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204 - The princess and her poor friend


- Narrator: Male

- Beatrix: female,~18yo, beautiful, and kind princess, love travelling

- Lucia: female, ~18yo, the poor girl, evil, ambitious

- The king: male, ~45yo, the king, Beatrix's father, supporting role

- Lucia's father: male, ~45yo, the poor farmer, hot-tempered

- The thief: female, ~25yo, supporting role, listened to Luca.

- Other supporting roles.


1 Narrator In a wealthy kingdom, there were two girls born at the same time, but their
fates were completely opposite. One was born in the royal family, that was Princess Beatrix. The other
was born in a poor farmer family, that was Lucia.

3 Narrator Beatrix lived in the palace, and she was served good food and beautiful
clothings by her servants, and her spare food even had to be thrown away.

4 Narrator Lucia lived in the suburb’s slum, she had to go ask for food with her father as
her family was so poor. And her clothings looked so old and worn-out.

5 Narrator Time passed by, they all grew up. The strange thing was that they looked really
alike, despite not having any relationship, nor living at the same place.

7 Narrator Princess Beatrix was not allowed to leave the palace. Instead, she had to read
books and learn in order to inherit the throne.

8 Beatrix Beatrix thought:

- This is so boring! I want to go out and travel to know more about my country and people! Maybe they
are even happier than me now!
9 Narrator About Lucia, as she lived in poverty for a long time, she soon became
embarrassed and bad-tempered.

10 Lucia Lucia looked angry, she thought;

- Why did fate force me to be born in such a poor family? Why wasn’t I born in the royal palace?

11 Narrator One day, while Lucia was wandering, she was surprised to see that she had
come to the royal palace.


13 Lucia Lucia looked and said:

- So this is the royal palace! Oh, what if I could live inside there, even just for one day, I would be very

14 Narrator

The guard The guards saw a girl who was wearing dirty clothes, they came to warn her.

A guard came to her place and said:

- Hey! Is this a place for a poor farmer like you watch? Get lost!

15 Narrator

Beatrix Just in time, Princess Beatrix was playing in the garden and came to stop.

Princess Beatrix ran outside and asked the guard:

- Stop there! What’s going on?

16 The guard The guard replied:

- Your Highness! This poor girl is attempting to trespass the palace!

He then startled and looked at two sides:

- Oh dear! Unbelievable! Why do you two look so alike?

17 Beatrix

Lucia Princess Beatrix then took Lucia for a walk:

- Don’t worry! I am Princess Beatrix! Who are you?

Lucia explained:
- I’m Lucia, I don’t mean to do anything wrong! It is just the first time I saw the palace so I wanted to
watch it!

18 Narrator


Beatrix Seeing the poor friend looked exactly like her, Beatrix seemed to be very interested. She took
Lucia to the palace to have a talk, and treated Lucia with a lot of delicious food.

19 Lucia said happily:

- Thank you princess! Unbelievable, I am now being treated by you in the palace!

Beatrix smiled and said:

- It’s been a long time since I have a friend like you, I’m happy too!

20 Lucia Lucia said:

- You are so lucky, princess! I wish that I could be able to live in this palace, even just for a day!

21 Beatrix Princess Beatrix said:

- And for me, I want to go outside, and know more about people in life, but I wasn’t allowed to do so!
Ah, I just have a very great idea!

22 Beatrix

Lucia Beatrix came and looked at Lucia, she said:

- We look exactly the same! How about you exchanging your roles with me? You will be the princess
until I return here! We will all satisfy our demands, how about that?

Lucia looked surprised, then she said:

- I agree, your Highness!

23 Narrator Then, they exchanged their clothings, Princess Beatrix wore normal clothes and
vice versa. They were surprised to see themselves in the mirror.


25 Beatrix

Lucia Beatrix reminded Lucia:

- Lucia, my friend, please take care of everything for me while I am away!

Lucia nodded:

- I know it!

26 Narrator Princess Beatrix took the royal emblem and wore ragged clothes to leave the

27 Narrator The guards didn’t recognize her, they thought Beatrix was the poor girl that had
just been brought inside, so they kicked her out. First time being treated like that, Beatrix was angry.

28 Beatrix Beatrix shouted:

- You! How dare you do that?

But then she stopped and thought:

- Wait! Now I am not the princess, but a poor girl instead! And I am out of the palace now!

29 Narrator Beatrix went, this was the first time she saw people’s lives. She saw many
people who didn’t have any food to eat and a home to live in.

30 Beatrix Beatrix startled, she thought:

- So there are still so many poor people in the country! This is not like what I have thought at all!

31 Beatrix Beatrix said:

- While the people don’t have food to eat, in the palace, we even waste our food and spend money

32 Narrator Beatrix felt sorry, she gave people all the money that she brought with her.

33 Narrator Walking for a while, Beatrix was spotted by Lucia’s father, he thought that was
his daughter.

34 Lucia's father Lucia’s father said:

- Lucia, you’re home! Today I tried to earn a little money, I will treat you to some good food! How about

35 Beatrix Beatrix surprised, she stammered:

- Oh…ah…! I…Ah yes, I’m Lucia now! I’m sorry, but I gave away all my money!

36 Lucia's father Lucia’s father asked:

- Are you alright? It’s Ok to not earn any money, let’s go home with me!

37 Narrator
Lucia Meanwhile, at the palace, Lucia was happily living the life of a princess. She got to eat delicious
food and wear beautiful clothings everyday, and be served by everyone. Gradually, Lucia started to
change, she became practical and evil.

38 Lucia walked in the room, she was thinking about something and said:

- I want to replace Beatrix and stay in the palace forever! But there is one thing, I don’t have that royal
emblem, it’s still kept by Beatrix! What should I do now?

39 Narrator

Lucia Lucia came up with an idea, she ordered a thief to do this thing.

The thief stood next to Lucia, she gave her the princess crown and ordered:

- Find a girl who looks exactly like me on the street, and use this crown to blame her for stealing royal
belongings. Then, steal the emblem that she brought with her and bring it here! You will be rewarded
for it!

40 Narrator

The thief agreed and went searching for Beatrix, then she found her walking on the street.

41 Narrator When the right time came, the thief pretended to hit Beatrix and make both of
them fall. Then, she adroitly placed the crown on her pocket and stole the precious emblem.


43 The thief

Beatrix The thief shouted and pointed at Beatrix:

- Everyone come here! I found out that there is a treasure inside her pocket, she is the thief! Guards,
where are the guards?

Beatrix said startlingly:

- You, you calumniate me!

44 The thief The thief put her hand inside Beatrix’s pocket and took the crown, she gave it
the a guard and asked:

- Tell me, is this crown stolen from the royal family?

45 The guard leader The leading guard looked at the crown and said:
- This is the princess's crown, you dare go to the palace to steal it? Arrest her and let the King decide
your fate!

46 Beatrix Beatrix shouted:

- Wait! I have this thing to prove my identity!

She searched all over her body, but then shouted:

- Where is it? It can’t be! Where is my emblem?

47 Narrator The guards soon arrested Beatrix and took her away, despite her explanations.

48 Narrator

Lucia About the thief, she brought the emblem to Lucia. But when she got it, her true face was

Lucia smirked:

- Very good! I will give you a deserving award! Guards! Get her to jail!

49 Lucia Lucia looked after and laughed:

- Now I will be the princess forever!

50 Narrator

Beatrix In the prison, Beatrix was sitting in the cell, the door opened. A guard pushed the thief in and
used rope to hit her.

51 Beatrix came to stop:

- Stop there! You cannot beat her like that!

52 Narrator Beatrix came to stop the guard, and also used her body to bear hits for the thief.
Finally, the guard left.

53 Narrator

The thief The thief was appreciative of Beatrix. Suddenly, she took the royal emblem and gave it
to Beatrix, which surprised her.

The thief said:

- Sorry princess Beatrix, this is the real emblem, I give it back to you! I gave Lucia the fake one!

54 Narrator
The thief Turns out, the thief felt worried earlier when she was on her way back to the palace.

The thief suddenly stopped, she thought:

- Hold up! What if Lucia didn’t fulfill her promise? No, I have to come up with a way to ensure this first!

55 Narrator Then, she made a fake emblem and brought it to Lucia.

56 Beatrix Beatrix took the emblem and smiled with the thief:

- So that was what happened! Thank you a lot! I have a chance to show my real identity now!

57 Narrator On the trial day, the King and the Princess directly judged this case. When
Beatrix was escorted, everyone was surprised.

58 The king The king was astonished:

- What is this? How can my daughter and this prisoner look exactly the same? How strange it is!

59 Beatrix Beatrix explained:

- Father, everything is not like what you think! I’m the real Beatrix, and the one who’s standing next to
you is the fake one, her name is Lucia! I have the royal emblem to prove it!

60 Lucia Lucia took the emblem out and shouted:

- Father, she’s making things up! I have the emblem too!

61 The king Then she frowned at Lucia and said:

- The royal emblem in the princess’s hand is a fake one, while the other in the prisoner’s hand is real!
What is this thing?

62 Lucia Lucia terrified, she tried to think and said:

- Father, the truth is that she replaced my emblem. So that’s why she had the real one!

63 Narrator

The king The two girls fought for a long time, they all claimed to be the real Beatrix. The King
didn’t know how to solve this problem.

64 The King looked at the two girls and said:

- What’s happening now? Who is the real Beatrix? And who is the fake one?

65 Beatrix Beatrix thought something. She said:

- Father, I have an idea. I want to invite Lucia’s father to confirm this, I think that he can tell us apart!
66 Lucia

The king Lucia sat next to the King objected:

- I object! That’s your father! You guys could have prepared for this earlier!

The King said:

- I will be the one who decides! Do you think that they could fool everyone here? Just let him enter!

67 Narrator

The king Soon after, Lucia’s father was escorted to the palace.

Lucia’s father entered the palace and bowed before the King.

The King asked:

- Can you tell me, who is Beatrix and who is Lucia, your daughter?

68 Lucia's father Lucia’s father thought, he said:

- Your Majesty! My daughter has a scar in her leg since she was a child!

69 Lucia's father The father added:

- That was an accident when she had to go ask for food with me since her childhood. It is so
embarrassing, but we were so poor, we can’t ensure her a happy life!


71 The king The king nodded:

- I confirm that Beatrix doesn’t have such a scar! Now, show both of your legs!

72 Narrator When they showed their legs, it was true that Beatrix didn’t have the scar while
Lucia had. This moment, Lucia couldn’t say anything else.

73 Lucia Lucia cried and talked to Beatrix:

- Please forgive me, your Highness! After switching my identity with you, it was the first time that I lived
inside the palace. And I cannot control my greed, I want to be a princess forever, so I caused all of these

74 The king

Beatrix The King was furious, he ordered:

- Guards! Put Lucia into jail!

Beatrix interfered:

- Wait, father! It was her background that made Lucia become a person like this, she is very poor! Please
forgive her!

75 Lucia

Beatrix Lucia held Beatrix’s hand and said:

- Thank you, your Highness, you are such a kind person!

Beatrix smiled:

- Now, return home and live a good life, my friend!

76 Narrator Beatrix restored her identity, she even gave Lucia and her father some money to
start over their life. They thanked her and returned home.

77 Narrator Everyone was startled to find out that princess Beatrix wandered all over the
country’s slums, and experienced life there. So Beatrix could understand her people and help her father
make the right decision.


79 Narrator The kingdom gradually became more prosperous than ever. After that, Betrix
inherited the throne. She became a far-sighted and kind Queen forever after.


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