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Dental Materials Journal 2015; 34(1): 1–6

Effect of agitation and storage temperature on water sorption and solubility of

adhesive systems
Saryta ARGOLO1, Paula MATHIAS2, Thaiane AGUIAR3, Adriano LIMA4, Sara SANTOS5, Richard FOXTON6
and Andrea CAVALCANTI7

Dentistry Course, Northeast Independent School (FAINOR), Vitoria da Conquista, BA, Brazil
School of Dentistry, Federal University of Bahia (FOUFBA), Salvador, BA, Brazil
Department of Restorative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Department of Restorative Dentistry, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Piracicaba, SP, Brazil
Private practice, Salvador, BA, Brazil
Department of Conservative Dentistry, Kings College London Dental Institute, London, UK
Dentistry Course, School of Medicine and Public Health of Bahia (BAHIANA) and School of Dentistry, Federal University of Bahia (FOUFBA),
Salvador, BA, Brazil
Corresponding author, Saryta ARGOLO; E-mail:

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of storage temperature and flask agitation on the water sorption (WS) and
solubility (SL) of simplified adhesive systems. Seventy-two disc-shaped specimens were prepared according to the adhesive system
(water/ethanol-based: Adper Single Bond 2; and water-based: One Coat Bond SL) and experimental conditions tested (mechanical
agitation and storage temperature). Statistical analysis (3-way ANOVA, alpha=5%) found significantly greater WS and SL means
for the water/ethanol-based system when compared to the water-based. Irrespective of factors studied, significant differences in WS
and SL were noted between cold and room temperatures, with greater values been obtained at 1°C, and lower ones at 20°C. Agitation
provided increased WS for both materials at all temperatures, but did not affect their SL. The mechanical agitation of the flask may
negatively affect the dynamics of diffusion of simplified adhesive systems, even at extremely cold or warm temperatures.

Keywords: Adhesive systems, Longevity, Sorption, Solubility, Temperature

hydrophilic monomers, and in the displacement of water

from the acid etched surfaces, ensuring proper monomer
Improvements in the performance of polymeric infiltration into the porosities of enamel and dentin8).
dental materials has demonstrated important clinical The commonly used solvents in dental adhesives are
advancements, enabling more conservative preparations water, ethanol and acetone, which vary in accordance to
and better esthetic outcomes1,2). To achieve long-term their polarity2). The quality of the hybridization process
success, it is essential to use a safe and durable technique is highly dependent on the optimal monomer infiltration
when bonding to dental tissues. Contemporary adhesive and on the removal of as much water and organic
systems presents different bonding mechanisms to tooth solvents as possible from the surface prior to curing6).
structure; while the etch and rinse systems act after The higher hydrophilicity and possible presence
etching substrates with phosphoric acid; the self-etching of residual solvent in the simplified adhesive agents
systems simultaneously etch and diffuse through means that care is needed to ensure the bonding layer
enamel or dentin1). Both the etch and rinse and the self- has optimum mechanical properties8). A frequent
etching agents have simplified versions, with a lower recommendation is to store the adhesives at room
number of steps. temperature since changes in temperature may
Simplifying the adhesive technique may negatively influence bonding10). The storage temperature can
affect the durability of the adhesive bond due to the modify the viscosity of the polymeric material,
complexity of the adhesive systems3). Simplified etch increasing the penetration capacity, dissolution, time
and rinse adhesive systems are composed of a mixture of solvent evaporation and degree of conversion, which
of hydrophilic and hydrophobic monomers, solvents, might impact on the physical and mechanical properties
stabilizers, initiators and filler particles2). Increasing of the bonding agents11).
the concentration of hydrophilic monomers allows A continuous brushing or rubbing, or active
these systems to infiltrate and diffuse into the collagen application of the adhesive system, is also an
network, forming a hybrid layer3-8). Hydrophilic systems alternative way of encouraging monomer diffusion and
have an affinity for water, which enables permeation solvent evaporation12). Active application may increase
through dentin but may also promote the formation of a agitation of the molecules, thereby allowing greater
polymeric structure more susceptible to hydrolysis4,9). evaporation of the solvent and consequently better
The solvents included in the composition of adhesive dispersion and diffusion of monomers through the
systems act in the dissolution of hydrophobic and interface13). Nonetheless, the force applied during active

Received Mar 11, 2014: Accepted May 29, 2014

doi:10.4012/dmj.2014-033 JOI JST.JSTAGE/dmj/2014-033
2 Dent Mater J 2015; 34(1): 1–6

application may be relatively difficult to control and systems were evaluated in two different conditions: (1)
standardize. Thus, operator variability is expected when mechanical agitation or not and (2) storage temperature
active rubbing of the adhesive system is being conducted. (1°C, 20°C and 40°C) as illustrated in Fig. 1
Mechanically agitating the adhesive system bottle can
standardize any influence on the wetting ability of the Storage temperature of the adhesive system flask
adhesive system, is free of operator variability and The flasks containing the adhesives were stored
regional characteristics of the cavities. However at at experimental temperatures of 1°C (refrigerator
present, there is still no scientific evidence with respect temperature), 20°C (room temperature) and 40°C
to the effectiveness of this method. (oven temperature) for 1 h before their application14).
Because the durability of simplified systems is These temperatures were verified using a digital
directly related to their permeability, it is important to thermometer (Omron CO. Inc., Dalian, China). To
investigate whether variations in storage temperature avoid changes in the temperature of the flask during
and the mode of application may interfere with the specimen preparation, the bonding agent was stored in
gain or loss of the material mass after water exposure. the experimental temperature condition for 1 h and
Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the then used again.
effect of agitation before application, and of the storage
temperature of the flask, on the water sorption and Mechanical agitation of the flask before application
solubility of simplified conventional adhesive systems. In the case of the groups undergoing mechanical
The null hypotheses tested were that simplified agitation, before each adhesive system application, each
adhesive systems with different solvents can present respective flask was agitated in a plaster vibrator (VH
similar water sorption and solubility; agitation before Equipment Medicos Odontologicos Ltda, Araraquara,
application of the adhesive system, and the temperature SP, Brazil) at a constant speed of 60 Hz/40 W for 20 s.
of the flasks would interfere with the loss or gain of
mass. Assessment of loss/gain of mass: Water sorption and
MATERIALS AND METHODS The water sorption and solubility test was based on the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Specimen preparation and experimental groups specifications n. 4049:2000 Dentistry –Polymer-based
Two commercial etch and rinse adhesive systems with filing, restorative and luting materials15). Seventy-two
distinct chemical compositions were used in this study disc-shaped specimens (6 per group) were prepared (8.0
(Table 1). Both adhesives were categorized as simplified/ mm diameter × 1.0 mm thick) using a silicone matrix
etch and rinse, but different types of solvents were (Elite HD+, Zhermack, Badia Polesine, Italy) according
present in their composition: ethanol/water-based— to the groups to which they belonged.
Adper Single Bond 2 (3M ESPE); water-based— One In order to prepare the specimen, three drops of
Coat Bond SL (Coltène, Vigodent). Both adhesive each adhesive were dispensed directly into the matrix

Table 1 Manufacturer, composition and lot number of adhesive systems used in this investigation

Adhesive system
Composition Lot number

Ethanol; water; Bis-GMA; UDMA; silanized silica particles;

Adper Single Bond 2
HEMA; 1-glycerol; 3-dimethacrylate; copolymer of acrylic #1119200635
(3M ESPE; St Paul, MN, USA)
acid and itaconic acid.

Water; HEMA;hydroxypropyl methacrylate; glycerol

One Coat Bond SL
dimethacrylate; UDMA; polyalkenoate methacrylate; #0175579
(VIGODENT; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
photoinitiator and inhibitor.

Bis-GMA: bisphenol A glycidyl methacrylate; UDMA: di-urethane dimethacrylate; HEMA: 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate

Fig. 1 Schematic presentation of experimental conditions (n = 6)

Dent Mater J 2015; 34(1): 1–6 3

so that it was completely filled. All visible air bubbles M2−M3 M1−M3
were carefully removed with the aid of a dental explorer V V
probe before light activation. Compressed air from a
3-in-1 syringe spray was used for 10 s at a distance of Where: M1 is the mass of the sample in μg before
20 cm to evaporate the solvent (40-psi air-pressure). A immersion in distilled water, M2 is the mass of the
polyester strip and a glass coverslip were placed on the sample in μg after immersion in distilled water for 7
matrix and the surface was then light-activated for 60 days, M3 is the mass of the sample in μg after being
s (Radii-Plus, SDI Limited, Australia), taking care that reconditioned in a desiccator and V is the volume of the
the tip of the light curing unit covered the entire surface sample (mm3)16).
of the specimen. The light output of the light curing unit
was 1,500 mW/cm2. Afterwards, the specimens were Statistical analysis
carefully removed from the matrix and the opposing Initially, an exploratory analysis was carried out to
surface was light-activated for additional 60 s16). verify the Analysis of Variance parameters (ANOVA).
Immediately after polymerization, the specimens Water sorption and solubility data were statistically
were measured with a digital caliper with an accuracy analyzed by three-way ANOVA, with main factors
of 0.01 mm (Mitutoyo Sul Americana Ltda, Suzano, adhesive system, agitation and temperature. All
SP, Brazil) in order to calculate the volume (V) of possible statistical interactions were included in the
each specimen (mm3). The specimens were stored model; when interactions were considered as non-
in a desiccator containing silica gel at 37°C for pre- significant, main factors were analyzed separately.
conditioning and repeatedly weighed at intervals of 24 Multiple pairwise comparisons were done with the
h until a constant mass (M1) was obtained (variation of Tukey post-hoc test (SAS program, version 9.1, at a level
less than 0.2 mg over a period of 24 h). The weighing of significance of 5%). Tables 2 and 3, show the means
procedures were performed on an analytical balance and standard deviations for the water sorption and
(Model AUW-220D, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) with a solubility data, respectively.
precision of one hundred-thousandth of a gram.
After mass stabilization, the specimens were RESULTS
individually stored in 10 mL of distilled water for 7
days at 37ºC, in accordance to ISO specification. The In accordance with the statistical analysis, none
specimens were kept immersed in a vertical position interaction between the main factors was considered as
and water was not changed daily. Afterwards, the significant, neither for water sorption nor for solubility
specimens were washed under running water and data (p>0.05). For this reason, each main factor (adhesive
excess water was removed with absorbent paper (Celupa system, agitation and temperature) was analyzed
Guaíba Industrial Pulp and Paper Ltd., Guaiba, RS, separately.
Brazil). The specimens were weighed and the mass The analysis of water sorption data indicated that
was recorded (M2). After, specimens were dried as irrespective of the type of adhesive system and flask
previously described and weighed until a constant mass agitation, significant differences existed between the
was obtained (M3). The values of water sorption (WS) cold and room temperatures, with greater values
and solubility (SL) were calculated in µg/mm3 using the obtained at 1oC, and lower ones at 20oC (p=0.04). At
following formulas: 40°C, the results showed intermediate values,

Table 2 Mean values (standard deviation) of water sorption (μg/mm3) of the adhesive systems according to the agitation
mode and temperature

Temperature Adhesive System
Absent Present

Adper Single Bond 2 247.29 (18.10) a 263.06 (25.75) a

Room (20°C) B
One Coat Bond SL 141.05 (11.95) b 155.51 (14.23) b

Adper Single Bond 2 263.80 (10.83) a 269.86 (13.41) a

Cold (1°C) A
One Coat Bond SL 158.41 (15.07) b 164.78 (6.26) b

Adper Single Bond 2 259.34 (18.84) a 262.10 (6.53) a

Warm (40°C) AB
One Coat Bond SL 154.33 (12.77) b 156.85 (14.00) b

* #

Different letters and symbols represent the means with statistical significance (3-way ANOVA, alpha=5%). Different symbols
compare the levels of agitation within adhesive system/temperature; capital letters compare the levels of temperature within
agitation/adhesive system. Lower case letters compare adhesive systems, irrespective of the temperature or agitation.
4 Dent Mater J 2015; 34(1): 1–6

Table 3 Mean values (standard deviation) of solubility (μg/mm3) of the adhesive systems according to the agitation mode
and temperature

Temperature Adhesive System
Absent Present

Adper Single Bond 2 80.99 (6.39) a 78.62 (7.41) a

Room (20°C) B
One Coat Bond SL 11.68 (0.89) b 12.49 (1.90) b

Adper Single Bond 2 79.13 (6.24) a 85.98 (3.13) a

Cold (1°C) A
One Coat Bond SL 11.16 (2.02) b 13.20 (2.08) b

Adper Single Bond 2 77.92 (6.66) a 82.63 (6.48) a

Warm (40°C) AB
One Coat Bond SL 11.16 (1.15) b 11.25 (1.5) b

Different letters represent the means with statistical significance (3-way ANOVA, alpha=5%). Capital letters compare the
levels of temperature within agitation/adhesive system. Lower case letters compare adhesive systems, irrespective of the
temperature or agitation. No significant difference between the levels of agitation was noted.

statistically similar to those at the other temperatures. molecular and microstructure aspect of the polymer19).
In addition, agitation resulted in increased water Among the molecular characteristics, the pendant
sorption for both adhesive systems at all temperatures hydroxyl groups are capable of forming hydrogen bonds
tested (p=0.04). Finally, the water-based adhesive with water. In addition, the ionic and hydrophilic
system resulted in statistically lower water sorption resin monomers facilitate ionic movement within the
when compared to the water/ethanol-based agent, at all polymerized resin matrix in the presence of residual
conditions tested (p<0.001) (Table 2). water, which approaches the molecules to the structure
Solubility data analysis showed similar statistical by a process of attraction19). Porosity and density of
significance among temperatures, with greater means polymer bonds are among the microstructural aspects5).
found at 1oC and lower at 20oC (p=0.04). Between Therefore, the quality of the polymer network formed
adhesive systems, higher solubility was exhibited by determines the extension of degradation that the aqueous
the water/ethanol-based agent (p<0.001). Nevertheless, environment can cause the resin matrix to undergo4).
mechanical agitation did not provide any statistically Solvent retention within adhesive layers may also
significant differences among the solubility data of the be a reason for adhesive degradation. In previous
groups (p=0.08) (Table 3). studies, authors have agreed that water sorption may
vary among adhesive systems and is highly dependent
DISCUSSION on the composition of each material20,21). Interestingly,
Nihi et al.22) assessed the spontaneously evaporation
The advent of adhesive systems has promoted of different commercial adhesive systems and found
meaningful changes in restorative procedures, lower solvent evaporation capacity of ethanol-, water-
since current bonding agents exhibit better clinical and ethanol/water-based adhesives when compared to
performance10). However, regarding the simplified acetone-based agents. In addition, Yiu et al.23) evaluated
bonding systems, long-term adhesive stability is still a the water retention in comonomer blends after
major challenge. One of the reasons for early adhesive evaporation, and demonstrated that the addition of
degradation might be the increased presence of water to comonomer-ethanol mixture led to increased
hydrophilic monomers. Their low molecular weight in retention since both water and ethanol solvents can form
the adhesive makes their matrices highly permeable17,18). hydrogen bond to the monomers. In this investigation,
This greater hydrophilicity may allow external water the ethanol/water-based adhesive system (Adper Single
sorption from the oral environment when exposed to both Bond 2) showed higher water sorption and solubility
salivary fluids and internal sorption from the subjacent values when compared to the water-based agent (One
hydrated dentin5,18). Coat Bond SL) regardless of the temperature and
Water sorption and solubility have a significant agitation mode. Despite differences in their monomer
impact on the clinical behavior of polymeric materials4), content, it seems that the solvent mixture may affect the
since exposure to water can result in irreversible solvent evaporation, which may impair the mass loss22)
changes such as cracks, fissures and hydrolytic and accelerate the hydrolytic degradation23). Therefore,
degradation of the chemical components of the resin it was denied the hypothesis that simplified systems
matrix5). As a result, the early and long-term bond with different solvents could behave similarly.
strengths of the adhesive systems to the dentin It is known that the rate of evaporation of any
substrate may be affected18,19). substance is determined by its vapor pressure2),
Resin-based materials may absorb water to varying but also, the extent of solvent retention in polymer
degrees and this mechanism may be related to the networks depends on resin polarity24). In view of the
Dent Mater J 2015; 34(1): 1–6 5

results of this study, it is possible to suggest that in standardized molecular change on the adhesive layer,
the presence of a thick layer of adhesive system, as the in an attempt to facilitate solvent evaporation. It was
one necessary for a specimen tested in water sorption hypothesized that this method would allow an increase
and solubility, 10 s of air drying to evaporate the solvent in the molecule agitation by changing the fluidity of the
was not sufficient to remove it completely. Thus, the bonding agent.
presence of residual water may have impaired polymer In this study, agitation revealed a significant
cross-linking by the plasticizing process, creating increase in water sorption for both adhesive systems.
spaces for greater water penetration through the These findings suggest that shaking the flask of the
structures19,25). However, it must be considered that adhesive system probably enabled the incorporation of
one of the experimental hypotheses of this work was to air into the adhesive mixture, which resulted in the
verify if temperature and agitation could induce greater inclusion of non-visible air bubbles in the specimen,
or less solvent retention in adhesive films. Thus, the allowing higher uptake when stored in water. Another
total absence of solvents would not allow such possibility for this greater gain of mass after agitation
assumptions. could be due to the increase in molecular kinetics
The monomer composition of the adhesive systems caused by shaking the flask, resulting in larger links of
is also a determining factor in bond strength durability. hydrogen bridges with water, thus attracting molecules
In this investigation, both materials tested belong to the adhesive matrix13). However, considering that
to the group of urethane dimethacrylate materials. agitation has not influenced the solubility of both
According to Dhanpal et al.5), under normal conditions adhesive systems, one can speculate that such air
of polymerization, urethane is known to form weaker incorporation does not have a significant effect on the
hydrogen bonds with water molecules than the hydroxyl formation of the resin matrix, thus it cannot directly
group in Bis-GMA, which is reflected by the lower influence the loss of mass.
cohesive energy density of the urethane group (1,425 With regard to temperature, an increase in the
J/cm3) in comparison with the hydroxyl group (2,980 storage temperature of the adhesive bottles resulted
J/cm3) in Bis-GMA. Due to the lower energy needed in in intermediate values, statistically similar to those
the urethane group, the links of hydrogen bridges are observed at room and cold temperatures. Conversely,
established more easily, which favors a greater gain of Loguercio et al. 30) assessed the effect of temperature on
water, and in turn, the loss of these water molecules also the adhesive and concluded that using ethanol/water-
occurs in a simpler way. Although this is uncertain, since based adhesive systems at 37°C or 50°C and an acetone-
each respective manufacturer does not reveal the exact based at 37°C could improve the performance of the
chemical composition of each material, the presence of a bonding agent. Moreover, the temperature has practical
higher amount of UDMA in the composition of the water/ relevance in the kinetics of the light polymerization
ethanol-based adhesive system could possibly justify a reaction since, with an increase in temperature,
higher gain and loss of mass when compared with the there is greater molecular mobility due to the lower
other adhesive system. viscosity19,25,31).
Phase separation between the hydrophobic and Irrespective of the type of the adhesive system and
hydrophilic parts of the resin matrix might lead to previous agitation, lower water sorption and solubility
greater porosity within the adhesive layer and also values were found at room temperature, compared to
contribute to an increase in water sorption26,27). Using those observed at a cold temperature. It is possible that
a ternary phase diagram, Ye et al.28) observed that the a reduction in temperature made the adhesive systems
monomer content (BisGMA and HEMA) in the aqueous more viscous and hence may have hindered evaporation
phase decreased with the increase of water in the of the solvent. As a consequence, the residual solvent may
mixture and, the resin phase became more hydrophobic facilitate the higher gain and loss of mass when stored
with increasing the water amount. Thus, the presence in water. Similarly, Alexandre et al.10) tested the effects
of water as observed in both Adper Single Bond 2 and of adhesive systems applied at different temperatures
One Coat Bond SL adhesive systems may lead to resin on bond strength to enamel and, concluded that their
phase separation. In addition, some studies indicated use at room temperature (20°C) promoted stronger
that the hydrophilic portion of most simplified adhesive links in the bond formed. Although storing adhesive
systems (i.e. 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate, HEMA) could systems in the refrigerator seems to provide benefits
dramatically reduce the evaporation of residual water5,6). with respect to material conservation10), at the time of
Nonetheless, again, both systems tested in the present applying the bonding agent to the substrate, it must be
investigation use an unknown proportion of HEMA on at the room temperature, since in this storage condition
their composition. adhesive systems underwent less loss and gain of mass.
There are reports with respect to the effect Nevertheless, further studies are needed since there
changing the fluidity of the bonding agent, since the is still insufficient information about the behavior of
lower the viscosity of the polymeric material, the adhesive materials with different fluidity. In addition,
greater the evaporation of the solvent and consequently, this characteristic may determine the molecular kinetics
improvement in mechanical properties13,29). In this of the adhesive layer and therefore lead to a different
investigation, mechanical agitation of the adhesive clinical performance over the course of time.
flask using a plaster vibrator was used to provide a
6 Dent Mater J 2015; 34(1): 1–6

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