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act or fact of being estranged, set apart or separated.


on the 3rd of September 1783, England ceded West Florida to

fathers, and dedicated to Sigeric, archbishop of Canterbury

season in hot and dry countries, contrasted with the similar

employed for carrying sulphuric acid, holding 10 tons each.

plant for the harvest of the following year; but the staff of

Cast . . . 3 7 15

if the mother's evidence be corroborated in some material

an Anglo-French force attacked and destroyed the fortress

der Mythologie; Daremberg and Saglio's Dictionnaire des

International African Association,'' with its headquarters at

Cologne and to have passed some time in France. When quite

amphitheatre. Its fine brickwork seems to date from Trajan's

if the belly-cavity has been penetrated, as the probe itself

to commit felony, and is not present himself; for if he be

transferred from Algiers to Paris. The ministry of Algeria

increasingly disquieting symptoms of discontent in France,

prospect. Its conical summit terminates in an oblong platform,

the festival was already widely celebrated in the days of

the Hellenic; such as, e.g., those embodied in the Homeric poems,

of a line, and taking his start from the first syllable that

758-760):---these are ideas on which Aeschylus dwells in the

neighbourhood. There are several schools and churches, and a

Geuther, who looked upon his compound C6H10O3 as being

the counts, who had become hereditary princes of the Empire.

published in Migne, cxxiii. pp. 435-442; and a life of St

work, unless in an age in which dramatic power and insight

or ``stills,'' Consisting of a number of superposed cylinders,

AUTHORITIES.--The Influence of Sea Power upon History,

and that from which nearly all their kings were chosen.

of Guarda and formerly included in the province of Beira;

See works of Comte, Spencer, Stephen, and text-books of

acids or ferments, breaking up into alizarin and glucose:

Lieut. Ludwig von Hohnel, who discovered the large Basso

Switzerland.---The Federal Government has no authority to deal

by the waste fire from a black-ash furnace or by a special

1409). As a matter of fact, the only effect of this election

Atlantic Ocean claiming to have as its termini Liverpool and

explanation of the phenomenon which is witnessed when a body

scholars have placed Albion in that neighbourhood (see G. F.

and marching toward White Plains forced another retreat on

plant, from which the ordinary sexual plants arise at a later

numbers of sick and wounded who came upon their hands.

is loosely called an accompaniment, which may be merely

and the ealdorman Wulfheard to drive out Baldred, king of

forms (Teleostei) it is generally absent. In the latter,

the most famous of his works. He died between 1285 and

a certain proportion of milk, butter and cheese for their own

the operations of the Board are dependent upon his direction.

ceremonies, its mysteries, its impressive spectacles and

however, unrelieved; for he had been able, on the breaking

an ode to the maritime cities of Italy, and in 1858 a poem

is derived the shorter political term ``cave'' for any body

intended for export to a foreign country. It also affects

the Central Asian khanates. The district of Herat produces

talk of this kind, but quietly persevered, looking always to

the union of England and Scotland, he took part in the war

Q. Quaestor, Quando, Quantus, Que, Qui, Quinquennalis,

9th century, and the various academies established by the

of the Tell Oranais which had abandoned him, penetrated as far

1890, immediately after the conclusion of the August agreement,

substitution to the segmented vertebral column. Immediately

his elevation to the House of Lords. Except under the brief

the altar, as it is still in the Eastern Church.

are to be seen at Florence and elsewhere. The finest of

of its existence, or be loosely aggregated together within a

all. None of the plots are of his own invention. They are

The Indies were expected to supply precious metals and raw

Pleiad; we only know the title of one play (Astragalistae.)

atoms by two groups, to secondary amines; of three hydrogen

from 1680. Like his brother Isaac, Jacob Abendana had

of which, without the consent of or notice to his landlord,

in 1857, and after its capture by the British was of

point of this eastern province. But at Oran, where General

R.C:(NH).NHR+H2S = R.C(NH2)(SH)NHR = R.CSNH2 + NH2.R or

Cape Colony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276,995

precipitous, with only very slight stretches of beach or

their ancestors by the old Dutch East India Company. The

when the heat is generated within the envelope containing

ADAMS, ANDREW LEITH (1827-1882), Scottish naturalist and

walls, which exist in considerable numbers in the district,

has indeed shrunk in its dimensions during the comparatively

for some years; and in 1901 he was commissioned by King Edward

Mbunda peoples, Wa-Rungu } group

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