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Candidate: Kristian Espinal
Candidate’s Number: 0600011356
Centre Name: John Gray High School
Centre Number: 060001
Territory: Grand Cayman
Year Examination: 2021
Teacher: Mrs. C. Reid



Reflection on the Process…………………………………………………………...

What is an Equipment Manager..…………………………………

My Role as a Equipment Manager………………………………..

Reflection on my Role………………………………………………………………..

Pictorial Evidence……………………………………………………….

History of cross country  

History of cross country in the Cayman Islands  

History of cross country in John Gray High School  

Reflection of my SBA  




Pictorial Evidence 

Rules of Country 
Hello, my name is Kristian Espinal. I am fourteen years old. I attend John Gray High School
which is a school in Grand Cayman located in 73 Academy Way. Physical Education (P.E) also
called gym class is mainly focused on physical health and fitness. The activities we do in P.E
help us later in life as it teaches us to leave our comfort zone and try out new things. The beauty
of P.E is that there must be one sport or activity that you’re good at, as we do countless ones.
One might be the best at football and poor at basketball and vice versa. There is always
something for someone and that gives every and each person a boost in confidence as well as in
happiness. Physical Education is important as it plays a huge role in our life as we can explore
the boundaries of our bodies and push them to be wider and become better people. P.E does not
only help you become fit and healthy, but it is proven that sports, working out and other physical
activities increase dopamine production which is the chemical in our brain that makes us happy
and content.

I chose P.E as a subject for several reasons. One is that I want to become a better person
physically and mentally. I want to learn about each and every type of sport and activities. I
believe P.E will make me more sociable and overall a better person as well as will increase my
confidence. This school-based assessment (SBA) was about hosting an event called “Cross
Country” And performing a role which has several responsibilities. Each role has a different
responsibility and is expected to complete it. I was an equipment manager. Choosing P.E has
also made me learn the skeletal system like all the bones in our body. I have gained much more
understanding in topics like the Olympics and rugby and this SBA has strengthened my
teamwork skills.
This SBA has strengthened my confidence as I felt very useful and independent throughout
it. It undeniably bettered my teamwork skills, and I am happy to say that I have no more trouble
working with other people other than my acquaintances or friends. I’d like to thank my friends
for giving me the encouragement that I needed to complete this SBA, my P.E and English
Teacher, Ms. Carlene Reid and Mrs. Maxwell for giving me the samples and supplies that I
needed as well as the encouragement and confidence that I required. Lastly, I’d like to also thank
my Mom for the supplies I needed to type this SBA like a laptop and also for love and support.
On January 4th, 2021 the GAP P.E. group started our school-based assessment (SBA). In
which we meet on teams during Wednesdays to discuss and complete our SBA’s as well as other
topics like sports, rugby, and the skeleton system. These meetings were prepared by Ms. Reid
who was kind enough to record them and put them on the chat for those who weren’t there.
At the start of the SBA we were given our options to choose and conduct an event. I was
very happy and instantly knew what I wanted to be. Ms. Reid gave us an option sheet and was
kind enough to give us some time to think and if didn’t know then she’d place us in a team. I
decided the role of an Equipment Manager. Why I chose this was because I felt as if it was the
perfect job for me because I’m good at backstage and handling equipment. I also knew I’d gain a
new sense of independency of confidence as no adults were involved. I enjoyed it quite a lot and
if I got to do that day again, rest assured I’d definitely would. I researched facts and information
about my role and what I should do. I think I did my responsibilities quite nicely.
Reflection of Process
The process of the SBA was very favorable. I gained a lot of confidence and my teamwork
skills have increased by a landslide. The process was very fun, and my favorite was the cross
country. It taught me that everybody has a use and being an equipment manager was very fun.
Seeing the event firsthand was also entertaining and writing the SBA was pleasurable. I learned
the history of Cross Country and learned about sports like rugby and the skeletal system. Overall,
doing this SBA was a lot of fun and I’d do it again.
My opinion on the online classes were that they were nice. Each lesson I learned something
new. Like the history of cross country for example. During the lessons I made many notes and
remembered a lot of things.
What is an Equipment Manager?
Equipment Managers keep the equipment in order for the event. They move the equipment,
like chairs, tables, trophies and whatnot. They make sure that the equipment is placed in the
correct places and on adequate time. The Equipment Manager is one of the most important roles
because without it, the equipment would not be there therefore thwarting the event. Equipment
managers also make sure that the equipment they have is not faulty or tampered with, and take
notes of the people who use it and where they’ve used it. Every Equipment Manager should help
somehow, either by moving the equipment, checking the equipment, writing the inventory or
accounting for the equipment
1. Equipment Managers carefully follow the advice of the organizing committee, setting up
and returning the equipment for games.
2. Equipment Managers keep an inventory of the equipment that is needed for the game.
3. Equipment Managers check the equipment for any faults or if they’ve been tampered
4. Equipment Managers are responsible for keeping the space in which the equipment is,
tidy and clean.
5. Equipment Managers perform simple maintenance of equipment.
My Role as Equipment Manager
After we decided our roles for the Cross Country preparations, I talked to other Equipment
Managers and we decided on who’d do what. My role as an Equipment Manager was to move
the trophies and place them in an orderly manor as well as bring bags in for the bibs. I met up
with Kaniya James, a fellow Equipment Manager and we counted all the equipment and made
sure none were missing and made an inventory. I was guided by my teammates on what to do
and I made some decisions on what I should do to help out and be a good Equipment Manager. I
made sure all the equipment was nicely organized and that none was tampered with or broken.
Overall, the roles I had in the event:
- I carefully followed the instructions of the organizing committee.
- I handled the equipment carefully, to not break it.
- I kept the equipment nicely organized and tidy.
- I investigated if any equipment was broken or tampered with.
- I made an inventory of all the equipment.
Reflection on My Role
On November 26,2020 prior to the event there were multiple things that needed to be
conducted before the event could even start. Some of which were finding out who were on
my team (the other Equipment managers). Whom were, Marissa Wright, Maurice Davis, Josiah
Williams, Kaniya James and I. When the event started we immediately gathered and listened to
the organizing committee. We decided on a plan. We would all gather the equipment but to all
their own. I’d carry the bips and the bag with the shirts and the others would carry the benches
and the mats.
When we arrived to the field we saw a lot of athletes sitting. We put the bench in a free area
of space and put a red mat on the table. Marissa, Kaniya, Joshua and I gathered the trophies and
collectively placed them in an order from small to big, the smallest in the front and the biggest in
the back, as well as the medals set on the table. I think the set up looked wonderful. We placed
the bibs on the grass and then the teams got them. When the event started we didn’t have to place
anymore equipment, but instead we did indeed have to count it. We made an inventory and
counted every piece of equipment.
This is it:
Item  Quantity  End
Trophies  13  13 
Medals  18  18 
Black Bibs  5  5 
Red Bibs  5  5 
Yellow Bibs  5  5 
Green Bibs  6  6 
Benches  3  3 
Table  1  1 
Tarp(Red)  1  1 
Container  1  1 
First Aid Kits  3  3 
Box of plastic Bas  1  1 
Medical Mat  1  1 
Cones  11  11 

We counted again after the event and nothing was missing. Afterwards, we gathered the
equipment and we all placed it back in the girls P.E room, it’s rightful place. I took all the
trophies and medals, Joshua took the benches, Kaniya took the bibs and Maurice took the bags.
We gave the inventory to Ms. Reid and we were free to go to our 4th period class. I think this
event changed me for the better.
Pictorial Evidence

-The Equipment Managers including me are -The Equipment Managers also me, arranging
setting up the medals alongst the edge of the the trophies and counting them and the medals
table.  for our Inventory. 

-Some of the athletes are resting from - People resting on the benches and a
their earlier race and some are getting ready Competition Director helping a First Aid Officer
for theirs. They are using the benches in which with some equipment. The First Aid Officer is
the Equipment Manager’s help bring out and set holding the container of ice for
them up.  the athlete's injuries. 

-First Aid Officer handing out ice to some of the -The competitors were being coached for their
athletes and a teacher.  upcoming race and an athlete.  
-A few seconds before the race started after they -Some of the athletes talking about their
were coached. Athletes are wearing the bibs the upcoming race and also some of them resting on
Equipment Managers retrieved.  the bleachers. 

-Some of my classmates and teammates talking -A teacher instructing some of the athletes on
about the races and their roles. While some of what they will be doing, and the athletes are
the athletes are sitting and some are talking in resting on the benches. Some of my classmates
groups.  are talking with one another as well. 
History of Cross Country
The person who formally invented Cross Country was William C. Vosburgh who introduced
the sport to New York. although traces of it led to the 19th century in a game called “hare and
hounds” which had the same premise. Cross Country is a running sport in which six to nine
people are teamed up and race against other teams. Whoever comes first in a race wins a point
for their team. people race through natural terrain like woods, hills, rivers, and whatnot, which is
unlike track which is on a flat surface always. Cross Country is a sport which could still be held
even if the weather is bad.
Cross Country was seen as a joke by the people, as the races were informal as people would
get lost in the dark terrains as the races usually started at 5pm. But later on, Cross Country
became an official sport as demanded by the people, and even getting on the Olympics.
Soon, the National Cross-Country Association was formed and had its first championship in
1887.  Eleven years later the first international event involved France against England. After
World War II many countries joined the event like Ireland, England and Scotland. Later on,
France, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain and Switzerland all joined this event to run for their
Later on, the International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF), which is now called the
World Athletics, began hosting Cross Country championships which were only in Europe but
eventually spread across the globe to countless country.
History of Cross Country in Grand Cayman and John Gray High School
Cross Country was introduced to Cayman by an unknown Barbadian man. When word got
around, schools thought It’d be a great idea for students to do something healthy, and fun as they
get to run through. Rewards were given out to those who participated in itm and the Year 11s
would run longer distances than the Year 7s. The senior boys ran the longer route, which was
three miles ranging from the back of John Gray High School’s football field all the way to the
front of the school.
In conclusion, I believe I did a lot of work and that the event was really fun. This SBA has
helped me grow as a better and more productive person and I look forward to other SBAs like
this one. Thank you.

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