Case Study Eli Syahirah Binti Aziman

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1 Problem Statements 2-5

Data Analysis



2 Problem Statements 6-9

Data Analysis


3 Problem Statements 10 - 13
Data Analysis


4 14 - 16
Problem Statements
Data Analysis


5 17 - 19
Problem Statements
Data Analysis




Because it is essential to have this talent, conflict management is an important part of our
lives. Interpersonal conflict is described as an outward fight between at least two
autonomous parties that see opposing aims, a lack of resources, or outside interference
while also attempting to attain specified goals. Conflict arises when individuals are vying for
control over their own desires, and because those involved are interconnected, one person's
actions might have an impact on another. Poor conflict management will result in an
unpleasant relationship. Conversely, if we skilfully handle conflict, the outcome is the
opposite. There are five stages of conflict: the source (previous state), the beginning
(frustration awareness), the middle (active conflict), the end (resolution), and the aftermath
(follow-up). We can better manage the process if we have a better grasp of these stages
since disagreement can either be productive (strengthen relationships and develop new
insights) or destructive (relationship dismantle). Conflict can be brought on by two primary
things: feeling disconnected and attached and feeling open and closed. Pseudo conflict
(conflict brought on by a lack of comprehension and miscommunication), Simple Conflict
(conflict resulting from divergent ideas, definitions, perceptions, or goals), and Ego Conflict
(conflict in which the primary issue is disregarded as partners disparage one another's self-
esteem) are examples of conflicts. We can resolve these conflicts by regulating our feelings,
our knowledge, our objectives, and finally, the issues/conflicts.

Problem Statements

Due to the company his 45-year-old wife kept; a man decided to divorce her. A guy who had
been married to a woman for 45 years split up with her due to her sudden cat infatuation,
according to an article in The Star on June 2, 2020. The judge described the issues that the
couple had been dealing with since 1997. He claimed that at the time, his wife's late mother
appeared to her in a dream and advised her to treat cats with kindness, which led to her
developing an obsession with them. The issues began to surface when the mom and her
youngest son began bringing animals home. On the other hand, the cat collection has
caused trouble. The cats were not toilet trained and were allowed to wander freely
throughout the house. After several complaints from neighbours about how their cats urinate
and defecate everywhere, police and authorities have issued warnings to them. The bed is
continually filthy, making it impossible for the man to sleep there any longer. He then started
dozing off on a mat-covered floor. He subsequently left his home as his marriage continued
to worsen. He resides with his brother-in-law. Since 2007, he has stopped visiting and
corresponding with the woman. He is currently 70 years old, and his wife is 67. In 1975, he
wed his wife. Pseudo conflict is the term used to describe this dispute. It took place as a
result of their miscommunication and lack of understanding. Because of her behaviour, her
husband decides to live with other people rather than in his own home, but the wife is unable
to comprehend the gesture or subliminal meaning underlying her husband's choice.
However, the husband is also to blame because he did not make an effort to resolve this
disagreement at an early stage, which had the worst outcome possible the dissolution of the

Data Analysis

1. Resolving phoney conflict, the spouse can reduce misunderstandings up front in

order to avoid pseudo conflict. They can ask their partner for clarification to confirm
their perception. For instance, the husband and wife could sit down and have a slow
conversation about how they feel about keeping several cats in their home. The wife
might think her husband doesn't understand her because she's only taking her
mother’s advise. Furthermore, the wife must engage in constructive discourse rather
than believing that she is always right because her husband tolerated her bringing all
the cats without even raising an objection until he had had enough. It was mentioned
in this article that the husband had called the police to show them the state of his
home, but that the police had told him that it was a domestic matter and left it at that.
He also fled his own home and divorced his wife. This demonstrates that the
husband has reached the end of his patience with his greedy wife's behaviour.
2. Conflict management skill – Construct Information uncertainty, incorrect knowledge,
and misunderstanding can be brought on by a lack of ability to foster mutual
understanding. An essential component of cooperative conflict resolution is mutual
understanding. Explain the circumstances that led to the disagreement in detail first.
The husband, for instance, could explain to his wife how owning cats affects him. He
can claim that the cats' freedom to roam the house and their lack of toilet training
bothers him since he doesn't want to hear any more neighbour complaints. He can
feel disturbed and become unstable mentally as a result. The lady can ask her
husband to support her more in the meanwhile by helping her teach all the cats since
it is their first time doing so. Next, switch off speaking. Though easy to understand, it
packs a punch. According to research, talking about problems in turns makes it more
successful to resolve any squabbles or problems. Opportunities for creating a culture
of shared care exist for both husband and wife. When the other person is speaking,
it's crucial to listen and keep your composure. Additionally, couples should learn to
comprehend one another not just intellectually but also emotionally. I can see how
the woman, in addition to her husband's conduct, is the root of the entire issue
because she disregarded all complaints made by neighbours and warnings from
authorities and police. The wife should see herself in the roles of her husband and
neighbour. Because the cats' indiscriminate urination and faeces generated an
unpleasant door, the neighbours must feel uneasy. As a result of his wife's
behaviour, the husband may feel as though he has been ignored by his wife and may
be ashamed to show his face in their neighbourhood.

3. Organize the issue A structure for problem-solving may be used by the partner. The
pair needs to clarify the issue first. The issue is that the woman insisted on caring for
the cats but did not punish them, which led the husband to leave the house and,
worst still, led to the filing of a divorce. Analyse the issue after that. They experienced
a fictitious conflict in which there was little communication and misunderstanding.
Next, choose the objective. The aim that the husband and wife should set is for the
husband to support his wife in continuing to be friendly to cats in honour of the
woman's dream. Then, produce a variety of answers. In order to properly care for
such cats, both parties might, for instance, reprimand and nurse them, or they could
send the cats to a cat shelter or non-profit organisation and donate money to sustain
them going forward. Animal kindness can be demonstrated in a variety of ways.
Choose the ideal response lastly. If they can accomplish their objectives and satisfy
their demands without disregarding the feelings or worries of others, it is up to the
couple to decide what kind of solution they wish to use.


In a nutshell, the ability to manage conflict is the foundation of a harmonious relationship. By

understanding how to handle and resolve conflicts, we can keep our relationship healthy and
deal with stress. It's crucial to understand the type of conflict you experienced in order to
decide what steps to take to resolve it. They are dealing with a fictitious problem here and
need to speak more to comprehend the feelings of others. In order to comprehend the core
issue someone is facing, one who wishes to resolve conflict needs to be patient and more
sympathetic. If they can accomplish this, they will be able to reach a consensus and
establish a win-win scenario. Problem management is one of the skills needed to manage
conflicts. They can employ structured approaches to problem-solving or morally sound
negotiation techniques. As I said earlier, these couples can utilise a problem-solving
framework to define and analyse the issue, establish goals, develop potential solutions, and
select the best option to help them manage their disputes.



Communication with another individual helps us build connections that lead to relationships.
A shared understanding between two individuals that results in a continuing interdependent
connection, the creation of relational expectations, and a range of interpersonal closeness is
what is meant by an interpersonal relationship. Including complimentary partnerships, there
are 5 different forms of power relationships. One spouse dominates while the other submits
in this relationship, which has an uneven power distribution. Second, a symmetrical
relationship is one in which both parties behave similarly in terms of their attitudes toward
power, either by desiring it or despising it. The third type of relationship is a competitive
symmetrical one, in which both parties vie for control over decision-making and power.
Fourth is subservient when two people are in an asymmetrical relationship, neither one
wants to be in charge or make choices. And last, a parallel relationship is one in which,
depending on the circumstance, authority is alternately exercised by the partners. By
comprehending interpersonal relationships, we may broaden our circle, which will benefit us
more, and assist avoid needless separation that could potentially injure us. Through the
relationship's early self-evaluation, we may also forecast its results.

Problem Statement

At Perak Hospital, a medical assistant tragically dies after a fall. To wilfully bring about one's
own death is referred to as suicide. Any culture should take suicidal behaviour seriously. A
prompt intervention can save many lives, and there are many different reasons why it might
happen. According to reports, a 39-year-old assistant medical officer who was under
significant stress over his personal health is suspected to have fallen from the hospital's third
floor on January 21, 2021. Depression is a prevalent condition nowadays, and occasionally
people are unaware that they are depressed. A. Asmadi Abdul Aziz, the chief of police in
Ipoh, said that the victim in this case passed away instantly as a result of severe head
injuries. A sudden death diagnosis has been made in this case. Despite not sharing his
problems with anybody, the victim's pals informed the media that he had been acting down
lately. The victim, who had been working at the hospital for more than a year and had some
health difficulties, was thought to be engaged to be married in May. Why is this problem
relevant to understanding interpersonal relationships, then? The problem is this. The
creation of relationships via communication is one method for treating depression.
Interpersonal connection is what we call this. However, if we don't understand what people
are trying to say, we also don't build relationships. If someone doesn't know much about the
different kinds of relationships, they could discuss their problems with the incorrect people in
the mistaken belief that they might ease their load. It's incorrect. We shouldn't undertake a
self-disclosure if there isn't closeness or relationship intensification. In this context, I want to
emphasise that relationships may help people overcome mental illness.

Data Analysis

Relations becoming worse to overcome depression in this situation, a new interaction

between us and others is necessary. The progression of a relationship from one stage to
another in the direction of increasing closeness is known as relational escalation. For our
connection to intensify, we will go through five stages: reinteraction awareness,
acquaintance, exploration, intensification, and intimacy. First, reinteraction awareness is
defined as the phase in which we learn about people by paying attention to them or
conversing with them about them without engaging in direct interaction, which is a passive
method. For instance, the first time we meet a classmate. Before we even begin to speak
with somebody, we frequently have an opinion about them. It will serve as the starting
expression. They are indicating their receptivity to being addressed at this point, as can be
seen. The inability to advance to the following step, however, might come from

Following is acquaintance. It alludes to relationships in which you keep the dialogue light and
safe while putting on a "public face" for the other person. Routine conversation and the
exchange of fundamental knowledge occur during introduction. As an illustration, we shall
disclose our names and places of origin. We won't need to identify ourselves again for
further conversations once we've completed this sub-stage. Casual conversation, on the
other hand, refers to themes that are discussed but very little personal information is
disclosed. The introduction sub-stage may come before it or not. Weather, current affairs, or
everyday occurrences could come up in conversation. Getting to know your buddy might be
a good place to start if you're struggling with depression and need someone close to chat to.
Engage those nearby in conversation. A modest step to increasing your circle and closeness
is to introduce yourself and engage in light conversation. The process then shifts to the
investigation stage, during which we start to reveal more specific details about ourselves.
We could find it simpler to communicate with people and disclose a lot of information that
carries no danger at this point. As an illustration, we may discuss our interests and family. By
keeping our distance from them socially, we will spend the least amount of time with them
and have the least amount of physical touch.

Then, when we learn to rely on one another for self-confirmation and participate in riskier
self-disclosure, there is intensification. At this point, we will spend a lot of time together and
engage in a variety of physical activities, such as going on trips together, playing bowling, or
even going to the movies. We will also use terminology that is more specific to us, such as
calling your friend "my BFFs" or "best pal."

And last, intimacy. Partners' communication is highly individualised and synced, and they
each other's sense of self is confirmed and accepted. We probably want to discuss anything
and everything at this point, including sensitive information. We will rely more on nonverbal
clues and use fewer words to express ourselves and respond to inside jokes (developing our
own language). One sign of depression is when a person feels empty and alone and lacks
the courage to communicate to anybody. When they reach this stage of closeness, they may
openly confide in their buddy and trust them to know our secrets or issues. There is a
hypothesis that says filtering occurs in the formation of relationships. Through the use of
selection criteria, the number of partners at each level of relationship growth is reduced. We
assess each partner at this point to choose whether to proceed with escalation, retain the
relationship, or deescalate it. So that there are only a select few people with whom we can
communicate intimately and express our sentiments.


To sum up, being aware of how people interact with one another may help you build new
relationships and combat despair, which can ultimately result in the worst possible outcome
suicide. When we first meet someone new or decide to break up with our lover, relationship
growth takes place. A close buddy we can trust and who we feel will protect our secrets will
be essential for anyone suffering from depression since they will help us get over it. It's
crucial to get to know someone before you ask for assistance. Acquiring new acquaintances
and expanding our network are two goals of relationship escalation. For depression
treatment, we may also eliminate the emptiness and loneliness. As a result of filtering, we
learn to cut out relationships that may make our situation worse. It is possible to get better
every day by getting rid of harmful individuals from our life.



A relationship problem is when one spouse doesn't live up to the expectations of the other (a
failure event). As a result, the relationship partners must show tremendous will and
dedication to overcome each of these difficulties. There are three different kinds of
relationship difficulties: partnerships that defy societal conventions, long-distance
relationships, and relationships that go against expectations. We must realise that
interpersonal communication has a dark side, where some individuals may abuse it or utilise
it in an unethical or harmful way. They used to trick and injure people. The dark side might
manifest as lying, resentment, unwelcome attention, stalking, hurtful communication, and
relationship violence, as examples. Due to our failure to manage the difficulties and negative
aspects of interpersonal communication, relationship difficulties may lead to a de-escalation
or breakup of the partnership. After working through such problems, we have the option to
either mend and revitalise the relationship or end it.

Problem Statement

Man, murders wife when she wants a divorce A 41-year-old man who reportedly lost his
temper when his wife demanded a divorce is said to have strangled her to death and then
pretended, she was a victim of a robbery-murder, according to a 3 August 2020 item in The
Star. This incident occurred because the husband disapproved of his wife's choice to divorce
him following a disagreement. The NGO volunteer is thought to have driven the dead body
to a lake close to Pinggiran Cyberjaya after strangling his professor wife to death with her
headscarf in a fit of fury. He then shifted her into the Perodua MyVi's driver's seat.

Then, supposedly in search of her, he requested an e-hailing cab and proceeded with their
14-year-old daughter. The gold bracelet was still on her left hand, but the police discovered
that her handbag and cell phone had vanished. Investigations that centred on the husband
showed that the pair had been having marital issues since she compelled him to file for
divorce on June 24. The spouse was taken into custody on July 30 at Hospital Serdang.
Relationship problems of this nature are referred to as expectations being broken. It is just
an inevitable aspect of the growth of relationships. The woman could have expectations
about the husband's behaviour toward her.

When his wife holds a prominent position and earns more money than him while he is only
an NGO volunteer, the husband could feel uneasy. While his wife believes that her husband
is not carrying out the duties that a husband should do, at the least, her husband should
assist her in carrying out tasks because he is not burdened with outside employment. The
wife requested a divorce from him as a result of this. However, the husband refused to grant
his wife's request until he made the decision to strangle her to death. Relational violence is
another example of the negative aspects of interpersonal communication. The term
"relational violence" describes a variety of harmful behaviours directed towards other
individuals, including as hostility, threats, violent acts, and verbal, mental, or physical abuse.

Data Analysis

The problem illustrates the husband's hostile behaviour when his expectations of his wife
were not met. Instead of concentrating on her career, which provides income for her family,
the husband wants his wife to spend more time with the family. According to our
expectations, a married couple should spend time together, be affectionate and personal
with one another, and dedicate their time only to their family or partner. Not all of the things
we should accomplish in this world, though, are centred around that. Keeping this in mind,
marriage is just another stage of life that you get to choose to live, but in order to survive, we
need to make money. Therefore, we have several options on how to solve this problem,
including: -

1. Talking back in the response It describes how failure situations are dealt with, and it
frequently uses the reproach-account pattern, which requires both parties to make a
few choices. A notification called a "reproach" highlights a failed occurrence by
indicating that an expectation has been broken. Both direct and covert messages
may be conveyed by the pair. The language of criticism can vary from alleviating to
excusing (mild). As an illustration, the wife appears to indicate that while her
husband's wife is busy at work, his buddies always assist with housework. After
coming home from work, the husband has time to reflect and not bother his wife once
again. However, the range might expand to be irritative (threatening and severe).
2. For instance, the husband and wife already use this kind of reproach to each other. It
can be seen when they have argument about the issue. The wife also uses it to
remind her husband that she needs attention and tolerant. The husband could not
accept his wife's request for divorce because his wife was a financial source for him.
It is an aggravating reproach that is likely to evoke a defensive retort (account). Next
is account. Account is defined as the response to a reproach. Accounts typically take

one of five forms which are apologies, excuses, justification, denials, and absence of
an account or silence. The husband and wife, for example, already make fun of one
other in this manner. They argue about the topic, which is when it is obvious. The
spouse is also reminded by the wife that she needs her husband's tolerance and
attentiveness. The wife was the only source of income for the husband; thus, he was
unable to grant her request for a divorce. It is a criticism that will irritate you and
probably make you respond defensively (account). Next is accounts. The definition of
an account is an answer to a criticism. Apologies, excuses, justifications, denials,
absence of an account or silence are the five main types of accounts that are often
given. Accounts that are initiated by the partner themselves have a higher chance of
being well-received than those that are offered in response to criticism. The
implication is that we should be the first to apologise if we do anything wrong and we
are aware that it could anger or upset a spouse. Avoid acting as if nothing happened
and waiting to be criticised. The husband in this scenario may choose to apologise.
For instance, if a lady had to stay at work late and knew that her husband would be
angry, she should let him know first. Because of this, the spouse won't do anything
nasty to her. If a husband has upset his wife, he might offer to help her with the
chores as an act of contrition.
3. In one study, participants characterised responding with forgiveness of a failed event
as accepting the incident, moving on, coming to terms with it, getting over it, letting
go of negative sentiments and grudges, and maintaining the connection. Vincent
Waldron and Douglas Kelley, two communication experts, advise following these
seven procedures to obtain forgiveness. Face the offence head-on first. Here, the
husband and wife both realise the issue and the demands on both. As both spouses
must be aware of their feelings toward the issue and accept it, they must then
regulate their emotions. Making sense involves both trying to comprehend and
working on empathising. Along with acknowledging the other's pain, they also need
to ask for forgiveness and express regret. There are two types of forgiveness:
unconditional and conditional. Granting forgiveness can be seen as a gift or a
gesture of kindness in order to lessen the hurt partner's suffering. After that, both
partners must reiterate their commitment to the pertinent relationship standards and
principles and explain, negotiate, and negotiate them. Transition, watch, keep, or
renegotiate are the final four options. While adjusting to the pre-transgression
condition, time is required to re-establish confidence. As necessary, keep reviewing
and revising the rules.


In conclusion, trying to please everyone is difficult for us. Therefore, in order to keep up our
relationships with others, we need to understand how to handle relationship difficulties. It
goes without saying that if we connect with others and are in interpersonal relationships, we
will confront numerous obstacles and difficulties since we are doing so closely or personally.
Keep in mind that interpersonal communication frequently entails speaking with someone
you value, such as a close friend or valued family member. The greatest method to
comprehend others' difficulties is to be other-focused, since this prevents us from seeing the
issue from our own point of view or believing that we are the one who is injured or suffering.
In order to decipher others' nonverbal clues and subtle body language changes, we must be
attentive in order to prevent confrontation.



This chapter argues that although intimacy based on passion is focused on romance and
physical sensations, intimacy based on friendship is based on warm, empathic, and
emotional connection. The first technique is primarily used to start a connection. It involves
things like being aware of and responding to approachability cues, recognising and using
conversation starters, following initiation norms, asking open-ended questions, and not
having high expectations for the first interaction. The second type of strategy is one that is
used to start or develop a relationship. Examples include communicating and cultivating
attraction, being appropriately open and self-disclosing, obtaining knowledge to reduce
uncertainty, paying attention and effectively responding, social engaging, and adopting an
other-oriented viewpoint. Third, there are methods used to create or keep relationships, such
as expressing feelings, giving consolation and social support, conversing and having
"relationship talk," showing patience and consideration, and resolving conflicts as a group.
The Covid-19 epidemic is discussed in this article as one of the primary causes of young
people dying and how many young generations have committed suicide as a result.

Problem Statement

Comprehensive preventative measures are needed to safeguard the wellbeing of our

country's youth and stop the silent suicide epidemic that is still growing, indicating that this
global issue is far from over. We ought to provide high-quality care and programmes that
provide much needed assistance to young people in distress, including the control of suicide,
in light of Malaysia's developing economy. When treatment is provided under the current
law, people are terrified of being stigmatised and accused of a crime. Because they are the
future of the country and are having to endure such hardship because to the Covid-19
epidemic, which worsens their mental health, there are a great number of adolescents dying
in Malaysia by suicide. This is a very worrying situation.

Data Analysis

The most common cause of death for young people in Malaysia is suicide, according to a
recent report titled Youth Suicide in Malaysia. In 2019, the economic toll of suicides is
expected to be RM 346.2 million. The study was written in partnership with the Department
of Democracy and Economic Affairs by Dr Chua Sook Ning and Vaisnavi Rao and issued by
Relate Mental Health Malaysia (IDEAS). Despite the severe emotional and monetary effects,
suicide was still considered a crime in Malaysia under Section 309 of the Penal Code.
Evidence indicates that making suicide a crime reduces the behaviour of people seeking
help, makes it more difficult to gather accurate data, and restricts the development and use
of effective suicide prevention programmes. The risk of suicide is influenced by a complex
web of factors, including age, gender, ethnicity, unemployment, and issues with one's mental
health. This underlines the necessity for proactive measures that include both social issues
and public health.

On Malaysia's socioeconomic environment, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a considerable

impact. Lockdowns, isolation on a physical level, and economic collapse. Since March 2020,
there have been more suicides in Malaysia, which is evidence that the spike in job losses
and reforms to schooling for children and young people has made people's pain worse. The
Ministry of Health has also brought attention to the issue of teenage suicide. "The escalating
trend of young people committing suicide in Malaysia has created a moral imperative for the
country's politicians to take swift action and address this calamity," said Dr Chua Sook Ning,
director of Relate Malaysia and a licenced psychologist. Given the size of Malaysia's old
population, we must provide better services and programmes, such as decriminalising
suicide, that provide much needed help to young individuals in need. The existing legal
system makes people scared to ask for help for fear of being ostracised and treated like

One of the reasons why people are hesitant to ask for help from others and psychologists is
because they fear that in the future, if they do, the society will judge them unfairly for having
a mental illness and will label them as "crazy" if they have a record of a mental check-up in a
hospital. Additionally, some employers did not want to hire these individuals because they
were concerned that they might not be able to perform their jobs properly.


Although it's amusing how some people can make jokes about suicidal behaviour despite
the fact that it was clearly a serious issue that everyone needed to be aware of, and not just
because it was based on professional researchers and doctors, there are so many other
things that have taken this matter seriously, even the Quran has said about it. In this
pandemic known as Covid-19, many people have suffered a great loss of their family,
friends, economy, and many other things. They believed it was only done to gain attention,
and they were fortunate that they were not diagnosed with anything of the sort. However,
had they been, I doubt they could have brought up even the ‘suicidal' subject with anyone
because it could trigger both the person being triggered and the person being triggered as
well. People need to be better educated on this, otherwise, they will only come off as
uneducated fools. Family, friends, or their spouse should check on one another since they
could be physically healthy on the surface, but they might be so psychologically worn out on
the inside that even thinking normally is difficult for them. They may also have had suicide
thoughts frequently. To achieve significant improvements, lawmakers and the mental health
industry must work together. To end this concerning pattern, we must act right away; raising
awareness is just not enough. Tricia Yeoh, CEO of IDEAS, continued, "It is our genuine
hope that our lawmakers would recognise the seriousness of the teenage suicide problem in
Malaysia and fully understand the problems addressed in our research, notably the need to
decriminalise suicide. Given the isolation and stress brought on by COVID-19, this has
become ever more important. We also anticipate that IDEAS will soon support the
development of more comprehensive policies related to mental health. Asking for assistance
is not a sign of weakness. (Xiang, 2021)



This chapter will focus more on interpersonal relationships at work, which might arise with
anyone employed by the company. In general, friendships between co-workers who are on
the same social status level are more likely. Workplace friendships have dimensions and
evolve in much the same way as other relationships do. Three separate transactions from
acquaintance to friend and from close friend to "nearly best" friend were observed in one
research in which co-workers were thoroughly questioned. Workplaces with offices or
cubicles are more likely to have personal encounters, meetings, and other collaborative
tasks, which increases the possibility of workplace romance. This is because workplaces
naturally stimulate attraction and relationship developments. In the article I chose, I discuss
how thousands of young contractual physicians in Malaysia's public healthcare system,
many of whom are leading the country's Covid-19 controversy, are rising up in opposition
due to long-standing problems with their working conditions. Since they labour nearly 24
hours a day, many of them are underpaid and do not receive bonuses as they should.

Problem Statement

In the last week, the Hartal Doctor Contract (Contract Doctors' Strike) has grown in
recognition, and on Monday, its popularity spiked for several hours on the social media
platform Twitter. The Malaysian Medical Association Schomos has also started a social
media campaign inviting all Malaysians to wear black on a "Black Monday" in the middle of
July to show their support for the doctors. But the primary cause for worry is the alleged
intention of a group of independent physicians to launch a walkout on July 26 if their
complaints are not resolved by then. The majority of contract workers, according to the
physicians, appear to work at Malaysia's several Covid-19 response centres, where the
country continues to struggle with a high volume of patients needing care each day and a
shortage of hospital beds. In this epidemic, a large portion of the hired physicians are
underpaid and overworked. In order to save the lives of other individuals, they risked their
own lives during the COVID-19 epidemic.

Data Analysis

6,437 new coronavirus infections were recorded in Malaysia on Tuesday (June 29). On June
18, it was announced that there were more than 6,000 daily occurrences across the country
(6,440). The government only gave contractual employment to Malaysian physicians under a
system put in place in 2016, and an estimated 20,000 of them are now participating in the
rebellion. Contracts were increased for an increasing number of qualified doctors, turning
what was meant to be a temporary fix for the government's inability to offer permanent
postings into a long-term solution. For around five years after receiving their medical
degrees, fresh graduates must do government service. Many physicians make far less
money than their peers since they have been employed contractually for many years, and
they are not eligible for the majority of the benefits that come with working in the public

They lack access to postgraduate career possibilities as well. Only 789 out of 23,077
contract doctors, or 3.47 percent, received offers for permanent positions, giving the majority
little chance to increase their job security. More than 4,000 physicians graduate each year,
according to medical associations, and until the government finds a solution, this issue is
predicted to get worse. Contractual doctors are required to resign from their government
positions in order to specialise, pay for their master's programmes out of pocket, and then
apply to re-join the government workforce. They must serve for at least four years in the
government before they may work in the private sector without obtaining postgraduate
degrees. In order to complete all the steps necessary to achieve their specialism, doctors
are given a permanent leave of absence from their jobs and can easily return to them.

In the government service of Malaysia, contract doctors start at lower pay categories and
move up through them. As opposed to permanent employees, who can only change their
grade through new contracts, temporary employees can do so regardless of how long
they've been employed. A 2015 study of 440 healthcare workers found that accidents
happened 55 percent of the time after the respondents had worked for 25 to 36 hours.
Number of responders (65%) who acknowledged having experienced psychological stress
following an accident. (Rodzi, 2017).


My opinion is that all employees, regardless of their line of work—whether they are doctors,
lawyers, cleaners, architects, or any other type of worker—should be paid what they are due.
This will encourage them to work harder and more joyfully because they will know that their
efforts will be rewarded. Doctors and nurses have performed their duties admirably during
this pandemic, despite the fact that they are required to work excessive hours and wear PPE
uniforms in the heat. This makes it difficult for them to make friends while they are on the job
because they are too busy trying to save lives to handle other tasks, and the underpaying
and excessive work will eventually cause them to lose motivation and become too exhausted
to continue. No matter if the physicians are employed on a contract basis or on a permanent
basis, they should be compensated for the work they have done to save other people's lives.


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