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Bibliography Objectives Variables Method Major Findings Recommendation

SANTOS, A., FERNANDEZ, This paper aims to discuss Language acquisition, In this study made at The results showed that older The researcher suggest that
the different factors behind Philippine English, English Batangas State learners acquire their L2 more we should find a way to
V., & ILUSTRE, R. the descending Filipino Proficiency, Philippine University by Mojares effectively than their younger connect with each other: Not
English proficiency, such as ranking, ESL. (2013), the lecture counterpart. It is parallel to the getting left behind in terms of
learners’ motivation, method and findings of Sollars and English language education
(2022). English
parental involvement, brainstorming are most Pumfrey that the older group that is needed for achieving
learning environment, commonly used. performed better at receptive goals for our learner and
Language Proficiency in teaching strategies, skills (listening and reading) country’s future; not losing our
comprehensive input, than the younger ones. national identity in the process.
the Philippines: An learners’ socio-economic
status, and learners' age.
Overview. International

Journal of English

Language Studies, 4(3),



Merza, N. H. M. (2022c, April This study aimed to Competence, English The researcher collected The study find out that the The researcher suggest that
ascertain the basic English Grammar, Parts of data for analysis using subjects were moderately Filipino Freshmen students
24). English Grammar grammar proficiency of first- Speech, Subject-verb the descriptive method competent in basic English should expose themselves to
year technology students at Agreement and a validated grammar but excelled in the factors that will help them
Don Mariano Marcos Achievement Test correct use of conjunctions, improve their competency level
Competence Of Filipino
Memorial State University prepositions, possessive forms in English and should strive to
and to produce a work text of nouns, and verb tenses; use the language in their daily
College Freshmen | as an output. they were weak in the conversations in their homes
pronoun-antecedent and even in the community.
Journal of Positive School relationship, noun pluralization, Moreover, they should develop
subject-verb agreement, their Basic English Grammar
Psychology. adverb, and pronoun types, specifically in a pronoun
adjectives and adverbs order, antecedent relationship,
https://www.journalppw.c and adjectives' degree of pluralization of nouns,
om/index.php/jpsp/article/ comparison determining types of pronouns,
subject-verb agreement,
view/3766 adjectives (degree of
comparison and order), and
adverbs (types and order) by
answering some instructional
materials like Worktext or
exercises/activities to be
familiarized with the rules.
Çetinavcı, U. (2010). The aims of this study is to Language Proficiency, Quantitative Method The findings point to the The researcher suggest that
investigate the language Foreign Language participants’ complaint and reading course books, lecture
Language Proficiency proficiency of foreign Teacher Trainees, problem of English decreasing notes and printouts is still the
language teacher trainees. Curriculum, Teacher in proficiency level throughout dominant way to prepare for
Education their teacher training process the exams and classes.
Level of English
and their attribution of this Reading, which can be claimed
problem mainly to the to be the least demanding skill
Language Teacher curriculum and teaching among other skills of writing,
practices, which should lead listening and speaking, seems
Trainees in Turkey | every stakeholder, but firstly to be the principally required
teacher trainers, to reconsider skill throughout the training
AVESÄ°S. foreign language teacher program.
education in Turkey.







Marzulina, L., Mukminin, A., The study aims were to Grammatical The study employed a The findings indicated that The study suggest that more
find out student teachers’ Awareness, mixed method student teachers had four efforts need to be made at
Erlina, D., Astrid, A., grammatical awareness Grammatical Mistakes, research. Mixed types of grammatical English student teachers to
Ajriyah, N., Holandiyah, and their perception Rules of Tenses, method research. The awareness, namely promote grammatical
towards grammatical Student Teachers present study, the awareness among aspiring
M., & Habibi, A. (2019). awareness. quantitative method (1) metalanguage teachers. This is important
was used to determine recognition, as it was found that student
The Grammatical students’ grammatical (2) metalanguage teacher had poor ability to
awareness while the explain grammatical error 
Awareness of Student qualitative method was
used to find out (3) Identification and
Teachers: The Case of an student teacher’s grammatical error
perception towards correction, and (4)
English Education Study grammatical grammatical rules
explanation. The student
Program in Indonesia.
teachers lacked of
Universal Journal of grammatical awareness. It
could be seen from their
Educational Research, ability to explain
grammatical mistakes.
7(9), 1847–1859. Rules in grammar and
explanation tasks were the most difficult for them
whereas the easiest one
er.2019.070902 was a metalanguage
recognition task. The major
factor of their weakness was
the complexity of the rules
of tenses.

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