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Things to do before ascending:

1. Demon Tower
- Clear all 1500 floors before you ascend (u should be able to clear all of them at incarnation late

2. Fate shop

Remember to save your fateum and also the tokens before ascending to spirit realm and do not
touch anything even after u ascended to spirit realm unless u breakthough into voidbreak stage. This
is because you will need to mass purchase the item circled in black circle, 五行法则残卷 (Fragment
of Law) [2 purchase per reset] and also law fruits which are very essential for Five Element in
VoidBreak stage. (The icon might look different, since this is the updated icon)

3. Treasure shop

1. Save up the treasure trove tokens shown above, at least for the three circled with red pen. Don’t
open them until u reach voidbreak and has unlocked the last map for voidbreak (pls do make
sure to unlock all three maps for voidbreak).
2. Save up revealstone circled with red pen, they are required to mass buy items circled in black
pen, the top most one is for cultivation, and the second one (天地真言 Nature Mantra) is for
the laws of heavens and earth in Five Element section.
(reset the shop with fateum appropriately)
4. Garden
- make sure to have at least 15 to 21 tiles of garden

- when farming law fruits, it’s best to harvest them at blue rarity during VB, then after wholeness,
your law level should be high enough to require more points, therefore during that point, it’s best to
harvest law fruits at purple rarity.

- it is suggested to level up your garden assistant as high as possible to make your garden boost
more effective.
Sprit Realm UI:

After ascending, you can click on the icon circled in blue, to return to mortal realm
1. Divine Friends
- This unlocks when u reaches VoidBreak and will allow u to make friends with bunch of NPCs
which in turns give u buffs as u level up their friendship levels.

- Gatherings – pick any 1 to 4 (at voidbreak), and then 5 (at wholeness) [might be inaccurate], to
attend gatherings for 8 hours(?) and u will receive rewards that are sequenced in zodiac relic
treasure rewards > law rewards > Pets rewards.
2. Gate of the Void
- Holds 5 stages such as mortal realm monster tower, Monster Mirror(?) (spirit realm version of
demon tower), and two other stages which unlocks way after spirit realm is unlocked, so I wont
be talking about them.

Pandemonium tower has 7000 floors.

Incarnation caps at floor 149.
Voidbreak caps at floor 2849.
Wholeness caps at floor 6943.
Perfection caps at floor 6990.

Only Nirvana players can clear 7000th.

(Ruins Battlefield)

Unlocks when Perfection stage (the

stage after Wholeness stage) and
Domain system are launched.
Probably 5 months into spirit realm’s
release. (Monster Hunting)

Unlocks when player cleared floor

2000 (maybe) of Monster Mirror

Can exchange for spirit stones and

also forging stones and dusts.
(Multi-race journey)

Unlocks when Wholeness stage and

Immortal and Demon Feature are

Probably 2 months into spirit realm’s

3. Palace of Demonfae
- Unlocks at Voidbreak, however, it won’t be usable until wholeness and immortal and demon
system is released, it contains multi-race journey stage.
- Will allow players to craft demonfae relics, which is very powerful.
- The demonfae stages that players reached will also increase their stats.



Pill making room

Pets Forge room


Natal Life
Magicka Corporia
Total Level:





There’s two more requiring 8000 and 10000

The left one is Laws of Five Elements (五行法则), the right one is Nature Law (天地法则)

The left one will use this: The right one will use this:

Fragments of Laws of Five Elements Mantra of Heavens and Earth

(This would eventually be more than enough) (what you really lack is this thing here)

- Basically, you will have to increase the levels of Five Elements will have 2 phases (as of right
now), and each phases have 1000 levels. For example, all elements at phase 1 level 500 = 500x5
= 2500 total levels. If all elements at phase 2 level 500 = 1500x5 = 7500 total levels.
- Every level ending with 50 such as 50,150,250,350…. Will double the character’s learning speed
(learning points are needed to increase the levels)
- It is recommended to eat and use one law fruit at a time when upgrading law levels.
- Total levels will be contributed to Laws of Heavens and Earth, as written above.
- Magicka users focus on the first and fourth law while corporia users focus on second and fourth.

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