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1) Gather materials: cold sherry wine (very high in acetaldehyde, contains 10mg per 1oz or shot

glass), 30mg DL tartaric acid (hi media store, amazon, or ebay), shot glass, glass, fine wire coffee
filter (walmart, amazon or grocery store), 25g or 850 heavenly blue morning glory seeds. DL
tartaric acid: https://www.himedias...xtra-pure-10626
2) Weigh out 25g seeds (850 seeds)
3) Put seeds in between a paper plate with all the edges folded over and hammer the heck out of the
seeds in between a paper plate with ends folded over on concrete floor with just a lamp on in the
garage (instead of an overhead light) to keep low light until alkaloids form salts a little further down
once they are added to wine solvent with DL tartaric acid, then they are stable to bright light.
4) Grind the seeds to a fine powder in coffee grinder, shake it up and down to get all the seeds
ground as you grind. Grind fine as all the alkaloids are within the rubbery embryo of the seeds.
5) Pour 3 shots or 3oz of just opened fridge cold sherry wine into a tall 1/2 pint jar, add 30mg of DL
tartaric acid, if you can't find it, then just add 30mg of pure citric acid powder, crushed vitamin C,
or even lemon juice.
IMPORTANT! Acetaldehyde is a volatile compound and evaporates off at 70 degree F, so always
keep your sherry wine in the fridge, and your tincture too. You don't want your stimulating and
psychedelic LSH decomposing to the sedating and inactive LSA do you?
IMPORTANT! Always re-seal the wine by spraying $9 wine preserver gas (*mazon) into bottle to
replace the oxygen blanket above the wine, then replace cork quickly and store in fridge, this way
the precious acetaldehyde in the wine does not decompose or oxidize to vinegar as naturally
happens over 5 days, it will remain fresh forever this way. The gas canister will last for years of
sealing many sherry wine bottles.
Pour seed powder from the coffee grinder into the 3oz of cold sherry wine, screw lid on and shake
hard for 1 minute, then put back in fridge, 5 minutes later shake it hard again for 1 minute, then
return to fridge, repeat one last time 5 minutes later, after the 15 minutes, then let jar sit for 10
minutes, then fiter it.
The sherry wine, (just like the famous 1961 Arcamone study where LSA was dunked into fermented
liquor and the LSA was converted into LSH) will cause the LSA to transform to LSH due to
acetaldehyde adduct attraction/condensation reaction forming stable LSH alkaloid. Adding 30mg
DL tartaric acid powder only took the PH = normal 4.0 to 3.0.
Do not use just plain L-tartaric acid but find the DL tartaric acid, D-tartaric acid is what is used to
convert freebase LSD to the stable active D-form isomer salt. By adding DL tartaric acid, you will
convert the freebase alkaloids contained within the rubbery embryo of the seeds to the stable D-
form salts, which is stable to bright light, and absorbs way better in the stomach, very active salt
form. Most alkaloids such as mescaline, etc. are found as the salt form in the plant, but not so with
the alkaloids contained within the seeds, they are freebase form, by adding the DL tartaric acid, not
only will this greatly enhance extraction from the seed powder, but it then becomes stable to bright
light (the fragile alkaloids won't break down), and absorption is greatly improved in stomach.
6. After the jar contents have been shaken for 1 minute x every 5 minutes for 15 minutes, and the jar
has sat in fridge for an extra 10 minutes, then filter the liquid layer above the seed mush through a
"fine wire coffee filter" sitting on a glass. The liquid filters in around 2 minutes, rotate the filter
round and round as it sits above the glass to help the contents all filter quickly.
Then pour the remaining seed mush debris on top your fine wire filter and press down on it with a
spoon to get every last drop of liquid out of the seed mush, once you are done filtering, throw the
expended seed mush on the filter into the trash.
7. Take your jar of filtered liquid and place it into the fridge for at least 30 minutes, you can even
leave it in the fridge for hours or overnight. You will notice that after the jar sits in the fridge a
while, that a fine layer (1/16" to 1/8" layer of mud) will form on the very bottom of the jar, this is
good, decant and ONLY drink what is above this mud layer for a zero nausea experience, there will
be no nausea causing particles in the solution you drink...leave the 1/16" layer of mud at the bottom
of the jar behind, there are no actives in it.
IMPORTANT! always keep your tincture cold in fridge to keep acetaldehyde from evaporating off,
as this happens at 70 degree F, always keep cool.
8. Dab a cue tip into your tincture and swab a bit on a paper plate in front of a blacklight, observe
the bright blue glow of the active LSH and penniclavine Lysergic acid amides, the two highest
alkaloids in morning glory. This LSH tek converts any leftover LSA in the seeds to LSH or Lysergic
Acid Hydroxyethylamide. Important teamwork: the combo of LSH + penniclavine hits 6 more
receptors than even LSD. 
9. Freeze the tincture if you plan to use it more than a couple days later, then defrost in fridge when
ready to use, always keep fridge cold or below 70 degree F so the acetaldehyde does not boil off
which occurs at 70 degree F. Freezing will preserve the acetaldehyde in the wine indefinitely if you
plan to use at a later time, as the acetaldehyde will not oxidize to acetic acid or vinegar as normally
happens after 5 days or so, oxygen cannot breach inside the frozen wine.

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