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Members: Racel Arancillo Grade:STEM12A-NEWTON

Dheryck Rhoven Diaz Date:

Keira De asin

Angel pavillon

Aaron Mendoza

Vince Sablon

Kathlyn Tulaytay


Chapter Three comprises of five sections: (1) Research Design, (2) Context and

Participants, (3) Research Instruments, (4) Data Collection Procedure, and (5) Data


Part One, Research Design, presents the type of research design this study utilized.

Part Two, Context and Participants, introduces the respondents who have participated

in this study.

Part Three, Research Instruments, specifies the instruments that the researchers used

in this study.

Part Four, Data Collection Procedure, shows the step-by-step process on how the

research was conducted.

Part Five, Data Analysis, presents the statistical methods and tools that the

researchers have used in processing and analyzing the data.

1.1. Research Design

This researchers used a quasi-experimental design. Campbell, D. T. (1979) defines quasi-

experimental research as ‘most likely to be conducted in field settings in which random

assignment is difficult or impossible’. They are often conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a

treatment—perhaps a type of psychotherapy or an educational intervention.

The major goal of this study is to obtain nutrients from dried moringa leaves, which are rich

in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, several vitamins, vital amino acids, and antioxidants, to

maintain normal blood pressure in adults in the district of Iloilo City.

In this study, the researchers utilized purposive sampling in identifying their respondents.

According to Guarte and Barrios (2007) it states that purposive sampling is described as a

random selection of sampling units within the segment of the population with the most

information on the characteristic of interest.

When researchers need people with knowledge and competence in a particular cultural

domain, the purposeful sampling technique, a sort of non-probability sampling, works best.

Additionally, this sampling approach is compatible with both quantitative and qualitative

research methods (Tongco, 2007).


1.2. Context and Participants

This study will be conducted in Barangay. San Isidro Jaro in Iloilo City where participants

were specifically chosen to participate and provide feedback for the moringa tea. In gathering

data the standard qualifications of respondents are adults who are 18 and above. They are

classified in two groups ten persons with Normal BP and ten person with High BP.

The researchers purposively selected adults whose ages are 18 and above yrs. old because most

adults experience abnormality or disturbance in their blood pressure.

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