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Noun : Kata benda

Verb: Kata kerja

Adjective : Kata Sifat

Adverb : Kata keterangan

Pronoun : Kata ganti

Noun : Kata Benda ciri-ciri : The (spesifik), a/an (general), some, many, few, one, two etc

� Nama (Tempat, Kota, Merek, etc)

� Benda yang bisa dihitung (Countable) ex book, chair, house, etc
� Benda yang tidak bisa dihitung (Uncountable) biasanya berupa cairan, uang, helaian, butiran,
20 kilograms of rice
� Gerund : Ving yang berfungsi sebagai noun. Swimming is my hobby.


1. Noun singular countable harus ditemani determiner/article

Ex. Book is expensive. (Salah)
The book is expensive.
A book is expensive.
One book is expensive.
Books are expensive (Benar)
Some books are expensive. (Benar)
I have money.
I have the money.

Verb : Kata Kerja

1. Helping Verb / Aux. verb

- Be Verb (Be-Been-been-being) + V3 (Pasif/di) /Ving (Aktif/me) / Noun / Adjective
Is (She/he/it/singular)
Am (I)
Are (You/They/we/plural)

cars(ditambah s = plural/lebih dari 1)

car (singular): cuma 1
Was (I/She/he/it/singular)
Were (You/they/we/plural)

Ex. I am an office worker (N)

I was an office worker.
She was my girlfriend.
He is my boyfriend.
He was my boyfriend.
Adjective : Opinion(no standardization), size, age, shape, color, origin
(asal/ras/suku/bangsa/etc), material
Yesterday He (was/is) here.
I (am/was) late now.
They (were/are) helping miss Anita at this moment.
one cat (is/am/are) missing.
Some cats (is/am/are) missing

the book (is/am/are) thick. vs Thin

The books (is/am/are) thick.

The book is not thick.

The book isn’t thick.

Is the book thick?

isn’t = is not

aren’t = are not

Ox vs Oxen (oxens/oxes ; incorrect)

The car (was/were) expensive.

the cars (was/were) expensive.
my tooth (singular) (is/am/are) falling.
my teeth (plural) (is/am/are) falling.

Some alumni of this school (was/were) working in the same company.


goose vs geese

Phenomena vs Phenomenon

child (cuma 1) vs children (lebih dari 1)

car (cuma 1) vs cars (lebih dari 1)
men (plural) vs man (singular)
woman(singular) vs women (plural)
boy vs girl
son vs daughter
He is tall (Adj)
The Poor are here.
I am cook chicken.
I am cooking chicken.
I am cooked by chicken.
i was (sing(v1)/sang(v2)/sung(v3)/singing(ving)) the song.
The song was sung by me.
She was call by her mom. -> She was called by her mom. | She was calling her mom.
The shoes were took by Bambang -> The shoes were taken by Bambang. | Bambang was
taking the shoes.
Tikus menggigit kucing-> The mouse is biting the kitty /cat.
Rumah-rumah itu dijual. -> The houses are sold.
saya menjual rumah. > I am selling houses.
The amazing movie / The amazed movie
I am amazed now.

The stealing watch/ The stolen watch

the stealing person
the stealing watch plan

I am eating(ving) a cucumber. (saya memakan timun)

I am eaten(v3) by a cucumber. (saya dimakan timun)
i am ate by cucumber.
The rice is sold in the store.
The rice is sold by Mia in the store.
I am boring. (saya membosankan - saya membuat org lain menjadi bosan)
I am bored. (saya merasa bosan - saya dibikin bosan oleh orang lain)
They are baking cookies. (Ving)
The cookies were baked by them. (V3-> dipanggang)
The cookies were baking them.

The cat is biting the mouse. (me)

The cat is bitten by the mouse. (di)
The cookie was bake (V1) by them ( SALAH)
Fajri is sing (V1) in the bathroom. (Salah)
Fajri is singing. (Betul)
The song was sang (V2) by Fajri. (Salah)
The song was singing by Fajri.

The song was sung by Fajri (Benar)

I was eating candy. (ving) – makan (aktif)
I was eaten by the candy. (v3) – dimakan (pasif)
I was almost eaten by Buto Ijo.
I was almost eating Buto Ijo.

The data which is shown by the table gives information on Ice cream sold in Jambi.
The table gives information on Ice cream sold in Jambi.
Buku itu dijual kemarin. The book was sold yesterday.
Rina menjual buku itu sekarang. Rina is selling the book now.
- Have (Have-had-had-having) + V3 (sudah)/Noun (punya)

Present perfect: since + year, recently, yet,just, for + duration

Has (He/she/it/singular)
Have (I/You/They/we/plural)
I have a house. (saya punya, masih punya)
I have taken the test. (waktunya ga spesifik)
I have lived here since 2008.
I have been working here for 3 years.
I haven’t sent the letter yet.

Past : by + year, before/after + v2

Had (Semua subjek) + v3 (to highlight an activity that happened before other activities in the
I had a house. ( punya tapi di masa lalu, sekarang udah ga punya)
By 2008, I had sold twelve bikes.
I had taken the test before I went to my grandma's house. (ada WAKTU LAMPAU)

aku sudah membeli baju. (have / has v3)
aku sudah membeli baju minggu lalu. (v2 memiliki waktu tertentu)
Apakah kamu sudah pernah melihat jerapah? (udah atau belum) present perfect
Have you seen a giraffe?
i have seen a giraffe.
Saya ke Jogja tahun lalu.
apakah kemarin kamu melihat jerapah? (waktu tertentu lampau) simple past / v2
did you see a giraffe yesterday?
I have owned this house since 2006.
I have swept the floor.
I have a book. (Noun)
I had a book.
The school (have/has) a serious problem.
Some serious mistakes (has/have) been made by them.
They have made some serious mistakes.
They have been made by some serious mistakes.

Budi and Febi (have/has) found a cat.

I have taken the test. -> saya sudah melakukan testnya (you dont highlight the time)
I had taken the test. -> I had taken the test before I took this course.
They have studied the material. (V3)
Salsa has throwing the trash. (Salah)
Salsa has thrown the trash. (Benar)
He has move here since 2009. (Salah)
He has moved here since 2009. (Benar)
Fara has been calling you for 5 minutes.
Fara has been called by me for 5 minutes.
Fara had been calling (had +v3) you for 5 minutes before we left (v2)the house.
Fara has called me for 5 minutes.
Fara has being called for one minute.
i had watched a movie before i slept.
Gaby has had a phone.
I have a house.
They have had a house.
Gaby had had a car before she bought a new one last month.
Gaby had had a car before she had a new one
Gaby has a car.
Gaby had a car.

- Modal + Verb asli/ bare inf (Verb tanpa perubahan atau tambahan)
Will/Shall/Can/May/Must (Semua subjek)

Would/Should/Could/Might/had to (Semua subjek)

studied (v3) -> study (v asli) + ed

will + bare inf = aktif
will + be + noun/adj = aktif
will + be + v3 = pasif : A hospital will be constructed in that area.
will + be + ving = aktif (kegiatan yg akan dilakukan di waktu tertentu)
I will be selling the phone tomorrow at 6 am.
I will sell the phone -> the phone will be sold by me.
I can studied.
I can be studied.
Later if I die, I will allow myself to be used as a cadaver. so I can be studied by the young
Tomorrow, the house will be sold.
I will be go.
She may goes by herself.
she may went.
she may go.
have vs has vs had vs having
She will has a new student.
be vs been vs being vs is/am/are/ was / were
they will been the new group.
having -> have
Susan and John will go to the university.
Danu will going to campus tomorrow. (Salah)
Danu will go to campus tomorrow.
Nesa will goes to campus next year.
Nana will be a singer.
They will have a new car. (Benar)
She will has a new car. (Salah)
She will have a new car. (Benar)
Fajri will did (v2) the job for you. (Salah)
Fajri will do the job for you. (Benar)
The job will be finished by Fajri for you.
The book will be sell tomorrow.
I will sell the book tomorrow.
I will have finished the job tomorrow by 9 am. (Benar)
I will have finish the job tomorrow by 9 am. (Salah > Have setelahnya harus V3)
Thia will be playing tennis next week at 7 am.
Thia will be play tennis next week at 7 am.

thia will be played tennis.

The game will be played by the team next week.
they will have been doing the paper for a week by the end of this day.

2. Main Verb
- V1 (me/aktif) -> Fakta, Kebiasaan, Statement
- passive form : is am are + v3
ciri: usually, sometimes, rarely, mainly, normally, mostly, often, once in …, two times in a ..,
She/He/it (singular)= S + V1 +Es/S | does not + v1 | does + S + v1?
I/You/They/We (plural) = S + V1 | do not + v1 | do + S + v1?

Fajri (cut/cuts) the cucumber. (Cuts, He/she)

Dena and Tama (take/takes) the gift. (Take, They)
The graph (compare/compares) the income of two countries.
Reni (prepare/prepares) breakfast every monday.
the tables (compare/compares) the income of two countries.
The income of the two countries is compared in the table.
A bird take my bread.
Birds takes my bread.
he doesn’t lives here
He doesn't live here.
Does he live here?
- V2 (me/aktif)-> Hal-hal terkait waktu lampau, kegiatan yang sudah lewat dan selesai di masa
passive : was / were + v3
Semua subjek = S + V2 | did not + v1 | did + s + v1
was : she he it i
were : you they we
ago, last, in + tahun lampau, when + v2/past event, yesterday, did, was, were

In 2005, the amount of the fuel (Rose/Risen). (V1 -> Rise, V2 -> Rose, V3 ->Risen)
Last month Jojo (take / took / taken) the course.
Last month the course was taken by Jojo.
The cat (examined/was examined) by the vet three days ago.
Three days ago the vet examined the cat.
The tables showed the result of mining exports in Vietnam in 2000.
The result of mining exports in Vietnam was shown in the tables.
The book was took by Intan.
Talita didn’t took the book.
Did Talita take the book?

- V3 ( Ga bisa muncul sendiri, harus ditemani Aux.)

Be (dkk) + V3 (Pasif)
Have (dkk) + V3

The paper has been (Be) printed (V3) since I came. (Benar)
They have eaten the fried chicken. (Benar)
I gone there with my family. (Salah)
I have gone there with my family.
I went there with my family.

- Ving (Ga bisa muncul sendiri)

Be (Dkk) + Ving

I have (BUKAN Be) taking (Ving) a bath. (Salah)

I am taking a bath.(Benar)
I have been taking a bath. (Benar)
Libna has been (Be) cooking for one hour.
Libna will have been cooking for one hour by the time we come.


Patokan tenses!

1. Simple : tidak ada aturan tambahan (rumus basic/sederhana)

2. Cont (waktu/durasi tertentu) : Ving -> to be + ving
3. Perfect (sudah dilakukan/ sudah selesai) : Have + V3
4. Future (masa depan): Will + V asli
5. Pasif : V3 -> To be + V3

present cont : to be + ving -> is/am/are + ving

past cont : was / were + ving

future cont : will + (bare inf + to be) + ving -> will +be +ving

kemarin saya belajar. (lampau) s.past

kemarin jam 3 saya belajar. past + cont : was/were + ving

besok jam 3 aku akan belajar. Future cont : will + be ving

besok jam 4 aku udah ngumpulin pr. . Future + perfect + cont = will +( bare inf + have) + (V3 + to be )+

-> will + have + been + ving = I will have been writing the paper for a week by the end of this week.

i will have been writing the paper for one week tomorrow at 4 pm.

(sekarang aku lagi belajar.)

future cont : will + (v asli + to be) + ving = will + be + ving

present perf cont : have / has + (v3 + to be) + ving = have/has + been + ving

Simple Present (aktif) : V1 : Chindi brings the book.

Simple present (pasif) : to be + v3 -> is/am/are + v3 : The book is brought by Chindi

Simple past (aktif) : V2, Chindi brought the book.

Simple past (pasif) : to be + v3 -> was/were + v3, the book was brought by Chindi.

Simple Future (aktif) : will + v asli , Chindi will bring the book.

Simple future (pasif) : will + v asli + to be + v3 -> will + be + v3, The book will be brought by Chindi.

Future perfect: will + v asli + have + v3 -> will + have + v3, Chindi will have brought the book.

Future perfect pasif : Will +(v asli + have )+ (v3 + to be)+ v3 -> will + have + been + v3. The book will
have been brought by Cindi.

Past Cont : To be + Ving -> was/were + ving

Past Cont. Pasif : was/were +ving + to be + v3-> Was/were + being +v3

Past perfect : Have+ V3-> had + v3

Past perfect pasif : had + v3 + to be + v3 -> had been v3

Past perf cont : had + V3 + to be + Ving -> had been ving

Fara will have been phoned by her friend by the time we come.

Fara will not have been phoned by her friend by the time we come

Will fara have been phoned by her friend by the time we come?
Note :

Negative : S + Aux + not + Verb

Tanya : Aux+S+V?


1. Simple Present : V1 + es/s atau S +to be+ N/Adj, atau is/am/are, Membicarakan fakta,
statement, kebiasaan
She/he/it -> V1 + Es/s
I/You/they/we -> V1
? - > Do/does + v asli
Ex. They rarely study.
Do they rarely study?
Fajri takes a bath twice a day.
I don’t eat fish.
She doesn’t bring the book.
Does she bring the book?
You are so kind.
She is very lovely.
The sun rises in the east.
2. Present Cont: To be + Ving -> Is/am/are + Ving, Membicarakan momen saat itu,
kejadian/proses yang sedang terjadi.
Ex. I am studying math.
We are studying IELTS.
3. Present Perfect: Have + V3 -> Have/has + N,
Have/has + been + V3
Membicarakan kejadian yang sudah terjadi/selesai, kejadian yang berlangsung terus2an,
kejadian yang masih berlangsung hingga sekarang.
time signal : since + time/v2, for + duration, yet, never, ever, recently.
Have : I/You/They/we/plural
Has : He/She/it/singular
Ex. I have sold my book.
My book has been sold.
She has sung the song since I came.
He has listened to the song for thousand times.
I have lived here since 2008.
i have helped my mom.
She has sent the letter.
4. Present perf. cont: Have + V3 + To be + Ving -> Have + been +Ving, Membicarakan kejadian
yang sudah terjadi, kejadiaan yang berlangsung terus2an,kejadian yang masih berlangsung
hingga sekarang namun memiliki durasi
Ex : I have been working on my paper for 2 hours.
I have been living here for 8 years.
She has been singing for one hour.
5. Simple Past : V2 atau was/were,Membicarakan kejadian masa lampau yang sudah selesai. Ada
kata-kata seperti “in/on/at + waktu lampau, before,last, …. ago, yesterday, etc”
Aux : did + v asli
Ex: He went to university in 2002
He did not go to university in 2003
Did he go to university in 2003?
They were called as “Pandas” before.
6. Past Cont : Was/Were + Ving -> Membicarakan kejadian masa lalu yang terjadi di waktu
tertentu. Biasanya ada ciri-ciri “ when+v2/ waktu lampau+ jam”
Ex: I was cooking when my mom called me.(Saat dipanggil masih memasak)
He was playing video game yesterday at 7 am.
7. Past Perf : Had + V3 -> Membicarakan kejadian di masa lalu yang terjadi lebih dulu sebelum
kejadian masa lalu lainnya. 2 kejadian masa lampau yg berurutan/berturut-turut
Biasanya ada kata “ by + waktu lampau – before/after + v2 – when+v2 (berurutan)
Kemarin saya sarapan sebelum belajar. I had breakfast before I studied. | First I had
breakfast, and then I studied.
setelah sarapan, saya mulai belajar
saya mulai belajar setelah sarapan kemarin.

saya sudah selesai menonton tv saat kamu memanggilku semalam.

i had watched/ i had finished watching TV when you called me last night.
saya sedang menonton tv saat kamu memanggilku.

I had eaten my breakfast before I studied.

Ex. Mas Fajri had finished writing the paper when I came. (Waktu datang, kegiatan menulis
sudah selesai.)
I had cooked the rendang when you phoned me two days ago.
After I had cooked the rendang, you phoned me.
After the rendang had been cooked, you phoned me.
After the rendang had been cooked, I was phoned by her.
you phoned me after i had cooked the rendang.
Rizka had had a car before she bought the new one last month.
Rizka had a car before. Then she bought the new one last month.

First Dilla ironed her clothes. Next, she washed mine.

After Dilla had ironed the clothes, she washed the other clothes.

Past Perf. S.Past S.Present S. Future

8. Past Perf. Cont. : Had + been+ Ving -> Membicarakan kejadian di masa lalu yang terjadi lebih
dulu sebelum kejadian masa lalu lainnya namun ada durasi. Biasanya ada kata “ by + waktu
lampau – before/after + v2 – when+v2 (berurutan)
Ex. Rahma had been singing for thirty minutes before the show started.
I had been watching television for one hour when you phoned me.
I had watching television for one hour when you phoned me.

9. S. Future : Will + V asli/bare inf

Will + be + V3
-> Menceritakan kejadian yang akan terjadi.
ciri : next, tomorrow, following
Ex. I will write the report tomorrow.
I am writing the report tomorrow.
I am going to write the report tomorrow.
The report will be written by me tomorrow.
The report is being written by me tomorrow.
The report is going to be written by me tomorrow.

● Note : tenses ini bisa diganti dengan “ S+To be+ Ving/S+to be+ going to + Verb asli”

● to be + being + v3

● to be + going to + be + v3

The factory will be demolished. (akan) -> rencana

The factory will have been demolished. (rencana dgn waktu spesifik)

the factory has been demolished. (sudah) -> masa kini

the factory was demolished.

Ex: I am going to write this.

I am writing this tomorrow.

I will take the cake tomorrow.

The cake will be taken tomorrow by me.

I am going to take the cake tomorrow.

The cake is being taken tomorrow.

The cake is going to be taken tomorrow.

10. Future Cont : will + be + ving -> Menceritakan kejadian yang akan terjadi di masa depan pada
waktu tertentu. Ciri-ciri “ waktu masa depan + jam “
Ex. Elga will be finishing her homework tomorrow at 9 am.
Dahayu will be performing the dance at this time next week.
11. Future perfect : will+have+V3 -> menceritakan kejadian yang akan selesai di masa depan.
Ihsan will have finished his homework by the end of this week.
Dahayu will have danced the new choreography by the end of the day.
12. Future perf. Cont : Will+have+been+ving -> Menceritakan kejadian dengan durasi tertentu
yang akan selesai di masa akan datang
Salsa and Lasma will have been editing the magazine for one week by the end of this day.
Dahayu will have been dancing at the new studio for two hours by the end of the day.

IN (General) -> Country, City, Province, year, month

ON , ( in middle) street, beach, etc, day, date

AT (specific) certain places, restaurant, school, hospital etc, time (09.00, etc)

I was born on 1996.

i was born in 24 september 1998.

This (ini/ close to you, singular) vs these (ini/close to you, plural)

this pens. (IC)

That (itu/ far from you, singular) vs Those (itu/ far from you, plural)

those pen.


shopping in the downtown of the city IS FUN BECAUSE it has improved a lot in recent year.


Conditional Sentences:

Tipe 1 : Pengandaian di masa depan/bisa terjadi/harapan di masa depan

If + S + V1/Is/Am/Are + O, S + Will/Can/May/Shall/Must + V1

If I pass the exam, I will go back to my hometown.

I will go to the beach if the weather is warm.

If the government makes regulations about the parking lot, it can help to reduce the traffic congestion.

Tipe 2: Pengandaian yang benar-benar pengandaian

If + S + were + O, S+Would/Could/Might/Should + V1

If I were rich, I would buy a sports car.

Reduced -> Were + S + O, S+Would/Could/Might/Should + V1

Were I rich, I would buy a sports car.

Tipe 3 : Pengandaian masa lalu/ kemungkinan terjadi tidak ada

If S+ Had + been/v3 + O, S+ Would dkk + Have + been/v3

If I had sold my house, I would have been rich.

reduced -> Had + S + Been/v3 + O, Would dkk + Have + been/v3

Had I sold my house, I would have been rich.

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