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RA 9266 - Architecture Act of 2004

Rule I - title, policy statement, the definition of terms, and scope of practice
• The House of Representatives has approved RA 9266, the Philippines' highest building
regulation, to promote the nation as an Asian hub for commerce, culture, and tourism.
Additionally, it aimed to improve Philippine architecture to create a well-planned, resilient,
and sustainable built environment that would support the development of Philippine
• It may be referred to as the "IRR of the Architecture Act of 2004" for convenience.
• The State is aware of how crucial architects are to the growth and construction of a country.
• Therefore, through unwavering, truthful, efficient, and credible licensure examinations as
well as through regulatory measures, programs, and activities that foster their professional
growth and development, it shall develop and nurture competent, virtuous, productive, and
well-rounded professional architects whose standards of practice and service shall be
excellent, qualitative, world-class, and globally competitive.
• The "IRR of the Architecture Act of 2004" shall be read, understood, and applied by the
Statement of Policy contained in Section 2 of Republic Act No. 9266
• Architecture is the planning, design, and construction of structures in their whole while
taking into consideration their surroundings and according to the principles of utility,
strength, and beauty.
• An architect is a person with architectural training, registration, and authorized by R.A.
Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification No. 9266
• Architect-of-record is a person who is professionally and directly in charge of the client's
project's overall design.
• The architect in charge of Construction is legally and professionally accountable, and
responsible, and the project's construction is supervised
• A consulting architect is exceptionally skilled or acknowledged for their specialization in
any area of architecture, and is one who is qualified both professionally and academically.
• General Practice of Architecture is the act of planning, conceptualizing, specifying,
regulating, and providing general administration and responsible guidance to the erection,
enlargement, or changes of buildings and building environments is referred to as "planning
and architectural designing." Architecture is the systematic, artistic organization of all the
steps involved in creating a finished building or structure, carried out by unbiased first
analyses of designs, consultations, specifications, and other written materials.
• The scope of architecture includes the provision of expert services related to the site, a
structure or set of buildings' physical and planning aspects, as well as the design,
construction, enlargement, conservation, renovation, remodeling, restoration, or alteration
of a building.
• Contract documents
A) special provisions or conditions
B) general conditions
C) drawings
D) specifications
E) other bid documents
• Urban design is the physical and systemic planning that an architect does on a societal and
urban scale.
• Integrated & accredited professional organization is a current, active, and recognized
national organization for all Filipino architects.
• Site planning is the meticulous planning of all the regions around a building or other
• Continuing professional development is a sustained and ongoing process of learning that
maintains, improves, or boosts architects' knowledge and capacity for learning
• Acronyms
(a) Architecture Act Of 2004 – r.a. No. 9266
(b) BOA – board of architecture
(c) CHED – commission on higher education
(d) CIAC – construction industry arbitration commission
(e) CPD – continuing professional development
(f) DOLE – department of labor and employment
(g) DTI – department of trade and industry
(h) IAPOA – integrated accredited professional organization of architects
(i) Intellectual Property Code Of The Philippines – r.a. No. 8293
(j) PCAB – Philippine contractors accreditation board
(k) PDCB – Philippine domestic construction board page 7 of 24
(l) PRB – professional regulatory board (the same as boa for the profession of architecture)
(m) PRC – professional regulation commission
(n) PRC modernization act of 2000 – r.a. No. 8981
(o) SEC – securities and exchange commission
(p) UAP – united architects of the Philippines, inc
Rule II - professional regulatory board of architecture: organization, powers, and functions
• The chairman and two other members of the professional regulatory board shall be chosen
by the president. The board will be established as soon as the 2004 architecture act takes
effect. Each member is eligible for re-appointment for one full term (three years), and
current board members are eligible to be appointed as new members.
• Candidates for membership on the professional regulatory board must be Filipino citizens
and residents, holders of a bachelor of science in architecture degree, holders of a current
certificate of registration and professional identification card, and active practitioners of
architecture for at least ten (10) years.
• Term of office
A) Three-year term in office
B) Each member is eligible for re-appointment for a full term (3 yrs)
C) Chairman for only three years, 2 years for 1 member, and 1 year for another member
D) Current board members may be appointed to serve on the first board
• Powers and function of the board - The "IRR of the Architecture Act of 2004" is monitored
by United Architects of the Philippines, Inc. (UAP), which also issues, suspends, revokes,
and reinstates the Certificate of Registration and the Professional as well as prescribes
and/or adopts the Code of Ethical Conduct and Standards of Professional. Perform oath-
• The Philippines president. The Commission has the authority to suspend a board member
on its recommendation.
• Compensation and allowances.
Rule III. Examination, registration, and licensure
• Examination Required - A licensure examination is a requirement for all applicants seeking
registration to practice architecture.
• Qualifications of Applicant for Examination - Both Filipino citizens and Filipino citizens
of other countries were eligible to take the exam as specified in Section 27, Art. (4) of R.A.
The Board claims that No. 9266 of the "IRR of the Architecture Act of 2004" applies. The
aforementioned requirements must be supported by the following documents: The National
Statistics Office (NSO) Security Paper Certificate of Live Birth, the Marriage Contract, the
Baccalaureate Transcript of Records, and the Architect-Mentor Affidavit all required for
married female applicants.
• Score on the Licensure Examination - A candidate must acquire to be qualified as having
passed the architect licensure examination. A weighted general average of 70% with no
grade lower than 50% in each particular subject.
• Report of Ratings - The Board must disclose to the Commission the ratings received by
each candidate within 30 days. Thirty (30) days following the examination.
• Certificates of Registration and Professional Identification Cards are issued. Be granted to
every registrant who has paid the prescribed annual registration fee for the previous three
(3) years
• On all architectural plans, drawings, specifications, and other contract agreements created
by or under his or her direct supervision, an architect who is in good standing must affix
the seal established by the Board bearing the registrant's name, registration number, and
the title "Architect."
• A person who made a false claim or misrepresented themselves when applying for the
exam, a person who has been found guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction of a crime
involving moral turpitude, a person who has engaged in immoral or dishonorable behavior,
or a person who is mentally ill.
• The Board has the authority to suspend or revoke the validity of a Certificate of
Registration/Professional Identification Card after giving notice and holding a hearing.
• The Board may, upon application and for justifications deemed appropriate and sufficient,
reinstate the validity of a revoked Certificate of Registration after the passage of two (2)
years from the date of revocation. In doing so, the Board may, at its discretion, exempt the
applicant from reapplication requirements.
Rule IV. The practice of architecture (sundry provisions)
• Section 25. Registration of Architects Required
(A) A person must have a Certificate of Registration from the Board and receive a
Professional Identification Card as described below and as required going forward
Obey the rules set down by R.A. No. 9266.
(B) A foreign architect is not permitted to work in our nation.
• Section 26. Vested Rights. Architects Registered When This Law is Passed- when
this law becomes operative, all registered architects will immediately become
• Section 27. Reciprocity Requirements. The ALE is not open to "foreign citizens."
Or by Reciprocity between his nation and ours by submitting a letter asking for the
applicant from abroad to be permitted to sit the exam by the chairman of the Board of
• Section 28. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) - The integrated and
recognized professional organization is accountable for creating a program for
architects' continued professional development.
• Section 29. Prohibition in the Practice of Architecture and Penal Clause –
(a) presenting or attempting to utilize the Certificate of Registration as one's own.
professional identification card, another seal, temporary permit, or special
authorization, or anyone who provides the Board with any fabricated or fraudulent
evidence of any type.
(b) Will be prosecuted with a misdemeanor by the Commission if found guilty in
court. If found guilty, get a punishment of at least $100,000 in fines
(P100,000.00) However, not more than P5,000,000.00, or to be imprisoned for a
length of time not less than a maximum of six (6) years, a maximum of six (6)
months, or both, at the Court's discretion.
(c) Any head of a government agency or officer(s) of a private firm/institution who
violates Section 7 – sub-paragraph (L) of R.A. No. 8981 shall be punished by
imprisonment of not less than six (6) months and one (1) day to not more than six
(6) years, or a fine of not less than Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) to not more
than Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (P500,000.00) or both at the discretion of the
• Section 30. Prohibition in the Practice of Architecture - Forcing an architect to do
services without a formal contract is a misdemeanor. (Fine - 200,000 pesos) or six years,
or both.
• Section 31. Liability of Representatives of Non-Registered Persons
• - Seeking architectural work on their behalf by using a representative or employee.
Request for architectural work is prohibited for any unregistered architect since it could
be interpreted as an offer to practice architecture and those who lack a license to do so.
• Section. 32. Signing and Sealing of Architectural Plans, Specifications, Architectural
Permits and Other Contract Documents - The Board will establish all essential guidelines
for the signing and sealing of documents, including reports, drawings, specifications, and
other types of paperwork. The Board of Architecture Registry Number and the SEC or DTI
Registry Numbers should be conspicuously placed on all architectural documents created
by architectural firms.
• Section 33. Ownership of Plans, Specifications, and Other Contract Documents -
documentation and intellectual property of the architect
• Section 36. Collection of Professional Fees- It is forbidden for anyone who isn't registered
to get payment for architectural services.
• except when acting as an agent for a Registered Architect and receiving a fee.
• Section 37. Limitation to the Registration of a Firm, Company, Partnership, Corporation
or Association-
(a) At least seventy-five percent (75%) of the owners, shareholders, members,
incorporators, directors, and executive officers must be registered and licensed architects.
(b) This business, partnership, corporation, or other entity must be registered with the
Board and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
• SECTION 38. Coverage of Temporary/Special Permits
Foreign national's conditions:
(a) in their country, they permit Filipino professionals to practice
(b) legally qualified to practice in his own country
(c) with Filipino counterpart
(d) securing special permits from PRC and DOLE
• Section 39. Liability Insurance of a Person or Entity Allowed to Practice under a
Temporary/Special Permit must secure locally their professional liability insurance or
malpractice insurance or their acceptable equivalent in bond form.

Rule V. Final provisions

• Section 40. Integration of the architecture profession - One national organization has
received accreditation from the Board and Commission approval. – IAPOA
• Section 41. Implementing Rules and Regulations - rules and regulations, Code of Ethical
Conduct and Standards of Professional Practice
• Section 42. Appropriations - The Professional Regulation Commission's Chairperson shall
include in Programs developed by the Commission to carry out R.A. No. 9266, whose
funding is to be in the yearly General Appropriations Act
• Section 43. Act not affecting other professionals - R.A. No. 9266 shall not be interpreted
to restrict or prohibit the exercise of any other legally permissible activity.
• Section 44. Enforcement of the act - The Commission and the Board's legal counsel will
be provided by the Secretary of Justice or by another person duly authorized by him. The
requirements of R.A. will be enforced with the assistance of all properly formed law
enforcement organizations and officials of the federal, state, local, municipal, or any other
political subdivision thereof. "IRR of the Architecture Act of 2004" and No. 9266.
• Section 45. Separability clause - The remainder of this "IRR of the Architecture Act of
2004" or the application of these rules and regulations to other people or circumstances
will not be impacted by any declaration that any section or provision of the aforementioned
"IRR" or the application of such rules and regulations or provision to any person or
circumstance is unconstitutional or invalid.
• Section 46. Repealing clause - Any clauses contained in or portions thereof contained in
any rules, regulations, codes, orders, resolutions, measures, or other policies made and
promulgated by R.A. No. 545, P.D. No. 1581, as modified. R.A. No. 223 (as amended) No.
8981 is hereby repealed or altered by this "IRR of the Architecture Act of 2004," as well
as any other laws that conflict with it.
• Section 47. Effectivity - Upon approval by the following "IRR of the Architecture Act of
2004" become effective fifteen (15) days after its full publication in the Official Gazette or
two (2) large general circulation publications.

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