Utter ance it ried
for a voiced oral alveolar trilled stop is [r], and for one made at the uvular loca’ ent. In most accents of English, Using 0
tion is [Rr]. A language that contrasts voiced alveolar tapped and trilled sto icati i inning of the medial phase.
“delay in the onset of voicing”
is Kurdish, as in the pair of words “wound (injury)” [brin] versus “cutting” 6
, and iat rien
indicate ence
: $F silence, [z] in most
would be transcribed [#, zi:l]. Because
[brin] (A. Ferhardi, personal communication). A contrast between an alveolar utterance-initial word “zeal” full voicing throug h its medial phase,
tapped stop and a uvular trilled stop is found in European Portuguese, in contexts is normally pronounce d with ( thoug h the phonol ogical
“dear” [karu] versus “car” [kaRu] (Parkinson 1988: 138). this delay is usually referred to as initial ingly , 7 en such :
Corre spond
When a stop is flapped, it strikes the passive articulator in passing. A (non- orientation of such a practice should be noted). early o re ° voic
there may be an
neutral) voiced oral alveolar retroflex flapped stop [t] starts with the tongue-tip segment is next to utterance-final silence, na evoicing
curled upwards, and then in uncurling the tip strikes the alveolar ridge very d. Such utterance-fi
ing, and the sound is said to be finally devoice
briefly, making a sliding contact that is quickly broken. Westermann and Ward would be transcribed, in the English word “lees,” as [lizz,
(1933: 76) cite the Sudanese language Gbaya as contrasting a trilled stop with In both the initial and final cases, the devoic ing is partial , in that not all
a flapped stop, in “beans” [ere] versus “hen” [ere]. of the medial phase is deprived of vibration of the vocal folds. When there is
Transitional aspects of articulation affect resonants as well. A monophthong no voicing at all in the medial phase, the questi on is promp ted of what dif-
is phonetically a (neutral) resonant segment with a relatively steady-state arti- ferentiates a fully devoiced segment such as [z] from its voicel ess counterpart
_ culatory position being maintained throughout its medial phase. A diphthong make appeal to issues of differen-
[s]. Some phoneticians and phonologists
is a (non-neutral) resonant which changes its articulatory position from one tial muscular tensio n in the vocal appara tus, and set up the catego ries of lax
position of open approximation towards another during the medial phase. and teitse to. describe hypothesized factors that continue to differentiate such
A triphthong is a (non-neutral) resonant which changes articulatory position devoiced and voiceless segments. It is probably more satisfactory, at a phon-
during the medial phase from one position of open approximation towards etic level of description, to accept the non-differentiability of fully devoiced
another and then another. English is unusual amongst the languages of the and voiceless segments. Figures 7.5a and 7.5b characterize the timing rela-
world in that resonants acting as vowels can show all three transitional aspects tionships between the laryngeal and supralaryngeal events in the devoicing
of articulation. In some accents of British English, the vowel in a syllable may process, and relate them to the next category of coordination to be discussed,
be represented by either a monophthong (as in awe [9]), a diphthong (as in aspiration.
eye [at]) or a triphthong (as in ire [ara]). When a voiceless segment such as an oral stop is initial before a resonant
in a stressed syllable in most accents of English, there is an audible delay in
the onset of voicing after the end of the stricture of the medial phase, in the
10.4 Inter-segmental coordination overlap phase between the stop and the resonant. This phenomenon is called
aspiration. An instance is the English word “peat” [p"i:t], where the aspiration
Segmental description in this chapter so far has been limited to events within is transcribed as a small superscript “h.” The audible quality of the ["] anticip-
the boundaries of a single segment. Some of the most phonetically interesting ates that of the oncoming resonant, for which the vocal tract is already assum-
events occur in the overlapping phase between two adjacent segments, where ing the relevant articulatory position. Aspiration is reasonably rare among the
the first segment’s offset phase is co-terminous with the next segment’s onset languages of the world. French, for example, does not aspirate syllable-initial
phase (Laver 1994a: 339-90). When a segment is next to utterance-marginal stops in such circumstances, in words such as “pate” (patel. Aspiration acts
silence, the onset and offset phases involve transitions from and to the articu- as an allophonic process in English, applying to all voiceless stops /P, t k/,
latory rest position. Also relevant is the effect of the characteristics of one but is exploited phonemically in a number of languages, including Chengtu
segment’s medial phase spreading, anticipatorily or perseveratively, into part Szechuanese, in words such as “to cover” [kai] versus “to irrigate” [k"ail
or all of the medial phase of the adjacent segment. Significant phonetic events (Fengtong 1989: 64).
involving coordination of adjacent segments include the phenomena of de- j 4s “a delay in the onset of normal voic-
voicing, aspiration, release, affrication and co-articulation. ing,” since a category of voiced aspiratio n is found in a number of languages of
the Indian subcont inent and in central and southern Africa, as a relationship
case, the phonatory
between voiced stops and following resonants. In this
10.4.1 Aspiration quality of the transition from the stop to the followin g resonant is one -
g normal (ie. without audible glotta ee
When a segment that in most contexts is fully voiced throughout its medial whispery voice, usually becomin
voiced aspiration, Involving
phase occurs next to a silent pause, say in utterance-initial position, the transition tion) before the end of the resonant. Examples of

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174 John Laver
Linguistic Phonetics 175

. Utterance Utterance-final
silence ‘ silence

Onset Medial Overlap Medial Medial Overlap Medial Release

phase phase © phase phase phase phase phase phase

Io} od
‘Full voicing - - - - - _— ) AWAY) VV == fe Full voicing

Initial devoicing ~ -'-

- - } = LAAN AVY - - f= ---- Final devoicing
ib e

- Complete devoicing: - - - - - - - VV : VAVAVAVAV, i fo ew oe Complete devoicing

b v

Voiceless unaspirated - - - - - aki VV VAVAVAVAV, --+----- Full voicelessness
P e bs P

Voiceless aspiration - - - - - Ses fas --f----> Voiceless pre-aspiration

P - e e s P

Silence Voicelessness Voicing Voicing Voicelessness Silence
Figure 7.5a Timing relationships between laryngeal and supralaryngeal events in initial Figure 7.5b Timing relationships between laryngeal and supralaryngeal events in final
devoicing and aspiration - devoicing and pre-aspiration
Source: After Laver 1994a: 340 Source: After Laver 1994a: 341

both oral and nasal stops, are the Sindhi words “to speak ill of others” [gila]
versus “wet” [gfula], and “in” [mé] versus “a buffalo” [mfhé] (Nihalani 1975: 91). The offset phase of any oral stop may release the compressed air built up
Parallel to aspiration as a late onset of voicing in syllable-initial contexts is during the medial phase in a variety of ways. Alternatively, the stop may be
early offset of voicing in a resonant before a voiceless segment in syllable-final incomplete, and lack a final release. In this latter situation, the oral closure is
position, which is called pre-aspiration. This is a characteristic of many of the sometimes reinforced by a simultaneous glottal stop, as a double articulation.
circumpolar languages. It can be voiceless, as in an example from Icelandic in Both modes are found in English, as optional variants. A syllable-final unreleased
“thank” [@ahka] (Ewen 1982), or voiced, as in Hebridean Gaelic (of Lewis) in stop can be transcribed for an accent of British English as top [top | (and
as [top’l.
“bag” [p*>fik] (Shuken 1984: 127). glottally reinforced version as (top?’}), with the released version

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Linguistic Phonetics in
176 John Laver P
= oun d
” nd
nasasal ization,: ‘ n
whe a vow

li zati in antt . | t patoo
‘ ry 2
na sali os
. [
When the offset phase of a syllable-final stop is released, the channel for the i erents n
uir i

release may be either oral or nasal, central or lateral. In English, the ‘Word recedes a nasal consona for nasa lity “ lan gua ge
the oncoming requirement sort p
button can be pronounced with oral release as [batan], or nasal release as [batn]. re resonant, anticipating in these circum sta nce s, t h e
ess is that
In the latter case, the diacritic below the [n] symbol indicates that the nasal differentiating facet of this proc use of ne ar to pr _
than in English, presumably beca
aT TO-

opens later in French


segment is “syllabic,” acting as the nucleus of the second syllable. The differ-_ in pic
of French nasal vowel-sounds
ence between central release and lateral release can be seen in the English tat the perceptual distinctiveness te
word little, pronounced with central release as [litol], or with lateral release as ition to their oral counterparts. also occur . - Engi me
of articulation
(Irtl}. FE articulatory anticipations of place reso nant as In keep [k"iz p] is
before a front
stricture of velar stops such as [k]
mouth than [k] before a back resonant
made further towards the front’ of the
£10.43-Affrication as in calm [k*a:m].
Affrication is also a characteristic of the offset, release phase of stops. The
stop closure is released more slowly than in a non-affricated stop, so that a
brief moment of audible friction is heard as the stricture passes momentaril 10.5 Temporal organization of speech
from complete closure through close approximation. In English, the sounds at
the beginning of the words cheap [fi:p] and Jeep [di:p] are affricated stops s to do with the phonetic
The discussion so far has concentrated on matter
(or “affricates”). The special relationship between the stop and the fricative on. Segments have
quality of speech sounds. The remaining variable is durati
element is symbolized by the use of the linker diacritic. The fricative element have physio logica l or perceptual
certain inherent durational constraints which
of an affricate is by definition homorganic with the stricture of the associated sectio n will concen trate, however, on
explanations (Laver 1994a: 431-6). This
stop element, and affricates can be made at any place of articulation where control of durati on for phono logic al purposes.
the contrastive and contextual
stops can be formed. The fricative element may also be lateral or central, as in “long,” and “short ” will be reserv ed for use at a con-
The terms “length,”
the first and second affricates respectively in the Nahuatl phrase “sit down phonet ic level of
trastive level, and greater or less “duration” for use at the
please!” [ fimoflalitsino] (Suarez 1983: 32). description.
have been
Phonemic distinctions of length in both vowels and consonants
predo minat ing. Vowel -leng th distinc-
10.4.4 Co-articulation and assimilation observed, with vowel-length distinctions
English , though usuall y with associ ated differ ences
tions abound in accents of
comtrastive vowel-length
It is not surprising, given the rate that segments follow each other in the of segment-quality. An example of a language using
Maori, in word-pairs
stream of speech, that one segment may influence the articulatory character- (with length signaled by the diacritic {:]) is Rarotongan
istics of segments yet to be spoken, or be influenced by those that precede such as “taro bed” [pa?i] and “ship” [pa:?1] (Buse 1966: 52).
but are found
it. When such an influence crosses a word-boundary, it is said to result in Phonemic distinctions of consonant-length are much rarer,
ian Arctic. Inuktitut
assimilation; when it is restricted to word-internal action, it is said to show occasionally, as in the Eskimo-Aleut languages of the Canad
s such as “they arrive
co-articulation. (Inuit) distinguishes short and long consonants in phrase
[tikiqat:aqtut"] (Esling
An example of perseverative assimilation in an accent of British English is together” [tikiqataujut"] versus “they arrive frequently”
the continuing influence of voicelessness across the word boundary in what's 1991).
both vowels and con-
this? pronounced as [wots dis], where the underlying /z/ of is loses its voicing An instance of a language (unusually) contrasting
such a word-p air is “a crease” [ryp:¥] versus
under the influence of the preceding [t]. An instance of anticipatory assimilation sonants is Finnish. An example of
“a drink” [ry:p:y] (T. Lautta mus, person al commu nicat ion). —
is that boy pronounced as [dap boi], where the place of articulation of the
s of durati on both to struct ural positi on and to phow
underlying /t/ is made identical to that of the following [b]. Allophonic adjustment of vowel-sounds
the durati on
Anticipating the strictural requirements of oncoming segments in the stream etic environment are very common. In English, d sylla ee
bles such
less in| close
of speech often results in secondary articulations. Labialized consonant-sounds is greatest in open syllables such as bee, and of a vowe sours
struct ure, the durati on
are found in English before vowels which have rounded lip-positions, in as beat. In syllables of comparable
such as [d] in bead, and less
words such as [p*u:l] pool, [m">:] maw, and [f*ul] full. A further example of is greater before a voiced consonant-segment
in beat.
a secondary articulation that characteristically anticipates future segmental before a voiceless consonant-segment such as [t]

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178 John Laver ie _
Linguistic Phonetics 179
rte e J
eee, vat

11 Conclusion’ | . . Nae
3 :a = w
t be,

The detailed resources of general phonetic theory that have only been able - £3 THE INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ALPHABET (revised to 1993)
to be sketched in here are probably adequate for the task of describing the - “Sy GONSONANTS (PULMONIC)
segmental make-up of almost all languages known today, though of course Labiodental | Dental | Alveolar | Postalveolar | Retrofles
Velar | Usular Pharvngeal | Clottal
some problems of detail remain to be resolved. In the terms introduced at the
beginning of this chapter, general phonetic theory is basically fit for the lin- pb td t dic ¢ikgiqe ?
guistic phonetic purpose of “describing the phonetic basis for differentiating n} mi op] ss
all contrastive and contextual patterns in speech which signal. the identities
of linguistic units in any given language.” Not so evident is whether it is yet
fit for the three other purposes identified as relevant to a broader interest c
in linguistic phonetics - the description of phonetic regularities in the speech- 3/s Zics ilxylzxue} h TIAA
styles of sociolinguistic communities, of the characteristic phonetic events that
distinguish the speech patterns of individual members of those communities,
and of the ways in which languages sound different from each other. Such
questions raise large issues for the future about the nature and motivation of
“work in phonetics, and about the desirable and useful limits ‘of resolution of I
the descriptive apparatus used. "..*, Where symbols appear in pairs, the one to the right represents a voiced consonant. Shaded arrae denote articulatione
nudged mpi
: ‘
. | Clicks Voiced implosives Ejectives Fimary
, eae stam ig '
founa'trfan |
© bilabial 6 Bilabial: ” asin oe ee et Eo TR Gor t Rang
. 2 Long = : ‘an
| Dental d Dental /alveolar PP Bilabral * Halt-long e C@ THigkh C | Falling
E (Posdaiveolar f Patatat U Dental/aiveoiar | ~ Extrachor 8 @ iMid € Hick nuns
© | # Palatoalveolar Of Velar 7K! Veta + Suilablebreak — ti.aekt © flow Es Low ming
it Alveolar lateral Go Uvular S’ Alvevlar i Minor (foot) group e. = é et.Reng eathng,
. Hl Major (intonation) growp 4 Dowmeep * Gitalinse
Linkung (absence of a breaik) te prep 2 Gebel nl

Front Central Back DIACRITICS Diacrincs may be placed above a cvmbol with a dewendereg
2 Vowels Id | prathy we Da | Dead td |
~ Nowe = S$ E]_ creaky voncet BQ |. \pwal td
* aspired td"! Linguoladai td _ laminas td |
» Moremunded 2 |" Labaired EY | Nuties é
¢ Lesrounded 2 |! Palutalied tt! di? |" Nant rmieuse qd")
Where symbois appear in pairs, the one to the might
represents a rounded vowel . Advanced = UL |) Welanzed t¥ ad’ |! Uaverat recuse
~ Rermcted |) pharyneeaticed (8d! |” No audible minase dl”
+ MM Volcelese labial-velar fricanve * Centraal — @ |= \elaneed
or phun-ngeatied t
@ Alveolo-palatal treatwes
: W Voiced labial-velar approximant *
Alveolar lateral flap Midcentraied © Raed © (d= vouced alveolar freanve!
z ‘Ss
a y Voiced labial palatal approximant f} Simultaneous Jana x
, Svtlabie 1 _ lower @ B = conced bulabual approsimants
9 AL Velcelne epiglottal fncative Altricates dod double azucula-
bons cant be represented by o t
Wolced epigiottal tncative two symbols jined by a ue é
? Epigiottal py ve = Nowerliabes § |. Savane Tongue Rout
bar tf necessury. ¥
= tsoS
kp f° . Ri uty Fl, Retractedted Tongue
Tongue Root e©

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