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26-35. Choose the correct answer from this box below

b. Mental d. Spiritual and Moral-spirit
and the write it on the space provided before each
42. What stage of psychosocial development
26. The ability of the where you are in state of exploring personal
relationships, developing closeness and committing
relationship with other people?
Speed Flexibility a. Adolescence c. Infancy
Muscular Balance b. C h i l d h o o d d. Old Age
Strength Coordinatio
Agility n Physical 43. If your hands are in water frequently, your
nails will become brittle.
muscles and joints to go through a full a. True b. False
range of motion.
44. How can unpleasant body odor due to
27. The ability to active secretion of sweat glands be prevented?
perform a task or move from one point a. Change clothes
more often
to another in the shortest possible
b. Shave the hair of
time. the armpit
c. Take a bath
28. The ability to stay in
equilibrium in relation to changes in d. Use perfume to
body position. hide the door
29. The ability of the 45. The cause of poor posture among
muscle to exert maximal effort in brief adolescents.
duration. a. Eating less
healthy food
30. It is the integration with b. Doing strenuous
hand and foot movement. exercise
c. Slouching due to
31. The ability of an their height
individual to quickly shift or change d. Playing computer
direction of the body from one point and video games
to the other.
46. It is being at peace in harmony with
32. It is the product of yourself, other and a higher power.
both strength and speed. a . E m o t i o n a l c. Physical
b. Mental d.
33. It is body's ability to Moral- Spiritual
function effectively and efficiently
without undue fatigue in work. 47. It involves understanding and liking
yourself as well as accepting learning from your
34. Sports that played mistakes.
by a single player a . E m o t i o n a l c. Physical
b. Mental d.
35. Sports that played Moral- Spiritual
by a group of players.
48. It means how well your body functions.
36-40. Identify the each sports if it is INDIVUAL a . E m o t i o n a l c. Physical
SPORTS or GROUP SPORTS. b. Mental d.
Moral- Spiritual
36. Badminton
37. Swimming 49. It refers to how well you get along with
38. Volleyball other people, how other people react and how you
39. Basketball
40. Karatedo interact with social institution.
a. S oci al c. Physical
b. Mental d.

50. It means the understanding of the effect to

ourselves of the air, the water and the land that
surrounds us.
a. S oci al c. Physical
b. Mental d.
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