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Question 1
Define Al Quran.
Literally means reading or recitation.
Technically means the book containing the speech of Allah revealed to the Prophet
Muhammad SAW in Arabic and transmitted to us by continuous testimony (tawatur).

Question 2
Al Quran consist of manifest revelation. Briefly explain
Manifest revelation or wahyu zahir can be defined as communication from Allah to the
Prophet SAW conveyed by the angel Gabriel, in the very words of Allah.

Question 3

The Quran was transmitted with continous testament (mutawatir). Briefly explain.
The Quran was transmitted from the Prophet saw to the next generation by such a large
number of people that they cannot altogether be expected to agree upon a lie.

Question 4
One of the characteristics of Quranic legislation is definitive and speculative. Briefly
explain with one example each.
A definitive text is one which a ruling is clear and specific. It has only one meaning and admit
no other interpretations.
For example:
a) The text on the entitlement of the husband in the estate of his deceased wife.
“In what your wives leave, your share is a half, if they leave no child” (al-Nisa’:12).
From this verse it is clear that if the wife passed away and leave no children, therefore the
husband’s right in the estate of his deceased wife is half.
The quantitative aspects of this ruling, namely ½, is self –evident and therefore not open to
A speculative text is one which a ruling is open to interpretation. The interpretation can be
obtained from the Quran itself/Sunnah/companions.
Ex: “Prohibited to you are your mothers and your daughters” (al-Nisa (4): 23).
The text is definitive in the prohibition of marriage with one’s mother and daughters.
But the word ‘banatukum’ could be two meanings; a female child born to a person either
through marriage or through adultery.
There are two views:
1.Hanafi School: Prohibition not only to marry legitimate child but also illegitimate one.
Means the father is prohibited not only to marry with legitimate daughter but also with
illegitimate daughter.
2.Shafi’e School: Marriage with one’s illegitimate daughter is not forbidden as the text refers
to a daughter through a marriage.
Means the father is prohibited to marry with legitimate daughter but not with illegitimate
According to Shafei the illegitimate daughter has no right to inheritance and he is not her
guardian (wali).

State either TRUE or FALSE.
1) Al Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in Arabic language.            
(          TRUE        )
2) Al Quran is spiritual miracle of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
(          TRUE        )
3) The translation of the Quran and its commentaries are considered part of the Quran.
(           FALSE  )
4) Al Quran was revealed all at once to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
(       FALSE     )
5) The Madinese part is devoted to matters of belief, tawhid, the necessity of prophethood of
Muhammad, the here after, disputation with unbelievers and invitation to Islam.
(            FALSE     )
6) The Quran is detail on matters which are deemed to be unchangeable like family matters,
the prohibited degrees of relationship in marriage, inheritance and specific punishments for
certain crimes.
(             TRUE     )
7) The first chapter was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was (al- ‘Alaq 1-5) and
the last verse of the Quran was (al-Maidah 5:3).
(         TRUE    )

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