A Guide To Divorce Counseling

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A Guide to Divorce Counseling

Author(s): Esther Oshiver Fisher

Source: The Family Coordinator , Jan., 1973, Vol. 22, No. 1, The Field of Marriage
Counseling (Jan., 1973), pp. 55-61
Published by: National Council on Family Relations

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A Guide to Divorce Counseling

This article delineates predivorce counseling, divorce counseling, and post-divorce

counseling. The author suggests that the term "marriage counselor" is too restricted
and advances the term "marriage and divorce counselor" as a replacement. Editor

Divorce is the death of a marriage: the the unhappiness found in divorce.

husband and wife together with their chil-
Who Are the Divorced?
dren are the mourners, the lawyers are the
undertakers, the court is the cemetery where Time was when it was believed that those
the coffin is sealed and the dead marriage who divorce were "sick" persons, hopeless
buried. neurotics who must inevitably repeat their
On May 11, 1970, the Divorce Law Study failures should they marry again. Today, the
Commission of the State of New Jersey divorcing and divorced population is ob-
reported with respect to divorce in the served as coming from all walks of life, a
United States. "In 1967, for only the second diversity of cultural backgrounds, and a
time in history, more than a million adults myriad of life situations. A goodly propor-
were involved in divorce actions, and in tion are likely to be as "normal" as those
1968 the figure was 1.2 million. In 1967, who choose to keep their marriages.
700,000 children were affected by divorce, In fact, divorced persons differ emotion-
twice as many as in 1955, and currently ally according to their place on the mental
three-fifths of divorces occur among couples health continuum, from those with enough
with children." (1970, 10) Clearly the po- ego-strength and emotional lability to cope
tential for divorce playing a role in the lives with ordinary life circumstances, to those
of many adults and their children is increas- whose neurotic pattern does not allow for
ing. much autonomy and intimacy, to those
Yet divorce is not universally approved or whose pathology is such as not to permit
accepted as an institution in America, but is them to ever assume creative and responsible
viewed as a solution for unbearable marital adult roles such as that demanded in
conflict. Little is said about the emotional marriage. How feelings such as grief, depres-
turmoil and discord those who divorce sion, loneliness, failure, anxiety, hostility are
experience from the discrepancies they find coped with by those who divorce depends in
between their attitudes, feelings, and behav- large part on where they are on this
ior. Unthinking acceptance of the myths continuum between mental health and
concerning divorce and widespread igno- pathology.
rance of the realities of the life of the
What Is Divorce Counseling?
divorced person abound and frequently
influence the decision to divorce or not to Divorce counseling is an answer to the
divorce. Emphasis tends to be placed on personal and cultural needs of the divorcing
"happiness" in marriage while little is said of divorced population. It is a therapeutic
process by which those who experience and
continue to experience the pain and humilia-
*Esther Oshiver Fisher, LL.B., Ed.D., is a tion of divorce can be helped toward
clinical marriage and divorce counselor in private
practice; and Chairman of Training in Marriage and
personal growth and adjustment, enabling
Divorce Counseling, American Foundation of Reli- them to move away from egocentricity
gion and Psychiatry, New York, New York. toward altruism and a desire to contribute to


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society. This process is divided into three terminate in death of a marriage entails
phases: pre-divorce counseling, divorce coun- emoticnal divorce, physical divorce, and
seling, post-divorce counseling. Therapeutic finally legal divorce.
techniques vary from supportive to intensive Emotional divorce is difficult enough but
therapy. may be bearable if husband and wife
Divorce counseling, like marriage counsel- continue to live together. The pain over the
ing, is a therapeutic process that has a special dying marriage generally intensifies when
focus. In marriage counseling the focus is on physical divorce (separation) takes place and
the potential for rehabilitation of the marital the couple's friends and family know they
relationship with concern for the intrapsy- are no longer living under one roof. It is then
chic needs of the spouses. In divorce that feelings of guilt and failure become
counseling the focus is on the diminution overwhelming. Legal divorce tends to come
and final dissolution of the marital relation- as an emotional afterlude except where legal
ship with concern for the intrapsychic needs divorce coincides with physical separation
of the individual spouse(s). and thereby intensifies the suffering. This is
In both marriage and divorce counseling the time when there is a great need for the
therapeutic focus on the reorganization of warmth and support of a trusted counseling
the personality structure of the husband relationship in which ventilation of feelings
and/or wife is incidental to but not less than
can take place and ego-support given.
the primary focus on their present relation-
Predivorce Counseling
ship: This is because therapeutic precedence
must be given to the need for crisis The first phase of divorce counseling is
intervention, for resolution of the problems predivorce counseling. Predivorce counseling
of the here and now, and the feelings caused begins when divorce is no longer a thought, a
by extreme difficulties in present relation- fantasy, or a threat by either husband or
ships. wife. Instead the thought, fantasy, or threat
The general goal of divorce counseling is is crystallized by one of the spouses into
for divorcing and divorced spouses to gain behavior significant of divorce; such as,
insight into and understanding of their either one goes to a lawyers, or one commits
personal and marital conflicts and difficul-adultery and lets the other know about the
ties, together with enough emotional adulterous act, or husband and wife no
strength to make decisions and deal more longer sleep together, or one of them leaves
adequately and responsibly with the prob- the home. Predivorce counseling centers
lems consequent to the dissolution of their around the imminent decision whether to
marital relationship. divorce or not.
Time and timing play an important role in How the decision to divorce is made is of
the divorce process and therefore in the importance to the spouses both in dealing
process of divorce counseling. Implications with the realities of their situation and in the
for the clients' needs in divorce counseling struggle for the eventual adjustment they
are in large part dependent on where the must make. Who asked for the divorce first
clients are in the divorce process. Therefore, and who left whom have tremendous impact
time distinctions must be made within the on feelings. Generally, there is little con-
following: scious awareness of the role both partners
Stages: emotional divorce, physical sepa- played in the decision.
ration or physical divorce, and legal divorce; The decision to divorce or not may come
Phases: the three phases of divorce coun- after considerable marriage counseling or a
seling-pre-divorce counseling, divorce coun- minimum amount or may be made after
seling, and post-divorce counseling; psychiatric intervention. The decision may
Special Procedures: reconciliation and be made alone in the heat of anger or made
conciliation. with the aid of concerned relatives and
friends. It may be made, as it frequently is,
Emotional, Physical and Legal Divorce
in a lawyer's office.
The process of most marital conflicts that Good matrimonial lawyers make a sincere


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attempt at reconciliation before starting is open to helping whatever the ultimate
proceedings. Often this attempt will include decision may be.
recommendations for help from a psychia- Whether the marriage and divorce coun-
trist or marriage counselor. Such reconcilia- selor is seeing one or both spouses, there is
tion efforts are usually made early in the often an urgency at this time of decision
legal proceedings when lawyers feel the making that cannot await the slow tide of
decision to divorce has not yet been defi- individual personal growth and emotional
nitively made and accepted by both spouses. development. Time is of the essence. The
counselor must seek to accomplish a quick
Because of the timing a distinction needs
order out of chaos, be quite reality-oriented,
to be made between the reconciliation
ready to temporarily lend his ego and take
efforts of the lawyer and marriage counselor
responsibility for more directive, directional,
prior to and even after the decision to
and dynamic techniques than are usually
divorce and the conciliation efforts of the
considered appropriate in counseling. Tem-
court in conciliation proceedings. The court
pered by clinical knowledge and experience,
tends to be even more authoritarian and
this approach can often produce good
directive in its last minute efforts to concili-
ate than does the lawyer. The court may
If either or both spouses have already
direct that the couple see a marriage
gone to a lawyer the suffering can be
counselor. Experience indicates that as peo-
intense. There is an urgent need for release
ple move along the continuum from bad
with an understanding, empathic, qualified
marriage to divorce, counseling techniques,
person. Both husband and wife need quiet,
goals, and efforts at keeping the marriage
insightful, nonadversary objective guidance
must change and become more directive and
and help that does not allow for the
intense to fit the needs of the crisis at hand.
expression of ugly recriminations and clam-
The marriage and divorce counselor is not ors of revenge. All actions at the lawyers'
a protagonist for or against a marriage, or for offices are kept in abeyance if not ended.
or against a divorce, any more than he is for As the tensions are eased, control and
one spouse against the other. Yet he cannot reason become activated making possible a
take a stance of neutrality in which he mutually calmer and more objective consid-
assumes no responsibility for the decision. eration of whether to attempt to keep the
To do so is to permit inferences and marriage or divorce. If the decision is to
implications by clients that the counselor attempt to keep the marriage it must include
does not intend. Rather, he is a catalyst an acceptance of continued marital therapy
whose purpose is to help the couple explore that will enable husband and wife to
and come to grips with their problems. The ultimately forgive themselves and each other
decision to divorce will ultimately be theirs.
and do the "right" thing-which means a
The only time the counselor makes a final decision will be made either to keep the
decision for divorce is when physical and
marriage or to divorce, and responsibility
emotional destruction continues despite taken. Certainly such a decision will be more
efforts to the contrary. objective and based on a better level of
I would suggest that for the purpose of insights and feelings 'than they presently
conveying the counselor's role, the title have.
"marriage counselor" is limited and mislead- Clients in the process of making decisions
ing, conveying to clients who are uncertain to divorce are not without their deceptive
of what they want that the counselor stands maneuvers and may try to use or abuse the
unequivocally for preserving marriages with marriage counselor. Not infrequently, the
the result that many tend to feel trapped. marital partner clamoring most loudly for
This is especially true where the spouse most marriage counseling is the one seeking to
anxious to keep the marriage is being seen break the marriage. The decision to divorce
and the other has to be called in. The title may in fact be already made and he may try
"marriage and divorce counselor" is more to use the marriage counselor to achieve
appropriate and indicates that the counselor what he wants. Under the guise of seeking


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help a client may want the marriage coun- port, work, sex, their future way of life, can
selor to do no more than announce how bad use this period of divorcing to try to achieve
the marriage is and prepare the road to with help an understanding of what will be
divorce. Another may openly seek help for needed practically and emotionally to deal
his wife to gain enough emotional strength with their life situations.
to survive the divorce he is already planning. Husbands and wives tend to divorce from
Still another, with a decision to divorce each other using the same negative patterns
already made, may seek marriage counseling of interaction that existed in the marriage.
to assuage his guilt-after all he did try! The The goal of divorce counseling is to reduce
marriage counselor must be able to spot these negative patterns and minimize the
these deceptive maneuvers and confront the feelings of guilt and revenge. The goal is
clients who use them. To do otherwise is for thereby to prevent senseless, harmful, and
the marriage counselor to be in collusion wasteful litigation caused by battling
with the offending spouse. spouses. The goal is to induce a background
The decision to seek divorce belongs to for sensible, reasonable, and viable settle-
the client. Some clients prefer to bear the ment agreement. The divorce counselor can
responsibilities of a difficult marriage. play a significant role in reducing the anger
Others prepare for the difficulties and and bitterness which so often lead to a
responsibilities attendant upon divorce. Still wife's extravagant demands and a husband's
others find they have no choice but to adjust parsimonious offers. Counseling that helps
to the inevitable divorce situation imposed to keep spouses away from the battlefield of
upon them. marital litigation is especially necessary in
The role of the marriage and divorce those many states where irretrievable break-
counselor is to help, not to judge. His down of the marriage is not yet a ground for
attitudes about marriage and divorce, his divorce and where divorce can be obtained
feelings about himself, his own marriage, and only on fault grounds.
that of his clients, his sense of his own Divorce counseling, therefore, aims to
therapeutic role will play a dynamic and help two people, who were unable to agree
intrinsic part in the decision his clients will in marriage, to agree to disagree, and to have
make. a measure of trust and faith in each other
Just as premarital counseling has been when they feel they have lost whatever trust
frequently found to have particular value in and faith they had. The problem is seen
the relationship achieved between the mar- most frequently in legal settlements about
riage counselor and the couple should financial support and custody and visitation
marital difficulty occur later, so pre-divorce of children. Almost inevitably, wives feel
counseling may have similar value for at that they are getting too little money and
one of the partners in the peculiarly difficult husbands that they are giving too much.
divorce period that follows. Very often, with little or no justification,
wives feel that their husbands are making
Divorce Counseling excessive demands for visitation and will
The second phase of divorce counseling is somehow hurt the children, and husbands
divorce counseling per se. It begins when feel that the wives are too incompetent to
lawyers become officially involved and lasts have custody of the children.
through the legal proceedings until a legal Children are too often used as pawns and
divorce is finally obtained. The counselor their interests ignored in the alimony-sup-
may continue to help both husband and wife port-property struggle between their parents.
during this period, but rarely are both on A special goal of divorce counseling is to
amicable enough terms to be seen or wish toprevent much emotional injury to the child
continue to be seen by the same counselor. and exacerbation of the already disturbed
Nevertheless, much can be done to help the parent-child relationship.
family that remains. Disturbed husbands and Divorce counseling can do much to help
wives, concemed over their feelings about those who are divorcing to understand the
children, custody and visitation rights, sup- divorce process, legal and emotional. It can


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also help them accept the limitations of their break first and give up some of what he is
life situation, and what they have to expect asking for in the divorce settlement.
of themselves and each other in the roles of Superimposed on all the potential frustra-
ex-husband and ex-wife, father and mother. tion, anxiety, and concern for what is
Frequently, the counseling, as a result, can happening is the fact that this is a period of
help lighten the emotional burden that grief similar in many ways to the mourning
divorcing couples present to lawyers and known when death occurs. The divorce
courts, thereby expediting the legal proceed- counselor must be tuned in to this to help
ings. avoid intensive depression and allow for the
During counseling, when one spouse .has ventilation of feelings of hostility, grief,
gone to a lawyer, the marriage counselor anxiety, and guilt. Again much depends on
who becomes aware of this has the duty to the client's ego-strength. This period of
suggest to the other spouse the advisability divorce counseling calls for many strengths
of obtaining legal counsel. The counselor on the part of the divorce counselor-
cannot be part of a conspiracy in which only patience, warmth, support, an ability to
one side is guided by a lawyer. Likewise interpret what is going on legally and
when divorce has been decided irretrievably practically, and compassionate concern for
by the client, the marriage counselor should the client's suffering to be, together with a
not be timid in suggesting that a matrimonial fine clinical awareness of the pathology
lawyer be consulted or retained. involved.
In my experience, counselors suffer a
Post-Divorce Counseling
general lack of knowledge about the law and
lawyers. The marriage counselor must not The third phase of divorce counseling
play the role of lawyer or of half a lawyer. begins when the divorce decree is obtained.
He should not deter clients from obtaining Feelings of relief, loneliness, hostility, guilt,
legal advice. In divorce counseling as well as depression, and failure pervade together with
in marriage counseling generally, the coun- a peculiar pain caused by the oppressive
selor must not invade the lawyer's province; silence. Concern for the practical problems
he must be careful not to employ legal of living and his or her role as a divorced
concepts or to give what may be advice on person add to the melee of issues.
conduct in the light of what he may think Postdivorce adjustment is popularly
are legal considerations. To this end there is viewed as the process by which a person
a need for opening communication lines comes to perceive himself as no longer an
between matrimonial lawyers and clinical "ex-spouse" but as a single individual,
marriage and divorce counselors.1 eligible and interested in remarriage. Despite
The more the counselor understands of all the present clamor against the institution
the lawyer's role in divorce, the more of marriage, ours continues to be a marrying
supportive and helpful he can be to the society. The question remains whether
client. This is particularly true in the everyone must marry to be accepted as well
difficult sweating-out period when both adjusted.
lawyers are vying for bargaining positions at On the other hand, if postdivorce adjust-
the settlement table. For example, they ment is seen as personal growth, remarriage
may, no matter how intolerable, keep need not always be involved either in fact,
husband and wife living together under the intention, desire, or eligibility. Instead, post-
same roof waiting to see which one will divorce adjustment includes a variety of
other goals; namely, a reduction in feelings
of bitterness and hostility; more understand-
1The Department of Marriage and Divorce
ing and acceptance of self, children, and
Counseling at the American Foundation of Reli- ex-spouse, and of society generally; a return
gion and Psychiatry in cooperation with The
to work and social activity; and better
American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, New
York Chapter, has established a course entitled "A management of personal affairs and the
Legal Guide for the Marriage, Divorce and Family ability to handle the new problems that
Counselor." follow divorce.


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An example of personal growth can be person in his own right. Inner conflict is a
seen in the stages the divorced person goes characteristic of personal growth; for the
through in his feelings toward his former divorced person, the conflict becomes even
spouse. In the beginning, there is violent more crystallized. The desire to remain
hostility and even hatred, then come feelings self-centered, gratify selfish aims, and as-
of guilt and being -sorry for the ex-spouse, suage inner conflicts battles the desire to
and finally, for some, indifference. Too gain social acceptance through sharing and
often, on-going battles for custody and belonging; the result can be much frustra-
visitation or support are symptomatic of the tion, hostility, anxiety, and guilt.
inability of one or both spouses to handle The goal of postdivorce counseling is to
the ultimate separation. enable the divorced person to become his
In postdivorce counseling, the divorced own judge of what is good and bad, wise and
person is helped to evaluate objectively the unwise, and develop a rational role for
sort of person his ex-spouse is; why he himself. Since society has as yet done little
married that person in the first place; the to define the role of the divorced person, the
expectations and disappointments of the goal is to help him build his own structure
marriage; who emotionally left whom and within the framework of social standards in
when and what part each played in the regard to behavior, beliefs, and values, with
departure. He is helped to awareness of recognition of differences in subcultures and
remaining feelings toward the former spouse among individuals.
and what it would mean should either This does not permit the divorce coun-
remarry; and finally what it will mean to selor the luxury of a value-free approach.
continue to be parents to their children. The fact is the counselor's values will never
Postdivorce counseling is involved with be more challenged than by the divorced
the changes in attitudes, feelings, and behav- client. He has the responsibility of helping
ior that the divorced person experiences not the client clarify his own values and under-
only in relation to the ex-spouse but to stand their application in reality. To do this,
children, relatives and friends, sex and there will be times when the counselor's
dating, marriage, work, hobbies, and life as a responsibility will be to openly state his own
whole. values. To do otherwise and avoid ethical
In treatment, divorce counselors must be issues may well be destructive for the
able to distinguish the fairly well-adjusted divorced client, who has an urgent need for a
clients thrown into emotional imbalance by definition of standards and a structure for
the castastrophe of divorce and not categori- his or her life.
cally treat them on the assumption that they The problem for the divorce counselor lies
are emotionally ill in any fundamental sense. not in the mere stating of his value system
While the therapeutic stance remains sup- but rather in the manner in which he
portive, dealing with where the client is in presents that system to the client. The
the here and now, the aim for such persons divorced are frequently confused not only
is for more intellectual, emotional, and about values, but also about their goals and
spiritual growth and more effectiveness in attitudes toward life. Where regression
their various roles. occurs in counseling, the counselor must be
This is a different therapeutic goal from able to speak with conviction and authority
that for disturbed divorced clients who are rather than support values and goals he
basically maladjusted. The latter may strive honestly feels to be destructive. He has to
for personal growth but must first be helpedaccomplish this in an atmosphere of compas-
to rid themselves, to the extent that they sion, understanding, and acceptance.
can, of unhealthy attitudes, feelings, and Helping the divorced person gain some
habits that hinder their potential for per- outer security is not enough; he must be
sonal growth. helped to develop inner security. This means
The focus of counseling generally is on helping him come face to face with the facts
personal growth, seeking to help the client of his life and his emotional and behavioral
develop more of his own autonomy as a errors and inadequacies. To help the


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divorced client define his role, increase his
problem-solving abilities, become in part his
own judge of good and bad, achieve self-
awareness, self-acceptance, and awareness
and acceptance of others, arrive at compe-
tence in establishing and achieving personal
goals-this is the task the divorce counselor
must assume in trying to meet the divorced
client's needs.

Divorce Study Law Commission of the State of
New Jersey. Final Report. May 11, 1970.
Fisher, Esther 0. Help for Today's Troubled
Marriages. New York: Hawthorn Books, 1968,
Fisher, Esther 0. Education for the Divorced.
Unpublished Doctoral Thesis. New York:
Columbia University, 1962.
Fisher, Mitchell Salem. Matrimonial Turmoil. Jour-
nal of Family Law, University of Louisville,
Spring, 1967.
Fisher, Mitchell Salem. The Pastoral Counselor,
Marriage Counseling and the Lawyer. The Pasto-
ral Counselor, Spring, 1968.
Hunt, Morton M. The World of the Formerly
Married. New York: McGraw Hill, 1966.
Sherwin, Robert Veit. Compatible Divorce. New
York: Crown Publishers, 1969.

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