Relational Learning of Pattern-Match Rules For Information Extraction

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Relational Learning of P a t t e r n - M a t c h Rules for

Information Extraction

Mary Elaine Califf and Raymond J. Mooney

D e p a r t m e n t of C o m p u t e r Sciences
U n i v e r s i t y of T e x a s at A u s t i n
A u s t i n , T X 78712
{mecaliff ,mooney}@cs. utexas, edu

Abstract Recently, several researchers have begun to ap-

ply learning methods to the construction of IE sys-
Information extraction systems process tems (McCarthy and Lehnert, 1995, Soderland et
natural language documents and locate ah, 1995, Soderland et al., 1996, Riloff, 1993, Riloff,
a specific set of relevant items. Given 1996, Kim and Moldovan, 1995, Huffman, 1996).
the recent success of empirical or corpus- Several symbolic and statistical methods have been
based approaches in other areas of natu- employed, but learning is generally used to construct
ral language processing, machine learning only part of a larger IE system. Our system, RAPIER
has the potential to significantly aid the (Robust Automated Production of Information Ex-
development of these knowledge-intensive traction Rules), learns rules for the complete IE
systems. This paper presents a system, task. The resulting rules extract the desired items
RAPmrt, that takes pairs of documents and directly from documents without prior parsing or
filled templates and induces pattern-match subsequent processing. Using only a corpus of doc-
rules that directly extract fillers for the uments paired with filled templates, RAPIER learns
slots in the template. The learning al- unbounded Eliza-like patterns (Weizenbaum, 1966)
gorithm incorporates techniques from sev- that utilize limited syntactic information, such as
eral inductive logic programming systems the output of a part-of-speech tagger. Induced pat-
and learns unbounded patterns that in- terns can also easily incorporate semantic class infor-
clude constraints on the words and part- mation, such as that provided by WordNet (Miller
of-speech tags surrounding the filler. En- et al., 1993). The learning algorithm was inspired
couraging results are presented on learn- by several Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) sys-
ing to extract information from com- tems and primarily consists of a specific-to-general
puter job postings from the newsgroup (bottom-up) search for patterns that characterize
misc. jobs.offered. slot-fillers and their surrounding context.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 presents background material on IE and re-
1 Introduction lational learning. Section 3 describes RAPIEK's rule
representation and learning algorithm. Section 4
An increasing amount of information is available in presents and analyzes results obtained on extracting
the form of electronic documents. The need to in- information from messages posted to the newsgroup
telligently process such texts makes information ex- Section 5 discusses related
traction (IE), the task of locating specific pieces of work in applying learning to IE, Section 6 suggests
data from a natural language document, a particu- areas for future research, and Section 7 presents our
larly useful sub-area of natural language processing conclusions.
(NLP). In recognition of their significance, IE sys-
tems have been the focus of DARPA's MUC program 2 Background
(Lehnert and Sundheim, 1991). Unfortunately, IE
2.1 Information Extraction
systems are difficult and time-consuming to build
and the resulting systems generally contain highly In information extraction, the data to be extracted
domain-specific components, making them difficult from a natural language text is given by a template
to port to new domains. specifying a list of slots to be filled. The slot fillers

Califf 8J Mooney 9 Relational Learning

Mary Elaine Califf and Raymond J. Mooney (1997) R e l a t i o n a l Learning o f P a t t e r n - M a t c h R u l e s for Infor-
mation E x t r a c t i o n . In T.M. Ellison (ed.) CoNLLPT: Computational Natural Language Learning, ACL pp 9-15.
@ 1997 Association for Computational Linguistics
Posting from Newsgroup Collins, 1991) allow induction over structured exam-
Telecommunications. SOLARIS Systems ples that can include first-order logical predicates
Administrator. 38-44K. Immediate need
and functions and unbounded data structures such
Leading telecommunications firm in need as lists, strings, and trees. Detailed experimen-
of an energetic individual to fill the tal comparisons of ILP and feature-based induction
following position in the Atlanta have demonstrated the advantages of relational rep-
office: resentations in two language related tasks, text cat-
egorization (Cohen, 1995) and generating the past
Salary: 38-44K with full benefits
tense of an English verb (Mooney and Califf, 1995).
Location: Atlanta Georgia, no While RAPIEa is not strictly an ILP system, its rela-
relocation assistance provided tional learning algorithm was inspired by ideas from
Filled Template the following ILP systems.
computer_science_job GOLEM (Muggleton and Feng, 1992) is a bottom-
title: SOLARIS Systems Administrator up (specific to general) ILP algorithm based on the
salary: 38-44K construction of relative least-general generalizations,
state: Georgia rlggs (Plotkin, 1970). The idea of least-general gen-
city: Atlanta
eralizations (LGGs) is, given two items (in ILP, two
platform: SOLARIS
area: telecommunications clauses), finding the least general item that covers
the original pair. This is usually a fairly simple com-
putation. Rlggs are the LGGs relative to a set of
Figure 1: Sample Message and Filled Template
background relations. Because of the difficulties in-
troduced by non-finite rlggs, background predicates
may be either one of a set of specified values or must be defined extensionally. The algorithm op-
strings taken directly from the document. For ex- erates by randomly selecting several pairs of posi-
ample, Figure 1 shows part of a job posting, and the tive examples and computing the determinate rlggs
corresponding slots of the filled computer-science job of each pair. Determinacy constrains the clause to
template. have for each example no more than one possible
IE can be useful in a variety of domains. The var- valid substitution for each variable in the body of the
ious MUC's have focused on domains such as Latin clause. The resulting clause with the greatest cover-
American terrorism, joint ventures, rnicroelectron- age of positive examples is selected, and that clause
ics, and company management changes. Others have is further generalized by computing the rlggs of the
used IE to track medical patient records (Soderland selected clause with new randomly chosen positive
et al., 1995) or company mergers (Huffman, 1996). examples. The generalization process stops when
A general task considered in this paper is extracting the coverage of the best clause no longer increases.
information from postings to USENET newsgroups, The CHILLIN (Zelle and Mooney, 1994) system
such as job announcements. Our overall goal is to combines top-down (general to specific) and bottom-
extract a database from all the messages in a news- up ILP techniques. The algorithm starts with a most
group and then use learned query parsers (Zelle and specific definition (the set of positive examples) and
Mooney, 1996) to answer natural language questions introduces generalizations which make the definition
such as "What jobs are available in Austin for C + + more compact. Generalizations are created by se-
programmers with only one year of experience?". lecting pairs of clauses in the definition and com-
Numerous other Internet applications are possible, puting LGGs. If the resulting clause covers negative
such as extracting information from product web examples, it is specialized by adding antecedent lit-
pages for a shopping agent (Doorenbos, Etzioni, and erals in a top-down fashion. The search for new liter-
Weld, 1997). als is carried out in a hill-climbing fashion, using an
information gain metric for evaluating literals. This
2.2 Relational Learning is similar to the search employed by FOIL (Quin-
Most empirical natural-language research has em- lan, 1990). In cases where a correct clause cannot
ployed statistical techniques that base decisions on be learned with the existing background relations,
very limited contexts, or symbolic techniques such CHILLIN attempts to construct new predicates which
as decision trees that require the developer to spec- will distinguish the covered negative examples from
ify a manageable, finite set of features for use in the covered positives. At each step, a number of
making decisions. Inductive logic programming and possible generalizations are considered; the one pro-
other relational learning methods (Birnbaum and ducing the greatest compaction of the theory is im-

Califf 8J Mooney 10 Relational Learning

plemented, and the process repeats. CHILLIN uses Pre-filler Pattern: Filler Pattern: Post-filler Pattern:
1) word: leading 1) list: len: 2 1) word: [firm, company]
the notion of empirical subsumption, which means tags: Inn, nns]
that as new, more general clauses are added, all of
the clauses which are not needed to prove positive
examples are removed from the definition. Figure 2: A Rule Extracting an Area Filler from the
Example Document
PROGOL (Muggleton, 1995) also combines
bottom-up and top-down search. Using mode decla-
rations provided for both the background predicates tern list specifies a maximum length N and matches
and the predicate being learned, it constructs a 0 to N words or symbols from the document that
most specific clause for a random seed example. The each must match the list's constraints. Possible con-
mode declarations specify for each argument of each straints are: a list of words, one of which must match
predicate both the argument's type and whether the document item; a list of part-of-speech (POS)
it should be a constant, a variable bound before tags, one of which must match the document item's
the predicate is called, or a variable bound by the POS tag; a list of semantic classes, one of which
predicate. Given this most specific clause, PROGOL must be a class that the document item belongs to.
employs a A*-like search through the set of clauses Figure 2 shows a rule created by hand that extracts
containing up to k literals from that clause in order the a r e a filler from the example document in fig-
to find the simplest consistent generalization to add ure reftemplate. This rule assumes that the docu-
to the definition. Advantages of PROGOL are that ment has been tagged with the POS tagger of (Brill,
the constraints on the search make it fairly efficient, 1994).
especially on some types of tasks for which top-down
approaches are particularly inefficient, and that its 3.2 The Learning Algorithm
search is guaranteed to find the simplest consistent As noted above, RAPIER is inspired by ILP meth-
generalization if such a clause exists with no more ods, and primarily consists of a specific to gen-
than k literals. The primary problems with the eral (bottom-up) search. First, for each slot, most-
system are its need for the mode declarations and specific patterns are created for each example, speci-
the fact that too small a k may prevent PROGOL fying word and tag for the filler and its complete con-
from learning correct clauses while too large a k text. Thus, the pre-filler pattern contains an item
may allow the search to explode. for each word from the beginning of the document to
the word immediately preceding the filler with con-
3 RAPIER System straints on the item consisting of the word and its
assigned POS tag. Likewise, the filler pattern has
3.1 Rule Representation one item from each word in the filler, and the post-
I:LAPIER's rule representation uses patterns that filler pattern has one item for each word from the
make use of limited syntactic and semantic informa- end of the filler to the end of the document.
tion, using freely available, robust knowledge sources Given this maximally specific rule-base, R~APIER.
such as a part-of-speech tagger and a lexicon with se- attempts to compress and generalize the rules for
mantic classes, such as the hypernym links in Word- each slot. New rules are created by selecting two
Net (Miller et al., 1993). The initial implementation existing rules and creating a generalization. The
does not use a parser, primarily because of the dif- aim is to make small generalization steps, covering
ficulty of producing a robust parser for unrestricted more positive examples without generating suprious
text and because simpler patterns of the type we pro- fillers, so a standard approach would be to generate
pose can represent useful extraction rules for at least the least general generalization (LGG) of the pair
some domains. The extraction rules are indexed by of rules. However, in this particular representation
template name and slot name and consist of three which allows for unconstrained disjunction, the LGG
parts: 1) a pre-filler pattern that must match the may be overly specific. Therefore, in cases where the
text immediately preceding the filler, 2) a pattern LGG of two constraints is their disjunction, we want
that must match the actual slot filler, and 3) a post- to create two generalizations: one would be the dis-
filler pattern that must match the text immediately junction and the other the removal of the constraint.
following the filler. Each pattern is a sequence (pos- Thus, we often want to consider multiple generaliza-
sibly of length zero in the case of pre- and post-filler tion of a pair of items. This, combined with the fact
patterns) of pattern items or pattern lists. A pattern that patterns are of varying length, making the num-
item matches exactly one word or symbol from the ber of possible generalizations of two long patterns
document that meets the item's constraints. A pat- extremely large, makes the computational cost of

Califf ~ Mooney 11 Relational Learning

For each slot, S in the template being learned tion, but all rules in RuleList are expanded at each
SlotRules = most specific rules from documents for S
iteration, rather than only the best.
while compression has failed fewer than lira times
As an example of the creation of a new rule, con-
randomly select 2 rules, R1 and R2, from S sider generalizing the rules based on the phrases "lo-
find the set L of generalizations of the fillers of R1
cated in Atlanta, Georgia." and "offices in Kansas
and R2
City, Missouri." The rules created from these
create rules from L, evaluate, and initialize
phrases for the city slot would be
let n -- 0 Pre-fdler Pattern: Filler Pattern: Post-filler Pattern:
while best rule in RuleList produces spurious 1) word: located 1) word: atlanta 1) word: ,
fillers and the weighted information value tag: vbn tag: nnp tag: ,
of the best rule is improving 2) word: in 2) word: georgia
increment n tag: in tag: nnp
specialize each rule in RuleList with general- 3) word: .
izations of the last n items of the tag: .
pre-filler patterns of R1 and R2 and and
add specializations to RuleList
specialize each rule in RuleList with general- Pre-filler Pattern: Filler Pattern: Post-filler Pattern:
izations of the first n item of the 1) word: offices 1) word: kansas 1) word: ,
post-filler patterns of R1 and R2 and tag: nns tag: imp tag: ,
add specializations of RuleList 2) word: in 2) word: city 2) word: missouri
if best rule in RuleList produces only valid fillers tag: in tag: imp tag: nnp
Add it to SlotRules and remove empirically 3) word: .
subsumed rules tag: .
The fillers are generalized to produce two possible
rules with e m p t y pre-filler and post-filler patterns.
Figure 3: RAPIER Algorithm for Inducing IE Rules Because one filler has two items and the other only
one, they generalize to a list of no more t h a n two
words. The word constraints generalize to either a
disjunction of all the words or no constraint. T h e tag
producing all interesting generalizations of two com- constraints on all of the items are the same, so the
L G G ' s tag constraints are also the same. Since the
plete rules prohibitive. But, while we do not want three words do not belong to a single semantic class
to arbitrarily limit the length of a pre-filler or post- in the lexicon, the semantics remain unconstrained.
filler pattern, it is likely t h a t the i m p o r t a n t parts of The fillers produced are:
the pattern will be close to the filler. Therefore, we Pre-filler Pattern: Filler Pattern: Post-filler Pattern:
start by computing the generalizations of the filler 1) list: len: 2
patterns of the two rules and create rules from those word: [atlanta, kansas, city]
generalizations. We maintain a list of the best n tag: nnp
rules created and specialize the rules under consid- and
eration by adding pieces of the generalizations of the Pre-filler Pattern: Filler Pattern: Post-filler Pattern:
pre- and post-filler patterns of the two seed rules, 1) list: len: 2
working outward from the fillers. The rules are or- tag: nnp
dered using an information value metric (Quinlan, Either of these rules is likely to cover spurious exam-
1990) weighted by the size of the rule (preferring ples, so we add pre-filler and post-filler LGGs. The
smaller rules). When the best rule under consider- items produced from the "in" 's and the c o m m a s are
ation produces no negative examples, specialization identical and, therefore, unchanged. Assuming t h a t
our lexicon contains a semantic class for states, gen-
ceases; t h a t rule is added to the rule base, and all eralizing the state names produces a semantic con-
rules empirically subsumed by it are removed. Spe- straint o f t h a t class along with a tag constraint nnp
cialization will be abandoned if the value of the best and either no word constraint or the disjunction of
rule does not improve across k specialization itera- the two states. Thus, a final best rule would be:
tions. Compression of the rule base for each slot is Pre-filler Pattern: Filler Pattern: Post-filler Pattern:
abandoned when the number of successive iterations 1) word: in 1) list: len: 2 1) word: ,
of the compression algorithm which fail to produce tag: in tag: nnp tag: ,
2) tag: nnp
a compressing rule exceed either a pre-defined limit semantic: state
or the number of rules for t h a t slot. An outline of
the algorithm appears in Figure 3 where RuleList is 4 Evaluation
a prioritized list of no more t h a n Beam- Width rules.
T h e search is somewhat similar to a b e a m search in The task we have chosen for initial tests of RAPIER
t h a t a limited number of rules is kept for considera- is to extract information from computer-related job

Califf ~ Mooney 12 Relational Learning

The rules RAPIER, learns are of several different
types. Some are fairly simple memorizations of
words or phrases that consistently appear in par-
ticular slots: these include things like programming
languages and operating systems. Others learn the
context of the filler, usually also constraining the
parts of speech of the filler: for example, a rule for
the language slot where the prefix is constrained to
/ Preel~on -e-- "familiarity with", the suffix is "programming" and
/ Rel~all
the filler is a list of up to three items which must be
proper nouns or symbols.

1o 2o ~o ,'o io oo
5 Related Work
Training Examples
Previous researchers have generally applied machine
Figure 4: Performance on job postings learning only to parts of the IE task and their sys-
tems have typically required more human interaction
than just providing texts with filled templates. RE-
postings that could be used to create a database SOLVE uses decision trees to handle coreference deci-
of available jobs. The computer-related job post- sions for an IE system and requires annotated coref-
ing template contains 17 slots, including informa- erence examples (McCarthy and Lehnert, 1995).
tion about the employer, the location, the salary, CRYSTAL USeS a form of clustering to create a dictio-
and job requirements. Several of the slots, such as nary of extraction patterns by generalizing patterns
the languages and platforms used, can take multiple identified in the text by an expert (Soderland et al.,
values. The current results do not employ semantic 1995, Soderland et al., 1996). AUTOSLOG creates
categories, only words and the results of Brill's POS a dictionary of extraction patterns by specializing a
tagger. set of general syntactic patterns (Riloff, 1993, Riloff,
The results presented here use a data set of 100 1996). It assumes that an expert will later examine
documents paired with filled templates. We did the patterns it produces. PALKA learns extraction
a ten-fold cross-validation, and also ran tests with patterns relying on a concept hierarchy to guide gen-
smaller subsets of the training examples for each test eralization and specialization (Kim and Moldovan,
set in order to produce learning curves. We use three 1995). AUTOSLOG, CRYSTAL, and PALKA all rely
measures: precision, the percentage of slot fillers on prior sentence analysis to identify syntactic ele-
produced which are correct; recall, the percentage ments and their relationships, and their output re--
of slot fillers in the correct templates which are pro- quires further processing to produce the final filled
duced by the system; and an F-measure, which is templates. LIEP also learns IE patterns (Huffman,
the average of the recall and the precision. 1996). Line's primary limitations are that it also re-
Figure 4 shows the learning curves generated. quires a sentence analyzer to identify noun groups,
At 90 training examples, the average precision was verbs, subjects, etc.; it makes no real use of semantic
83.7% and the average recall was 53.1%. These num- information; it assumes that all information it needs
bers look quite promising when compared to the is between two entities it identifies as "interesting";
measured performance of other information extrac- and it has been applied to only one domain in which
tion systems on various domains. This performance the texts are quite short (1-3 sentences).
is comparable to that of CRYSTAL on a medical do-
main task (Soderland et al., 1996), and better than 6 Future Research
that of AuTOSLOG and AUTOSLOG-TS on part of
the MUC4 terrorism task (Riloff, 1996). It also com- Currently, RAPIER, assumes slot values are strings
pares favorably with the typical system performance taken directly from the document; however, MUC
on the MUC tasks (ARPA, 1992, ARPA, 1993). All templates also include slots whose values are taken
of these comparisons are only general, since the tasks from a pre-specified set. We plan to extend the sys-
are different, but they do indicate that RAPIER is do- tem to learn rules for such slots. Also, the current
ing relatively well. The relatively high precision is an system attempts to extract the same set of slots from
especially positive result, because it is highly likely every document. RAPIER must be extended to learn
that recall will continue to improve as the number patterns that first categorize the text to determine
of training examples increases. which set of slots, if any, should be extracted from a

Califf 8J Mooney 13 Relational Learning

given document. Finally, the same pattern learning National Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
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7 Conclusion ing, pages 124-132, San Francisco, CA. Mor-
gan Kaufman.
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applications. Manually constructing such informa- tonomous Agents.
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learning methods have the potential to help auto- Huffman, S. B. 1996. Learning information extrac-
mate the development process. The RAPIER system tion patterns from examples. In S. Wermter,
described in this paper uses relational learning to E. Riloff, and G. Scheler, editors, Connec-
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Califf 8J Mooney 15 Relational Learning

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