Love Story

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2/Group 1

1. Azizul (22020122100054)
2. Rani (22020122100055)
3. Alya Sabila Pratama (22020122120001)
4. Ayunna Dhea Annantasya (22020122120002)
5. Khalisah Iralistya (22020122120003)
6. Siti Khotimah (22020122120004)
7. Salma Cantikasari (22020121140225)

The Love from Trauma

My name is Anita, my family has been destroyed since 10 years ago to be exact when I
was 6 years old. The reason my family broke was because my mother was too busy with her
work and always came home late at night. Seeing this my father became angry and often did
something violent to my mother. Until my father gave my mother a choice to divorce or
continue her work. However, my mother chose to divorce from my father and was more
concerned with her work, my mother did not want to take custody of me either. Since then, I
have lived with my father, I felt so gloomy. I never felt the slightest affection. When he saw me
dad always remembered mom so he always started playing rough with me. Because of the lack
of attention and affection from my parents, I join the wrong circle and did not believe in a
relationship, especially men. It was very traumatic for myself.

When I was in high school, many boys tried to approach me. But because of my trauma I
became a closed person in terms of feelings and did not trust all men. Because of my attitude,
many men finally gave up on pursuing me. Until one day there was a boy from the next class
who secretly liked me. We didn't know each other well before. After years of suppressing his
feelings, in his last year he started to get up the courage to approach me openly. Starting from
every time in the cafeteria he always called me. Not to mention during sports lessons, he always
looked at me and called my name. Until all my classmates memorized his behavior. Honestly,
I'm very uncomfortable with his actions. Until many times I unconsciously show bad behavior to
him in response to my trauma. When I was initially asked to go out with him, I was really scared
because of my bad thoughts that were running rampant that he would either be mean to me,
hurt me, and leave me. But he always reassured me and invited me very gently, until finally
after a few times we were out together, he led me to trust him and was willing to be a hold for
me. At first I was afraid and thought that he would be the same as my father but I was wrong,
no matter how bad my attitude towards him was, who at first always rejected him, spoke
harshly, and ignored him, he did not give up on approaching me. Until finally one day I started
to tell him my story and he said he would help me to get out of my traumatic hole. He was so
different from the other boys I’ve had known.

One time I was invited to play at his house and met his parents and sister. His family is
very kind to me, they cook for me, treat me like their daughter, love me and take care of me.
Honestly, I'm sort of envious of his family's life, but I'm also glad that I finally felt a feeling I had
never felt before.

Because of him, I started to become a better person, my assumptions have started to

change to a positive thing and I also changed my appearance to look new and of course in a
good direction. I did this for myself as well as my gratitude to him.
Love is a unique thing. We can feel love, but we can't see it. There are no requirements, rules, or
spatial conditions to feel love (love and be loved). When you love someone regardless of their
background or flaws, accept, all their flaws and don't demand anything more from them, that's
called unconditional love.

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