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As time passed by, the generation changes from time to time. Begin with the environment

were people used to adopt flow to the stuff that affect even the way they live unto it. Together

with the development of new technology and modernize way of living, youth of the society are

the one who always been carried away by the trend. But the changes that the world used to seek

suddenly turns into nightmare that brought concern to the people surrounds them especially to

their own parents. Not only their way of living are changed, but also the attitude and personality

that usually they acquired from what they’ve acquired in the social media sites or simply in the

internet. Because of this phenomenon happened in some of the youth, the concern about on how

it can resolve increases and caught the attention of the public.

Trending in most of the news and social media sites now about the incidents of bullying

and rage that was being participated by the youths in different schools. In just a couple of

months, the no. of incidents of rage between students that happened outside their school

increases that brings the attention of the public to do an action to resolve it. To address this

problem, the government suggest a bill that brings back the subject “Good Manners and Right

Conduct” or GMRC to the new curriculum as part of a separate subject that came to the answer

about the given problem.

In the old curriculum of the basic education program, a subject entitled “Good Manners

and Right Conduct” or GMRC, is part of the regular basic education curriculum. Subsequently, it

was scrapped as a regular subject and integrated in Social Studies and other related subjects. The

House bill No. 4716 or an act institutionalizing Good Manners and Right Conduct (GMRC) in
the K-12 Curriculum and the House bill No. 6705 An act revive Good Manners and Right

conduct (GMRC) as a separate subject in basic education curriculum seek to revive GMRC and

to include it as one of the separate subjects in the revived K to 12 program in basic education.

The necessity for such revival stems from the observation that the youth of today has a surplus

age of role models for their behavior owing to the information explosion in this age of the

internet. Modernization in a globalized village almost always result in the confusion of the youth

as those variety influences them to make a pervasive effect of pop culture, that comes not always

admirable and worthy of emulation. In fact, the detrimental side of pop culture promote and

challenge the inculcation about the respect for one self, other, our elders, as well as the teaching

of the different values that help one people on dealing with other human beings.

Retrieved From


In the present condition of every countries that seek to find peace among nations, wars

and terrorism are the things that comes across the middle of peace agreements and countries

cooperation. As this movement among private groups like ISIS and other Muslim group

continuously exist and set as the threat for the Global security, peace will never going to acquire

unless the war is over.

Because of the suddenly increase of the incident that was being claim by the terrorism

group, every countries are jointly create a military cooperation that aim to strengthen the

capability of the armed force to be prepared of the things that might happen anytime of the day.

Here in the Philippines, joint agreement to other neighbor countries are already been observed
even before the tension about terrorism. It was establish by the government long time ago to

increase the power and security of the sovereign. But as the administration changes, the

agreement between the ally countries turns the table around that suddenly create a

misunderstanding. And also, because of the previous wars against rebellious group, the no. of the

soldiers decreases rapidly and came to lack as time passes by.

To address this global and national crisis about the security of the sovereign of the

Philippines, President Rodrigo Duterte aims to brought back to life the subject ROTC to become

mandatory in higher levels as part of the curriculum. By this action that has been taken by the

president, the shortage for the reserve officer will be answered and also it will came the way to

teach discipline to all the people as they enter and undergo on training. ROTC or the Reserve

Officers’ Training Corps was a mandatory subject before in college level way back July 3, 1922

when it was first established in University of the Philippines as the first school to have this as

they unit. The Agreement about the ROTC runs from the day it was established until it was

scrapped by the law putting the ROTC in the National Service Training Program only as part of

the three program that a student can choose from in the year 2002 signed by the Ex- president

Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. After a years of sleeping, President Duterte aim to open and give life

again to this subject to drive the power of the Filipino people for the safety of the country. It not

only produce Reserved Military Officer but also aim to establish unity and cooperation between

people of the country. The bill are now being reviewed in the senate and passed before the

senate adjourns.

Retrieved from

What is the importance of those articles in our study of ethics?

Ethics is a system of moral principles that concerned with what is good for the individual

and society as described as moral philosophy. The two article that I’ve chosen show the

importance of the ethics nowadays. Because of the rapid change of the generation and the global

modernization happening in the society, ethics become the scrap of the time that people only

considered and certain time. The information about new technology and development are the

main focus of this generation that they’ve already forget the Ethics, the behavior that they seem

to do or show in their everyday life. Because of the modernized way on how people learn, the

values are being taken for granted as the second option only after the ideas and knowledge. This

two article shows that ethics are capable on stirring with the advance of modern day that still

those discipline and ideology are needed by the people and not just adopting to the tone of


The two article not only create a way on showing the importance or the part of the ethics

in this modern era but also make for the Study of ethics to notice again and reevaluate the

capability of the subject matter in suiting to the development of not just intellectually but also


Why did you chose those article?

The articles that I’ve considered mainly connects us, the youth of this generation to the

topic that being discuss. It was an interesting information that suits to the present situation

happening to the youth. It is important for each of this generation to see this reality of life that

was being hidden because of the modernization. Many of us now only talks about development,

progression, new ones and so much more about changes that happening in this time. But the
question that take part of this was, “Are we aiming for progress or we aiming for regression?”

It’s the question that should answer by this time because we only focused on gadgets, new

technologies and modern equipment that we’ve already forgot to become human. The first article

talks about the revival of the subject GMRC that teach moral values that should everyone

acquired that it is really true that this generation should establish. Accompanied by the revival of

ROTC that not only aim to make a reserve army of people but also to teach discipline among

people. This two article has significant to me mainly because even in the darkest hour of a

human life that was captivate by screens and monitors, the advocacy of recreating or restoring

peoples moral discipline was still in the mind of our government.

Convince us that your chosen article are really needed in our study of ethics?

In this time of modern advancement, it is natural for us to cope to the trend of the day for

us not leave at the back of flow. It is a usual reaction of the people adopting to its environment to

suit for their needs. Life changes in a moment as the globalization comes that makes turns

everything into a more complex living with the new technology. It was a proof that human are

used to adopt fast enough and learn things easily that makes us live with it.

Different modern trend are being release, and those space that was created by the media

of technology caught the attention of the youth. Generation Z or those youth who are born in the

modern era are the one who are carrying this trend of day. They are the reason why this era

continuously live and develop even time passed. Technology really helps the youth like me, it

makes our Life easier. We can never live the fact that it makes every little thing simple for us. It

helps us indifferent ways that it can help us. The technology made it part really good.
So why do I make a point of this technology of us. As I notice in the generation of what

we have now and what we’ve have before, the difference are noticeable. The way they live, think

and most likely act. In this generation, they used to focus only in technology based materials that

caught their attention. The whole damn time that they have are spent in holding their phones or

other gadget and living in the cyber world. This was good in the first part but as the time came

on, this space that was given to them are being abuse that result to addiction and other more

effect to them. Because also the lack of attention by their parents, they reach to the part where

their behavior was being affected by the technology.

We can see the proof of it in the social media that show how the cyber space or the

Medias affect them. In just early age, they tend to learn how to create violence against their own

classmate because of what they’ve read about them or any other more things that can be settled

in just simple talk but leads to a horrible incident that someone will probably hurt. And this

behavior are not just notice in just one children but a lot more. The number of incidents of

bullying and rage between students increases as time follows. Because of this concerned, many

people especially the parents are more warned and anxious on what they must do to resolve it.

The articles that I’ve got has something to connect with this problem. Because of our

focus in the modern technology, we never notice the fact that we already forgotten the values as

part of this development. We only seek to increase the knowledge that we should have but we

sacrifice the moral behavior that once have thought to us by our ancestors. It was the worst part

for me of this generation that the exchange of the knowledge we are sharing now, is the values

and moral principle.

But thanks to the good news that I’ve gathered from the two article that I have. It is the

revival of the GMRC subject that teaches values to the young once and help the people to
become its complete self. And the ROTC mandatory training that gives way to create and

establish cooperation and discipline for each of the people who will undergo. This two article

that talks about rebirthing the sense of ethics in this modern era. The Revival of GMRC that once

became a subject of students in high school level only shows that ethics between people is a must

factor that should consider in our present time. By this act of reviving the subject that talks

values, only indicates that putting this subject back to life maybe a help or support to resolve this

problem. When it comes to the second article that about the Bringing back the mandatory ROTC

not only focuses about its military benefits. Because we will look unto to the other face of the

Curriculum than to its military aspect, it used to be a catalyst of the ethics. It helps to boost and

push the ethics to each people by promoting discipline.

This articles only proves and show how important the ethics and what can this study

make to improve more this modernize era.

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