Multipurpose Rainwater Impounding Reservoir

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PROJECT TITLE: “Multi-Purpose Rainwater Impounding Reservoir”

STRAND OF THE PROJECT: Income Generating Project

NAME OF SCHOOL: Budlasan National High School

Budlasan National High School is situated in an area where utility water supply is not available.
Students and school personnel alike are having hard time fetching water in the nearby water
tank where local residents also flock early in the morning for their household use. With the
scarcity of the water supply in school, Budlasan National High School has come up with an
innovation to create a Multi-Purpose Rainwater Impounding Reservoir in order to collect rain
water to be used in school operations like flushing the toilet, water the plants and the like.

The said project is
spearheaded by Mrs.
Gwendolyn L. Angana, the
Teacher-in Charge of the
school. Constructed
through MOOE funds, Mrs.
Angana hired laborers to
construct the water
impounding reservoir in
front of the principal’s
office. The 2 downspouts of
the two-storey building
were cut off allowing the
rain water to be collected in the reservoir. Considering that rain will always pour at least a
month, the Multi-Purpose Rainwater Impounding Reservoir will be filled with water enough to
be used for school operations. In addition, this Multi-Purpose Rainwater Impounding reservoir
will also be used as a pond to be utilized for “Palaisdaan sa Paaralan Project” aiming to raise
tilapia for additional Income generating Project of the school.
With the realization of the said project, Budlasan National High School hopes that water
scarcity in terms of utilization for toilets use and watering the plants will be addressed. This will
also serve as model project for the community to emulate in their homes to collect water from
the rain.

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