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Mellissa Tanner just turned sweet sixteen and she feels like shes old enough to make her

own decisions. She, like any other teenager, feels like her family doesnt care about her. One day the hottest guy in her school, according to her anyway, starts talking to her and shes thrilled about it. Will her new found confidence bring a good life for her? Find out in this short story called Mellissas Diary.

2012 Skyler Jayne

Dear Diary, Beth got me this diary today for my 16th birthday which is really cool. Its a pink cloth diary with stars on it. I guess Ill introduce myself to you. My name is Mellissa Tanner. I have blonde, wavy hair and grey eyes. Im quite short but not too short (51). I have a beautiful mom (Anna) and an amazing dad (Richmond). I also have a brother. Derek is 19 years old. He has dirty blonde hair and green eyes. Hes really tall, around 6 foot maybe. His best friend Beth Frank s really pretty too. She has black hair with waves that reach her shoulder and dark brown eyes. Shes always around the house because of Derek. Even when Derek is not home and has gone out for a date, she visits us. Also, I have a baby brother, who is three. His name is Kevin and he shares the same basic features as Derek. Sometimes I feel like he too had a crush on Beth. I have a best friend. Her name is Kara Mayne. Shes 16 too. Shes two months older than me , dark complexion, black eyes and black hair. She loves water sports while I dont. Shes a great listener. She listens to all my problems and I listen to hers. She has a boyfriend now which makes her unavailable at times but shes there for me when I need her the most. I love my family but I cant really count on anyone there. Derek who used to be like my be st friend is almost never there for me anymore. My mom and dad are too busy in their real-estate firm to pay me any attention. I say only me because they apparently have enough time to spend with my brothers. I guess those are the things us middle children have to go through. I hear dad calling me and telling me to sleep. I guess Ill write in you tomorrow. Xoxo Mellissa T


Wake up, I felt mom shake me. Mom, I groaned; I was having such a nice dream, Let me get back to my dream. No, you have a test today, she scolded. Her blonde hair fell over her face as she bent to look at me, covering her green eyes. I pouted and got out of bed. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs for breakfast. As usual no one was sitting on the table. Derek skipped breakfast in the morning. Dad watched the news in the morning. I sat at the table for breakfast. Mom put pancakes in front of me. The pancakes were heavenly! Mom always made the best pancakes. As soon as I poured the golden-colored maple syrup over them my stomach grumbled greedily. I ate it hungrily, not leaving a single drop of syrup or a single crumb of the pancake. Someones hungry, mom commented. I just grinned at her. Go get dressed, mom smiled. I noticed that today she left her hair loose which always makes her look pretty. She must have a meeting today. I walked up to my room and changed into school-wear. That usually meant a plain t-shirt with cool wordings (today mine said I cant fix stupid in black) and jeans along with my black converse. Grabbing a cookie from the plate, I left the house.

The school is 10 minutes from my house so I usually go walking alone. As I entered the schools halls, I did the usual: I went to my locker and took out my books for History. I was good at this subject and we had a test from it today which I was well prepared for.

Hey, I heard someone say behind me.

I turned around to see THE Ian Wright standing behind me. Hey, I said taking in the 5 foot 8 inch hottie with spiky black hair and ocean blue eyes. Mellissa, right? he asked smiling that dimpled smile of his. Yeah, I smiled. Can I call you Mel? he asked still smiling. Sure, I said unsure of where this was going, but completely liking it. I need a favor, he announced. What is it? I asked, losing some of the excitement; it makes sense that he spoke to me only because of a favor. I need help in the history test, he said. I scoffed, Youre smart in that subject! You dont need my help cheating! I just didnt study for this one. Can you please help me out? he asked coming closer and grabbing my hands with his, his blue eyes intensely gazing down at me. The heat from him hypnotized me somehow because I ended up saying: Sure, Ill help you. Thanks! he exclaimed happily and kissed my knuckles, I owe you one. I blushed and entered the class. I took my seat and he sat next to me. Kara gave me a quizzical look and then sat in front of me with James- her boyfriend. The teacher handed us the multiple-choice questions. I smiled when I saw the paper. Damn, this is gonna be easy, I thought to myself. I also gave an assuring smile to Ian so that he knew that I had all the answers. He grinned and pretended to think of the answers.

At the end of the class, just as I was about to leave, Ian gave me a hug and said, I feel like Im going to ace this.

Great, I smiled, feeling happy that he was going to ace it and that he hugged me. I owe you big, he said and then corrected himself: I mean huge time. Its alright, I smiled. Really, youre amazing! I love you, he said giving me another hug. I blushed and said, Maybe youre overreacting. Im not! He said, Can we be friends? Like really good friends? I hesitated at his request and then replied, Sure. Great, so can we have lunch together? he asked, he seemed anxious. As I walked down the halls with him I asked, Together? with one eyebrow raised. Yeah, join my friends at lunch. I know you usually sit alone, he smiled. Damn his smile was gorgeous. Ian, are you sure? I asked, not wanting to impose. Maybe tomorrow hell get over his gratitude and stop talking to me. Im positive, he said trying to convince me, Come on, Mel. Dont say no. Just this once, I smiled and said. Awesome, he said and hugged me again, see you. See you too, I smiled as he walked away.

Ian Wright just spoke to me! He hugged me! He invited me to eat with him! This day is unbelievable!

You have serious explaining to do, Mellissa I heard Kara say behind me.

What? I asked her innocently as I turned to face her anger. Can you explain why Ian Wright is talking to you? she asked, her brown peepers staring into my grey ones. He wants to be friends, I shrugged and started walking ahead. Umm, Mel, friends dont hug, she pointed out. I gave her a blank stare, we hug! Yeah, I get that but weve known each other practically our entire lives, she exclaimed. I shrugged and said, I helped him in the history test. Hes just really happy. No big deal. I saw James walk behind Kara squeezing her tight. Am I interrupting something? he asked as he sensed the tension. He was a football player, but he still had a heart. No, I smiled, youre not. I walked away from them. I walked away from that happy couple. They were really cute together but that made me jealous sometimes.


It was lunch time. I took my tray from the cashier and paid the lady. Hey , friend, I heard Ian say from behind me. Hey, friend, I smiled. My friends are anxious to meet you, he said and steered me towards his friends. Once I sat at their table nervously, Ian introduced me: This is Mellissa he said to his friends and smiled. The jocks from the table smiled and said hi while the girls just give me disapproving and sympathetic looks. What was their problem?

Mellissas really smart, Ian starts saying causing me to blush, She helped me out in the history test. Thanks to her, Ill ace it. Did you privately tutor him? his friend Shane I think asks me. He was a football player too. He had shaggy blonde hair and chiseled jaw. Im convinced that hes a model. No, I let him copy off me, I told him and gave a tiny smile. Do you mind tutoring me? Ian asked me. I dont mind, I smiled. My place, he said, This Sunday? Sure, I smiled and started eating my pudding, my chocolate pudding. Can I join? Shane asked. His girlfriend Maggie punched his shoulder. He just shrugged and said Fine, Ill let Maggie tutor me. The last time I checked Maggie was bad at history. Maybe he meant another subject. But what subject was she good at? Tests over! Ian exclaimed at me. Huh? I asked, forgetting about everything I was thinking previously. Youre concentrating on something, he smiled, forget about it. Umm okay, I said, eating my pudding. I looked at other peoples food. All the girls ate were salads and the guys ate burgers. I talk in plural because Shane is on his third burger while his girlfriend is on her third spoon of salad.

At the end of school I started on my regular walk home when a car stopped next to me. Ians Sedan to be precise. Wanna go to the mall? he asked me after rolling the windows down. No thanks, I told him and continued walking. Itll be fun, he said, just for an hour or something.

Okay, fine then, I said after a slight hesitation and got in his car. I mean, were friends, right? We should hang out often. Besides, I dont have Kara anymore but I have him. I have a hot friend! This is so going in my diary! What are you thinking about? he asked as we parked in the parking lot of the mall. Nothing in particular, I smiled and got out of the car. We walked around the mall for a while looking at shops. Our hands even brushed a couple of times. We stood in front of a donut shop, and I was about to suggest that we could go in when my phone started ringing. Mom was calling. Hey, I said. Where are you? she asked. She didnt sound too pleased. At the mall, I told her. With whom? she asked suspicious, I called Kara earlier and she said you werent with her. Another friend, mom, I exclaimed in frustration. Ians blue eyes that I adored sparkled with amusement. Come home, right now, she said sternly. I sighed and said fine and then hung up. What is it? Ian asked. I need to go home. Mom just called me, I said, Can you drop me home? Sure, he smiled, what are friends for? I smiled and headed towards the parking lot. He ran in front of me and opened the car door for me like a gentleman. Thank you, I smiled. Anything for you, he said and closed my door and got into the drivers seat. I gave him directions to my place and he dropped me off. Before he left we exchanged numbers and he promised he would call later tonight.

Where were you? mom asked, her green eyes penetrating through mine. Out, I said and started walking upstairs. Were not finished, she stated, Who was that boy? Thats Ian, I said, He was just dropping me off. Since when were you friends with him? she asked. Since now, okay! I half yelled, Can I go now? Go, she said and as soon as I headed up the stairs she yelled, Oh and no Internet for two days because of your attitude. I groaned and stomped upstairs. Maybe I could write in my diary about today. It would be only about Ian for sure. I walked towards my table and saw no diary. I checked under my bed and still no diary. Damn! Where could it go?

I walked to Kevins room and saw him sleeping. It was still 3 pm, his nap time. I started looking around for my diary. His room was basically white and baby blue. How difficult was it going to be to find my pink diary? Looking for something, sis? I heard Derek say. Yeah, I told him while searching, I cant find my diary anywhere. Oh that, he said nonchalantly, its in my room. Whats it doing in your room? I asked confused. I needed something to read, he smirked. I glared at him. I ran towards his room but he caught me by putting his hands around by back. Let me go, I yelled at him.

Nope, he grinned. Stop being mean, I told him. Your diary is so boring, he said, It was filled with your whining. Give it to me! I yelled at him. All right, you dont have to yell, he chuckled and went to his room.

Were you yelling? I heard mom ask. Yeah, Derek provoked me, I said. And wheres Derek now? she asked me. In his room, he went to get my diary that he stole, I said. Dont yell, okay? she said sternly, Kevins sleeping, dont disturb him. I rolled my eyes and said sure. Here, Derek said and gave me my diary back and then whispered in my ear, I took pictures of your entry, I think Ill put it up on facebook. Youre such an arsehole, I said and was about to storm to my room when mom stopped me with her voice. What did you call him? she asked. A-hole, I told her innocently. Three days without Internet, she simply stated. Mom, youre so unfair! I yelled. Four, she said with a stern look.

I hate you! I said and stormed to my room and closed the door behin d me. I heard mom saying five. My mother is so biased when it comes to treating her children!

I opened my diary on a new page and started writing.

Dear Diary, Remember when I said that my parents were biased and they liked my brothers more than me? My mother just proved it! Like few seconds ago! Derek stole my diary and mom didnt even yell at him. Instead she grounded me by not letting me use the Internet for five days! Five whole days! I hate her! On the positive note I spoke to Ian Wright today. More like he spoke to me! He actually approached me. At first I thought he only spoke to me because of the test today but he actually wants to be friends! And the way he acts around me is so cool. He acts like Im his best friend. Hes friendlier than Kara! Hes just so sweet. Hes kind and smart. Maybe I forgot to mention this but Ive had the biggest crush on him ever since middle school. Ive always wanted to just talk to him and now we talk like were best friends, we hug and I dont feel all that uncomfortable. Hes just so

I heard my phone ring. Who would call me now? The caller id showed Ian. Ian? Hello? I asked. Hey, its Ian, he said. Hey, whats up? I asked.

Nothing much, what about you? he asked. My mom just banned me from the Internet! I told him. Harsh! he commented, Why? She thinks I have an attitude, I told him appalled, and also because I was out with you. Damn, he said, Let me make it up to you. For helping me in the tes t and for getting you grounded. How? I asked. Be my girlfriend, he said. What did he just say? Go out on a date with me. Seriously? I asked shocked. Umm yeah, you like me right? he asked. I do, I said. Since tomorrow is Saturday, Ill pick you up at 5 and well watch a movie and then well go to the park, he said. Sure, I said nonchalantly. Oh my heck! Did he actually ask me out? Great! he said excited, I cant wait to see you. Me too, I said. Bye, babe, he said and hung up.

I looked at my diary. Hes just so He asked me out!!!! Ian freakin Wright asked me out! He just called me and asked me out. This is totally unbelievable! Im going out with him tomorrow! Damn I need to pick out something to wear now. Im so happy right now.

Xoxo Mellissa T

I shrieked and did a happy dance. I have a boyfriend! My boyfriend is Ian Wright. My boyfriend is popular. Im the happiest person on earth! Am I interrupting something? I heard Derek ask. I turned around and saw Beth and Derek at my door. They were laughing. No, I was doing nothing, I told them. Are you sure its nothing? Beth asked struggling to stop laughing. Yes, its nothing, I glared. Chill, Beth smiled and she and Derek left.

I sat in Ians car. I wore a grey t-shirt with the Jack Union flag along with a grey denim miniskirt. The length was a little above my knees. I wore my converse too and now I was dressed to impress him. He wasnt bad himself. He wore baggy jeans a black shirt which said you should be jealous, Im with her. in white which was quite flattering. What movie are we watching? I asked. Well I heard Remember Me is a good movie, he said. Robert Pattinson! I exclaimed happily.

Yeah, he chuckled and parked his car.

We watched the movie and the movie was really good. I gasped at the ending. It was just so sad but a great movie at the same time. How was it? Ian asked as we exited the movie hall. I loved the movie. We should watch it again sometime. I smiled as we walked towards the end of the room, where there was only a janitors closet. Thats not what I meant, Ian said as he put his hands around my waist and pulled me closer. Then what? I asked confused and nervous at the same time. I meant the date, he said and rested his forehead on mine. It was great, I whispered, unable to speak clearly with his proximity. He leaned in closer and brushed his lips against mine. Then slowly, he picked up my hands and put it around his neck and kissed me. I kissed him back. My first kiss was with Ian Wright! He was an amazing kisser. His lips were so soft. He pulled away and looked into my eyes. Now what do you think of the date? he asked. Wow, I breathed. He smiled and dove in for seconds. This time I smiled too as I kissed him. He decided to use tongue this time too. Me being the helpless person that I was, I joined in and gave him full access. He pulled away, Im having a great time. Me too, I smiled dreamily. He backed off a bit, we entwined our hands. So are you up for tomorrow? he asked. Tutoring you? I asked. Yup, he smiled, at my place.

I would love to! I smiled. Thats awesome, he said and kissed my cheek. I needed to tell someone about this! Hey, can I use the restroom? I asked. Anything you want, babe, he smiled and kissed my cheek. I turned and walked towards the restroom with the biggest grin on my face.

I checked all the stalls in the rest room, and when it was empty I squealed. Oh my Gosh! I said and did a happy dance, Ian Wright kissed me! I quickly dialed Karas number but it kept coming busy. I dialed Beths number. Hey, whats up? she asked. You wont believe what just happened! I squealed. What? she asked curiously. I just had my first kiss. It was so amazing! I said. Thats amazing! she squealed, Ill come over to your house so that we can talk. Were actually going to a park now, for the parade, I told her. Ill come over to your house anyway, she said and hung up. I washed my face, tried to keep a calm neutral face and walked out. I saw Ian on the phone with someone. I was facing his back. Maybe Ill give him a surprise and sneak in from behind, I thought.

I tiptoed closer and tried to cover his eyes but his conversation got me interested. Yeah, shes hot, he chuckled. I smiled. He continued, I kissed her yup I frenched her nah dude, shell be easy she said shell tutor me at my place yup, thats w hen I get her to sleep with me. Sleep with him? Im not going to sleep with him. Why would he want to sleep with me? We just started going out. He spoke more: You owe me 500 bucks when I sleep with Mellissa Tanner. Hes doing it for money? Thats when I felt, I literally felt, my heart shattering. I walked away and headed out of the theatre. He used me. He used me. It all makes sense now. It makes perfect sense. Im a nobody, why would he go out with a nobody even if his heart wanted it. Im not even that pretty. The tears started falling down my cheeks. I feel so used cheap. I walked down the road and realized my house is too far. I called Beth up. Hey, Im already at your place, she said. Pick me up, I said, my voice had a tone that proved I was crying. What happened? she asked concerned, Are you alright? Just pick me up! I yelled crankily. All right, girl, calm down, she said, Where are you? On the 5th highway road, walking towards home, I said. All right, she said, Ill be there ASAP. Thanks, I sighed, and dont tell anyone at home.

Ill try, she said and hung up.

I walked as fast as I could. I ignored all the by passers as they gave me confused and sympathetic looks. Each time I looked at them, my eyes released a fresh flow of tears that stained my face. I quickly wiped my tears as I saw Beths car approaching me. I opened her red cars door and got in. Hey, what happened? she asked. I just want today to end, I cried. Youre not going to tell me? she asked. I dont want to, I cried. She seemed quite for a while. He was using me to win a bet , I told her. Oh, she said, thats horrible. How did you find out? He was speaking to his friend, I sobbed, on the phone, more sobs, He just wanted to get in my pants. Thats just, she struggled to find the right word, evil. You should tell Derek about it. No! I almost yelled, He cant find out about it, He will, she said as we parked on our lawn. I groaned and got out of her car.

Derek ran towards Beth and asked, What happened? You just ran out. I went to pick your sister up, Beth said and walked inside the house. Derek turned to me and asked, What happened to you?

Nothing, I said and walked inside. But before I could step a foot inside the house Derek stopped me by holding my wrist. Seriously, sis, what happened? Crying isnt something you usually do, he asked concerned. I scoffed and said, Let me go.

Thats when I saw Ian coming out of his car. Why did you go? Ian asked. Get off my property, I said and walked towards him as Derek let go off my hand. Babe, whats wrong, he asked. He was about to give me a hug when I shoved him. Dont touch me. I said get out. Were through, I said through my teeth, my anger only letting more tears fall down. What did I do wrong? I thought you liked our date, he asked coming closer. Derek came closer and asked me, Mel, whats going on? I turned to Derek and said, I overheard him talking to his friend on the phone, he was just using me. What are you talking about? You must have misheard, Ian said, his voice seemed guilty somehow. I turned to Ian and said (and air-quoted), Explain how sleeping with me is something I misheard? What? Derek asked confused and angry at the same time. Its not what you think, Mel, Ian tried to explain. Were you going to sleep with her? Derek asked. Well, Ian hesitated. Thats when Derek punched Ians jaw.

Get off my property! Derek yelled and then caught Ian by his shirt and said , I swear if I ever see you near my sister again Ill make sure that youll never be able to walk or have kids ever again. Ian nodded. Derek let go of Ian and Ian ran off. By running I meant he got in his car and drove off.

Are you gonna tell me everything? Derek asked. I slowly nodded. I guess I could tell him everything. Hes trustworthy right?

I walked into the kitchen to wash my face and get some chips for me. Where were you? I heard dad ask. Umm in my room, then I went out to get some air, Derek answered. Not you, Derek, dad said and looked at me. I went to catch a movie, I said, it wasnt entirely a lie. And now, Derek interrupted, were going to the park. Its late, dad said sternly. Mel and I will only be gone for an hour, Derek pleaded using his puppy dog eyes. All right, but dont get lost, dad warned. Derek rolled his eyes and pulled me out.

We walked slowly to the park. Since when did you start dating? Derek asked me confused.

I looked at the grey foot path and said, Since today. I opened the chips packet and started eating it. And the guy turns out to be a jerk, he said. I just shrugged when I said, I guess fate was trying to warn me. Im never getting a boyfriend again. You cant really give up, Derek said. Its better that way, I said and sat on the black wooden bench. He sat beside me and asked, Can you tell me everything now? I nodded and said, Well theres not much to tell. He was being really sweet to me and then he asked me out. I looked at Derek who had a patient face. I shook my head in frustration and said, Im so stupid! I cant believe I fell for him. Normal people would just have guessed his intentions. Its okay, Derek said and put his arm around my shoulder, you p revented it from going further. Further? I asked. I mean its just your first date right, he pointed out, nothing serious could have happened. I touched my lips gently with my fingertips. What? he asked. He kissed me, I whispered. He did what? Derek asked angry. He kissed me, I whispered again, the tears seemed to start flowing again, I kissed him back. Its okay, Derek said and rubbed my shoulders, stop crying, its not your fault. Im sorry, I said and wiped my tears.

Why are you doing this? I asked him after five minutes of silence. Huh? he asked. Why are you talking to me? You almost never spoke to me when you were in high school, I explained. I never spoke to you? he asked confused. Not really, I said giving him a weak smile. I wasnt aware of that, he smiled and tightened his arms around my shoulder, You know I love you, right? I nodded and said: Yeah, you proved it tonight. Good, he said and kissed my forehead. Do you want to know a secret? I swear n ot many people know about this. Yes, I said excited. You have to promise not to tease me about this, he begged. I wont! Now tell me! I said excited. I like someone, he said and smiled shyly. Ooh! Who? I asked. You know Beth, right? he asked and looked at his shoes. Oh my Gosh! I exclaimed, I was right! I never told you that! he exclaimed. Its written all over your face! I told him. Does she know? he asked panicking. No, she doesnt, I laughed. Even though Derek likes Beth I couldnt tell him that Beth liked him back.

Good! She cant ever find out. Shell never speak to me again, Derek said. Drama queen, I said and pulled his cheeks. I am not, he said and messed my hair.

Its Monday, this means school. It also means facing Ian Wright today. I really hope he doesnt spread weird rumors about me. I was removing my math book from my locker when it suddenly shut. Kara, I exclaimed from the shock of my locker being shut. There are rumours going around, Kara started half angry. Rumours? I asked horrified. Yes, have you and Ian been going out? she asked. I nodded ashamed. Theyre saying that youre in love with each other too! And you guys went all the way, she exclaimed. Trust me Kara, I do not love him. He can rot in hell for all I care, I said and started walking towards class. Wait, what? I thought you liked him, she asked as she walked beside me. Past tense, I hate him now, I said through my teeth. What happened? she asked. Remember that day you were asking me why he hugged me? I questioned, she nodded. I continued, It was all an act. He was just using me for a bet.

Damn! she said and covered her mouth with her palm. Did you beat him up? she asked. Derek did that for me, I smiled. Awesome, she said and we headed towards our classes.

At lunch while I was getting books from my locker I saw Ian walking towards me. Why was he walking towards me? Didnt Dereks threat work? Mellissa, he nodded, his friend Shane beside him. What are you doing here? I asked angrily. You still wont sleep with me? he asked. No jerk-face, I said and slapped him. Watch it, Shane warned me. Excuse me? I asked him, Stay out of this! Im the one that dared him, Shane said cockily, So I wont stay out of this. What do you want, Ian? I asked him. Just wanted to see if you were still interested in the offer, Ian winked. Im not, I said and walked away. It felt good somehow. Talking to him made it better somehow.


Dear Diary, I never thought Id write to you again because of the whole Ian thing, but Im ok ay now. It has been three months since the whole Ian thing and things have finally settled down. When I say things, I meant the crazy rumours linking me and Ian that Id rather not mention. I started talking to Kara more often. She and James are still togeth er but theyre making space for me. I also started talking to this other guy. His names Cameron. Hes really sweet. I dont have that much to say. Xoxo Mellissa T

Mellissa, I heard Cameron yell as he ran towards the bench where I was sitting in the park. Cameron, hey, I said calmly, Why am I here? Feel free to say no. All right? he warned as he kneeled on the ground. One thing attractive about him was that even though he was 17, he looked like he was 19 or 20. Youre kneeling, I pointed out and then joked, Im not marrying you. He looked shyly at me. I exclaimed Oh my Gosh, I barely know you. Im not going to marry you! How bout the first step then? he asked, Go out with me. I looked at his violet eyes in horror. Im not like Ian! he said understanding my horror. How do I know that? I asked. I promise you I wont hurt you, he said sincerely. Give me five minutes? I asked.

Sure, Ill roam around in the park, he smiled and walked away. I quickly dialled Karas number. Im kinda busy, she answered. Cameron asked me out! I exclaimed. What? How? she asked confused. He asked me a minute ago, what should I say? I asked. Well, what do you think of him? she asked me. He promised not to hurt me, I said. Cameron is nice, she said, Maybe you should say yes. You think? I asked. Yup, she said, You need a boyfriend. A good one. So I say yes? I asked. Definitely, she said, Listen, I need to hang up now. All right, bye, I said and hung up.

I looked behind me and saw Cameron. So is it a yes? he asked. Yes, I smiled. Awesome! So Ill pick you up at 7 tonight? he asked. Yeah, sure, I smiled.

Its 6pm and I just had a shower. I heard someone knocking on my door. I opened it and saw Beth. Thank you for coming! I said.

No problem, she said and looked in my closet. She was helping me dress up for my date. After 15 minutes of going through my closet she finally found something. What is it? I asked She removed a black with red horizontal stripes tank top I hadnt worn in a long time. Are you sure its first date appropriate? I asked. Yes, now wear this, she said and gave me the top. I wore the tank top. I found my black skinny jeans and wore that too. How do I look? I asked. Stunning, she replied and pushed me to sit on the stool. She started combing my hair. She straightened my hair and curled it at the edges. She then applied make-up on me. I looked at myself in the mirror and fell in love with Beths creation. She put light pink lip-gloss on me, some mascara and eye-liner. She gave me a neutral, beautiful look. You made me look pretty, I smiled. Youve always looked pretty, she said and kissed my cheek. I heard the doorbell ring. Its probably him, she said. Im kinda nervous, I said, I dont know why. I wasnt this nervous with Ian. Itll pass, she said, Dont keep him waiting. Derek is probably grilling him right now. Youre right, I chuckled. I quickly put on my converse and went downstairs.

Then I saw him, Cameron, in all his muscular glory. He wore a black t-shirt that hung loosely on his muscles. His hair spiky in a way that made me bite my lip. His violet eyes were blue now, indicating that hes wearing contact lenses. I smile and made my way over to him. Are you ready? he asked nervously.

Yeah, I am, I smiled. Remember, be back by nine, Derek said giving Cameron a warning look. Cameron gulped and said, of course. I glared at Derek and said: Well be back soon. Mel, call me if anything goes wrong, Derek said concerned. I will, I said and gave Derek a hug. I whispered to him, Listen Derr, I know youre looking out for me but stop making him nervous. Im only doing my job, he whispered back, call me whenever you can, so that I know youre okay. I pulled away from him and said, I love you, but can I go now? At least wear a jacket to cover your arms, he said protectively. Derek, Beth interrupted, Stop being a prick and let her go. Fine, Derek said and put his hands up in a surrender movement.

I pulled Cameron with me and we left the house. Dereks so annoying! Ignore my brother, I told him apologetically, I didnt know he was that protective over me. Its all right, He smiled, I would be protective too if I had a beautiful sister. I blushed. You look good tonight, he smiled. I blushed further and said, You look great too. You shouldnt have worn contacts though. You dont like blue? he asked confused. I did, I said and bit my lip, until I saw violet.

He grinned as we sat in his dark blue car. Where are we going by the way? I asked. How does bowling sound? he asked. Im not good at it, I said, But Im up for it. Great! I could teach you if you like, he smiled. I nodded.

At the bowling alley, I watched Cameron get another strike. This is probably his 5th one tonight. You have got to be kidding me! I exclaimed. What? he smirked. I feel hustled, I grumbled. Well how was I to know you suck entirely? he said cocking his head to his left. I have a feeling you only got me here so you could show off, I pouted. Well yeah, He grinned and walked over to the chair where I was sitting. Do you want me to show you how not to let the ball go in the gutter? he chuckled. That would be nice, I chuckled along with him. He pulled me up and I walked with him in front. Now what? I asked. Pick up the ball, he instructed. I copied him. Stand in the middle, he instructed. I did as he said. Now bend low, he continued. I bended my back a bit, trying to remember the way he did it. Sweet, he muttered. I gave him a confused look. I meant your stance , he stuttered, Not your butt. I rolled my eyes and asked, Then what?

Keep your focus on the centre pin, he instructed and came closer to me. I nodded. Swing your hand back slowly, he said while putting his hand on mine and pulling my hand at the back. Now throw, he whispered in my ear. I did what he said ignoring some of the shivers he was sending and threw the ball. To my surprise it didnt end up in the gutter again. It actually hit 5 pins. Five! I gasped at my accomplishment. Finally! Cameron exclaimed. I actually hit something! I said excitedly. You did, he said and held out his hand, good job. I was too excited to shake his hand. I pulled him close and gave him a hug. Whoa! he said and hugged me back. He pulled back and said, Your brother told me not to touch you. I wont tell him, I winked. Good to know, he smiled, We should go now. But I just started getting good! I whined. Umm, Mellissa, the games is over, he pointed out. Oh, I mumbled and then said, You can call me Mel you know. All I needed was your permission, he said and held out his hand, Mel. I took his hand and we walked out of the bowling centre and got in his car. How was the date? he asked, I mean I know you didnt get to do much, but how was it? You thought me how to bowl! I said, Thats like a miracle. I had fun. I was gonna take you out to dinner but your brother kinda ruined that, he added. We can still go, I said, We can grab an ice-cream or something.

Are you sure? he asked. Im positive, I smiled, Ill handle Derek if thats what youre afraid off. Its not him, he tried to reassure me, I want to be good with you. Id like an ice-cream, I smiled. He smiled back and drove us to the nearest ice-cream parlour.

The time on my watch showed 9:10. Im ten minutes late. Derek is gonna kill us. Youre brother is gonna kill me, Cameron said nervously. No, Ill make sure he doesnt, I said as we reached my house. I had fun tonight though, he said as I got out of the car. Me too, I smiled, Ice-cream was heavenly. Do you want me to call you later on? he asked. That would be great! I grinned and got on the front porch. Maybe if I go in quietly Derek wont see me and I can say that Ive been here all along. I like that plan!

I slowly opened the door and tiptoed towards the stairs. Thats when I saw it. Derek and Beth making out on the stairs. More like Beth backed up against the wall by Derek. Since when did they make out? Did they finally tell each other that they liked each other or more. I deliberately coughed to get their attention. They pulled back a little and looked into each others eyes. If it werent my brother and a girl who was like my sister making out I would have been really excited, but this was just too gross for me.

I dont wanna get nightmares! I half-yelled. The look they gave me after that was hard to comprehend. It was sort of like a mix of confusion, anger, and embarrassment. Youre late, Derek said. And youre making out with Beth, I said. Thats not the most important thing right now, Derek said. It isnt? Beth asked hurt. It is important, Derek said giving her a loving look, Ill just deal with her first and then we can talk. All right? Fine, Beth said, Ill be in your room. Okay, Derek said as Beth walked upstairs. Why are you late? Did he do something to you? he asked concerned. Why were you kissing Beth? I asked, And you answer first. He sighed at first and then told me excitedly, She likes me back. I just acted on instinct and kissed her. She kissed back? I asked. Yeah, she did, he grinned. Thats great! I said and headed upstairs. Not that fast, he stopped me. What? I asked. How was your date? he asked me as he was concerned. Good, I smiled, He thought me how to bowl.

Really? he asked amused, was he successful? I can bowl now! I said excited. Seriously? he asked shocked. I nodded and said, Hes pretty good at bowling. And he didnt hurt you in anyway? he asked. Im fine, I said giving him a reassuring smile. You better go to Beth . Youre right, he said, he kissed my forehead and ran upstairs. I wiped my forehead immediately. He kissed Beth with those lips. Eww. I ran up to my room and fell on my bed. My phone rang. Hey Cameron, I answered. Hey Mel, he said, I just reached home. Am I screwed? No, youre not, I said, Youre fine. I sound like a girl when I say this but, I miss you, he said slowly. I miss you too, I blushed. When do you think our next date should be? he asked. Can I ask you for something first? I asked. Go ahead, he said unsure. Promise me you wont hurt me in anyway, I asked him, almost pleaded. You dont trust me? he asked hurt. I just dont want to be used, I said. He sighed and said, I promise I will never hurt you.

Thank you, I smiled, That meant so much to me. I understand, he said. Ill be the best girlfriend that you have ever had, I said proudly. I know you will, he said. We continued talking until I was sleepy.

The End Ps. After 40 years, were still together.

About The Author

Skye started writing at the age of 16. She started off writing on a website called where 3 of her creative works have been featured by the website. She loves writing short stories and poems. She sometimes dabbles with writing full length stories too. She has written stories under the names of Skyler Jayne, Skye Jayne and Skye J Cardoz. She also sometimes refers to herself in third person!

~Writing Tales of Love and Heartbreak~

Xo Skyler Jayne

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