Plot Analysis in The Short Story The Neckalce by Guy de Mauppsant

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Plot Analysis In The Necklace By Guy de Mauppsant

Written By

Feronika Wiran

(2019 79 20 2019)

Departement Of Literatur Universitas Musamus Merauke 2022


A . Backgrond of the Study

Ident Literary work is the creative process of an author thorungh imaginative power which is
then shown in a literary work.the result of this imagination can be in the form of written
literature and oral literary works.literay works are not just born from of written literature and oral
literary works.literary works are not just born in an empty world but works that are born in the
proccesof absorbing Indent Literary work is the creative process of an author thorungh
imaginative power which is then shown in a literary work. The results of this imagination can be
in the form of written literature and the reality of human experience (Siswantoro,2004),this
literary work raises events in everyday life which are reprocessed with the author’s imagination
poured in a certain form consciously that literary works are not from a cultural vacuum but the
culture that lives in society According (Tamaraw 2015)

According to Suhendar ,(1993) drama is creation revealing literature story through dialogues
human the character , for played or staged with romances, novels and short story that describes
form story long story _ medium and story short . Of the three the above form , researcher choose
short story for made object research. Sumardjo and saini KM(199) reveal that literature is an
expression of the person in the from of experiences,though, feelings,ideas,passions beliefs in a
from of concrete images that evoke charm with language tools. Based on opinion character
above could seen that literature , especially creation literature could Becomes tool great learning
powerful. here researcher see that through creation literature like short story presenting frequent
reality happening in society . Inside short story there is characters with different plots Creation
Literature no can be released from community where literature that born as a process of
imagination a author picked up problem life Public to symptoms existing social around him By
because that works literature is part from life community ( Jabrohim2003) as is know, short
stories are literary works in written form that tell about a fictional story that is packaged briefly
clearly and concisely.short stories usually only tell a short story about the problems experienced
by one character short stories can also be reffered to as prose fiction because the stories
presented only focus on one conflict of problems experienced by the charcters,starting from
character recognition to solving problems experience by the characters.short stories also consist
of no more than 10,000 words.short story is abbreviation of short story. When reading novels
areusually very quickyfinished in addition, the content of the poem is also very easy to
understand because the story is relatively short.therefore,many people like short and
uncomplicated stories like short stories In general,the promblems narrated in short stories are not
too complicated therefore.the number of words in the short story is also limited usualy consists
of various stories such as the genre of romance,affection,humor,and others poetry also contanins
messages and messages for readers,so it is only useful to apply each of these messages in
everday life In addition,short stories can provide an overview of human behavior and character
both from th bad side and from the good side. Short stories are also a means that cover various
twists and turns of life that can attract readers to enjoy them. As well as eventsthat occur in the
short story.


The definition of plot according to (Anumidine 1987) a series of events formed by the stages of
events so as to frm a story presented by the actors in a story. According to (hartoko1984)
suggests that the plot is a construction concerning the engineering of events,which are logicall
chronologically interrelated which experienced by the perpetratos.According to eneste 1989,says
the plot is telling events with an emphasis on causation. This study uses several theories to see
the things contained in the short story By Guy De Mauppsant,especially on the plot the plot
refers to the description and general description of the life of modern Indonesian literary worksin
this book which contains the actions that occur in the short story. Abrams(inNurgiyantoro1995)
suggest the plot as events presented in a story events that have an emphasis on causality.
Pamusuk eneste (1989:113) are story events that have an emphasis on causality pamusuk eneste
(1989:19)says plot is storytelling events with an emphasis on causation.


1. How are the plot, the main characters,and the setting revealed in the short story?

2. What are the significance of the plot, the main characters, and the setting in conveying the

Same of the short story?


To reveal and explain the plot elements that exist in the short story The Necklace By Guy De
Maupsant for analysis and describe the purpose of why aking this plot research.


The are so many aspects contained in this short story so that it can be described and can be
inerseted in describing the plot contained in this short story

So,the scope of research is only in describing the plot that is described based on the plot in this
short story.


This study is expected to be used for literary studies,especially in plots so that readers can
understand the plot a study





The plot is the relation ship between the events narrated that must be cause and effect,not just
sequentially chronologically. The structure of events that emergers from the conflict can be
called a storyline. Like many terms used in literary discussions, the plot is blessed with several
meanings.sometimes it simply refers to events in a story plot is bleesed with several
meanings.sometimes it simply refers to events in a story. Plot is the pattern of events and
situations in a narrative or dramtic work,as selectedand arranged both to emphasize relationships
usullly of cause and effect-between incidentsand to elicit a particular kind of interest in the
reader or audience,such as surprise or suspense.plot is part of how the story is presented basic
sequence of events.from the definition above,it can be concluded that the plot has an important
role in showing changes in a story.a plot that is consistent with the story or does not skip will be
easier for readers or viewers to understand than plot hopping.the plot is the sequence of events
that interwine and move the story through complexity towards climax and completion.Aristotle
sees the plot as more than just setting an incident:it is assigned to plot is the most important
function in a drama, as the guiding principle of development and coherence to which other
elemnts (including characters)must be subordinated Based on statement above could be
concluded that plot is the most important part of a literary work,and the function of plot is to
short story the story into storytelling in literary works. A story without a plot then it will not be a
good stoy. The plot is the most important energy that moves thestory into storytelling. And the
event must form a coherent whole the most important episodes consisting of exposition that
continues with conflict or rising action which contain a complication, climax, falling action and


.Open plot is an open plot at the end of a story developing the reader to develop the storyline.

Closed plot The nex type of plot is a closed plot. In a closed plot,the end of the story will not
read to trace the storyline more emphasis on basic problems.

Plot Based of Plot Types in general, the plot of a literary work is determined by the type of story
the scripwiter wants to tell.some of the elemnts that affect the plot are genres, setting,characters,
dramatic situations, themes, etc,however, there are seven basic and common examples of plot


Short story is a literary work in written form that tells about a fictional story and then packaged
in short, clear and concise manner short stories are usually only short stories about the problems
experienced by one character. Short stories can also be referred to as prose fiction because the
stories presented only focus on one conflict of problems experienced by characters.told in the
mirror is not too complicated.therefore the number of words in the short story is also
limited.usually consists of various stories such as the genre of romance, affection, humor,and
others. Poetry also contains messages and messages for readers, so it is only useful to apply each
of these message in everday life


A. Research Method

The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method.According to gay LR

(1987:139), "Descriptive method is a research method"which involves collecting data to test
hypotheses or to answer questions about the true status of research subjects. This method intends
to analyze the daily life revealed in the plot in the short story The Necklace By Guy de

B. Data Source

The data source is taken from the short story The Necklace by Guy de Mauppasant this short
story was published in 1888. and this short story describes a girl named Metilde who does not
accept the conditions and realities of her life and the arrogance that exists in her.

C. Research Instruments

In collecting data, the researcher uses notes as an instrument research. Ray (2005:13) defines
note-taking is a method of collecting data needed by using note cards to write down data findings
from data sources.To find data easily, note cards are also equipped with numbers and the page
where the data was found.

D. Data Collection Procedure

The data collection procedure used by the author is:

1. The researcher reads the short story carefully

2. Then the researcher identifies the data to get a systematic understanding

about that.

3. The researcher analyzes and writes down the data that contains in his life that reveals a story

4. After all the data is written on the note card, the researcher classifying note cards based on
their occurrence.

5 . The data were then analyzed using Freytag's theor

E. Data Analysis Techniques

The data analysis technique used in this research is content analysis

techniques that include identification, classification, and description.

Identification is that after the data has been collected, the researcher reads critically with

identify the novel used to provide clues about the data in the study. Classification is

Once identified, the data in the novel are selected and classified according to

the results of identification and analyzed using Freytag theory.

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