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Good day sir Dave..i'm sorry for the similarities of the work with the others. I shared and did this
work po with my friends since I don't have a pc/laptop to do this kind of task. That's why I asked
and joined with my friends (from another section) to do this specific task that we did.
I'm sorry sir and please let me know po if you will not accept my work po so i can make another
one. thankyou sir and good day.

● Procedure 1

1. Turn of Firewall

2. Control panel-Network and sharing-Change adapter Settings

3. Right click ethernet-Properties-Choose TCP-IPv4 then properties – Set Ip address

4. Try to ping PC2 – go to cmd then type Ping (IP of PC2)

● File Sharing Procedures

1. Create folder in desktop

2. Create any file inside the folder
3. Right click the file created on desktop then properties

4. Go to sharing – Click share – Add everyone

5. Set everyone to read/write – Share – Done

6. Right click the file in desktop - Properties – Security – Click Everyone – Edit – Allow
Fullcontroll.then ok
7. RightClick the
file-Properties-Sharing-AdvancedSharing-AddEveryone-CheckFullcontol-Apply-then Ok.

8. Search in windows RunCommand-Type \\ to read the pc2

Try to delete the file

● PC2 Procedures

1. Turn Off Firewall

2. Go to control panel-Network and Internet-Network and sharing center

3. Change adapter Settings- Right click Ethernet-Properties

4. TCP/IPv4-Properties-Set Ip-then Ok.

5. Go to windows search CMD-Ping PC1

6. Create a file in desktop-Properties-sharing-AddEveryone-Set to Read only.

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