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Angry red parted to let the creamy oranges interwine between the sun and the dee p shades

of dark blue which slowly crept over the sky. The sun seemed to hurry a gainst the horizon, leaving a trail of dying, fading rays behind and a grand spe ctacle for those who wanted to notice the wonders of nature and remember that th e price for it to survive once more and give birth to humans had been paidit seem ed truly beautiful, bigger and stronger in its shining than the pale moon and th e round stars, painting the canvas of the sky in many different colors which bur st as the dust settled easily over what were the ruins of New York City. Nothing stirred. No car moved, crushed and crumpled beneath broken buildings, bu rning with flames which never seemed to rest, even after years had passed from t he said End of the world, how the humans had called it. The city wasnt lightened by the digital, fake lights which danced alongside stray dogs and passing people, who were as gone as every last chance of the human race to exist on the planet w asbut there, in the midst of them all, perked and easily keeping his balance on t he top of a thick, intact and gray fence, was a shade which seemed to move even so slightly, hazel eyes glinting and claws flashing white against the dark fur. He looked pleased. He looked so full of life with a spot of feathery, and winged gold on his head; his chest rose and lowered, somehow mockingly doing so to pro ve that there was still someone existing, still someone fighting. But he wasnt the hero of the story many were going to pass from one wolf to anoth er in the grand years which were to come. He wasnt even the helpful character whi ch was to stick around the hero and help them fight the darkness surrounding the m allhe was simply someone who was to fade in the background of a might pack, for gotten at his own will. He didnt want glory, he didnt request any respect, he didnt beg to be in the spotlight for once in his three short years of life; he simply wanted somewhere to be into. Perhaps a familybut he wasnt good at those. With his black fur and scrawny, unattractively short self, the only thing which seemed t o be interesting about him was the way his hazel eyes shone, wise, old, and stil l like a pups as he watched the sun rolling low in the sky. He had never known fr iendship, yet he had never complained to anyone about him, and neither had he kn own love of any kind; not that he needed any at all. He was simply lonely, an ou tcast in the destroyed world, someone who seemed just so Yo, dude, mind if you stop saying dramatic shit? It aint so, so stop that shit. just so, so lonely Are you deaf, as well as stupid? --without any friends at all; but he didnt complain, for his whole life he had li ved alone, in peace, broken and unkept, away in a shadow of the Forest which spr ead for many miles through the said destroyed ruins of the Shut the fuck up. Blaines ears perked as he glared at the narrator; the said voice mumbled somethin g, then shuffled away as he rolled his eyes slightly. His left ear flopped over once again and he stood up, strolling on the top of the fence as he hurried to t he nearest buildings wall, his claws clinking the beat of a song only he heard, s inging under his breath at the same time as he did so. He let his tongue slid ou t of his mouth as he stared at the wall, inspecting it, then he simply leapt to the side. Instead of falling, he caught his jaws around the latch which kept som e metal stairs elevated, then climbed up on them ungracefully, but skillfully. H e didnt look too affected by the way the stairs were running under his pawshe simp ly jumped to the flat part which was as high as the level of the roof and extend ed to the other building in front of him. The feathery spot was now flying above him, twirling through the air very much i n the fashion of a mosquitoa big, ugly onebut he ignored it anyway and moved over, bouncing slightly before he uncoiled his muscles and landed on the edge of the uneven roof. He began climbing it, and managed to get exactly on its strange, Ch inese-like and half-destroyed top in less than a minute, keeping his balance fai rly well as the wind blew with enough force to fling him away if he made a wrong step. He padded once forwards, then backwards rhythmically and in the same way; the corners of his mouth curled upwards in a grin-like fashion and he cocked an eyebrow at the spot, a lovely and lively canary, but just as ugly as before. It chirped at him and he chuckled under his breath, plopping himself down next to

one of the curved tips of the roof, casting a glance over the city. It seemed unusually peaceful. Dogs didnt go outside their dens and pack sites unt il late day, early night, in the fear of seeing him wandering stray, and now the y were supposed to roam freely around the area where he was, in the midst of the dead, human-free city. The black wolf bobbed his head once, then shook it and g rinned even wider, swaying from side to side as he listened to a song playing in his own headone that he was very fond of, actually. He looked insane, was indeed insane, but he didnt actually care about what mutts thought. He was already hate d by both cats and dogs for stealing baskets of fish or deer legs in front of th em, so he had nothing against it. Pa-a-v, he sang, and the canary turned its attention to him, Use yer half-parrot ab ilities an tell me wherere those damned do-ogs. Fucked, chirped Pavarottti excitedly, landing on Blaines head. Theyre fucked! Quite nice, I might sayis Quinn around? I need to talk to that bitch, she lost a b et and said shell give me three deers, said Blaine, but he didnt frown at all, just closed his eyes as he swayed. Cmon, Pava, do yer job, or no wormstaches fo ya. Wolves. Wot? Wolves! What the fuck are yer talkin bout, dude Blaine actually frowned and stopped singing, looking up at his own forehead and trying to spot the bird. Wolves? There are no mo wolves round here. He motioned with one paw around the city, including the Fores t, and sighed. Gone. Cluding Wes. He died yesterday, remember? Noyou fucking git! Though Blaine was proud at times for having a bird who had taken his way of speaking, he flinched. Wolves! North! What theHey!

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