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Name : Muhammad Firman Nugraha

NPM/Student ID : 21110207

Class : APN U3 2021

Assignment : Creating presentation plan, week 9 of Purposive English


For my material “ADHD as a health disorder in Youngster: Identification, Treatment, and Public Policy
to help its sufferers”

a. Opening ( 2 minutes)
1. Greeting
- Bismillah, Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakaatuh. Greetings and good
evening to you all.
2. Welcoming
- Thanks for coming to to this class today. So happy to see you again in this week of
Purposive English Class.
3. Introducing
- But let me introduce myself for a little bit. I am Firman, and today I stand before you all
to present my material.
4. Telling the topic

- The topic of my presentation today is about ADHD as a health disorder in Youngster: Its
Identification, Treatment, and the public policy that will helps with people who suffers
from it.
5. Stating the background
a. To put some information first into your mind, ADHD, an abbreviation of attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a neurodevelopmental disease that attacks one of
our brain functions in self-control and inhibition.
b. One of the most interesting things about this disease is that many of its symptoms
can also be experienced by us, including to me. And that’s why I decide to talk about
this disease.
6. Stating the objective
- So in this occasion, I hope at the end of my presentation, you …..
a. Understand the ..…
b. Have awareness that ….
7. Outlining
The presentation will cover 3 main points:
- Definition
8. Summarizing
- That’s the overall structure of my …

b. Content Delivery (7 minutes)

1. Describing the first point
- Let me start with the first point. I will present about definition
Pcm – processs to change personally
- Showing the video
- Asking question: How many of you are like in the video?
2. Describing the 2nd point
- Showing the slide 3
- Describing why and how PCM is important
3. Describing the 3rd point

c. Closing (3 minutes)
1. Signaling
- That brings me to the ….
2. Summarizing
- Before closing, let me summarize…..
1. PCM is …
2. To make PCM successful, we need to …
3. …
3. Closing remark
- Thanks for …., I hope …
- Open session for ?

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