Review Questions #20 - Top Hat

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Review Questions #20

Some questions may require basic online research and/or using a calculator, program, or spreadsheet for

Monte-Carlo and Las Vegas (Prior Algorithms)


Match each randomized algorithm with its classification

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Quicksort/Quickselect Pivot Las Vegas

Bloom Filter Monte Carlo

Bogo Sort Las Vegas

Rabin Closest Points Las Vegas

Rabin-Karp Strin-Matching Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo

Correct Answers:

Quicksort/Quickselect Pivot Las Vegas

Bloom Filter Monte Carlo

Bogo Sort Las Vegas

Rabin Closest Points Las Vegas

Rabin-Karp Strin-Matching Monte Carlo

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Monte-Carlo and Las Vegas (Current Algorithms)


Match each randomized algorithm with its classification

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Randomized Min / Max Monte Carlo

Randomized Binary Search Las Vegas

Treap Las Vegas

Fermat Primality Testing Monte Carlo

Calculating Pi From Unit Circle Monte Carlo

Las Vegas

Correct Answers:

Randomized Min / Max Monte Carlo

Randomized Binary Search Las Vegas

Treap Las Vegas

Fermat Primality Testing Monte Carlo

Calculating Pi From Unit Circle Monte Carlo

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Random Number From Phone Number


A programmer decides to use the seventh and eighth digits of ten-digit phone numbers as a source of random
numbers in the range 0 thru 99. (That is, she uses the YY portion of a phone number N = XXXXXXYYXX as a two-digit
number.) Which TWO arithmetic expressions below can be used to accomplish this? Let / denote integer-division and
% denote modulo.

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a (N % 100) / 100

b (N % 1000) / 1000

c (N % 1000) / 10000

d (N % 10000) / 100

e (N % 10000) / 1000

f (N / 100) % 100

g (N / 1000) % 1000

h (N / 1000) % 10000

i (N /10000) % 100

j (N /10000) % 1000

Correct Answers:
d - (N % 10000) / 100
f - (N / 100) % 100

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Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)


Which are true of the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), sometimes used as a source of random numbers?

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a UUID consists of 128 bits

b UUID consists of 16 octets

c UUID consists of 32 hexadecimal digits

d All of the above

Correct Answer:
d - All of the above

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Linear Congruential Generator


Which of the following criteria are necessary and sufficient for a Linear Congruential Generator
- with non-zero b - to have a full period m (i.e. all m numbers in 0 ... m-1 are obtained
before the cycle repeats itself)?

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a the greatest common divisor of a and m is 1

b a-1 is divisible by 4 if m is divisible by 4

c a-1 is divisible by all prime factors of m

d None of the above

Correct Answers:
b - a-1 is divisible by 4 if m is divisible by 4
c - a-1 is divisible by all prime factors of m

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Creating a Permutation

What is the time complexity of the method developed in class to create a random permutation of n elements?

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a Θ(log n)

b Θ(n)

c Θ(n log n)

d Θ(n^2)

e Θ(2^n)

f Θ(n!)

Correct Answer:
b - Θ(n)

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Linear Congruential Generator: Example 1

What is the period-length of the Linear Congruential Generator with seed ?

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Treap: Time and Space Compelxity


Which are true of the time and space complexity of a Treap (Randomized BST)?

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a Its average case time for Search is O(log n)

b Its average case time for Insert is O(log n)

c Its average case time for Delete is O(log n)

d Its average case space is O(log n)

e Its worst case time for Search is O(n)

f Its worst case time for Insert is O(n)

g Its worst case time for Delete is O(n)

h Its worst case space is O(n)

Correct Answers:
a - Its average case time for Search is O(log n)
b - Its average case time for Insert is O(log n)
c - Its average case time for Delete is O(log n)
e - Its worst case time for Search is O(n)
f - Its worst case time for Insert is O(n)
g - Its worst case time for Delete is O(n)
h - Its worst case space is O(n)

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Linear Congruential Generator: Example 2


What is the period-length of the Linear Congruential Generator with seed ?

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Treap Concepts

Which of the following are true of the data structure Treap (randomized BST)?
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a The word Treap is a hybrid of Tree and Heap

b Each node in a Treap has a KEY used for searching

c Each node in Treap has a PRIORITY which represents the number of descendant nodes

d A Max-Heap property is also followed in a Treap based on the KEY

e The Inorder Traversal (familiar from BST) yields a sorted order of the KEYS when applied to a Treap

Correct Answers:
a - The word Treap is a hybrid of Tree and Heap
b - Each node in a Treap has a KEY used for searching
e - The Inorder Traversal (familiar from BST) yields a sorted order of the KEYS when applied to a Treap

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Linear Congruential Generator: Example 2


What is the period-length of the Linear Congruential Generator with seed ?

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Birthday Paradox: Take 2


At the end of June, a bunch of customers all having birthdays in July enter a bakery to order cakes for their July
birthday celebrations. How many such customers must there be so that there is at least a 50% chance (>= .5
probability) that at least two of them were born on the same day in July (ignore the year). Assume that there are no
other customers in the store and that there are no concerns about social distancing etc.

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a 5

b 7

c 9

d 11

e 13

f 15

g 17

h 19

i 21

j 23

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Multiplicative Congruential Generator
A Multiplicative Congruential Generator is like a Linear Congruential Modifier except that the increment b = 0, i.e
. Depending on the values of a and m, which periods (cycles before returning to beginning)
are possible?

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a all m numbers 0 thru m-1 (full period)

b all numbers 1 thru m-1

c period of maximum length m/4

d None of the above

Correct Answers:
b - all numbers 1 thru m-1
c - period of maximum length m/4

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Fermat's Little Theorem


Which are true of Fermat's Little Theorem?

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a when p is prime then a^(p-1) = 1 mod p

b when p is prime then a^p = a mod p

c when p is not prime then a^(p-1) != 1 mod p

d when p is not prime then a^p != a mod p

Correct Answers:
a - when p is prime then a^(p-1) = 1 mod p
b - when p is prime then a^p = a mod p

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Random Numbers for Rolling a Pair of Dice


Suppose that the function rand() returns a random decimal in the interval ​[0, 1). Which composite function should
be used to simulate the total of a pair of dice?

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a floor(12 rand())

b ceil(12 rand())

c 2 floor(6 rand())

d 2 ceil(6 rand())

e floor(6 rand()) + ceil(6 rand())

f floor(6 rand()) + floor(6 rand())

g ceil(6 rand()) + ceil(6 rand())

Correct Answer:
g - ceil(6 rand()) + ceil(6 rand())

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Random Numbers for Estimating Pi


Suppose that the function rand() returns a random decimal between 0 and 1. What composite function should be
used to generate pairs of random numbers all inside the square around the circle of diameter 2 centered at the
origin (like in the picture in the slides)

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a x = rand() + 1, y = rand() + 1

b x = rand() + 2, y = rand() + 2

c x = rand() - 2, y = rand() - 2

d x = 2rand(), y = 2rand()

e x = 2rand() + 1, y = 2rand() + 1

f x = 2rand() - 1, y = 2rand() - 1

Correct Answer:
f - x = 2rand() - 1, y = 2rand() - 1

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Traditional Binary Search


Which are true of the traditional Binary Search algorithm?

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a It uses a Variable-Size Decrease-and-Conquer design technique

b Its average case time complexity is Θ(log n)

c Its worst case time complexity is Θ(n)

d It can be implemented iteratively or recursively

e None of the above

Correct Answers:
b - Its average case time complexity is Θ(log n)
d - It can be implemented iteratively or recursively

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Randomized Binary Search


Which are true of the randomized Binary Search algorithm?

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a It uses a Variable-Size Decrease-and-Conquer design technique

b Its average case time complexity is Θ(log n)

c Its worst case time complexity is Θ(n)

d It can be implemented iteratively or recursively

e None of the above

Correct Answers:
a - It uses a Variable-Size Decrease-and-Conquer design technique
b - Its average case time complexity is Θ(log n)
c - Its worst case time complexity is Θ(n)
d - It can be implemented iteratively or recursively

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Randomized Binary Search: Example


Assume you have an array, indexed from 0 to 9, with the numbers 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100. You are searching for
the key 100. Your random number generator gives the following numbers in range [​ 0,9] to be used as indexes: 6 3 1 5
7 9 0 0 5 2 8 1 9 6 4 2 7. You consider those random numbers in order, ignoring those that have already been used or
are outside the currently relevant range. How many key comparisons (i.e. comparing the search key of 100 against
data in the array) will be required until you find the key 100? (Assume that <, =, or > can be determined with with a
single key comparison.)

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a 1

b 2

c 3

d 4

e 5

f 6

g 7

h 8

i 9
j 10

Correct Answer:

Use random numbers 6, 7, 9

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Randomized Estimation of Pi

Which inequality should be used to determine if points fall within the circle of diameter 2 centered at the origin?

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a x^2 + y^2 > 1

b x^2 + y^2 < 1

c (x-1)^2 + (y-1)^2 > 1

d (x-1)^2 + (y-1)^2 < 1

e x^2 + y^2 > 2

f x^2 + y^2 < 2

g (x-1)^2 + (y-1)^2 > 2

h (x-1)^2 + (y-1)^2 < 2

Correct Answer:
b - x^2 + y^2 < 1

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Estimation of Pi Using Random Numbers


What estimate of pi would our randomized algorithm compute if our source of random numbers gives the following
10 pairs of points (x,y):











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a 2.2

b 2.4

c 2.6

d 2.8

e 3.0

f 3.2

g 3.4

h 3.6
i 3.8

j 4.0

Correct Answer:
d - 2.8

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