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( I ): Revisión del intento


Comenzado el sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2022, 01:30

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2022, 01:50
Tiempo empleado 20 minutos 46 segundos
Calificación 37 de 50 (74%) 1/6
19/11/22, 1:50 READING WHAT ARE EMPLOYERS LOOKING FOR ? ( I ): Revisión del intento

Pregunta 1

Se puntúa 6 sobre 8

Read the text carefully, then match the words based on the reading.

Reading was taken from:

Match the words to their synonyms.  

Interviewing interrogating

Selection choice

Management organization

Suggests proposes

Independent self-governing

Candidates choice

Looking watching

Success achievement

Skills abilities

Employers applicants 2/6
19/11/22, 1:50 READING WHAT ARE EMPLOYERS LOOKING FOR ? ( I ): Revisión del intento

Pregunta 2

Se puntúa 6 sobre 8

Read the article about The changing world of English, then read the text carefully,

then answer the questions below. 

Most employers / owners say employers  that they wish to employ /service employ  the right person for the right job. A recent

report by Britain's independent / autonomous independent   Institute of Manpower Studies, however, disagrees with this. The report

states that most employers / companies employers   wish to avoid employing the wrong person. Rather than looking / watching

looking   for the right person, they are looking for applicants to turn down.

The report also suggests that in Britain and in many other parts of the world, the selection methods used to identify the right person for the
job certainly do not match up to those used to evaluate a piece of new equipment. Recruiters used three main selection methods:
interviewing, checking curriculum vitae or application forms against predefined criteria, and examining references. Most of the recruiters
consulted in this survey stated that these selection methods were used more for "weeding out" unsuitable candidates / applicants
candidates   rather than for finding suitable ones.

Interviews were considered to be more reliable than either curriculum checks or references from past employers. Research, however, proves
otherwise. Interviewers' decisions are often strongly influenced by their previous assessment of the written application / solicitation
application  . Also, different recruiters interpret facts differently. One may consider candidates who have frequently changed jobs as
people with broad and useful experience. Another will view such candidates as unreliable and unlikely to stay for long in the new job.

Some employers place great importance on academic qualifications whereas the link between this and success in management
organization management   is not necessarily strong. Some recruiters use handwriting as a criterion. The report states that there is little

evidence to support the validity of the latter for assessing working ability / aptitude ability  . References, also, are sometime
unreliable as they are rarely critical, whereas checks on credit and security records and applicants' political leanings are often the opposite.
The report is more favorable towards trainability tests and those which test personality and personal and mental skills. The report
concludes by suggesting that interviewing could become more reliable if the questions were more structured and focused / attentive
focused   on the needs of the employing organization.

Reading was taken from:

Choose the best word for each space 3/6
19/11/22, 1:50 READING WHAT ARE EMPLOYERS LOOKING FOR ? ( I ): Revisión del intento

Pregunta 3

Se puntúa 8 sobre 8

Read the text carefully again, then answer the questions below. 

 Match the following phrases from the article

Some recruiters use       handwriting as a criterion

were used more "weeding out"

Some employers place great importance on academic qualifications

The report is more favorable towards trainability tests and those which test personality and personal

Decisions are often strongly influenced by their previous assessment of the written application

focused on the needs of the employing organization.

Most employers say that they wish to employ the right person for the right job.

Recruiters used three main selection methods: interviewing, checking curriculum vitae (…)

The selection methods used to identify the right person for the job

The report states that most employers wish to avoid employing the wrong person 4/6
19/11/22, 1:50 READING WHAT ARE EMPLOYERS LOOKING FOR ? ( I ): Revisión del intento

Pregunta 4

Se puntúa 6 sobre 6

For each part of the reading part there will be time for you to look through the
questions and time for you to check your answers. Read the text carefully again, then
answer the questions below. 

For question 1- 5, mark A, B OR C 

1. Why Britain's independent Institute of Manpower Studies is disagree when the
British say that they wish to employ the right person for the right job. 
Seleccione una:
a. because they  always employ the right person 

b. because they avoid employing the wrong person not look for the right one.

c. because they employ those who were not  fulfill the qualifications

Pregunta 5

Se puntúa 5 sobre 5

2. What characteristics do recruiters take into account to employ a person? 

Seleccione una:
a. experience

b. Both

c. skills 5/6
19/11/22, 1:50 READING WHAT ARE EMPLOYERS LOOKING FOR ? ( I ): Revisión del intento

Pregunta 6

Se puntúa 0 sobre 5

3. Why the author of the article affirms that e selection methods were used more for
"weeding out" unsuitable candidates rather than for finding suitable ones.
Seleccione una:
a. The methods used are suitable in order to find the right person

b. Employers are looking for those who are not suitable for the job instead for those who are suitable. 

c. Employers have clear how to find the right person

Pregunta 7

Se puntúa 5 sobre 5

4. What is more reliable? 

Seleccione una:
a. interviews

b. references from past employers.            

c. Curriculum        

Pregunta 8

Se puntúa 0 sobre 5

5. Interviewing could become more reliable if the questions were more:    

Seleccione una:
a. both

b. structured   

c. focused on the needs of the  organisation


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