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Dada Pranavatmakananda's letter about Baba's predictions

Namaskar, After the terrorist attacks in the U.S. and the plan for retaliation there has been talk of the whole thing escalating into a third world war or the whole Muslim world getting involved in a war of Jihad. Many Margiis are interested to find out if Baba had said anything about how things are going to happen, to know what has He predicted about the future happenings. We all know that the Lord always gave some hints only and never the details. There are some clear hints from Lord Baba, which may give us some idea of how things are going to happen. A major indication came when I was present myself in a reporting and I think a lot of that information came just as a revelation to clear some of my own disbelief. There might have been others too with such disbelief that day. It was the end of August 1990 and Baba had returned from the second admission in Woodlands nursing home. Those days I was staying mostly in Calcutta due to some special duty though I was posted as CS-P of Hong Kong (HK) Sector. I used to attend all the reporting sessions unofficially. That day Baba came for reporting at the usual time in the afternoon. There were about 30 - 40 workers. The reporting was taking place in the DC hall of Tiljala MG quarters. He entered the hall asking a question, "What is the cause of (the) premature death of Communism?" We all did Sas'taunga Pranam. After we got up GS Dada repeated the question and purposefully asked a comparatively junior worker to come forward and answer it. He came forward, did Sas'taunga again and said replied that collapse of Communism was because of PROUT (Progressive Utilization Theory). Hearing that reply I frowned what a stupid reply it was! Indeed, what has PROUT got to do with the downfall of Communism? Instead he should have said that the premature death of Communism is due to the internal contradiction of Marxism or because of its impracticality. That kind of answer would have made some sense at least. I thought that he was making a stupid effort to please Baba by giving such a reply, and decided that after the reporting I would talk to him and tell him that when he was standing before Baba he should at least give an intelligent reply or keep quiet. While all these thoughts were going on in mind, Baba was looking to His right and left and suddenly turned to His right and told GS, Dada Sarvatmanandaji, in Bangla, "tiik bolece" (he has given the correct reply). I was astonished to hear Baba also approving his seemingly stupid answer. I thought, "Oh! Baba, You are also agreeing with this reply. Really there is none in this world like you, who can drumbeat for oneself." As I mentioned above I was CS-P of HK Sector, which included a major part of the communist world China, North Korea and the Asiatic part of Russia. I knew well that even the name PROUT was not known to the people in those Communist countries. The situation was the same in the other Communist countries in Europe, where Communism was "collapsing like a Babel's pandemonium." Here Baba Himself was claiming that Communism had its premature death because of PROUT. How can anybody even remotely accept this?

These thoughts were passing through my mind. Then He started explaining, "Communism is a matter-centred philosophy and it is dead. Now the death bell is ringing for the self-centred philosophy Capitalism. Very soon you will see that it also disappears before your own eyes. Then the bell will ring for the Mullahs (Muslim clerics, the Padriis (Christian clergy), and the Pandas (Hindu priests) the dogma-centred philosophy. Then people will accept God-centred philosophy. Communism was the first to go because it is matter-centred and is farthest from God. It does not even accept the existence of God. Self-centred is next farthest from God. Though it accepts the existence of God, it does so for its own selfish reasons. So that will be the next to disappear. Dogma-centred philosophy is closer to God than matter-centred and self-centred, but its relation to God is based on dogmatic faith. And so it will be the last to go. He then added a very important thing: "Communism died a peaceful death. (There was only about a dozen deaths, mostly in Romania and everywhere else it had a peaceful end.) But the dogma-centred philosophy will come to a very bloody end. The reason is, while Communism was not accepted by the people and was thrust on them by the party and the Government, dogmas have been accepted by the people in their hearts. So in order to uproot that there will be terrible bloodshed." When He completed the whole thing it was clear that Paramapurusa had willed the end of all three philosophies matter-centred, self-centred and dogma-centred which stand in the way of people accepting God-centred philosophy PROUT. Instead of taking the credit to Himself He gave it to PROUT. From what is mentioned above it is clear that the sequence in which these three philosophies will die is decided based on how close they are to God. Now, based on what He has said, we are clearly seeing the end of Capitalism. According to reports, millions are losing jobs, over $1.5 trillion has been lost in recent weeks in the stock market by investors, and nobody is sure where the bottom is. And the rotation of money is slowing down due to lack of consumer spending. Though people are predicting the recovery of the global economy, it is clear that capitalism is moving towards its final collapse. And only after that will the bell toll for dogma-centred philosophies. This process of the collapse of capitalism, which started on 7th July 1997 beginning with the currency crisis in Thailand and later spreading to most of Asia and other parts of the world, will continue through different stages, and in the end "capitalism will burst like a firecracker." Baba has also said that "the worst sufferer will be the Arab countries." If we try to analyze the reason for that, we can see a few. One is all Petro-Dollars are either deposited in American and other western banks or in their stocks or real estate. These will all collapse towards the end. Suddenly the Arabs, most of whom are wealthy because of oil, will see that all their earnings of last 25 years are wiped out in a matter of days. Secondly, they will also see that due to the extreme slowing down of the world economy and the reduced demand for oil, the price of crude will drop very low. Even during the Asian economic crisis the crude price dropped from $28 -30 a barrel to as low as $12 before it picked up again. This new situation may also lead to a price war and a further reduction in oil prices. Having no other source of income and depending on imports for everything else, they will definitely be the worst sufferers. There is already a clear anti-west undercurrent in many Muslim countries. This coming collapse may strengthen fundamentalism in many of those countries, who will blame the west for all their

troubles. Fundamentalists may be able to take over power in many of them, just like after the collapse of Communism when even the non-capitalist world rushed into the lap of capitalism and 'free market' became the "Mahamantra for all. Similarly, after the collapse of capitalism there are chances that many will take shelter under religious dogmas; such can even get strengthened for a while. But ultimately they will create bloodshed. He had said particularly about Islam "Towards the end, the Islamic world will be engulfed in war within themselves and with outside societies. This will bring about the end of Islam". This is one of the predictions He had repeated several times; another was the end of Communism. The destruction that this will bring on the whole world will provoke human reaction against all kinds of dogmas and will lead to them being rejected. Baba also spoke about "revolutionary psychic changes" which will take place at that time. He said that these will be far greater than the "big psychic change in the end of 80s" which we witnessed when Communism collapsed. The big psychic change was the breaking of Communist shackles, which they were tolerating for many decades. He also said that "when Cosmic Mind will think that the time for establishing God-centred philosophy has come, all the unit minds will also start thinking accordingly. Then what looks like an impossibility now will become a natural thing." We saw it happening during the collapse of Communism when people who had tolerated it all their lives suddenly rose up against it and threw it away all in a matter of days. We will surely see the same phenomena working at different stages until the establishment of Godcentred philosophy. So from all these hints that He had given us, it is clear that the next in line to go is capitalism. So the war spreading to the entire Islamic world now looks likely. This event is more a blow to capitalism than dogma. The phase when the wider conflict involving Islam that He had forecast will come when the capitalist countries have become weaker after the depression. He has also predicted the involvement of China in this wider conflict. There are several other predictions from Baba about the massive "man-made and natural calamities where lakhs and crores (a crore is ten million) of people will be killed. I am seeing all these passing before my eyes now. The situation is so frightening that my hair stands on end. This is what He told to the jail doctor Dr. Dharmadas Kalwar in 1977. Then the doctor who had a glimpse of His divinity on earlier occasions said that, what was there for the world to fear when He was there. Baba said, "No, it will all happen after I am gone." Then he asked who will be able to save the world from all these calamities. He replied, "Massive destruction will be there. Nobody can stop it. But though I will not be physically present, I will save the world from total destruction. Do you know what will happen after all the destruction is over? People will follow the path of Dharma (God-centred philosophy). The people at that time will say that the 5 feet 3 inch man was 'Kalki Avatar'. (Baba's height was 5 feet 3 inches). It was because of Him all the destruction took place and people started following the path of Dharma." So what we have seen on 11th Sept. might look insignificant in the face of all that is going to come. What should the Margiis do in this situation? Hold on to Dharma. "Be strict in Sadhana twice a day and try to follow Yama-Niyama strictly. I will save them", He told to Braj Bihariji in Patna Medical College Hospital in August 1971, while discussing about the destruction that was going to come in the future. All these are to happen towards the turn of the Century. We are already there and these days are now not very far off.

We have only one way out. Hold on to Him through Sadhana and Yama-Niyama. When He was discussing with Riten Ghosh about the destruction of many big cities of the world in the future, he asked about Calcutta's future. Baba replied in Bangla, "Calcutta ama'ke dore rakte parle bacbe. Na hole bacbe na". (Calcutta will be saved if it can hold on to me. Otherwise, it will not escape this destruction.) He alone knows if Calcutta could hold onto Him. But if a city can be saved by holding onto Him, why not a human being? There are many more predictions that He has given on the future events, which I hope to share with you all later. In Him, Pranavatmakananda

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