18 Circulatory System Pointers

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Pointers on Circulatory System

Hi, in studying the circulatory system, you can take that it comprises of 2 topics the constituents in blood and
the circulation of blood.

1. Biological constituents of blood .There are only 4- RBCs, WBCs, platelets and the blood plasma.

2. There are biological processes associated with the first 3.

3. For red blood cells, you will need to know how they function to absorb oxygen and take it around the body

4 For WBCs, know the respective functions of lymphocytes and phagocytes. Lymphocytes release antibodies
which act as anti-toxins to neutralize the effects of toxins from disease causing organisms. Phagocytes
(monocytes and polymorphs) only ingest foreign particles. You have to recognize this difference in both the
functions of WBCs.

5. Platelets, know the clotting process:

Damaged tissues → Thrombokinase → Prothrombin → Thrombin (Presence of Ca2+) → Fibrinogen → Fibrin

6. Be familiar with the ABO blood group diagram!

Organs associated with the circulatory system

1. There are only 2 organs to know, unlike the previous topic on digestion-the Heart and the blood vessels.

2. The importance of knowing the entire structure if the heart cannot be over emphasized. Also know the
function of each structure. It will be worth the time studying. Structure of the heart is a recurring theme over the
years in O levels.

3. Know the difference in the structures of arteries and veins and relate this difference in structures to their
respective functions.

4. Know how to draw cross-section diagrams with labels of an artery and vein.

5. Know how to describe how nutrients, oxygen and waste products are transferred between capillaries and cells
in the tissues. There is a questions on this in the tutorial. Be familiar with the diagram depicting transfer of these

6. Describe the cardiac cycle. This is another point in the syllabus. You must use the framework of systole and
diastole, associate them with contraction and relaxation of the ventricles and atria, and simultaneously describe
the flow of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the heart, as well as outside it.

7. Not to forget, name the blood vessels (eg. aortic arch, pulmonary artery, vena cava, pulmonary vein) and
valves (semilunar, triscupid and biscupid) involved.

8. Remember LORD. Left Oxygenated, Right Deoxygenated. Such that you don’t get confused.

9. Finally when you are able to handle all the above, read up on coronary heart diseases. As I mentioned, this is
an east part on causes of CHDs and their prevention. Know how occlusion or blockage of blood vessels leads to

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